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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Obama's Little Red Book

When will the Obama campaign start handing out Little Red Books?

In the United States, it is difficult to imagine a scenario as scary as the sudden defense of warrantless wiretapping by the Obama Pod Squad. Many of the Obama sheeple have turned on a dime in the past week - because Obama turned on a dime. Now they defend the indefensible because their Dear Leader told them it was - suddenly - okay.

We've always been at war with Eastasia... to allude to Orwell's Big Brother.

This is the point were the Reactionaries and the Radicals close the circle. The difference between the far Right and the foolish Left is this: The far Right rarely has to double back. They enter stating their intention to end civil liberties, usually wearing brown shirts and scowls. The DailyKos Left is another matter. They lavishly pave the road to perdition with high rhetoric, smiles, and good intentions.

Those who supported Bush while he chipped away at civil liberties are less alarming because, frankly, we know what they are up to and about. In fact, they are working from a value system.
They may not be values we agree with - but they are values - beliefs acted upon.

What "values" are the excuse making progressives embodying?


The only thing in play is the protection of the leader of a personality cult. Imagine Olbermann's vicious "Special Comment" about the our rights being trampled by Bush if Obama had kept his promise and voted against the bill.It isn't hard.

If Obama had said the FISA bill is now good, and all men born in odd numbered years should wear kilts on Tuesdays - we would all see an astounding number of men in kilts at the local Whole Foods this week.

Principles do not matter to the Obama campaign or its followers.

To see so many alleged progressives suddenly making excuses for Obama's vote on FISA betrays something sinister: a deep need to erase all conviction - in fact - all thought - and a willingness to attack all those who refuse. This is not the healthy need to participate in a force for good that is bigger than the individual. It is the unhealthy need to annihilate individuality.

The operative phrase is not My Country, Right or Wrong - it is Obama, Right or Wrong. Donna Brazille said if Obama does not get the nomination "there will be blood."

This is a statement that should be taken literally. They mean it. Your blood. Not theirs.

If you think that is hysterical - fine. Go read about Obama's history from some place other than his bestsellers. Go read history period. Then come back to 2008 and look at his campaign tactics.

It can happen here.

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