Obama shark jump watch: deconstructing the pretend Presidential seal

So what were they thinking?
This "seal" was discussed in an Obama campaign meeting. Designing a seal as a rip off the Presidential Seal was approved. Further is was decided that it would be used at a meeting of actual chief executives - this is the job title Obama wants, but has never had.
One can easily conclude that the seal is meant to give the Governors a shove backward. What the fake seal says is: "Look, I know most of you in the room have accomplished more and are more qualified than me for the job I want. But I am the leader here, so don't push it."
As Patsy Stone, the glamorous drunk on BBC's Absolutely Fabulous, said whenever confronted: "Don't Question Me!" Or better, South Park's Cartman: "Respect my Autthori-tah!" - deliciously barked by an 8 year old who has no authority.
If the stakes weren't so high the whole Obama event would be interpreted as a joke. Or a silly play the neighborhood kids were putting on in a barn.
Since Obama choked on FISA yesterday my fear of him has lessened a small amount. (Not because I agree with his flip flop, I adamantly do NOT.) This could be foolish of me. Afterall, Obama has no track record and his history is pock marked with radicals and idiots. Nevertheless, what Obama told us by voting for the FISA bill is simple enough: There will be no real change. Those who run the show behind the scenes will continue unabated by me. I want to win, principles be damned. A few of those who feed at the trough will be switched out for others. But the trough will remain in place.
I'll take a new face at the head of the same old system for four more years over the studied psychosis of Black Liberation Theology and dime store socialism any day.
Still, what are we to make of this latest stunt with the Presidential seal? The mental atmospherics that went into Obama's willingness to affix the pretend seal to himself are disturbing. The analogies connecting the happily arrogant W. Bush and the petulant Obama are strengthened every day. But the seal stunt puts Obama in a league of his own. One cannot imagine W in 2000, or his father in 1988 being quite as arrogant and tacky.
Labels: arrogance, eight year old, Obama, petulant, Presidential seal, punk
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