We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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    Thursday, December 31, 2009

    Potus guest appearance- finals

    Mid day/year end poll:

    This contest is my favorite....though, I must say that I am sorry Quest for the Goblin Shark did not make the finals. (in fact, I am the only one who voted for it.)...

    Barry O. is addicted to being the center of attention...what show should he appear on next?

    Happy New Year!

    Posting various year end polls for the next few days...Enjoy the last of the holidays!

    Predict the future! Vote for at least 2...

    Wednesday, December 30, 2009

    Obama doesn't get it and Bush caused the crotch bomber

    I've stated a number of times I think bipartisanship is overrated. (This isn't to say that collegiality is overrated...we need a lot more of it right now) Still fiercely held positions bring out the best in the system and force decisions on us. The main political arguments in this country are important.

    But most of the arguing should stop at the waters edge. Not all. Most. Certainly the nonsense being spewed this week from both parties regarding the crotch bomber is asinine and pathetic. Cheney said ""We are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren't, it makes us less safe, a statement that is weird and false. Obama just committed 30,000 more troops to one of the wars he doesn't seem to be pretending we are not in. Since Obama came into office drone attacks on Pakistan have skyrocketed and Obama has signed off on Bush's policy in Iraq. That's an odd batch of pretending we are not at war. An honest criticism from Cheney here would be: "The president does not give the war (s) the priority he ought to. But that's not verbally poisonous enough for Dick.

    Meanwhile the Dems - in post Janet "heck of a job" Napolitano cringe mode - have decided to blame Bush for the crotch bomber. I can't say that Cheney didn't ask for it or that the complaint doesn't have some resonance. However, it's beside the point. The central issue here is the safety of airplanes and the people on them. The system failed in this case. Whereas George W Bush made major mistakes, he did not let that sad, homicidal kid on the plane.

    Both Cheney and certain Democrats are using this moment to distract and score points. Neither side is helping. It is disheartening. But mostly it's pathetic.

    Morning links

    Tuesday, December 29, 2009

    For God Sake: Profile.

    And now to piss a few more people off....

    I have little problem with profiling. There seems to be technology out there that would stop future crotch bombers. It also seems that it will be years before it's in place everywhere. When, and if, it finally is - there will no doubt be ways to evade it. Nothing will stop the smart and determined killer intent on killing. However, we can make it much harder for them to kill.

    In the (very) mean time we ought to profile. It's an immediately available tool. And it's do-able. The plane bombers from 1993 on are pretty consistent demographically. The Detroit incident would not have happened - and nearly succeeded - if the Nigerian kid who paid cash and checked no bags had been pulled aside. The Fort Hood massacre would not have happened had the killer been profiled and had that profile been acted on. It's a damn shame many innocent and good people will be picked out of a line, embarrassed, and inconvenienced. And some will be the brunt of bigotry and discrimination. That is awful. It should offend the sensibilities of all good people. And all good people will have to deal with it and get over it.

    It's hard to stomach seeing our elected officials insisting they are doing everything in their power to stop these events when they are not. For God's sake: Profile.

    The deification of feelings needs to end. It is poison. Potential hurt feelings are not more important than the possible murder of scores of innocents. Our national history of discrimination does not take precedence here either. We are not obligated to treat everyone exactly the same at airline ticket counters.

    Though I must add that even profiling of certain demographics will fail. Lily white jihadists pop up and will continue to. I'd even say that working class white men with mass murder on their mind will see a growth spurt in the coming years....if not months... Frankly, white American dudes in pick up trucks outside Federal buildings ought to be profiled as well.

    Is it unfortunate that it's come to this? Yes, it surely is. Yet, it has. Get over it.

    morning links 'n such.

    Today's section of the mural titled, "Oh my, How did I miss that Obama's a full of shit fraud?" is painted by one of 2008's most voracious Barack ass lickers and the former President of the B.D.O.P.P. - Brain Dead Obama Pod People - David Sirota.

    Saw this at Deadenders. It sez it all in 40 seconds.

    Goldman Sachs =
    deadly bacteria

    TSA = Terrifyingly Stupid Administration.

    Gay of the Day: New U.S. Marshal Sharon Lubinski.


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    Monday, December 28, 2009

    Morning Links at night!

    Sunday, December 27, 2009

    Short and not at all sweet: Stop the Cornhusker kickback, YES WE CAN!

    No special treatment for Nebraska. Citizens in the other 49 states must stand up and reject Nelson's bribe. It is immoral, unjust, unethical, unfair, untenable and unconstitutional. We will be footing the bill for Nelson's backroom deal and Harry Reid's criminal malfeasance.

    NO. This corruption must not stand.

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    Saturday, December 26, 2009


    Tonight I'll cross into the danger zone and make a few predictions for 2010. Note that I'm working only with hunches based on observation. My psychic abilities rank just below my basketball abilities.

    So here we go:

    1. Obama will recover a bit in the polls in the first few months of 2010 putting him above 50%. This will occur because:

    2. He and the Democrats will pass some sort of health care "reform" and with whiplash inducing abruptness move toward talk of jobs and the deficit. It will be jobs and the deficit 24/7 in the new year. Though the health care bill is enormous and game changing, next to no one will see any changes in 2010. The law is set up as a negative inducement for the next 2 elections....They want to reverse the amazing Obama's historic progress and take away your health care. That is its primary political value in the near term. After January, talk of the health care will be shoved aside until October.

    Also please note then whenever an abrupt change in meme is being planned Obama heads to Hawaii....where he is now with his family. Rahm also tends to be "out of the country" just prior to a shift in WH talking points. There is nothing special about this - it just seems to work that way.

    3. The Obama bump in the polls will peter out by April, jobs being easier to talk about then to create. The mass psychological stance toward Obama has changed from hope to tolerance in 2009. He must now put up or shut up. This will be difficult for him to say the least.

