When will association with and support for Obama become an embarrassment?
It will eventually.
I heard 2 rumours today about pumas at the receiving end of some vague threats. Who knows what they really were. The Pods are certainly capable of it. I know from the few Pods that come around here that the talking points are clearly uniform and "approved" by someone. They also probe for weakness, test things out, retreat and try again. They are like the veloceraptors trying to get into the kitchen in Jurassic Park.
What is fascinating to me is the possible motivation. I no longer think it is commitment to a candidate, per say. It is not an effort to convince us to support this man - it is an attempt to make us feel the way they feel about him. This is a need I believe they have. It is an ego protection mechanism. There is rarely talk about issues, or healthy or unhealthy arguments. The subtext is always "you just don't understand. I am trying to make you understand."
Kool-Aid has specific properties. Unless everyone drinks it at once the affect is muted over time. Many of us never drank it. The fact is by not drinking the Kool Aid early on - we do understand. All to well.
The Pod world view is black and white: Obama is all good. Those who do not believe this are bad. And like all cults the non believers are suspect and must either be converted or destroyed. This activity is amoral. Whatever works is the correct action to take.
This is not to say that those polling in support of Obama are all kool aid drunk. They clearly are not. But I bet they do not know about the "devotion" of the hard core group. They do not know about the bizarre lengths the Pods have gone to in trying to silence dissent. They do not know that the difference between the Obama campaign and a personality cult is one of degree, not kind. I, for one, encourage the nuttiest to become more present.
There is a psychosis about Obama that is spreading - this much is clear from the public derangement of Olbermann to the kids changing ther middle names to Hussein. Kids, tell your parents. Get tattoos. Make yourself known. Make your lunacy apparent. Let us see it.
The good news is personality cults fail. Always. I can't make a judgement about when and how the Obama cult will fail, or how much damage will be done along the way - I can merely state that it will fail. In the mean time, we all must stay on the offensive. Demand accountability from Obama on everything. Demand accountability from Michelle. Demand an accounting of Obama's accomplishments from Pods. (this is like throwing a light on in a room full of roaches) Don't take platitudes for answers. Don't let them change the subject. If you ask a question about Obama, don't accept an answer about McCain.
Don't let them lie.
Use humor.
Just keep at it.
I say all this not because I want Obama to lose - though, I do, I say it for the same reasons as always, BHO's most fervent supporters are a mob, Obama was created and is funded by a dark cabal we know almost nothing about, and Obama has no business being President of the United States.
This is sent out to Howard Dean and Donna Brazille:
And this one is because we are getting stronger not weaker. Why? Because we are not children. We are not easily fooled. It was our party - it is still our country. Pumas are not the dead enders - Pumas are the vanguard. Stay focused, stay strong.
Barrack and Michelle Obama should - indeed, must - apologize to Bill and Hillary Clinton for the dishonest, bigoted, and sexist campaign they ran during the primaries.
It seemed to happen overnight. One minute you were tucking into a T-bone and, if you thought about it at all, you probably figured there was food enough for everyone these days - a glut for the West, enough for the rest. The next minute...read the rest.
In a backassward way I am grateful for BHO. I would rather be spending my blog time defending Hillary from the cannon fire of the Right. But it did not work out that way.
Nevertheless, Obama is an interesting character. No, that's wrong - he's an interesting idea for a character.
There have been plenty of American Presidents that were were duds -Carter, Harding, Bucannon, Andrew Johnson. Plenty that have been serviceable, McKinley, Cleveland, Coolidge, and yes, Hoover. More than our fair share of greats - Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt and the oddly unsung Polk - who, in one term seized half of Mexico. For better or worse he made a hell of a difference.
We have also had a remarkable number that may not have been great Presidents - but had greatness in them. Either bad historical timing, and/or debilitating character defects overrode the potential for great administrations.
Eisenhower was a great man. He was a good President. Republicans would do well to revisit and rehabilitate him about now. JFK became one of our "greats" after being murdered. Still there was greatness in him while he lived. I would even argue that Nixon and Clinton had greatness in them - obscured and hampered by large personal flaws - though Nixon's were clearly more criminal in expression.
(The comparisons between JFK and Obama are false are wrongheaded. Even in his 30's and 40's JFK spoke with history at his back and a sense of his own ballast as a man. Obama's greatest speeches seem intent on obscuring his history and are temporal. They exist specifically to exact a change in one moment only. The "race" speech was an attempt to blot out 20 years of his life, not lead us any place new.)
There does not seem to be anything great about Obama. It appears more and more that there is no there, there. The argument that "he will surround himself with great people" is no good either. He hasn't yet. He does the opposite - he attaches himself and detaches himself from people like a mosquito - just long enough to suck some blood and move on. Besides the idea that Lincoln or FDR were great because of who they chose to work for them is silly. Great leaders instinctively choose great subordinates. So far Obama's people are yes men and hatchet men - and women. Obama is, more than anything, a creation. He's an idea of what a post modern, post racial, 500 channel entertainment-industrial complex, post baby boomer President should be. This is why the media loves him. McCain is the opposite on all counts. He looks like a one term fill in President, circa 1880, who will spend his evenings as President sauntering down Pennsylvania Avenue to a local bar so he can throw darts with Jack Murtha. So far McCain is running a very good Senate campaign.
This year is interesting, I'll give you that. This will not be an election between hope and fear. Obama does not inspire hope - I don't care how many "Warhol Obama Hope" bumper stickers there are out there. With the convinced his inspires delusions and with the not yet convinced he inspires wariness - soon to be weariness.
This will be an election between Fear and Fingers Crossed.
Could 99% of what has been written on this blog about Obama be wrong? Sure. Could there be a great President in the making with Obama? I suppose. But all the sound and fury continues to signify nothing. Which seems to be the way Obama likes it.
One of the best things about being against Obama now is knowing one is ahead of the curve. Obama's fall is going to be epic when it happens. And it will happen. It is probably good that the RNC has much more money than McCain - McCain may not be up to bringing on an Obama crash as it often appears his daily list of things to do starts with "remember to breath".
Regardless, the RNC will get things rolling.
This person Obama is "cool with" reaching out to the only 2 term Democratic President in 50 years. Gee, don't put yourself out, Barry.
Obama won fair and square. Really? Are we playing hopscotch?
Hillary lost. Yep, she did...although she got more votes...and more Democrats voted for her.
So, we're over it. Obama "won". Hillary "lost".
Getting over it doesn't mean we're voting for Obama. Because we're not.
What's a pod person to do? Tell us to get over it and bash McCain. Then tell us that we're cutting of our nose to spite our face if we won't vote for Obama. Or how about the ever popular, "Obama's policies are the same as Hillary's!" Really, then why didn't you vote for her? Why did you trash her and her husband?
The pod people cannot defend Obama on his policies because Obama's policies are a mystery. How do you know they're the same as Senator Clinton's since they're ever changing? Now that she's out of the race he may co-op many of her policies as his own because that's how he rolls, but why would I vote for a pale echo of the real thing?
PS - I know since I used the word "boy" I am a racist - even though I clearly am referring to immaturity but no matter.... also I say dirty which contains "dirt" and dirt is dark and Obama is bi-racial (or black - depending on the audience) so I am a disgusting racist (or racialist - depending on the audience). and since I am writing this "paragraph" mocking those who have castrated the word racist by using it in the same manner that McCarthy used "commie!" and therefore have made the word useless - or impotent - to finish off the image - I am most certainly a racist. Since everyone who dares have an independent thought about Obama is called a "racist" - maybe the word "racist" now really means "Free Thinker" in which case I hope I am a racist.
