Real men speak out. Cowards do not. Watch the clip below of McCain and know that Obama has yet to mention Hillary Clinton and repudiate Rev. Pflegger's nasty, sexist, racist, false attack on her. Will Olbermann have a "special comment" on Obama's silence on Monday?
Since the DNC is giving away delegates to people who chose not to be on the Michigan Primary ballot - I would like to say that:
A. As in years past, this year I chose not to be on the Michigan Democratic Primary ballot.
B. I would like a Michigan delegate in Denver. I am not greedy. I only want one unearned delegate - not four like Obama. We can go to cocktail parties and vote platform planks like: "Whose better- Obama or Jesus?" or "Should Mystery Date become the official Democratic Party board game?"
Does anyone else who chose not to be on the Michigan Ballot want one, too? I mean I was a Democrat between March of 1981 and June of 2008 - that should get me at least one unearned delegate.
I am leaving the Democratic Party on Monday. I will go to the post office when it opens and re- register. I will send my new registration as an independent to the DNC. I encourage everyone who cares about democracy to do the same.
The DNC debased the entire notion of democracy. All non Clinton votes in Michigan were unilaterally awarded to Obama. The rules committee also awarded Obama 4 of Clinton's delegates.
Let that sink in.
Michigan voters in 2008 you are less than slaves.
Today we witnessed a coup by Stalinist fiends at the DNC.
I only wish I could officially leave the party today.
Pretty much sums it up, no? Obamanation, indeed. Saw this on Capertree and just had to share.
What has happened during this campaign in an Obamanation.
Remember, back in the day, when Senator Clinton won New Hampshire and the boyos at MSNBC were totally taken off guard? Remember Tom Brokaw chastising them? He said, let the voters decide and then report. Those crazy kids, Tweety and Faux Outrage Olbermann didn't listen. Oh, no. Olbermann is even now penning a special comment on Senator Clinton's win in Puerto Rico - HOW DARE YOU WIN?!?! HOW DARE YOU, MADAM?!?!?!
Since I no longer watch Countdown I have no idea if Mr. Olbermann did a special comment on Father Pflegm but I'm kinda sure he didn't. Here's the spin on Pflegm/Wright: Senator McCain was endorsed by Hagge who has also made incendiary comments therefore Obama is innocent and cannot be blamed. Hmmmmnnn. Sure. But did Senator McCain go to Hagge's church for twenty years? Did he funnel dough to him the way Obama did for Pflegm? Not so much.
I was brought up Catholic (don't get me started on guilt - I am the queen) , I left the church after the pedophile business but I have attended a lot of masses in a lot of different places. I have never in my life seen a priest behave the way Pflegm did. It looked as though he grabbed his crotch when speaking of Senator Clinton. I hope I'm wrong but who is he, Michael Jackson?
Watching the congregants react tells me that this is not an isolated incident. Coupled with watching the videos of Wright's sermons (dry humping) it would appear that it is how they roll. It would also mean that there is no way that Senator Obama could not have witnessed any "controversial" sermons.
But the Obamanation stands proud behind their man. He can do no wrong. Just like Randi Rhodes comments were "spot on" according to them, Father Pflegm speaks the truth.
And they wonder why we're not coming back in the fall.
In the beginning there was video tape. and the Tape captured the Word. and the Word was HATE. and the Word sprung from the mouth of a Man. and the Man was Wright.
And try as they might to keep the Tape from the people they could not. After the lands of many caucuses had voted the Tape was seen.
And the Lord Obama appeared distraught because the people cried out Why Lord?Why did you keep this man of hate in your midst?
And the Lord appeared to them and spoke: This man is not a man of hate. You do not understand what goes on in his pulpit.Hate is LoveMocking is ForgivenessInsults are EcstasyEverything you believe about reality is wrong.I am the Light and the Way.
Afterward the Olbermann tribe was first to sing out: YES! YES LORD!Lies are truth! Hate is Love! Division is Unity!
Soon the CNN Tribe, and the Huffington Tribe sang out in praise of the Lord.
And those who knew in their American guts something was still wrong tried to speak but they were called racists and scoundrels and lepers. And so the Arugulas worshipped their Lord in the public square and worshiped St. Marx in secret.
And it came to pass that the Word of Hate was made normal. And the march of the Lord went on as before. The people pulled the wool back over their eyes. And all was well.
I am a Republican. I voted for Bush twice, and I know we disagree on many things. However, that is not the purpose of this email. Instead, I wanted to extend the olive branch of sorts.