    4. The economy will bump along in an alleged recovery at least into the first quarter of calendar 2010. Possibly the first two. Something will give in the markets by summer...or before. The market will fall below 10,000 in 2010.

    5. The probability of an act of domestic terrorism is high in 2010. By this I mean a criminal act perpetrated by an American on Americans. Hope I'm wrong.

    6. The GOP will make huge gains in congress. The house could very well become GOP. I believe the Senate will remain Dem. However, a new majority leader will be elected as Reid will lose his seat.

    7. Oil will pass the 100 dollar a barrel mark again by summer.

    8. Iran...oh Iran....I thought this crisis would have come to a head by now. It will in 2010. Obama's ego driven need to "engage" has removed his natural fall back position - splitting the difference. The gray area has evaporated. W and crew desired confrontation - but now it's the Iranian regime that will want a confrontation. The mullahs have outflanked Obama all year. Still, the domestic clock is ticking and they know it. Nothing ensures their continued power in Iran like a confrontation with the West.

    9. Cap and trade is dead and will remain dead in 2010.

    10. "Chicago style" thuggery within the administration will become more apparent as the year progresses. The GOP - smelling blood - isn't likely to go along with much that Obama proposes. Both Rahm and Obama have little experience not getting their way. Their tactics will will get harsher.

    Friday, December 25, 2009

    Yes, Mr. Reid, but is it constitutional?

    It's good to see the HC mandate getting some traction in the blogosphere. It's bothered me for a while - mostly from a political standpoint - but also because the constitutional questions are so apparent. It seemed to me that the mandate needed some selling to go over. Instead it was ignored in the media and the public debates - which have focused on "government takeover" and expense. Yet, the imposition of a law to force the purchase of a product from a private entity is clearly the most radical element of the bills. It has never been done before on the Federal level. Even a public option or expansion of medicare pales in comparison. Both would have extended or expanded a structure already in place: A tax is imposed and a service is rendered.

    The idea of a federal mandate is not settled law. Medicare-for-all invites the normal American arguments about the size of government. The mandate is something else entirely. The nonsensical car insurance analogies have been discredited. (The Feds don't demand one drive. The states merely say if you do you must be insured.) The mandate itself is weak - that does not matter though . The problem is the precedent. If Congress can force one to purchase health insurance - what else can it force one to buy? Stocks to support the private militias? Defense also provides a group benefit. What stops the congress from demanding that I spend less on Coke and more on bottled water - since it's better for me? Or more broccoli and fewer donuts? If we all ate more vegetables the country would probably be better off. Type 2 diabetes rates would plummet. That's bound to save some money.

    Those who are pro mandate point to the commerce clause:

    Article I, Section 8, Clause 3:
    [The Congress shall have power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes;

    I don't see how this covers the individual mandate. You and I are not states, countries or tribes. Both the Senate and House HC bills regulate an individual's use of a portion their money. YOU MUST BUY THIS. Again, if a tax was imposed to provide a service - paving the roads, a standing army, a public option - one could rightfully call it representative taxation. Our representatives are free to impose taxes then stand for reelection defending them. Congress cannot force us to buy private insurance any more that it can force us to buy cantaloupes. Or, if they can, I'd like to know on what constitutional basis.

    A large number of conservative groups - and a few liberal groups - will contest the mandate in court. (I would not be surprised to see the ACLU bring a case on behalf of a mandate dissenter who refuses to either buy insurance or pay the fine.)

    The mandate will become the lightening rod of the health care debate going forward. It's one of the few places where the over use of the word "liberty" is not disingenuous. Real Constitutional questions are raised. Even if courts initially side with the mandate, the politics on the ground will be ugly. If the GOP has any sense left it will hammer at the mandate. In GOP and "blue dog" districts it is red meat. Conversely, the best political argument for the Democrats is Social Security - though that is a weak. Whereas workers are forced to pay upfront - the money is not going to a privately held corporation.

    The arguments over the mandate will be loaded and rich. I'm looking forward to the battle.

    "That kid of Loudon Wainwright's, you know the gay one, sure is a dandy song writer...."

    Merry Christmas...Again! See you all Saturday....

    People love the working man
    Who does the best that he can
    But don't forget all the horses and toys
    Never could fix the poor little rich boys
    People say they love the maid
    Who sweats and toils just like a slave
    But don't forget all the diamonds and pearls
    Never could fix the poor little rich girls

    You can measure it in blood
    You can measure it in mud
    Let us say for these twelve days
    Put the measuring away

    Cause it's Christmas
    And the spotlight's shining on Christmas
    And the spotlight's shining on us

    People love and people hate
    People go and people wait
    But, don't forget Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
    Once were a family poor but rich in hope, yeah
    Don't forget Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
    Running from the law, King Herod had imposeth
    And they were each one quite odd
    And mensch, a virgin, and a God
    But don't forget that what kept them aflow
    Floating through the desert doesnt take a boat no
    Don't forget that what kept them above
    Is unconditional love

    And, you can measure it in blood
    You can measure it in mud
    Let us say for these twelve days
    Put the measuring away

    Cause it's Christmas
    And the spotlight's shining on Christmas
    And the spotlight's shining on us
    And the spotlight's shining on Christmas
    And the spotlight's shining on

    People love the working man
    Who does the best that he can
    But, don't forget all the horses and toys
    Never could fix the poor little rich boys

    Thursday, December 24, 2009

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all!

    Morning links

    Wednesday, December 23, 2009

    John Smart is so gay- An awkward Christmas post about religion, being gay, marriage and me.

    A conversation erupted about my sexuality in comments below. This came out of a comment about gay marriage and is weirdly flattering....so sure I'll bite....here are my thoughts on subjects I find only moderately compelling: My religion and my sexuality. Which are somehow (no sure how) connected in my head tonight.