Hey, since "I barely know the guy" really means "I worked for him for 8 years" and "This is not the _(insert any person Obama is using at the moment here) I know" means "after I suck all I can out of you, I dump your carcass by the side of the road" Who the hell knows what anything means any more - and isn't that the point?
Pointlessly, I'll end with: Yes, We Can! (which, FYI, means "Keep it Simple! Those rich white college kids are addle brained. They are like a bunch of trained seals barking for sardines. Just make sure they don't change the channel before November." )
One of the few blessings of the corrupt campaign season that Dean, Pelosi, MSNBC, and Brazille shoved down our throats - is this: I have cut out my cable news viewing. Entirely.
I highly recommend this. I noticed last November that the cable news outlets were incapable of reporting on the Clintons in a fair manner. I'd forgotten how screwy they were about them. It is a pathology. Then it became clear that none of the media outlets could control their adoration of Obama. And they had no intention of controlling it. There was to be no reporting on the campaign, just molding of stories to suit the narrative of "Obama is wonderful and Hillary is a bitch." I realized I was not being informed, I was being told:
A. How to think
and be more than that
B. HOW IT WAS GOING TO BE - whether I liked it or not.
Keith "I want my goddamn catsup packets now!" Olbermann went berserk - and began licking Obama ass at every turn. The man would seem to be deranged.I am not kidding. I'd say he needs meds something fierce.
Chris Mathews has always been embarrassing to watch. I gave up on Anderson Cooper many moons ago - (THAT guy replaced Aaron Brown!?) And I might enjoy watching Wolf Blitzer - if he existed. Cafferty is a gassy woman hating bigot.
I did the same thing with Lefty blogs - I am convinced that Americablog and the Cheetos Blog were paid handsomely for turning so brutally on Hillary. And I am willing to be slanderous about it until someone proves me wrong.
Huffington is a smug, pathetic whine fest. I was screamed at so severely for defending Clinton I gave up after a few weeks. Those blogs were out of control with the Hillary bashing early on. And MEAN. Wow. I work in the movie business, I know MEAN. The pro Obama regulars on those blogs are the nastiest bunch around.
With the added benefit of being batshit loco.
Then I noticed something wonderful when I left cable news and those blogs behind.
I was calm.
CNN and MSNBC are not it the business of information - to a degree they are in the business of getting people agitated. I'll bust myself and say I got off on the "can you believe they did (fill in blank) ???!!!" - Nothing like a daily dose of incredulous anger to make one feel alive.
These shows are drugs that induce learned helplessness.
I suggest 2 simple empowering responses:
1. Turn them off. Read a book, watch Merkat Manor, stroll around the block.
2. Pick one product that you use that sponsors the worst offender (Olbermann is the worst to me) and stop buying it. Subway sandwich shops sponsors Countdown. I went probably once a week - I stopped. It may seem silly. But you'd be amazed at how good it feels to take some control back from these thugs.
As for information. I select very specific news outlets online. I recommend the BBC, Real Clear Politics, and the Christan Science Monitor. Then I read blogs I know I am in tune with. That in combination with glancing at news racks as I walk by to get headlines and I would say I am BETTER informed than I was when I had cable news on 3 hours a day. I obtain actual information about what is going on in the world.
Remember, back in the day, when Democrats were all united against Bush & Co?
I wrote a post about torture and that if we are torturing in order to defeat the terrorists we have become the terrorists.
What I see now is that many, many "democrats" in order to defeat the GOP have become the GOP.
Damn our Principles, full steam ahead.
Senator Obama lies to win the nomination stating in writing he'll take public financing if the Republican nominee does the same. Garners the support of Newspapers and progressives for his stance.
Turns out he can really raise the dough so he declines public financing in lieu of outspending John McCain.
His faithful Obamanation think it's great. He is using public financing because the money comes from the public. He's not using tax payer dollars, isn't he great? Yeah, ok, but he lied.
Senator Obama put a statement up on his web site in February of this year stating that he will never support a bill on Fisa that includes Telecom Immunity.
What happens when the bill comes up? He and Harry Reid will "try" to take immunity out but we have to fight the terrorists, by giving up our rights. Oh, and he'll change it once he's president. And isn't it terrible that the House Democrats put him in this position? Why couldn't they have waited until he's President?
He's willing to gamble with your fourth amendment rights. But the Obamanation knows what he really means, because, well, he's a constitutional lawyer/professor. And McCain is worse! If McCain wins he'll have all this power that Senator Obama will vote to give the president so we have to vote for Obama because he'll give it back because he says he will.
Does your head hurt? Are your eyes crossed?
Glen Greenwald has a story up on Salon about Olbermann. You know, that crazy guy who had a special comment about Fisa and telecom immunity a few short months ago? How it was the end of the world as we know it? Until Senator Obama says it not.
One of the comments was - this is where I draw the line in the sand. I cannot vote for Obama if he votes for the bill with immunity in it. I cannot vote for him if he doesn't filibuster.
Does the Obamanation have a line in the sand? Right now, I'm going with no. They trust his "words" even when his actions say the opposite.
Back when I was still a Democrat I was accused repeatedly of being a Republican because I cannot vote for Obama.
Turns out the Obamanation are the Republicans. They are no different from the Bush faithful who back their man no matter what. Nothing can make them question their faith in Dear Leader.
For those of you offended by the Obama/Hitler pic below - please look at the one used on the Cheetos Blog to insult anyone who'd dare question Michelle Obama. A blunt and incendiary - and pointless - attack on ALL southern voters.
The lies, trashing, death threats, and viciousness came from ONE side in the Clinton/Obama race.
Obama must apologize.
There will be no healing until Obama, Dean, Brazile and Michelle Obama apologize to the Clintons - In public.
O.D.S. (obama derangement syndrome) is a serious illness that causes totalitarian impulses, violent overreactions to perceived slights, humorlessness, gloating, bloating, and gas.
Oh my.
If you feel a case of O.D.S. coming on the best cure is to mock Obama. Make a crack about his hypocrisy. Not hard at this point. Or when your spouse says almost anything respond loudly with: YES WE CAN! 3 times.
Can we go to the beach on Sunday? Yes We Can! Yes We Can! Yes We Can!
We need to add more fiber to our diets. Yes We Can! Yes We Can! Yes We Can!
I am leaving you for a hot park ranger I met at Steak 'N Shake last week. I want a divorce: Yes We Can! Yes We Can! Yes We Can!
Put Ducky, Olbermann, and Barry on your dart board and invite friends over to throw some darts. It's much more fun than you'd think. Ducky is particularly satisfying to peg between the eyes.
The problem here is that now the Obama Pods don't even want us to have a few laughs at BHO's expense. We can 't talk about his past, his wife, his lack of resume, his race, his parents, his birth certificate, his house, his flip flops, his "present votes", his family in Africa, his terrorist connections, his church - none of it - we can't even crack a joke at his expense without it being vetted by the Obama Thought Police.
See, what happened was Jon Stewart made fun of Obama. That being his JOB and all. He's a comedian. (Do you know what that word means, Obama pods? His show is called the Daily Show - it is a send up of the news, obama pods. Do you understand satire, Pod kids? Did you get that lesson in re-education camp?)
Whoa NELLIE! There is a pre-fascist statement (or pre Maoist, if you like) if ever there was one.
Obamites confronted with something outside their All Hail Obama world view are lately more and more forced to ask WWGD? (What Would Goebbles Do?).