In 2007, many of us conservatives held an irrational fear of Hillary. From the start, we looked for a face in the crowd of democratic nominees that could potentially knock her out of the race. Following the Iowa primary, we assumed that Obama would be our guy - until we looked into his past. Obama is a Marxist to the core. His strain is of the same diluted, twisted form that permeates our schools and colleges, propagated by people like Bill Ayers - and Obama. Add to that mix his deeply flawed, cowardly character, and general ineptitude and you have an Obama presidency.
That changed everything.
We came to realize, more slowly than I would have liked, that Hillary was not our enemy. No one would ever accuse her of rampant honesty, but she is to her core an American, and her sheer tenacity is admirable. I'm not a huge fan of either John McCain or Hillary, but both look about as messianic as Obama's supporters imagine Obama to be, when compared to him. Obama is every bit the uniter he claims to be - he's uniting the country against him. Indeed, that is why you are receiving this email.
Hillary supporters, Republicans - we may disagree on many things, but we understand what the problems are. We just reach different solutions. And we can have this conversation civilly, without name-calling and insults. That's the difference between genuine patriots (not to mention decent human beings) and Obama supporters. Bill said it best:
The far left has divided us Americans for too long. They have traditionally sent their vitriol in our direction, but now they seek to devour the very party that took them in. The democrat(ic) leadership tolerated them because of their money. And they have simultaneously caused the reactionary right to, well, react. (I'd like to apologize for Ann Coulter.) The end result has been terrible division. It must end.
This country needs both conservatives and liberals today just as it was founded by conservatives and liberals. When one group fails, the whole country suffers. There is great unity in intelligent, mutually respectful disagreement.
I have left my day job to work for 527's. I will be putting ads on television to spread the truth about Obama. You and I have many disagreements but we have found some important common ground, we are both fighting to protect our country from a madman.
The Lord Joins Our Lady of Perpetual Resentment Temple and Learns the Doctrine of Victimhood
Now after Lord Obama had passed through the land of Crimson He traveled west to the Windy City to organize block parties with cotton candy and Tilt-a-Whirls so that he would be beloved by the makers of the Tilt -a-Whirl and also to paddeth his resume
It was expedient in those days for those who organized the block parties, knitting circles, and community gardens to join the Our Lady of Perpetual Resentment Temple, Staring Jeremiah Wright (as the beaver.)
So the Lord went with the little people to clap and enjoy the nursing of resentments he had no historical connection to since his father was Kenyan and his mother from land of the JayHawk.
In the Temple of Resentment the Lord also learned how to BLAME OTHERS and rename the blaming of others HOPE And this was a good lesson, indeed.
Lord Obama saw how the mentor Wright encouraged people to laugh and be angry and remain immobilized all at the same time. And this was a good lesson, indeed.
And the Lord saw how the Temple made learned helplessness FUN For Mentor Wright dry humped the pulpit and told tall tales and called people names and his gathered masses laughed and felt special. And this was a good lesson, indeed.
And the Lord Obama learned it is important to pass resentment and victimization onto the young. So when he, the Chosen One, preaches Hope and Change They will fall for it Hooketh, line, sinker. For Lord Obama this was the most important lesson of all.
And after every lesson he learned at Our Lady of Perpetual Resentment Temple, Lord Obama went out back behind the dumpster for to smoketh.
Obama is not guilty by association with the vicious ministers at his church. The vipers who call themselves Christian ministers at Obama's church have every right to spew, mock, and behave like tin pot dictators. There is no crime in what gets preached in that church.
However, Obama can and should be judged by his chosen associations.
"Rev" Pfleggers frothing excrement from the pulpit of the church were Obama tithes is another example of a fiend welcomed in Obama's entourage. Welcomed that is until they are caught on tape. Then Obama shit cans them. Power is all that matters to Obama.
From Ayres the bomber - his employer of 8 years - stomping on the American flag to this bozo in the clip posted below mocking Senator Clinton like a high school cafeteria what point do we say - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. You cannot tell everything about a man by the company he keeps. But you can tell quite a bit.
Obama is still a member of that church. It is clear, based on the adulation of the new minster, that what Pfleggers said Sunday was the norm there, not an exception. There is no other way to put this: Obama is a liar if he says it is NOT normal behaviour at his church to hump the pulpit and scream screed about victimization. Pflegger stood proud in Obama's chosen church pulpit and implored his audience to indulge in a cannibalistic ritual of disempowerment.