    So I don't write much about my sexuality or my religion. (When I've touched on religion I've usually regretted it. ) My religion influences vast swatches of my thinking. Not all, but a hell of a lot. Since I'm often angry as hell, this blog is often angry as hell - so feel free to do what ever you want with the statement that religion influences me. I might muster a defense. But probably won't.

    Here's another truth: My religion doesn't matter here. I do not have an evangelical bone in my body...a few tendons here and there sure...but I don't give a damn what most people believe in the "god" department - or if they believe anything at all. Sometimes atheists piss me off - but certain Christians anger me much more often. Further, I don't think "God" has an agenda except possibly "watch closely and try harder". If God has an agenda and god is God then the current state of affairs really speaks poorly of God. In my version God is radically impersonal and unconditionally loving. Look close enough and one concludes that God could not be the latter without being the former.

    Here's a tidbit I've found true for me: My conversion was of a type that rendered evangelising moot. In general I find it dangerous and beside the point. Even if I did believe in the version of religion that gets the most play in the U.S. (I don't) it's doubtful I'd trust anyone who led with it. Leading with one's humanity is hard enough. Leading with some version of "god" is usually a way to avoid one's humanity.

    So, lets get this out of the way. Straight up: I believe in the major "plot points" of the Jesus religion - except the virgin birth. I believe with all the Anglo-Catholicism I can muster in the Beatitudes...and I don't have a handle on them. I believe the beatitudes and the prodigal son story are the core of Christianity and I sense most Christians can't abide either. (How could the wayward punk possibly be given a party!!??) I believe the word "saved" is the most misused, misunderstood word in the religious lexicon. Everyone is saved already. That's the point. The lesson of the Christ story from beginning to end is this: You are already saved....here's a charismatic Jew who will prove it...allow wisdom to re-emerge (The Christmas Story) and do not fear death (The Easter Story) and along the way things that seem like miracles will occur (the second act/ministry portion of our narrative). Whatever "original sin" may have existed is now and forever nullified. For me follow me means follow my lead. No more. No less. Allow wisdom, don't fear death...see what happens.

    That's it. My evangelical tendon hath been given its 15 minutes. Onward to the gay stuff:

    As for me being gay - I'm pretty gay all in all. I don't like the label personally. I use it for clarity and ease...and I've fallen in romantic love with women in my life though generally I'm clearly more oriented toward my own gender.

    The sub culture usually attached to gay men doesn't appeal to me. I try - and often fail - to avoid judging it. It evolved into its current state out of self preservation. Most places it is a safe ghetto for young gay men. Most straight people do not understand how truncated gay people's development is in this culture. This is because most straight people don't understand their own development. The blossoming of sexuality happens in youth for most people. Gays are not allowed this. They must go off and find their way later. For men at least gay ghettos are the first place this can happen.

    Like old Jewish ghettos, I hope gay ghettos fade away. Jewishness is now almost fully integrated into our national life and Jewish contributions have not faded. "Gay of the day" is my little effort to inform people that gay people's contributions are important and valuable. And everywhere. One example: without the Jews and the gays we'd be at a huge humor deficit, not to mention a huge intellectual deficit....or another: a same sex oriented man - Alexander - pretty much created the world we live in. The way we speak English and think about the human mind is hugely influenced by an almost certainly bisexual Shakespeare. Patriarchy being what it is, the contributions of lesbians are less apparent to me. However, the arts, literature, politics...everything owes a debt to gay women.

    The problem many straights have with gay marriage is the word marriage. This is seen by many heterosexuals as their special right. Those who say "gays are equal in all areas except this one special area" are more pernicious than out and out gay bashers. They are in the "I have black friends! I swear!" group. Or the uglier "Colored folk are fine but I don't want them in my neighborhood." category. "You can have all the rights of everyone else except one" makes second class status brutally obvious and is an attempt to normalize degradation.

    As for Jesus - well, the new testament Jesus I read would not only support gay marriage he'd put on the Rabbi clothes and perform marriages. Paul had issues. He had a quick conversion - not a slow evolution - which as we know - often leads to stridency. His letters are beautiful and important. I choose to look past his blind spot.

    There it is. My sex and my religion. Pah Rum Pum Pum Pum.

    My Christmas/Solstice/December hope for everyone: May everyone let wisdom in. Give it room to emerge. Yes, let "light" in...but remember that light means wisdom. If you are a worshiper, I hope you put on your Wise man Sunday best and pay homage to your better angels. At home or church or Walmart or alone in your room..actually, preferably alone in your room...If you're not religious I hope you ignore the rest of us - and I hope you take inventory of your knowledge and allow the wisdom in it to become apparent.

    Finally, I have no idea how to write a post like this with all the important element humility. If it reads as arrogant please forgive my trespasses...or don't and let me have it.

    Wednesday night thoughts.

    Slaughter the bill. Rep. Louise Slaughter said today: Supporters of the weak Senate bill say 'just pass it-any bill is better than no bill,' I strongly disagree... a moment of sanity in D.C. this Christmas week. It now looks as if the final bill will not be ready before the State of the Union...though I question this floated meme. We shall see. Obama is so driven by the need to be seen as a saviour I wonder if the poll numbers on the health care bill are finally spooking him. It may be politically advantageous to pass it after his next big speech - then move abruptly to jobs creation talk. POTUS can use the speech to emphasize jobs...the health care debacle concludes disconnected from an Obama speech. Imagine BHO triumphantly entering the House the day after the most partisan, least popular bill in 100 years has passed. Well over half the nation would fine the imagery revolting.