Palmero takes up the Goebbles BIG LIE mantle with ease, throwing a king sized plate of spaghetti at the wall. He blames, at least partially, the Iraq invasion on Jon Stewart. I swear. We are through the looking glass here, folks. (You may not know that Johnny Carson was at fault for Vietnam, Art Carney opened the door for the Korean conflict, Gracie Allen forced Germany into Poland, and Ellen Degeneres and Chris Rock are in the early planning stages for an American invasion of Iceland by way of New Rochelle and Bangor.) See Mr. Stewart if you don't love Obama all the time - you CAUSE WAR!
Stewart is now rethinking future Obama jokes because he does not want to be blamed for the West Nile Virus, Global Warming, and The Two Coreys on the A and E channel. DearProfessorJoseph "Che" Palmero-Goebbles, The Daily Show should be MINDFUL that it put on a good program. Nothing else.
Can you imagine these Shining Path goons asking Jon Stewart when mocking John McCain - which he often does, - to be mindful of not regurgitating Democratic Talking points? Most of the Obama Pods like Palmero or Andrew Sullivan are pathetic and irretrievably lost to the Obama mind fuck - but the country is not. To prevent or cure O.D.S. the best method is humor.
Making fun of all politicians is as American as Mt. Rushmore and ridiculously large portions.
Do it. Do it as much as possible. Especially make fun of Obama - he and his goons are so thin skinned they make it EASY and FUN! Go on, write some of your own...
How many Trinity Church members does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Obama, Wright, and Ayres are on a plane going down and there is only one parachute...
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Change? - How?"
"Shut up! You racist, backward Clinton loving Pig!!!"
Listening to NPR yesterday (as all conversations on the East Coast should start) there was a report on new progressive groups. As a throw away the reporter ended with:
But Huttner says there's also little evidence that the Progress groups are suffering financially — despite the fact that Democratic candidate Barack Obama told his donors last month not to give money to independent groups.
You'd think that maybe someone would want to cover the story of Obama's consolidation of Power. Does anyone else hear echos of Nixon?
While Humphrey ran a fighting, slashing campaign, Nixon's campaign was carefully managed and controlled. Nixon often held "town hall" meetings in cities he visited, where he answered questions from voters who had been carefully screened in advance by his aides. Nixon also implied that he had a "solution" to the war in Vietnam, but was vague in providing the details of his plan
Obama's is the first presidential campaign since Nixon to not use public financing. He's moved the DNC to Chicago. He wants all the money to go to him so that Howard will have to beg for crumbs off the table. Maybe he'll finance the convention and as part of the deal Senator Clinton's name will be off the ballot.
He shuts down all criticism with one word - RACISM. The press is too politically correct to get past that.
Obama is a less experienced Nixon with a happy face. All the same dirty tactics under the umbrella of "HOPE".
And the Pod Squad is along for the ride.
Senator Obama stated in writing that he would accept public financing if his opponent did the same.
Senator Obama stated in writing that he would not support any FISA bill that included Telecom immunity.
Were there some who woke up from their stupor? Sure. Were there more who made excuses? Of course. The Obamanation believes they know what he really means. They are fools.
Senator Obama I'm telling you that that words don't matter because you can't keep yours.
It is all true. Obama has controlled the media in a way that would make Papa Stalin proud. Or, at the very least, Joe McCarthy. Roy Cohn is probably so impressed he'd is no doubt screaming "Yes, We Can!" in the deepest basement of hell.
Newsvine lays it out brutally here. Read it. But do so with the lights on as it is an American horror story. Everything from the absorption of the left wing blogs to the seizure of CNN is touched on. Not to mention the planned attacks on any one who voiced opposition - or even concern - about Obama. And, yes, the race card was played by Obama early, often and with abandon. I stated here months ago that Obama was running the most vicious Presidential campaign since Adams/Jefferson in 1800. It is clear now, I was wrong. Obama's primary campaign of 2008 is the most negative and mean spirited campaign in our history.
Thoughtful people who watch or read "news" in this country must come to terms with a simple fact sooner or later: There is no "news" media in the United States. There is a 24 hour show that feeds on the blogs - then itself - in cycles that last 36-74 hours. Like Phil Spectors Wall of Sound the media creates a Wall of Chatter. The only exceptions here are local stories and natural disasters but even in those cases the story is quickly molded into an event that avoids solid information. The financial model for reality TV is applicable here. Reality TV is, of course, not reality at all. If the perfunctory patterns of our day to day lives were put on television - no one would watch. Solid information costs money to gather. Journalists have to be journalists, go places, ask discerning questions, demand answers. 100 monkeys typing could have reported with more depth on Obama during the past 6 months. Sound bites and people chatting about the sound bites is much cheaper. This environment is just as conducive to P.R. agents and fads as Entertainment Tonight. Obama has proven both George Orwell and Paddy Chayefsky right.
For all that - the latest Gallup 3 day tracking poll has McCain and Obama tied. Who knows what will happen? I do know reality is often immune to P.R. Katrina taught us that. Reality may strike Obama from an odd angle no one sees coming. (Example: Israel is signalling there will be an attack on Iran - will security moms vote Hope/Change with the Middle East in flames?) Since BHO's campaign is based on FORCE not POWER it has inherent weaknesses and could collapse in an instant.
Regardless, most people can still discern the difference between an ad campaign for Love Guru and a Presidential campaign. The protection and promotion of Obama by the media may last past the election. But CNN is not in the business of news - it is in the business of weaving a narrative that keeps you and I tuned in. There will come a point with Obama, just like it did with Bush, when the media sees that the story has changed - the new narrative being "Who is this guy and can we trust him with the job?" It may happen after he has the job - but I pray it does not.
We aren't in a new "depression'. No, our current American misery is more active than those images we've all seen on TV commercials selling anti-depressants. A woman looks out of a window, expressionless. A man rubs his elbows, staring off into space. For some reason there's a cat, looking concerned.
No, our current misery is a verb, not an adjective. We're in The Great Worry.
The political parties that previously hung over us like steel umbrellas, no matter on which side we fell, haven't withstood the heat--test and have turned gooey and overly malleable for people with a more centered way of looking at the country and the world. The far left and the far right met up in a cheap motel sometime in the last decade and gave birth to The Great Worry.
But I found something while poking around news websites that has, in a morbid way, helped to lessen the burden of The Great Worry perpetrated upon us by our domestic unease. Something to worry about that I'd really never even considered worrying about.
Would it even cross your mind to say to a scientist, "Please make sure that anything you're working on won't have the side effect of creating a black hole that swallows the Earth whole?"
I really wouldn't have thought to ask. I'd have thought it was sort of universally assumed that even a .01 percent chance of a project creating a planet devouring black hole would be considered 'too risky'.
See, sometimes it's all about the questions you ask. And sometimes it's about the questions you wouldn't think to ask.
In other words: before voting for Barack Obama, please ask some pertinent questions. I suggest starting with, "Change is great -- but to what? And how?"
Though I'd avoid any allusion to "black holes', for obvious reasons.
I've decided that if I'm to endure The Great Worry, I'm not doing so quietly.
I won't put the ad itself in this post because, frankly, it makes my skin crawl. You can see it here. But in BHO's first national buy of the general he claims credit for "Extended health care for wounded troops."
91 Senators voted for this bill. Obama was not one of them. That is the truth. Obama did not show up to work that day.
When will the media begin to call this fraud out on his relentless lies? The Presidential Seal flap - now this - either his campaign is stupid or it is arrogant, or both. I thought his campaign against Clinton was his first real contest - but in retrospect it was clearly fixed. The General Election is probably the first time Obama has ever had to run a contested campaign - in which he was not "chosen" by the elites or able to remove opposition from the ballot.
So like John asked me to write this post about while I am voting for Obama. So why i wait for my english class to start i will. I love Obama. He's so hot.