We can and must judge Obama by the company he keeps. We can and must do whatever we can legally to stop Obama from gaining power. Should the worst happen - we must stand guard, watch, and be ready to oppose. My opinion - based on observations of the disappeared media, of blogs like Kos-Co, the behavior of Obama's campaign, the bizarre and inexplicable behaviour of many of the super delegates, and the DNC - that underneath the surface froths a deep hatred of democratic values - a desire to shut the opposition up - and a desire not to win power, but to seize it.
I have said all along that the Obama phenomenon is dangerous. As Clinton rolls to a popular vote victory and Obama is anointed the nominee it becomes more clear that Obama will do anything to win. Anything.
We all must exit the Democratic Party. I encourage every reader to re-register as an Independent or Green or whatever suits you - and to inform the DNC you've left. I will do it between June 1 and 6. I was torn and unhappy about taking this action. I no longer am. The Democratic party is dead.
All thoughtful people have a moral duty to oppose BarackObama. This clip below is so repellent I could only watch it once. How the IRS has not stripped Obama's church of tax exempt status - I do not know. I suspect Obama will resign this church now. Do not be fooled. These are the people who advise him. These are the people he will bring to the White House. Obama and his family CHOSE this church for 20 years. HE AGREES WITH THIS CHURCH.The minister preaching hate here is a "spiritual advisor" to Obama. It's on his web site.
Are we going to allow the product of such moral pollution into the White House?
Imagine this man who is preaching at Trinity- when not mocking the former First Lady - calls himself a "Christian". I'd like to take this "Christian" into a room - and only I come out - to quote Keith Olbermann.
So it came to pass in those days that the land of the Patriots chose a new leader whose name was Patrick. Patrick's words had given hope to many.
The apostle Axlerod knew Patrick's words and he went to the Lord Obama and gave him the same words for to sooth the Arugula Tribe and make them like Sheep
But Axlerod worried that the Lord would be accused of word theft. And then Lord Obama was accused of word thievery by a two bit tobacco chewing racist named Cracker McHick
But the Lord said: Be not afraid of the racists. I have not stolen Patrick's words. I riff with my brothers.
And many at a gathering asked what is 'riff ' Lord?
And the Lord said: Listen to this allegory. And while the gathered Arugulas sipped upon their Lattes and Carmel Macchiatos and nibbled Tofurky Weiners a top the hoods of their Priuses the Lord said:
"The Lord must be allowed to steal words. I am a busy Lord and can't be expected to come up with new speeches all the time. Obey me and do not question."
A curious disciple said - But Lord that is not an allegory. It is merely 3 sentences.
Then the Lord's eyes became like slits and he said: Respect my AuthoraTAY! Hope! Change! I am the Alpha and the Beta. Hope! Change! Changey Hopey Change! Change-o- Hope- o- Rama! Hopeish! Change a lish us! Hopetastic!
The Lord went on repeating variations of Hope and Change until the apostles rolled a blunt and became Fade-eth.
It is disturbing to be a liberal now. I make no excuses when I say this - 2008 has made me feel old. Watching the political party you've been a member of for 28 years self immolate in order to ensure the election of a Republican will do that to a man. I make no bones about calling the neo-liberal Obama Democrats what I truly believe they are: delusional corportatists who don't care a bit about the disempowered in this society. When someone finally analyzes all the money that has changed hands in the Obama campaign the truth will finally be known. "Change" to the Obama cultists means wholesale dismissal of two thirds of the working class. When working class African- Americans realize they have voted for a New Aristocracy that is in essence the same as the Old Aristocracy, and against there own best interests - they, too, will bolt Obama's fragile coalition. It is Hillary Clinton who represents true change this year. Those with the least of everything - power, money, a voice in the process, have been represented by her not the toastmaster from Illinois. Obama has polluted the core and essence of Democratic Party values. Oh what fools these Arugulas be.
When I call myself a liberal I mean - for lack of a better term on Wednesday night - a New Deal liberal. My co blogger Lynne distilled it perfectly in a post a while ago: We believe that everyone must take responsibility for themselves, and that we are responsible for each other. What makes me a liberal still is the second half of Lynne's phrase. In an industrial and post industrial capitalist democracy the government on all levels has a limited obligation to try to level the playing field. When Obama has had the chance to improve the lives of people he has often balked. When Obama has had the chance in the U.S. Senate to stand up against the war - he has cowered. Obama is not a liberal. He is not a progressive. He is a fraud. Exhibit A:
Retired Princeton Geology professor Ken Deffeyes created a fascinating chart re: oil production and oil price. See it here. It's only 2 weeks old but already out of date - (he cuts off the price at $120 per barrel. Oil closed today at $130.03).