    Move on malfeasance. Tamerlane forwarded an email from Move On arguing against the Senate HC bill. I'm so disturbed by the bill I find any opposition gratifying. Move On's 5 reasons:
    #1 Deny Americans the choice of a public option. In contrast, the House bill contains a national public option, the key to real competition, greater choice, and lower costs.#2 Leave insurance unaffordable for some lower income and working people. Both bills require virtually all Americans to buy insurance. But even with the subsidies provided, some families could have to pay up to 20% of their income on health care expenses.#3 Impose dangerous restrictions on women's reproductive health care. Unfortunately, both bills do this and the House provision is worse. Both versions would be a dangerous step and neither should be in the final bill.#4 Tax American workers' health coverage to pay for reform. The Senate would pay for part of reform by taxing the hard-won benefits packages of some working Americans. The House, on the other hand, pays for reform with a small surcharge on only the wealthiest Americans-a far better approach.#5-Allow insurance companies to remain exempt from anti-trust laws.

    I mostly agree on these points. However, Move On deserves what it is going to get soon enough- pitched into the rubbish bin of irrelevancy. Their despicable ass kissing of Obama in 2008 is not forgotten or forgiven.

    Finally: A horror story. A number of thinkers have wondered aloud when Mexico will become a failed state. One must now ask - has it already collapsed in all but name? Mexico drug raid hero's family slaughtered

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    morning links...a day without morning links is like a day without moonshine.

    MJ: Obama's Wall Streeters.
    As Predicted: HC Bill faces legal challenges. The mandate has a huge constitutional problem. If it isn't unconstitutional - it ought to be. H/T AnonoMouse
    Sorry, have throw the F bomb:Obama's a fucking liar..."I didn't campaign on the public option,"
    Gay of the The Day: American photographer Alice Austen
    Olbermann Style Fisty Cuffs: Darwin V Creationists.
    Poll- Most Admirable - round two

    Christmas Tree at The Grove

    Tuesday, December 22, 2009

    Thanks Obama!

    Open call for writers. (John is tired.) Almost any topic. Send to john@liberalrapture.com

    No Post tonight. Enjoy this place holder:

    H/T Jay...

    Late Links!!!!!

    Why he's failing: We have seen the same pattern of pretty speeches followed by empty exhortations on issue after issue. (H/T James)

    Negative 21: Chicago Slim's approval today.

    Fisty Cuffs: Four Adulterers go into a room....

    Gay of the day: Alexander. Cuz I started re-reading a bio of him last night...

    Poll: Buffoon of the year: round two. Top two move to the finals.

    Scandals of 09:

    Monday, December 21, 2009

    On ignoring the people.

    Having watched politics for so long, I have to admit, I've never seen anything like what the Democrats are doing with health care. To use the most overused word of 2009 - it strikes me as unprecedented. With every controversial issue in my lifetime the views of the population were taken into account. Enough of us were massaged, convinced, or convincingly lied to before leaders made a move. Even when the goal was duplicitous, politicians labored under the conceit that citizens mattered. With health care - convincing the country has been abandoned. It does not matter.

    If something like the Senate version finally becomes law it will be a tragic, watershed moment. Government by the people - even the idea of it - will be lethally damaged. This is so obviously and openly a gift to a small elite of voracious companies one can only conclude that the operating assumption with Obama and the Democratic leadership is fuck the people. It's not sneaky earmarks, it's not quietly inserted political payoffs - it's blatant commandeering of the process to benefit the few. There isn't even a pretense that the governed matter.

    Why? Of course, money is a main factor. This is obvious as Louisiana and Nebraska get pay days. Health care insurance companies get a forced revenue stream. Still we should not take the power of money as the ultimate lesson here. The Rubicon being crossed is more essential. Two branches of our government have decided that even pretending we matter is irrelevant. We're past Bush and Rove massaging us with hysterical lies. The oligarchy is now openly and shamelessly dictating. And why shouldn't they? Since 2000 they've gotten whatever they demanded. War, wiretaps, TARP to name some biggies....there does come a point when the pretense of democracy is tiresome. Corralling an entire population for a single group of corporations is hard work. Who has time to take the people into account? Effort is better spent bribing senators.

    We have moved into uncharted waters. I don't know how people will react when the full scope of this new law becomes commonly known. That those who created the law don't give a damn what we think is obvious already.

    Finally, there is one other reason this pile of horseshit is being shoved down our throats...one man's fragile ego. He's got a big speech to make next month after all - that's more important than us.

    morning links, etc

    Send some love to No Sheeples Here. They featured this blog "in the spotlight" a few weeks back and I appreciate it. It's a Conservative blog...and I - wearing my faded blue - check it out regularly.

    Because I love it....

    Honorary Gay of the Day: The Rev. Mark Tidd...leader of a conservative evangelical church that openly invites and embraces gays.

    Real Gay of the Day: Lily Tomlin...let's face it Lily could be the gay of all days. Check out her video on California health care here.

    I hope the GOP kicks his ass in.

    Olbermann rules Fisty Cuff: Pagans V Christians? Who wins?

    Today's poll....vote early vote often...

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    Sunday, December 20, 2009

    Lambs to the slaughter.

    The Sham Wow President.

    Don't usually post on Sunday...but.. While discussing with a friend how much easier it is now, in our Los Angeles liberal circles, to state dislike for Obama openly - He referred to Obama as the "Sham Wow" President....He's not just a sham he's SHAM WOW

    I am nearly certain nothing will make me happier today than hearing a true blue liberal calling Obama the Sham Wow President.

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    Saturday, December 19, 2009

    The Nebraska Compromise. (bend over, you're about to be f***ed)

    Wanna know why the Senate of the United States may be the most corrupt institution on earth? Nebraska does not have to pay for Medicaid...while the rest of us chumps in the other 49 states do.

    All of us should be raising holy hell about Nebraska's payoff. The system is broken. If this bill finally passes the system will be beyond repair.

