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Monday, June 16, 2008

tell me why. please don't lie

Obama Pods- stop asking Hillary liberals and moderates to vote for your man and then not giving us any reasons why we should. We did not initially drink the kool-aid. We want reasons. We are not morons. Engage us with facts and background about Obama's accomplishments. Clinton is out of the race, and I am quite clear about the pros and cons of McCain- since he actually has a record.

No "johnny come lately" crap about "policy" either. You people never gave damn about policy before. Clinton was the one talking policy - Obama was talking change/hope blah blah blah... Obama was never sold to us based on policy. It was pure personality.

Tell us about your man's accomplishments. Talk about HIM. Not her. Not McCain. We get that you love him. Tell us what he's done to earn your love. I'll keep asking until November.

Fair warning: the Obama lies are now vetted - so please stick to what he's actually done to deserve the highest office in the land. His last year in the state senate is a no go, as it is now pretty much proven he attached his name to other people's bills and claimed them as his own.

But he was a state Senator for many years and a community organizer...

(insert snicker here
I can't help smirking every time I type those 2 words in connection to BHO. At church I know at least 10 people who organize food drives, adult literacy tutors, buses so children of prisoners can go see their mothers in jail, mentoring for foster kids, teen groups that serve meals at the homeless shelter every month, etc etc - all are very inspiring and "organized" successfully - and I've never heard one of the organizers say doing these things is a qualification for being President.)

What has BHO accomplished? Please include simple footnotes. This shouldn't be hard. You love him ever so, surely you know what he's done.

There must be something.

I mean it. I want to know. Not made up stuff, not speeches, real accomplishments.

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