So it all started when my sister Malcolm started dating this guy Bhodi who runs the bike co-op down by campus - he's from Texas but he's so cool he was like the first Vegan in Austin - yeah. Or something like that. He won some award for being the most Vegan person ever. Like I'm a vegan too - except when my mom like makes steaks if I'm home to do my laundry - yeah. steaks. my mom is so cool. She went to like Woodstock or saw the movie when it first came out or something.
So my sister, Malcolm, tells me she is so into Bhodi and Bhodi is all "Obama, hope Obama change" Malcolm is all "What are you talking about, dude?" and Bhodi is all "Yeah, dude, He's like God or something. Obama's like a good feeling. He makes me all tingley like Gold Bond powder on my balls." And Malcolm is all "you're a poet, Bhodi." And I'm all like "Malcolm I am totally not into politics. Like not at ALL." and she's all like "no- dude- you don't understand, Obama's not either he's like just playing the game."
So I'm like "whatever".
Then like Bhodi and Malcolm get tickets to a Obama rally and like they ask me to go and I 'm like "Duh - American Idol finals are that night." and they are all like "Mom will TIVO it, dude!" and I'm like "Right, Samantha will totally text me and tell me who won. and ruin it." and then Malcolm says "Dude there will be tons of cute guys there. like TONS."
So I'm all like okay I'll go. and I go and like everyone is so happy. and like bhodi tells me a lot of vegans are for obama - and vegans are so cool. and bikes. bikes are cool. retro and cool. so there were sooooooooooo many cute guys at the rally. i like didn't even text the whole time i was there.
then obama came on stage and i like was so happy. I totally mean it! He was talking about hope and change and some other stuff. And everyone was going OH BOM AH - like those mean guards in the Wizard of Oz who say Oh EE Oh over and over. It was so cool. Like we were in the wizard of oz, too. which is totally retro and cool at the same time. like maddona. or books!
Like I Got it - you know what i mean? I had an Obama epiphernanny - or whatever it's called. And some girl fainted and he totally got her water. and I was so happy.
"Anybody who claims this [FISA Capitulation bill] is an okay bill, I really question if they've even read it." "Democrats enabled [this]," Feingold went on. "Some of the rank and file Democrats in the Senate who were elected on this reform platform unfortunately voted with Kit Bond who's just giggling he's so happy with what he got. We caved in."
Oh, how the Obamanation wish their guy had said that.
Instead it's Russ Feingold who stands up for principle.
It's who they think Obama is, but he isn't.
Obama is the guy who in February of this year said he would not support any bill on FISA that included telecom immunity.
Obama is the guy who told the world that he would use public financing if his opponent did.
Obama is the guy who said Bill Ayers is just a guy in the neighborhood.
Obama is the guy who dismissed using a felon to buy his house as a "bone headed decision".
Obama is the guy who sat in a racist church for twenty years and then only when it was politically expedient trashed his friend and mentor.
Obama is the guy voted present 130 times.
Obama is the guy who supposedly made a great speech prior to the war but was so inconsequential that no one filmed it so they did a dramatic recreation. (Just like a 48 Hours Mystery!) He also said he made said speech during a "tough" battle for his senate seat. Wrong, the speech was made during an Iraq War protest prior to his announcing his intention to run.
Obama is the guy who said he was against NAFTA while his economic advisor told the Canadians it was just political posturing.
When will the Obama campaign start handing out Little Red Books?
In the United States, it is difficult to imagine a scenario as scary as the sudden defense of warrantless wiretapping by the Obama Pod Squad. Many of the Obama sheeple have turned on a dime in the past week - because Obama turned on a dime. Now they defend the indefensible because their Dear Leader told them it was - suddenly - okay.
We've always been at war with Eastasia... to allude to Orwell's Big Brother.
This is the point were the Reactionaries and the Radicals close the circle. The difference between the far Right and the foolish Left is this: The far Right rarely has to double back. They enter stating their intention to end civil liberties, usually wearing brown shirts and scowls. The DailyKos Left is another matter. They lavishly pave the road to perdition with high rhetoric, smiles, and good intentions.
Those who supported Bush while he chipped away at civil liberties are less alarming because, frankly, we know what they are up to and about. In fact, they are working from a value system. They may not be values we agree with - but they are values - beliefs acted upon.
What "values" are the excuse making progressives embodying?
The only thing in play is the protection of the leader of a personality cult. Imagine Olbermann's vicious "Special Comment" about the our rights being trampled by Bush if Obama had kept his promise and voted against the bill.It isn't hard.
If Obama had said the FISA bill is now good, and all men born in odd numbered years should wear kilts on Tuesdays - we would all see an astounding number of men in kilts at the local Whole Foods this week.
Principles do not matter to the Obama campaign or its followers.
To see so many alleged progressives suddenly making excuses for Obama's vote on FISA betrays something sinister: a deep need to erase all conviction - in fact - all thought - and a willingness to attack all those who refuse. This is not the healthy need to participate in a force for good that is bigger than the individual. It is the unhealthy need to annihilate individuality.
The operative phrase is not My Country, Right or Wrong - it is Obama, Right or Wrong. Donna Brazille said if Obama does not get the nomination "there will be blood."
This is a statement that should be taken literally. They mean it. Your blood. Not theirs.
If you think that is hysterical - fine. Go read about Obama's history from some place other than his bestsellers. Go read history period. Then come back to 2008 and look at his campaign tactics.
All persons who would previously be thrown under the bus will now be asked to step in front of a moving train. All the better if the train is electric. One could also step on the third rail at any convenient subway stop. We are committed to energy efficiency and frankly, there's no more room under the bus.
We will continue our recycling program. Expect recycled speeches from Hillary Clinton in addition to more of Duval Patrick's greatest hits. We'll also be borrowing from John Edwards, JFK, Ronald Reagan, Brett Mussburger, LBJ, RKF, FDR, Ice Tea and Vanilla Ice.
All previous "policy" positions are now inoperable. We will be hanging them out on the line to die, whoa, dry. Fortunately there were not many and there will be no change to the important positions of Hope and Change.
Anything said or promised in during the drawn out primary will be replaced with energy efficient (and hopefully centrist, pandering, swinging for swing voters) new models. Positions on FISA and Public Financing had to go as they were a drain on pulling undecided voters. It's also proof that we really are all about Change.
Our biggest green push is for your money. Keep it coming. We had a bad May, our worst fundraising month in 2008. Send checks, credit cards, gold, oil, jewelry and antiques immediately. If you thought Freedom isn't free you won't believe the cost of Hope and Change. We will, of course, continue to blame Hillary Clinton for any deficits.
We're proud to be the first campaign since Richard Nixon to not take public financing. It's further proof of our post-racial, post-partisan position.
In related news we're pleased to announce that our new Press Secretary is the ghost of Ron Ziegler.
As if we needed more evidence for the Obama Derangement Syndrome - head over to Cannonfire to read this post. Here's a comment on the Cheetos Blog about Hillary Clinton that Ducky did NOT delete:
Just slit her throat, lock her in a car boot, and drive the car into a river in West Virginia.
Whether a happy mob or an angry mob. These people are dangerous. I hope and pray everyone reading this will do whatever they can - legally - to defeat these people.
What else can be said about BHO's mock up of the Presidential seal at a conference with Democratic Governors? Since he is one of two major contenders for President one wants to look out across the landscape and find reasons to believe he is NOT a megalomaniac sociopath - and yet his campaign keeps telegraphing that he is - and they are on board. Like the "mission accomplished" banner behind Bush low those many years ago the image of Obama behind a pretend Presidential seal is so obnoxious it bends the mind. The man does not even have his party's nomination yet - that is still over 2 months off. One has to wonder what the state chief executives in the audience thought of this paper mache "seal". Even the most ardent Pro Obama Governors had to have a had a moment of "jeez, at least I've done something in my career." Obama is a prime example of the something for nothing society that we live in. Give me the job now. Emphasis on the word give.