    Friday, December 18, 2009

    Saturday Thoughts.

    I'm sorry - what happened in Copenhagen exactly? The narrative lost me. The nations of the world get together to negotiate an agreement. They fail miserably. So 5 nations negotiate an "agreement" which amounts to a list of hopes and good intentions except this alleged agreement is non-binding so it's not really an agreement at all.

    Huh...okay...so how is this progress?

    The good news is that our POTUS got to make another speech (Are these speeches like blood to a vampire? Without one scheduled regularly does Barry wither away?). He also got pics snapped for the MSNBC/White House web site (same thing) with various "concerned" and "on the job" poses. The POTUS then high tailed it out of Europe because of bad weather...an obvious, yet still sublime, final plot point.

    Speaking of odd narratives...I saw Nine last night. It's an aching mess of a movie that I found absolutely compelling. Not because of the skilled performers (they abound) or the musical numbers (some are good, some are not.) or because it honors or recreates the vitality of Fellini. It does not. Fellini's 8 1/2 is about being blocked artistically. This version of Nine, which is based on 8 1/2, is about exhaustion. Every character is worn out; the mother, the wife, the confidante, the mistress, the leading lady, the "blocked" director - who isn't blocked at all, he's just bloody tired. Everyone is. The main character's genius has long since lapsed into narcissism - and even the narcissism has lost its aplomb -which gave this movie about an Italian movie director from the 1960s a timely American quality. This seems to be where much of the country is right now: Exhausted by decades of narcissism.

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    Nat Hentoff

    Tonight: Please read the interview of Nat Hentoff here. As bombastic as I can be about Obama I rarely state my deepest suspicions. I still won't. However, I will say I take very little issue with Hentoff's critique of him.

    Friday morning grab bag...

    Thursday, December 17, 2009

    The errand boy runs aground on a reef of tea.

    Way back in the olden times (say March or April) this blog suggested that the "tea party" protests hit a core American nerve and should not be dismissed. The use of "tea" to protest taxes was a giveaway that at least the theatrics would have deeper appeal than most were willing to admit publicly. After all, a tax protest is the reason the country emerged in the first place. Tax protests land somewhere after Apple Pie and before Mom in our mythology.

    Astroturfing is an overrated phenomenon. Big money and big interests can prime the pump - they cannot force a sea change in attitudes for long unless masses of people really do feel a certain way or are ready to buy in.

    The phrase "Tea Party Movement" now out polls both the GOP and the Democrats. On the one hand this means little. Many have turned sour on Obama and the Democrats this year, yet the GOP has no single, clear leader. One might replace the phrase "tea party" with "committee to rescue cats" and it would poll well against the two exhausted behemoths in D.C.

    On the other hand, we should assume that most people have a general sense that 'tea party' equates to "tax revolt" or "stop the out of control spending". They know exactly what "tea party" means and are supportive. The shift in attitude on this point is stunning. Not even a year ago a majority supported both the stimulus and health care reform. This has reversed. Last December we were in the midst of a moment of renewed "hope". There was a sense that a new era of good feeling was dawning. No more. Government is seen as the problem again. Could the attitude be reversed again? Maybe. I do not see Obama leading the way however. He has many political skills. Resilience after taking a hit is not one of them. Note that when Hillary refused to quit - he limped to the nomination with the entire media and the DNC establishment pushing him to the finish line.

    What does this mean politically? A shift to the Right in D.C. - though not necessarily in the nation which isn't shifting so much as at is reasserting a position it's been in all along...slightly right of center. Obama won the middle because he implied he was a man of the middle. (He's not) The middle bought it. He also won the Left because he implied he was a man of the Left. (He's not.) The Left bought it.

    What is Obama then? An errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill. A bill none of us feel it's fair to pay, a bill that is exorbitant extortion, a bill that does not reflect services rendered. It is an invoice from the moneyed elites demanding even more money from the middle class. Obama's job is to extort the cash while pretending he's not. Mrs. Clinton didn't have the gall or duplicitous nature to succeed at this task. The elites knew it. Therefore she was buried in the 2008 primaries.

    I won't predict the next election's outcome. The GOP should do well but that's hardly a prediction. It's a weather report. The "tea party" surge could overrun the GOP as well as the Democrats if the jobs picture does not brighten drastically and the inner elites of the GOP remain ossified. Also, don't think once health care is put to bed as a daily story that the Democrats won't high tail it back to the land of job creation and deficit control. They will. For 10 months. The huge raise in the debt ceiling now is to avoid doing it at election time. Politics 101.

    I WILL predict another 'black swan' event as the deciding factor in the mid terms. (The choices are GOP gains or GOP tidal wave.) In August of 08 I predicted an 'unforeseen' event dictating the outcome...the crash happened right on cue. The same financial elites who mowed down opposition to Obama are now demanding deficit control. Funny, that hardly mattered to them when the banks were at the teet. Do not be surprised if the 'black swan' is financial.

    Astroturfing the beginning of the tea party movement was never the story. With Obama's agenda the movement was going to happen regardless. Post populist outburst astroturfing is the story now. Who will seize the moment and the movement? The story of power in this country is one of harnessing the emotions of the masses to be used for the benefit of the few. Many will claim the mantle of tea party populism while taking boatloads of cash from not so special interests. The GOP ought to benefit. But if Republicans morph the anger into support for the same corporate cabal that is traditionally in their camp it will successfully castrate the tea party movement. Replacing Blue Cross and ACORN with Haliburton and Exxon-Mobile does not a revolution make.

    Watch. Closely.

    Agree or not, the tea party movement should be taken very seriously. Unlike Obama's election, it may actually be a watershed moment.

    Wednesday, December 16, 2009

    Morning links etc.

