keep at it

When will association with and support for Obama become an embarrassment?
It will eventually.
I heard 2 rumours today about pumas at the receiving end of some vague threats. Who knows what they really were. The Pods are certainly capable of it. I know from the few Pods that come around here that the talking points are clearly uniform and "approved" by someone. They also probe for weakness, test things out, retreat and try again. They are like the veloceraptors trying to get into the kitchen in Jurassic Park.
What is fascinating to me is the possible motivation. I no longer think it is commitment to a candidate, per say. It is not an effort to convince us to support this man - it is an attempt to make us feel the way they feel about him. This is a need I believe they have. It is an ego protection mechanism. There is rarely talk about issues, or healthy or unhealthy arguments. The subtext is always "you just don't understand. I am trying to make you understand."
Kool-Aid has specific properties. Unless everyone drinks it at once the affect is muted over time. Many of us never drank it. The fact is by not drinking the Kool Aid early on - we do understand. All to well.
The Pod world view is black and white: Obama is all good. Those who do not believe this are bad. And like all cults the non believers are suspect and must either be converted or destroyed. This activity is amoral. Whatever works is the correct action to take.
This is not to say that those polling in support of Obama are all kool aid drunk. They clearly are not. But I bet they do not know about the "devotion" of the hard core group. They do not know about the bizarre lengths the Pods have gone to in trying to silence dissent. They do not know that the difference between the Obama campaign and a personality cult is one of degree, not kind. I, for one, encourage the nuttiest to become more present.
There is a psychosis about Obama that is spreading - this much is clear from the public derangement of Olbermann to the kids changing ther middle names to Hussein. Kids, tell your parents. Get tattoos. Make yourself known. Make your lunacy apparent. Let us see it.
The good news is personality cults fail. Always. I can't make a judgement about when and how the Obama cult will fail, or how much damage will be done along the way - I can merely state that it will fail. In the mean time, we all must stay on the offensive. Demand accountability from Obama on everything. Demand accountability from Michelle. Demand an accounting of Obama's accomplishments from Pods. (this is like throwing a light on in a room full of roaches) Don't take platitudes for answers. Don't let them change the subject. If you ask a question about Obama, don't accept an answer about McCain.
Don't let them lie.
Use humor.
Just keep at it.
I say all this not because I want Obama to lose - though, I do, I say it for the same reasons as always, BHO's most fervent supporters are a mob, Obama was created and is funded by a dark cabal we know almost nothing about, and Obama has no business being President of the United States.
Labels: defeat obama
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