From Deffeyes: "We hit "peak oil" - also called "Hubbert's peak," - a geological limitation to the oil supply in the ground. With no additional supplies, a bidding war began in 2005 over the remaining oil in the ground. This is not a news story that goes away after a month."
Professor Deffeyes's books "Beyond Oil" and "Hubbert's Peak", along with Cal Tech physics professor David Goodstein's "Out of Gas", may be the most blunt, sober , and scientific books out there about the fix we are in.
What's the difference between a George W. Bush supporter in 2000/2004 and an Obama supporter?
It doesn't matter what he does he is forgiven. It doesn't matter what he says, he mispoke. Nothing matters except with Bush it was, he's a great guy, I'd like to have a beer with him and with Obama it's he gives me hope, he's a new kind of politician, he was a great community organizer.
He's supposed to be so intelligent (as are his supporters) but he couldn't figure out how not to run ads in Florida before our primaries (breaking his pledge not to campaign here) with his National Ad Buy. I wonder, how many national ads had he bought before Florida and how many since? He couldn't get the name of the camp right that his Uncle liberated. He said his grandfather had buddies who talked about liberating Auschwitz. Really?
Was saying his uncle liberated Auschwitz a ploy to get the Jewish vote? Was it just he hasn't read any history? Or watched the History Channel? Is it the only camp he knows?
The "journalists" who covered the Memorial Day speech initially just reported what he said. If he said it it must be true! Doesn't he look hot in jeans? William Ayers is just a neighbor! Rezko? Who's Rezko?
We've been called racist, white, poor, uneducated, tobacco chewing idiots because we don't support the great one. We're stupid yet I knew that the Red Army were the ones who liberated Auschwitz. Then again, I watched all of Shoah.
We've had seven years of a President who doesn't know history. Can we survive another four?
And many had gathered to see the Lord Obama in the towns with colleges and other Places of the Smug Ones.
So it came to pass that the apostle Axelrod brought with him the fainting women and said to them: Go to the front and fainteth so that the Lord may ask if you are alright and impresseth the many with his love for the little peeps.
Then the Lord will bring you Evian from the Backstage - from whence HE emerges and you fainting women will be blessed all the days of your lives.
And the women went out and fainted on cue for the Lord Obama. And Obama looked GOOD and KIND. And gave many leg tingles all the day long.
Sorry to say I have had to put comment moderation back up. Tonight another thinly veiled threat of physical harm to me was posted from an Obama cultist. Please keep talking. I will post comments as quickly as possible after they are made.
The intellectual rational for tradition liberals and policy oriented progressives to work FOR the defeat of Barrack Obama in November are put forth beautifully here- by Bud White. ( A name I admit to being unable to resist noting - as his piece is about the Kos-Co wing of the Democratic Party's attempt to cleanse the party of lower class whites.) Please read it. The Arugulas are now all but admitting that an "ethnic cleansing" of the party is under way. Working class whites and Latinos are no longer wanted or welcome.
My on going derision of the Latte Wing of the party gets a big boost from Obama cultist Chris Bowers:
There should be a major cultural shift in the party, where the southern Dems and Liebercrat elite will be largely replaced by rising creative class types. Obama has all the markers of a creative class background, from his community organizing, to his Unitarianism, to being an academic, to living in Hyde Park to shopping at Whole Foods and drinking PBR. These will be the type of people running the Democratic Party now, and it will be a big cultural shift from the white working class focus of earlier decades.
Good God. Can you imagine? DNC meetings with Starbucks breaks to watch The Actors Studio on Bravo, and thumb through latest Vanity Fair.
Bowers is such a stereotype that he even uses shopping at Whole Foods as a marker for what the party should be. Pathetic. Any unreconstructed liberal who believes that progressives should be at the vanguard of ensuring a fair shake for the middle and lower classes has what amounts to a moral duty to oppose Obama. What Ducky at Kos-Co and Howard Dean want is nothing less than for the Democrats to be an Information Age Corporatist party. Rather like the GOP but based in the Hamptons and Brentwood - instead of Dallas and Kennebunkport.
The weakest members of our society are officially being thrown to the wolves by the Obama cabal. Voters in state after state have woken up to this fact and run from Obama. Nevertheless, the "creative class" wants its man. In order to salvage the Democratic Party thoughtful liberals are left no choice but to vote for McCain in November. With an Obama loss we can flush the wretched interlopers from our midst.