    Life in Libertopia

    by 'tamerlane'

    It's fashionable of late to flirt with Libertarianism. As everyone seems to have their own definition of "libertarian," I thought it best to go straight to the horse's mouth. The national Libertarian Party ("LP") declares:

    "Libertarians strongly oppose any government interfering in their personal, family and business decisions."

    The 250,000 odd members of the LP are convinced most Americans will realize they are libertarians, too, once they know the LP platform. So let's take a look at what sort of life, based on official LP positions, awaits us in "Libertopia."

    Personal Freedom / Personal Responsibility

    "Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make."

    The cornerstone of life in Libertopia is absolute personal freedom, and the LP often gets praise for supporting gay equality and women's choice. The LP also extends "personal freedom" to things like: no formal IDs or drivers' licenses, no obscenity laws, no eminent domain, and the legalization of all "recreational" drugs, including heroin, cocaine, and meth.

    The obverse of the coin is "personal responsibility," meaning no one should ever be assisted in any way by government-no unemployment benefits, no medicare, no food stamps, no children's protective services-it's sink or swim. An exception will be made for the neediest among us-big businesses, who'll get assistance via the opening of markets and the removal of all regulations.

    Crime & Public Safety

    In Libertopia, you're free to do whatever you want, but you're also personally responsible for preventing others from doing whatever they want to you. For "a society can only be safe from crime when its citizens are armed." Which explains the rampant crime rates in Denmark and England, and the orderly safety of places like Houston and Oakland.

    To facilitate converting your home into an impregnable fortress, there'll be no "restriction, regulation or licensing of the manufacture or private ownership of weapons." With a claymore on the porch, and a flamethrower on your night stand, you can sleep soundly.

    But, if you do perchance fall victim to a crime, don't worry: your attacker will be personally responsible for reimbursing you for damages. If your own private criminal happens to be broke, you can always sell one of his kidneys on eBay.

    Crime will in any case be virtually non-existent in Libertopia, since all drugs will be legal and cheap. People who chose to be addicts will be able to support their lifestyle choice with their wages from Kinkos, and won't need to rip off your stereo. Police can divert resources from drugs to catching the robbers that somehow evaded the IEDs buried in your lawn.

    Role of Government

    In Libertopia, the role of the government will be limited to: 1) protecting individual & property rights; 2) defending against foreign invasion. Those antiquated responsibilities of regulating commerce, providing postal service, 'promoting the general welfare', etc., will be outsourced, since "every service supplied by the government can be provided better and cheaper by private business." The government will be permitted a limited role in the economy to provide laissez faire encouragement of tree trade.


    As "education, like any service, is best provided by the free market," there'll be no public schools in Libertopia.

    Health Care

    It goes without saying that government will stay out of healthcare, since "federal programs are the cause of skyrocketing healthcare costs. A free market without regulation will ensure the highest quality healthcare." To help reduce your medical bills, there'll be no pesky oversight of doctors or hospitals. Insurers will be free to decline coverage to the disabled, or for any diseases or conditions. And by abolishing the FDA, big pharmas won't have the tedious burden of proving their drugs are safe & effective, and they'll pass the savings on to you.

    Social Security

    Everyone will be permitted to opt out of Social Security and open private retirement accounts. To cover the benefits of people still in the program, the government can simply sell off its assets. Like Yellowstone, or NASA.

    Poverty & Welfare

    The way to end poverty is to emphasize personal responsibility. The free market "allocates resources in the most efficient manner;" programs that "redistribute wealth" are simply not "proper." Public assistance in any case only promotes poverty, as does public education. But if you chose to help out ne'er-do-wells privately, your charitable contribution will receive a 100% tax credit.

    Budget and Taxes

    Since the government will have so little to do in Libertopia, the federal income tax can be repealed. By law, the government will be forced to balance its budget annually, always by cutting programs and never by raising taxes.

    Business & Labor

    Your personal prosperity and well-being will be secured by liberating business from the shackles of government interference. In Libertopia there'll be:

    -No zoning laws;

    -No regulations of any kind on industries;

    -No restrictions on monopolies;

    -No regulation of claims made in advertising;

    -No mandatory retirement age;

    -No workplace safety regulations

    -No minimum wage.

    Banks and financial institutions will not be supervised. With no FDIC around to

    babysit you, you'll be personally responsible for making sure the bank that has your life savings doesn't go belly-up.

    Barter will be encouraged in Libertopia-a good idea, as there won't be a national currency.


    The booming economy of Libertopia will require more immigrant workers, "who take jobs Americans don't want." Borders will therefore be completely open-just walk right in; no need to show us your non-existent passport.


    Since "government is the primary cause of pollution," the environment will flourish in Libertopia. As "it is in their own self-interest for private businesses to protect the environment", private ownership of ecosystems and even of species will be the best way to preserve them. Naturally, all national parks and wildlife sanctuaries will be auctioned off.

    Foreign Policy & Defense

    The Libertopian military will be limited to resisting direct invasions. All oversees military bases will be closed, and "entangling alliances", like NATO, cut. In event of an attack, it's hoped that citizens will volunteer to fight, but of course there'll never be conscription. All government documents will be unclassified, so everyone can keep abreast of our military plans.

    There'll be no foreign aid, but our government will support struggling foreign nations by sponsoring private investment by US corporations. All tariffs and trade regulations will be eliminated, allowing you and me to compete toe-to-toe with foreign workers.

    A Long Legacy of Success

    'Life in Libertopia sure sounds idyllic,' you're probably saying, 'but could it really work? Isn't it just a fantasy?' Not at all! At the heart of Libertarianism is the concept of anarchy-all government is bad. History is replete with examples of successful anarchist societies. Mankind's progress is a legacy of gradual movement from big, centralized governments to small, local, or even non-existent ones. In fact, the greatest achievements of civilization-the arts, medicine, science, cultivation, aqueducts, roads, cities, sanitation-have all come under the benevolent wing of anarchy. In a Libertopia, anything is possible!