So what were they thinking?
This "seal" was discussed in an Obama campaign meeting. Designing a seal as a rip off the Presidential Seal was approved. Further is was decided that it would be used at a meeting of actual chief executives - this is the job title Obama wants, but has never had.
One can easily conclude that the seal is meant to give the Governors a shove backward. What the fake seal says is: "Look, I know most of you in the room have accomplished more and are more qualified than me for the job I want. But I am the leader here, so don't push it."
As Patsy Stone, the glamorous drunk on BBC's Absolutely Fabulous, said whenever confronted: "Don't Question Me!" Or better, South Park's Cartman: "Respect my Autthori-tah!" - deliciously barked by an 8 year old who has no authority.
If the stakes weren't so high the whole Obama event would be interpreted as a joke. Or a silly play the neighborhood kids were putting on in a barn.
Since Obama choked on FISA yesterday my fear of him has lessened a small amount. (Not because I agree with his flip flop, I adamantly do NOT.) This could be foolish of me. Afterall, Obama has no track record and his history is pock marked with radicals and idiots. Nevertheless, what Obama told us by voting for the FISA bill is simple enough: There will be no real change. Those who run the show behind the scenes will continue unabated by me. I want to win, principles be damned. A few of those who feed at the trough will be switched out for others. But the trough will remain in place.
I'll take a new face at the head of the same old system for four more years over the studied psychosis of Black Liberation Theology and dime store socialism any day. Still, what are we to make of this latest stunt with the Presidential seal? The mental atmospherics that went into Obama's willingness to affix the pretend seal to himself are disturbing. The analogies connecting the happily arrogant W. Bush and the petulant Obama are strengthened every day. But the seal stunt puts Obama in a league of his own. One cannot imagine W in 2000, or his father in 1988 being quite as arrogant and tacky.
I can't get my mind around just how arrogant the Obama Presidential Seal is...until I wrestle it to the ground and can apply some thought- I am posting this youtuber. This is a young Obama supporter who is backing away from him now because of BHO's flippety flop of accepting public financing. He also begins to questions the cultish adoration by focusing on youtube commenters. I think "creepy" is the word he uses. The worst kool aid drinkers are beyond help. People like this guy - who genuinely thought Obama was a good choice, and are now seeing him for what he is - can be saved from the Obama Pod Squad. Thanks to JK or the tip on this:
Will the DNC demand the nomination back the way the Recording Academy took back their Grammy for "Best New Artist"?
The problem with falling in love with someone you know nothing about is there is no where to go but down. That's why it's called infatuation. It's not based on anything but an ideal. To be fair to Senator Obama no one could possibly measure up and stay on the pedestal.
The teeny-boppers who adore Obama have discovered his feet of clay.
He's a liar.
He'll do anything to win.
There were other comments on the Obamapost and Kosco from still rabid supporters that said that he had to say he'd vote for the bill or else get labeled as soft on terror. He doesn't really mean it. They know what "Barack" really means.
Kids, what "Barack" really means is anything to get ahead with the least amount of work. Throw old friends and commrades under the bus, roll back and forth until completely crushed. Steal other people's work and take credit for it. Play the dirtiest politics, trash other people's reputations and claim to be NEW!
What Obama did today should surprise no one. He is a liar. Liars lie. Obama's lie in February regarding retroactive immunity for criminal Telecom companies - that became clear today when he caved in (real liberals like Russ Feingold did not) is precisely why this blog will continue to repeat over and over again one simple phrase: Obama is a Fraud. The DNC gamed the system to defeat the best candidate in a generation, who won the most votes, and grew in strength all year, in favor of an untested, rancid, corrupt Chicago politician - who gives good speech. (provided a TelePrompter is present.) Obama has no real values. His entire career is a sham, created and paid for by a sickening cabal of far Left terrorists, middle class resentment driven socialists, bigots hiding behind history, and the corrupt to the core Daley machine.
Let's be as clear as possible about what Obama did today. After caving in he said as President he would work to over turn the law. Here's what that means - his political calculation is more important than your 4th amendment rights. He is willing to submerge YOUR constitution on the chance he will win. OBAMA IS A FRAUD.
The pods are losing it on the Cheetos Blog and Ms. Huffington's electronic bullshit festival, too.
Obama is a coward who acts out of expediency - whether it's lying about public financing or lying about FISA. Or flipping off a sitting senator after he had a bad debate.
Here is what it looks like when the Kool Aid begins to wear off and the Pods wake up:
From Huffy: Deal breaker! I have given hundreds of dollars to the Obama campaign, but not a penny more. I can't even begin to express my contempt for his chicken "s" crap. The one thing that Barack Obama doesn't have is a track record. So his statement that he will take a close look at this later, when he is president, is way, way too little too late. If Barack Obama can't be counted on to stand up for what is a clear and unambiguous threat to out constitutional form of government, then I can only conclude that his "new politics" is little more than a hollow slogan. This blows! And:
This wasn't "compromise." It was a total, complete, humiliating capitulation. Gave Bush everything he wanted. Even Republicans are bragging about how they got exactly what they wanted.
Oh, I see. It's okay for Obama, but not okay for, McCain. Why would we vote for the same? Obama is constantly proving that he's the same old politician. McCain-Obama, what's the difference?
From the Cheetos Blog:
Obama represented himself as being the change, hold Washington accountable and I'm a constitutional scholar. His statemant is just BS. Civil rights my ass, this wipes out the 4th amendment and there is no need for it. Fisa is bad enough but this is just insane. Inherent rights are not democratic. This is Ass Covering and pumping the inherent rights of the executive branch. How can political gain be had? It's legalizing a crime after the fact. I worked my ass off and donated a lot of money this is not what I was working for.
If anyone wants to cancel their monthly contribution to Obama, there is nothing on his web page about how to do that (surprise!). Send an e-mail to ddozier@barackobama.com and tell that person to cancel your contribution. They will need your name, type of credit card you used and the last four digits.
My Favorite:
I want to stop feeling this way -- to fall in "rational love" all over again with Barack. I want to love my candidate. To vote them in.
Rational love. Wow. They are dumber than even I thought.
This is not a minor issue. This is a foundational Constitutional right we're talking about here and the rule of law in general. Obama dropped the ball big time on this.
I emailed his campaign asking to be removed from their lists.
If any of these people had done some actual heavy lifting and examined Obama earlier they would not be surprised now. Then again, falling in love is rarely examined.
When all is said and done the Obama cult has risen so fast for 2 reasons. He's "cool" (or was until today) and he's black. There is nothing else. There has never been anything else. Thoughtful people and other adults knew all along this man was rotten to the core.
Obama's other massive flip flop this week on public financing will have to be left for another post.
I am proud to stand with Senator Dodd, Senator Feingold and a grassroots movement of Americans who are refusing to let President Bush put protections for special interests ahead of our security and our liberty. There is no reason why telephone companies should be given blanket immunity to cover violations of the rights of the American people - we must reaffirm that no one in this country is above the law.
Senator Obama 6/20/08
It does, however, grant retroactive immunity, and I will work in the Senate to remove this provision so that we can seek full accountability for past offenses.
So I support the compromise, but do so with a firm pledge that as President, I will carefully monitor the program...
Senator Reid 6/20/08
"I'm going to try real hard to have a separate vote on immunity," Reid said in an interview to be aired this weekend on Bloomberg Television's "Political Capital with Al Hunt." "Probably we can't take that out of the bill, but I'm going to try."
