Leave Larry Alone
Now about Larry Sinclair. I write about this merely because it is tragic and vaguely interesting - and speaks volumes about our current culture. Again - the interesting element is not actually the story, it is the wild, rabid and over the top reaction from the Obama Pod Squad. They are out in force foaming about this guy. Why? The overwhelming evidence is that there is nothing to the story. I do not think the Obama Pod overreaction is a case of "they doth protest too much." I can see Obama shaking hands with the devil in the back of limo - but not sucking a crack pipe and being felatted by another man. Call me crazy...
But the pods reaction -wow - they are just insane people who can't abide one second of dissent - even if the dissenter is a loon.
What is wrong with these people? 12,000 emails to the Press Club from the numbnuts at the Cheetos Blog. WTF? Do we need anymore evidence that the Pods are bored, spoiled brats who need to go work on an Amish Farm for the summer? Or join the damn Peace Corps and do some good.
I have no idea if there is a stitch of truth in what Sinclair said at the press club. How could I? My hunch is he is fabricating. It seems like HE believes it though - which points to a sad pathology. He did give odd, striking details. And frankly, the statement he made is both depressing and hilarious. Go read it. And then do something nice for the gay man in your neighborhood who has been broken by bigotry. I promise you there is one.
More than anything, the best and highest response to Larry Sinclair is compassion. Condescending of me? I hope not. That is not my intent. In America circa 2008 we encourage people to cash in their 15 minutes of fame and then we brutalize them. Somehow I don't find this so bothersome when it happens to those with money or fame. The whole event is packaged for us and monetized for them. Maybe I should work on that. Something about the assault on Sinclair by the Obama pods is just too much. For God sake, he's not even telling good lies. Leave it alone.
That the Obama Pod Squad has even seen fit to unleash their bottomless fury on this minor player in the year's drama is so telling. This, again, is who they are.
Update: Cannonfire has an interesting piece on why some of the story is worth further investigation.
Also- Take at look at Sinclair's web page. Can't hurt. He has a large group supporting him and based on reading some comments not all are nuts. A good point was made there today about the alleged "free press" in this country. Whatever one thinks about Sinclair it is hard to avoid the pro-Obama bias in the media - and this should have us all worried.
But the pods reaction -wow - they are just insane people who can't abide one second of dissent - even if the dissenter is a loon.
What is wrong with these people? 12,000 emails to the Press Club from the numbnuts at the Cheetos Blog. WTF? Do we need anymore evidence that the Pods are bored, spoiled brats who need to go work on an Amish Farm for the summer? Or join the damn Peace Corps and do some good.
I have no idea if there is a stitch of truth in what Sinclair said at the press club. How could I? My hunch is he is fabricating. It seems like HE believes it though - which points to a sad pathology. He did give odd, striking details. And frankly, the statement he made is both depressing and hilarious. Go read it. And then do something nice for the gay man in your neighborhood who has been broken by bigotry. I promise you there is one.
More than anything, the best and highest response to Larry Sinclair is compassion. Condescending of me? I hope not. That is not my intent. In America circa 2008 we encourage people to cash in their 15 minutes of fame and then we brutalize them. Somehow I don't find this so bothersome when it happens to those with money or fame. The whole event is packaged for us and monetized for them. Maybe I should work on that. Something about the assault on Sinclair by the Obama pods is just too much. For God sake, he's not even telling good lies. Leave it alone.
That the Obama Pod Squad has even seen fit to unleash their bottomless fury on this minor player in the year's drama is so telling. This, again, is who they are.
Update: Cannonfire has an interesting piece on why some of the story is worth further investigation.
Also- Take at look at Sinclair's web page. Can't hurt. He has a large group supporting him and based on reading some comments not all are nuts. A good point was made there today about the alleged "free press" in this country. Whatever one thinks about Sinclair it is hard to avoid the pro-Obama bias in the media - and this should have us all worried.
Labels: obama pods, overreaction, sinclair
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