Booing Senator Clinton and the Obama Politics of Hate

"To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary...These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate." Che Guevara
Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become...Che Guevara
The pic on the right is of a pro Obama judge James Burge's office, a Lourain County,Ohio. Yes, that's right - he's a judge. The other is of Obama's Houston Office.
Between 1959-1962 Che Guevara ordered 4,000 executions without trial. He often tortured his victims himself. The case of 16 year old Ariel Lima is particularly sad. More info here. Warning: some of the pics are gruesome.
Also, thanks to DamonMi for sending the clip below along. There is a sickness in this country that emanates from Barrack Hussein Obama. In the clip the Democratic Governor of Michigan is booed when she mentions Senator Clinton.
(At least some of the adults in the older Pro-Obama Democratic Establishment must be thinking about now -My God, what have we done? Note: it is time for you to exhibit courage, step forward, and admit your mistake. Look at it this way - you'll be ahead of the curve historically. )
This event, like most Obama spectacles, was a cross between a Menudo concert and a Nuremberg Rally.
Am I stretching by connecting the dots between the Obama phenomenon and murderous personality cults in the recent past? Yes. But not by much. One economic shock and the rally tips from Menudo to Nuremberg rather quickly. BHO's fans base their support almost exclusively on personality. Not facts, not policy, not accomplishment, not merit. This makes them particularly malleable. And Obama is nothing if not ruthless.
and yes, i know since this post is not adoring of the baby Jesus obama i am a racist. blah blah blah.... ya know what i don't friggin care anymore. Obama Pods have made the word racist meaningless. Saying "You're a racist!" is now akin to saying "You drink coffee!"
Labels: booing, Che Guevarra, ego, mental illness, Obama
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