Can you say, "FULL OF SHIT?"
How about, "LIAR?"
In related news Donna Brazile was replaced today by Scarlett Johanson. Blonder, prettier and likes men!
Marx beget Lenin Lenin beget Stalin Stalin beget Mao Mao beget Che Che beget Castro Castro beget many in the land of America: Dorhn, Ayres, and many of the Weather Undergroundeth that did worship bombs. And many others of the Imbecile Tribe who believed the wearing of the Che tee-shirts did maketh them matter. But the wearing of the tee shirts did maketh them sillier than they already were-eth
And into the land of Daley many went for to worship in the Temple of the Combine.
The Combine did beget Axelrod, who knew Rezko.
And Rezko beget Blagojevich. But Blagojevich was stillborn So Rezko beget another. And he was Lord Obama.
And down the road-eth did live Wright. For he liveth in the house his temple did buy for him. And Wright beget Wrath. And Wrath did overcome Wright. And it was music to the Lord's ears. For the Victims did jump up and give money. And the Lord did see an opening. For the Lord is wise. Until the day the temple of Wright was of no use. And it was stashed neatly under the bus.
These three things the Lord doth give us:
*Black Liberation Theology
*The discrete socialism of the Bourgeoisie
*Bald faced opportunism.
But the greatest of these is Opportunism.
And the Good News was proclaimed through out the land by the village idiot: Keith Olbermann.
Now about Larry Sinclair. I write about this merely because it is tragic and vaguely interesting - and speaks volumes about our current culture. Again - the interesting element is not actually the story, it is the wild, rabid and over the top reaction from the Obama Pod Squad. They are out in force foaming about this guy. Why? The overwhelming evidence is that there is nothing to the story. I do not think the Obama Pod overreaction is a case of "they doth protest too much." I can see Obama shaking hands with the devil in the back of limo - but not sucking a crack pipe and being felatted by another man. Call me crazy...
But the pods reaction -wow - they are just insane people who can't abide one second of dissent - even if the dissenter is a loon.
What is wrong with these people? 12,000 emails to the Press Club from the numbnuts at the Cheetos Blog. WTF? Do we need anymore evidence that the Pods are bored, spoiled brats who need to go work on an Amish Farm for the summer? Or join the damn Peace Corps and do some good.
I have no idea if there is a stitch of truth in what Sinclair said at the press club. How could I? My hunch is he is fabricating. It seems like HE believes it though - which points to a sad pathology. He did give odd, striking details. And frankly, the statement he made is both depressing and hilarious. Go read it. And then do something nice for the gay man in your neighborhood who has been broken by bigotry. I promise you there is one.
More than anything, the best and highest response to Larry Sinclair is compassion. Condescending of me? I hope not. That is not my intent. In America circa 2008 we encourage people to cash in their 15 minutes of fame and then we brutalize them. Somehow I don't find this so bothersome when it happens to those with money or fame. The whole event is packaged for us and monetized for them. Maybe I should work on that. Something about the assault on Sinclair by the Obama pods is just too much. For God sake, he's not even telling good lies. Leave it alone.
That the Obama Pod Squad has even seen fit to unleash their bottomless fury on this minor player in the year's drama is so telling. This, again, is who they are.
Update: Cannonfire has an interesting piece on why some of the story is worth further investigation.
Also- Take at look at Sinclair's web page. Can't hurt. He has a large group supporting him and based on reading some comments not all are nuts. A good point was made there today about the alleged "free press" in this country. Whatever one thinks about Sinclair it is hard to avoid the pro-Obama bias in the media - and this should have us all worried.
With each passing day I feel more and more detached from my Democratic roots. This is good. I can watch a bit more comfortably from the side lines. Obviously, I think Obama is a snake. But getting worked up for McCain is no small task.
Let me give my two cents about the general election so far. McCain is losing the election - right now. He is making one catastrophic misjudgement. The timing of the misjudgement is earlier in McCain's case (then again, everything happens earlier now). It is the same misjudgement that Kerry made in 04 and Dukakis made in 1988. And it is equally foolish.
Obama is quickly taking over the Democratic Party and quickly defining himself to the general electorate. Politics 101: You have to define your opponent before he A. Defines himself. and B. He defines you.
Kerry allowed the swift boat ads to sit in the water (as it were) for 3 weeks before he responded. Dukakis toddled around for a month while Bush 1 hammered him with Willie Horton. Both men were then embedded in the minds of many Americans as distrustful and weak and never recovered.
Obama is not going all out negative on McCain. He is going all out to project himself as a man of action. Meanwhile McCain, like Clinton before him, is holding fire, presumably waiting until after the Democratic convention to unload - under the misguided assumption that people do not pay attention until Labor Day. This is WRONG. People are paying attention now.
The desire to be done with the Bush years is so strong that people are already engaged. Maybe not deeply but enough to make some basic judgements and tell pollsters. The pollsters then cue the media, which gets all frothy, - and what a candidate has is called momentum.
The McCain campaign must realize that the next six weeks are as important as the last 2 this year. Unless McCain lands hard on all of Obama's soft spots now and throws him off his game it will be almost impossible to stop him come November.
The Wright tapes had a muted effect on Obama because they appeared in April after many victories and many months of media adulation. Had they appeared in January Clinton would have won.
If McCain believes holding back now and unloading in October is the right strategy he is mistaken. The risk is that he so sullies BHO before the actual nomination that delegates dash back to Clinton at the convention- an unbeatable candidate at this point. But the greater risk is that Obama has solidified a positive image in the public mind that will be hard, if not impossible, to shake.
Pundits claim that negative campaigns turn people off. They are correct. The game is to turn them off the other guy. Well, timed, negative campaigns work. Badly timed negative campaigns backfire.
McCain's main strength against Obama is his experience. Hillary talked about it a lot, but rarely hammered him with it. (the 3 AM ads being one exception). Unless McCain and the RNC define Obama now as too inexperienced and untrustworthy to be President - then it will be too late come the Fall. If Obama makes his acceptance speech unsullied he will be the President. He is too damn good at those events. His machine is too strong to overcome with "whitey tapes" and commercials about Wright. The tapes (if they exist) and ads need to be in circulation now.
Five dollar gas will make bozo the clown a strong candidate against anyone who is associated with Bush.
Having said all that, after watching the Democratic primaries I am not sure the whole thing is not just a scripted show. The winner being chosen a long time ago - in a smoke filled room faraway.
But onward we must push. If we do just have a faux democracy at this point - the only way to get a real one back is to act as if we are empowered.
"To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary...These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate."Che Guevara
Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become...Che Guevara
The pic on the right is of a pro Obama judge James Burge's office, a Lourain County,Ohio. Yes, that's right - he's a judge. The other is of Obama's Houston Office.
Between 1959-1962 Che Guevara ordered 4,000 executions without trial. He often tortured his victims himself. The case of 16 year old Ariel Lima is particularly sad. More info here. Warning: some of the pics are gruesome.
Also, thanks to DamonMi for sending the clip below along. There is a sickness in this country that emanates from Barrack Hussein Obama. In the clip the Democratic Governor of Michigan is booed when she mentions Senator Clinton.
(At least some of the adults in the older Pro-Obama Democratic Establishment must be thinking about now -My God, what have we done? Note: it is time for you to exhibit courage, step forward, and admit your mistake. Look at it this way - you'll be ahead of the curve historically.)
This event, like most Obama spectacles, was a cross between a Menudo concert and a Nuremberg Rally.