    (c) 2009 by 'tamerlane.' All rights reserved.


    Morning Poll

    Tuesday, December 15, 2009

    Kill the Bill

    Update: Dean is right: KILL THE BILL.

    For the first time in recent memory I agree with Markos Moulitsas, master of all things Cheeto. This is his "tweet" from last night: Insurance companies win. Time to kill this monstrosity coming out of the Senate.

    As far as I can tell "monstrosity" is exactly the right word. What the bill boils down to now is a mandate forcing people to buy a service whether they want it or not, ( A proposition I'm still convinced will wreck the entire bill once litigation commences.) a huge transfer of tax payer money (all borrowed in our name from the Chinese) to health insurance companies, and some stricter regulations that are past due and could easily have been passed in this Congress this year - with a 2 page bill.

    Yet the bill won't die. Democrats, throwing self preservation to the wind, will pass this beast - and they will call it reform. They and Obama will claim "victory", with the main talking point being something about "trying to get this passed for 60 years...". Though, one has to wonder if FDR and Truman aren't spinning about now.

    The excuses for all the bills flaws are on deck:

    "We can fix this bill later",

    "Social Security wasn't perfect when it passed either"
    and so on and so forth.

    These bromides have little relationship to reality. Congress will certainly move Right in 2010 - and there will be no "fixing" of the bill in the next 11 months. Increasingly desperate Blue Dogs won't have it. After the midterm the Democrats will be severely weakened.

    Further, the "Social Security and Medicare needed work after passage too" excuse misses one essential fact: It's not the 1930s or the 1960s. The nation was in debt then too - but we were still a good bet for lenders. Fiscally, the United States is a shadow of what it was even 15 years ago. Going forward the health care bill is not "fixable" for one simple reason: The country doesn't have the resources to fix much of anything. The congress seated in 2014 is not going to be ponying up cash to make health care work - it's going to be trying to keep the heat on in the capital building...and, one presumes, throwing what bones it can to the Chinese.

    Like all things in the Obama era, this bill is about short term theatrics. (See Obama parachuting into Copenhagen on the last day of the conference for another example.) Reid is perfectly content to go over the falls for Obama. He's probably already ceded his own re-election and figures what the hell... As for the rest: they are either in safe seats, not running, or too drunk on being "historical" to see their political doom in the rear view mirror.

    I shall mark this day in my calendar: I'm with Cheeto Man today.

    Kill the Bill.

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    Morning Links - yum!

    Norse Discovery!!! Norwegians discover that Obama is an arrogant brat. (H/T Fionnchu)
    Gay of the Day: John Perez - Speaker elect of the California Assembly.
    Goldman Glocks: Bankers seeking gun permits ahead of bonus season
    Wrasslin: Today's match up - Cooper Versus Taibbi
    Poll: Since becoming POTUS, Obama has appeared numerous times on a variety of TV shows- everything from Leno to 60 Minutes to ads for George Lopez...since he's hit many of the major shows....

    Snapshot: Christmas Tree at the Music Center in downtown L.A. Yes, I admit, I was there to see Mary Poppins....Don't judge me!...I will say that it's a weird, surprisingly unpleasant show...but she flies over the audience, and at one point the Dick Van Dyke character tap dances on the ceiling...So who cares about skilled theater when empty spectacle and false nostalgia is so much fun!?!

    Monday, December 14, 2009

    Duck Speak

    By Acey. Originally posted at Come on Pilgrims.

    "It was not the man's brain that was speaking; it was his larynx. The stuff that was coming out of him consisted of words, but it was not speech in the true sense: it was a noise uttered in unconsciousness, like the quacking of a duck."--
    George Orwell 1984

    President Bush was not the most eloquent of speakers. To those of us who love a gaffe he provided a collection of hilarious and awkward quotes that rival Steve Carrell's portrayal of Michael Scott on "The Office."
    I'm certain that Jesus is Michael's favorite political philosopher too.

    If there's a classic Bushism this is it... classic.For all his obvious struggles, I only occasionally doubted that President Bush had a stable, consistent and rational world view. Though I disagree with his perspective on most issues, there was what seemed to be a solid foundation for reasonable discussion and debate with the former President. Too gracious... maybe, but with the guy out of the White House I'm feeling charitable.

    More than charity, perhaps it's nostalgia. Nostalgia for a GOP that I could wrap my head around. With the GOP in shambles after a disastrous Presidency and the loss of both houses of Congress--a new breed of Conservative has emerged from the toxic mess that is the Republican party. The breed is not the Neo-Cons informed and led by intelligent, but Faustian characters like Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld... rather it's a vitriolic movement led by a "Guy who cares enough to ask" and a Governor who so loved her people that she gave-up her one and only term, that she shall not perish at the hands of ethics probes and may make fat bank on a book tour. 1984. There is no more apt discussion of language and its misuse and abuse at the hands Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin than Orwell's, granted this is an anachronism, but that actually gives me comfort. It comforts me to know that clowns have performed the same sideshow for generations, and we're still here.

    The central point Orwell makes in 1984, in regards to language, is that fools like Beck and Palin string together words, sentences and on occasion paragraphs that have no true meaning. They're but the unconscious syllabic chirps of their orthodoxy. They carry no meaning, express no truth--rather they are a comforting clamor for the indoctrinated. They speak in "Duck Speak."

    The Duck Speak of Beck and Palin paints a world of conspiracy, bizarre correlations, and ire directed at a nebulous "They." The hatred of the "They" provides that emotional catharsis their disenfranchised and frightened followers crave. What exactly this New GOP is afraid of is difficult to pin down--at its core they seem to fear modernity itself. With modernity comes a more open and honest reality of the human experience in all its complexities. Beck, Palin and those like them want is a fictional past, a sort of throw back Disney Reality where the world fits neatly into Good/Bad, Black/White, Male/Female, Straight/Straighter (there was no Gay in this throwback world they envision) and whatever other absurd oversimplified dichotomy you can muster.