Am I stretching by connecting the dots between the Obama phenomenon and murderous personality cults in the recent past? Yes. But not by much. One economic shock and the rally tips from Menudo to Nuremberg rather quickly. BHO's fans base their support almost exclusively on personality. Not facts, not policy, not accomplishment, not merit. This makes them particularly malleable. And Obama is nothing if not ruthless.
and yes, i know since this post is not adoring of the baby Jesus obama i am a racist. blah blah blah.... ya know what i don't friggin care anymore. Obama Pods have made the word racist meaningless. Saying "You're a racist!" is now akin to saying "You drink coffee!"
Imagine that. An effete prick, sipping a latte, is implying that the Viet Cong were not so bad to McCain.
Arianna Huffington has always been a loud snake oil saleswoman demanding attention and using her ex - husband's money to get it. She deserves our contempt.
And yes, I already know that since I posted this piece attacking an Obama Pod for being an obnoxious thug - that I am a racist! Blah, blah, blah...
...been so pre-occupied by the planned demolition of the Democratic Party by the Obama Pod People that I forget that other stuff is going on. So I swung by West Hollywood Park on the way to my job at the Blankety Blank Corporation for Better Living to see if I could get some snaps of gay weddings. It was swell. The phone is not the best camera - but I did get a little moist eyed here and there. I am sucker for other people's romantic commitment.
Favorite moment: As a woman dashed to a bathroom her partner screamed "Denise! You can't go now, we're getting married! We've waited 28 years for this! Pee afterward!"
Most of the folks taking advantage of the new right to marry seemed older. Things were casual, but there was a sense of new found self respect and diginity in the air. It was inspiring.
Mr. Sula (George Takei) was there early to get a licence to marry his partner of 28 years.
I only lurked for 20 minutes and came away feeling mighty proud of my state.
...three things remain: faith, hope, and love...the greatest of these is love.
We are excited to announce the schedule for the Democratic Convention
We will be hosting an array of events at the Days Inn on Airport Byway Road.
Get your rooms at a discount with your AAA card!
Tuesday 8:00 Loyalty Oath to all things Obama 8:15 Mixer to talk about how much we love change 9:25 Hope Expressions - a viewing of kid's artwork of all things Obama 10:00 Discussion of how great it is to have moved to Chicago 10:15 - midnight Bash Clinton
Wednesday Continue to Bash Clinton and her supporters
Thursday 8:00 Keynote address by Keith Olbermann (wear a raincoat - he's like Shamu with his spittle) 9:00 Michelle's address to tell us how bad America is and why she hates white people including a full reading of her dissertation. 12:00 - midnight Bash Clinton
8:00 prayer breakfast with Reverend Wright 12:00 Coronation - no vote - just hope 12:11: Appointment of Tony Rezko (in abstention) as DNC Chairman (SORRY HOWARD! the man sure can raise cash) 12:13 All aboard the Hope Express to Change town!
Please contact Donna Brazile if you have checks or white people to stand behind the Emperor.
Every fad, every phenomenon, all P.R. created fame, every long lasting television show - jumps the shark at some point. This phrase comes from the episode of the 70's television show Happy Days in which the Fonz literally jumps a shark in a tank while riding a motorcycle. The show had clearly run out of ideas.
Jumping the Shark is the point that the phenomenon passes its peak and usually can only be perceived later. Politically, the shark jump moment often goes unnoticed. When Bush 1 was surprised and amazed by the common grocery store scanner he jumped the shark. He was still quite popular at the time - but in that moment he passed his peak. Many would say Bush 2 jumped during Katrina. But it was months earlier. By getting on a plane in the dead of night to interfere with the Shiavo case he passed the the point of no return politically. 9 months later blundering through the Katrina crisis served as painful confirmation for what many suspected: He was sublimely out of touch. Howard Dean screaming is the moment he became the Fonz over the tank.
So has Obama Jumped the Shark yet? Hard to say. The complete lack of the traditional bump in the polls seems to indicate a weakness in the underpinnings of the campaign. It is hard to fathom that after months of adoring press, a free ride until Wright, a speech maker of his skill is no more than 3 points up on the old guy.
I suspect that the unprecedented move of bulk of the DNC to Chicago gave even the most ardent pro-Obama Democrats pause. It is a remarkable power grab. A power grab made by a campaign that limped across the finish line, and that received a clear minority of votes. Obama is increasingly disliked and distrusted by a large chunk of those who should be his base - yet he moved the DNC lock,stock and barrel (almost) to the most politically corrupt big city in America in order to control it. Is this the moment that the Pro-Obama Democratic establishment starts to quietly question what they have signed on to? If I was a blue dog congressman up for reelection in a swing district I would be getting uncomfortable.
Maybe it has not happened yet. This may just be a lull.
Or maybe its Dean floating the idea that Hillary Clinton's name not be put in nomination. Is this point the arrogance of the Obama machine crossed the line? If Dean succeeds in making the Democratic Convention a gathering of the Comintern - with no dissenting opinions aloud - then the shark will probably have been jumped. Gratefully, I am not longer a Democrat. I don't see this latest power grab as a personal affront - not my party - not my people. Still, I know a thrown elbow when I see one. (it is also an Obama Classic move: get the competitor off the ballot.)
One could argue that the exposure of the Wright Tapes were the Obama shark jumping moment. It took an enormous amount of massaging from the media and manipulation by the Dean/Brazille Brown Shirts to keep the Obama coronation on track after that.
We shall see. The shark has either been jumped by Obama - or will be eventually. It is going to be so much fun to watch him fade.
and yes, I know since I wrote something about BHO tonight that is not adoring I am a racist. Blah, blah, blah...
Obama Pods- stop asking Hillary liberals and moderates to vote for your man and then not giving us any reasons why we should. We did not initially drink the kool-aid. We want reasons. We are not morons. Engage us with facts and background about Obama's accomplishments. Clinton is out of the race, and I am quite clear about the pros and cons of McCain- since he actually has a record.
No "johnny come lately" crap about "policy" either. You people never gave damn about policy before. Clinton was the one talking policy - Obama was talking change/hope blah blah blah... Obama was never sold to us based on policy. It was pure personality.
Tell us about your man's accomplishments. Talk about HIM. Not her. Not McCain. We get that you love him. Tell us what he's done to earn your love. I'll keep asking until November.
Fair warning: the Obama lies are now vetted - so please stick to what he's actually done to deserve the highest office in the land. His last year in the state senate is a no go, as it is now pretty much proven he attached his name to other people's bills and claimed them as his own.
But he was a state Senator for many years and a community organizer...
(insert snicker here I can't help smirking every time I type those 2 words in connection to BHO. At church I know at least 10 people who organize food drives, adult literacy tutors, buses so children of prisoners can go see their mothers in jail, mentoring for foster kids, teen groups that serve meals at the homeless shelter every month, etc etc - all are very inspiring and "organized" successfully - and I've never heard one of the organizers say doing these things is a qualification for being President.)
What has BHO accomplished? Please include simple footnotes. This shouldn't be hard. You love him ever so, surely you know what he's done.
There must be something.
I mean it. I want to know. Not made up stuff, not speeches, real accomplishments.
In a stunning case of stupidity and historical illiteracy Obama policy adviser, Susan Rice, stated on CNN in regards to the Kennedy/Krushchev meeting in June 1961: "Thank God he did because if he hadn't we would have not been able to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis".
The historical evidence suggests the opposite of Rice's statement is the case. Krushchev came away from the meeting believing Kennedy was weak and inexperienced. Even Kennedy knew he had blundered:
Kennedy's assessment of his own performance was no less severe. Only a few minutes after parting with Khrushchev, Kennedy, a World War II veteran, told James Reston of The New York Times that the summit meeting had been the "roughest thing in my life." Kennedy went on: "He just beat the hell out of me." For two days he was pummeled by the Soviet leader. Despite his eloquence, Kennedy was no match as a sparring partner
If anything the meeting resulted in Krushchev believing he could put missiles in Cuba since the new, young President appeared weak.