    Their "Duck Speak" reflects this... they quack and quack occasionally throwing out keywords and phrases that the indoctrinated have been taught to respond to with venom, disgust and fear.

    This Beck clip is a brilliant one--he uses keywords "Communism" and "Fascism" (scary/angry words for his aging Fox demographic) oftentimes using them almost interchangeably. If you can follow his argument you're more clever than I am...try to make it to his discussion of the chariot, it's particularly good.

    The Duck Speak translation of this... and really you've got to listen to Beck solely in Duck Speak it loses so much in translation is, "Quack quack quack Communist. Quack, quack quack quuuuaack? Quack, NBC. Quack, Fascist. Quack quack I'm losing my mind."

    Beck shows his audience how they should feel at each stage.
    Audience you should feel:
    Superior--that you and the others in the know have this special knowledge
    --at Communists
    --at Fascists
    --of those who don't get it
    --this last emotional cue confused me... until I watched some Tea Party rallies and town hall meetings, the New GOP wants to come across as a unstable and crazy, because it's frightening. Most rational people don't want to deal with the angry and unhinged so it's a strange, yet effective way to empower your followers.In this nine minute clip he makes no salient point. Identifies no real issues. Illuminates nothing... but I know I'm supposed to be afraid, afraid and angry.
    Palin is equally adept at Duck Speak. Check out the sound and fury signifying nothing in this instant classic.

    47 Seconds in poor Bill is actually so dazed by Palin's incomprehensible answer he nearly passes out.
    Come on now she's making it too easy... The stuff that was coming out of HER consisted of words, but it was not speech in the true sense: it was a noise uttered in unconsciousness, like the quacking of a duck.Just because your speech takes up time, is audible and made up of individually recognizable words doesn't mean it's an answer.

    I've heard pundits on the Right claim that the reason the Left hates Palin is because they're afraid of her... the inevitable response from the Left is the playground, "Am not!" I'm a political independent so maybe I can be honest and say, "Am so!" I'm totally afraid of Sarah Palin. I think she and Beck represent real dangers. They're dangerous because they're so phenomenally unstable and irrational--yet they still draw huge followings of equally rabid and irrational acolytes. Sarah Palin totally frightens me. Her mind is a mob of one. She encapsulates the aggression, blind stupidity and irrationality of a mob of people--frighteningly, she manages to do this without the social pressures of an actual mob.

    In a twist only the Universe knows the answer to, she has come to command an actual frightening mob as she and Beck are becoming the De Facto philosophical leaders of the Tea Party Movement. How can people whose only philosophy is crazy talk, man-crying and incomprehensible Duck Speak be the philosophical touchstones for millions of Americans? Imagine the mental gymnastics it would take to glean any clear mission statement from either Beck or Palin. I know Beck has his Principles and Rules or whatever, but they're so vague and broad that I'd wager he picked them up from his kid's kindergarten class at parent-teacher conferences.

    And Palin... yes she's "Gone Rogue." But Sarah, how do standard, albeit poorly articulated, GOP talking points equate with your self-appointed Tom Clancy title? Don't you have to do something novel, unique, or interesting to be a rebel/rogue/rabble rouser/rapscallion or any other naughty "r" word you care to come up with?
    One need look no further than her insane resignation speech for proof that she and Beck are the unholy mother and father of the New GOP.

    Irrefutable proof that Palin practices "Duck Speak" note the quacking at 5:38.

    Here's a break down of her speech and its key points.
    Support the troops, the troops have sacrficed for our national ideals. "God Bless our Military"... so I'm quiting.
    My administration is doing so well... so I'm quitting.
    Media victim...so I'm quitting.
    Obama bad...so I'm quitting.
    Big Brother/Federal Government Bad... so I'm quitting.
    Being right is better than being popular... so I'm quitting.
    Liberal courts bad... so I'm quitting.
    Media victim part 2... so I'm quitting.
    My ethics law and ethics standards are applying to me... so I'm quitting.
    This job is harder than I thought... so I'm quitting.
    Tearing things is down bad, building them up is good... so I'm quitting.
    The quitter's way out is bad (5:47)... so I'm quitting (My personal favorite)
    Fighting for our state and country good... so I'm quitting.
    GOP Talking Points Good... so I'm quitting.
    Lame Duck isn't fun... so I'm quitting.
    Sarah is a Cyborg who isn't wired to be a Duck (7:46)... so I'm quitting.

    The body of evidence on this woman so thoroughly demonstrates that she is unable to rationally or logically deal with any issue that I'm stunned she's taken serious by anyone. The doublethink required to write that speech is second only to the double think that would be required for someone to watch that and think, "Man, she's totally right. What a brave move she's making for her country, state and family by quitting. What a patriot! She's right the quitter's way out is for quitters, that's why she's... ummm--two legs good, four legs bad, two legs good, four legs bad."

    The only comfort I have in the phenomenon that is Beck, Palin, Tea Parties and all the associated nonsense is that their hatred for rationality, logic and their inability to do anything other than evoke fear and anger in their followers can't be the foundation for viable longterm movement. Beck is not a patriot. He's a vapid blow hard posing as a reporter on a network that poses as a news outlet. It's infotainment which has its place, provided the viewers are savvy enough to know the difference. Palin is not a rogue. The last "Rogue" I knew was Han Solo and he earned his title with a howling Wookie and Death Star debris. I knew Han Solo, Han Solo was a friend of mine and you Sarah Palin are no Han Solo.

    Now that's "Going Rogue."

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