Obama is now in a general election campaign for the most powerful office in the world. He and his advisers continue to demonstrate a severe deficit of experience and knowledge.
This should give all thinking voters pause. I know despite the historical consensus about this meeting in 1961 - the fact that I am pointing out a flaw in an Obama adviser makes me a racist.
Obama brats - listen up. One candidate is working for votes. The other thinks he's entitled to them. Check it out. ...Obama was out golfing during Hillary's concession speech... your man seems to nuture an image as asshole. Don't like McCain that much but he didn't throw the finger to a former first lady...
Either he doesn't need a bunch of Clinton voters or he's got to get his act together.
This is my first Father's Day without my dad. He died in March.
He was a rabid Republican. We had knock down drag out fights because he couldn't understand why I wasn't. Through this campaign and my switch from D to I I've thought a lot about him and how he would be pleased, indeed.
The funny thing is that even though my dad professed to be so conservative he was the guy who belonged to country club but knew the staff better than the other members. The guy who cleans the clubs and one of the groundskeepers came to his wake. He would yell at my cousin for having garage sales because he believed you should give things away to people who needed them.
He was a Kennedy from Massachusetts who listened to Rush. The saving grace is that my dad would only listen to about five minutes because then "he would just repeat himself over and over and ran too many ads." He told me in '92 that I was voting against myself because under a Clinton presidency interest rates would raise and I would never be able to afford a house. I never said I told him so when I bought my house with a 15 year mortgage with a 6% interest rate. Needless to say he didn't bring it up, either. He was awfully proud, though, and he let me know that.
So I want to say Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. And if your dad is till around let him know you love him.
It's Sunday so here are ten more pics from the handy dandy iphoto. I would love to see some of your city, or town, or colony, or RV camp or wherever.... send them!
There are a few clips up at Savage Politics tonight. I reccomned a trip over there. They are fierce and have their reasons. One that I will not post here compares Obama with Hitler. The comparison is unfair because we always reference Hitler with the end in mind - not the beginning. Additionally, America in 2008 is not Germany in the 30's, yet. There are increasing signals that we are in very deep trouble economically. And as any one who comes around here knows, I believe the crisis surrounding energy is going to tear this nation apart if people do not wake up and wake up swiftly. The canary in the coalmine is dead and displayed on a pike at every gas station in the land. This country, its economy, its social structure, the health of its citizens, its food supply and anything else you can think of is connected to and centered on access to relatively cheap oil. The era of cheap oil is over. Forever. There are alternatives - but none of them will stop the unravelling of our assumptions. None of them will get food to the markets in our "last minute" supply system. None of them will allow the amount of food production we assume is the norm. None of them will generate the energy that power our cities and towns. None of them will replace the oil used in pharmaceutical production. None of them can fly a plane. None of them can save the suburbs and exurbs.
And none of this should be news to anyone. It's been coming since America peaked in oil production in 1970.
But it is news to nearly everyone. Or will be shortly.
Many good blogs are yelling at the top of their electronic lungs about what is coming regarding peak oil. Find them . Educate yourselves. Begin to think differently - RIGHT NOW. Something drastic is shifting beneath our feet. It is in the beginning of this shifting that the Obama phenomenon was born.
The coming rewrite of our assumptions does not scare me much any longer. It did when I first began to read about Peak Oil. I am not a survivalist - I am a conscious observer, who tries to form opinions based on what I believe to be reliable information. It often is - and sometimes it is not. When I started informing myself on peak oil 4 years ago I was shocked - but compelled to keep going. Here is what the wiser commentators, mostly geologists, oil men, and the US Government itself - google and read the Hirsch Report - were predicting in the late 1990s and early 21st century.
1. The housing market would crater and a mortgage crisis would occur. Check. 2. Gasoline would experience inflation rates of 50-100%. Check. 3. Commodities would sky rocket in price. Check 4. The dollar would either collapse of have a steady decline. Check. 5. The Airline industry would contract. Check. 6. Suburbia would become unworkable. This is now occurring, sometimes brutally. 7. Oil Wars. Call Iraq what ever kind of war you want - we simply would not be there if the primary Iraqi export was figs or Gameboys - regardless of the brutality of the government. Arguments can be made about the reasons for the invasion, but it is misguided to believe that oil was not a major factor. U.S. troops protected 2 things in the immediate aftermath: The oil ministry in Baghdad and oil fields. The rest of Iraq fell into chaos. 8. Food inflation here. Followed by scarcity in some sections. Food riots. The First World has been immune thus far. But food riots have occured throughout the world this year. 9. Social dislocation. Again - in the US this is now in the "anecdotal" stage. It is not anecdotal in Europe, which is in an even more precarious position than us. Strikes have erupted throughout Britain and the Continent. Banks have failed. Here people are changing habits- and griping. One supply disruption and the taut rope will snap. Griping will become something else entirely.
The predictions get more dire from here and mostly lie ahead. Whether I or anyone likes it, the "Peak Oil" doomsayers have been spot on thus far.
More drilling may occur here. So be it. Anyone who thinks we will find enough oil to run things as we are now is an ostrich. The American way of life is on the block.
So what does scare me? The fact that almost everyone seems to be in a state of paralysis about the end of cheap oil and what it means.
We are ripe for a demagogue to emerge. We have grown one just in time.
One should not compare the Obama phenomenon with the last 6 years of Hilter's reign. It is gross, unfair to Obama, and dishonors the millions who died.
However, - and I have been hesitant to make this leap in electronic print before - a comparison between Germany in 1933 and America in 2008 is increasingly legitimate.
The massive and mindless out pouring of support for an unknown, charismatic leader by those who do not seem to think and are unwilling to rationally debate the pros and cons this leader, the cult like adoration, the stage managing of the rallies, the sloganeering that insists on intellectual nullification, the refusal to question, the scapegoating and attack on those who do, the control of the limited, but effective, message by a compliant press...
The list could probably go on.
I admit freely that the comparison is not entirely fair. Americans are not Germans. We are messier and value individuals over the group instinctively. The scapegoating of Jews was so massive in Germany it still stands alone historically.
But there has been a real attack from the Left on poorer whites. This is at times gleeful. "We don't need them" they are "bitter racists" etc. The empowerment of the "What's the Matter with Kansas" wing of the Left that casually dismisses entire populations should alarm true progressives. Whatever social biases exist in West Virginia, we've never seen such an overt assault on those who labor by the pseudo laborers in the "creative class".
The catalysts for a social meltdown are evident and ready for a trigger event. What scares me about BHO is that he seems to be ahead of the curve. He also is apparently about nothing. His opinions shift with the wind - yet his empty message of change goes on. No one has a solid notion - even now - of what the change will be. It will be "better". That's all we are told.
I've said it before - there is little difference between a happy mob and an angry mob. This is demonstrated every day on blogs with the Obama fanatics. Rational reasons for his candidacy, based on his actual history and accomplishments, are never stated. Attacks on others' characters or polices and adulation of Obama supposed character are the Alpha and Omega. We are to take him as presented, or we are wrong.
Given Obama's new power and the coming social disruptions - and attendant anxiety - this is a recipe for catastrophe. But not of the sort seen in Germany. People are consciously or unconsciously picking sides already. Both sides are strong.
Should Obama win, and proceed to become a transformative, progressive President I will admit on this blog that I was dead wrong. Nothing would please me more than a truly -and traditionally - liberal administration. We have not had one since FDR.