Obama is a national embarrassment. Tapper has the list of the most recent Obama gaffes here. He is the Democratic Party's George W. Bush. Without a teleprompter Obama is a buffoon.
The two bit, brain dead, destructive American media is letting him slide on all counts. No wonder the Child of Wright called out Lou Dobbs by name. Dobbs is the only anchor on either CNN or MSNBC willing to take on Obama. It is sickening. The on going malfeasance of the MSM is both molding opinion in contradiction to reality - and stoking fury amongst those who still believe a republic should have a viable Fourth Estate.
Given how obnoxious the media was to Clinton about the RFK remark - how about you bozo Obama ass kissers at CNN (except Lou Dobbs) and MSNBC go after THE LORD OBAMA for this Whopper:
Ya know why the media won't hold Obama to account for this despicable piece of campaign trash talk - lying about the Holocaust to get votes - ???
Because they are wussy cowards beholden to the same lobbyists and Big Corporations that have paid this jackasse's way all along.
Even his body language telegraphs he's bullshitting.
The Soviets liberated Auschwitz.
A reading from the Obama Scriptures for May 27, 2008.
From The Book of Michelle Chapter 66 Verse 6
The fish sticks of Change and the wonder loaves of Hope.
And so Obama went to the land of the Palmetto with Oprah the Baptist.
The large crowd gathered for to hear the free concert and eat the fish sticks of Change and the Wonder loaves of Hope.
Obama spoketh as they do in southern twangeth to help the gathered Southern speakers to understand.
The Lord sayeth: "You can choose to love and obey me or choose to be called a racist across the land in divers places, such as MSNBC and the Whole Foods Produce Section! These are your choices! I am the Lord! Obey me or there will be no Latte!"
Then the Lord danceth badly for a moment in order that the People of the Cracker in the audience felt the Lord knew them, too. For Lord Obama loveth all his sheep.
When this endless campaign began I was excited about our options for the Democratic nominee. I was proud that our choices included a woman, a Latino and an African-American. I liked that the stage didn't look like an all white country club.
I thought Bill Richardson would be great until I saw him debate. He was scatty Cathy.
I never really cared for John Edwards but I really like his wife.
I have great respect for Senator Biden and could never understand the lack of coverage on him. Had we done what he recommended in Iraq we would be out of the mess we're in now.
I was interested in Senator Dodd.
I was interested in Senator Obama because I really liked his speech at the Democratic convention in 2004 and his stance on Darfur.
Gravel & Kucinich - what can you say?
I wasn't sure about Senator Clinton. I thought she was too divisive.
The endless attacks on Senator Clinton has changed my mind. I have watched her handle more garbage than any other candidate has had chucked at him. She has proved to me that she can more than handle the job as Commander in Chief.
I am not voting for her because she is a woman. Nancy Pelosi is a woman and I cannot abide her. I believe that Senator Clinton is the most capable candidate in the race. We've got huge problems coming down the pike (peak oil) and whoever is our next President is going to have to make tough choices. Voting "present" will not fly.
The more I looked at Senator Obama the less I liked. He has run a dirty campaign. He has stolen speeches from his pal. He has unsavory connections. He went to a racist church for twenty years. He won't debate. His record in the Illinois State Senate is spotty at best. Community Organizer is not a qualification for President. His arrogance is bigger than his resume which is the only thing thinner than him.
The press has fallen in love with Senator Obama and have questioned him less than they did the reasons for the Iraq war.
So, we have been pretty clear on this blog that we do not support Obama.
The pro-Obama supporters come over here and try to hold my uterus above my head as a reason to vote for him should he get the nomination. (Odd visual) What they forget is that being Pro-Choice means that I get to choose whom I vote for and it won't be Obama. They tell me I'm not a Democrat. I was, but the persistent yapping telling me I can't be has forced me to become an Independent. No big tent here.
We're told that Senator Obama can win without us. Let's see him try.
"The public, and especially the mainstream media, misunderstands the "Peak oil" story. It's not about running out of oil. It's about the instabilities that will shake the complex systems of daily life as soon as the global demand for oil exceeds the global supply. These systems can be listed concisely: The way we produce food The way we conduct commerce and trade The way we travel The way we occupy the land The way we acquire and spend capital And there are others: governance, health care, education and more."
So many holidays have been a fixed around weekends to create an excuse to shop that many tend to forget what the day is actually about. "Presidents' Day" chaps my ass every year. Washington and Lincoln have had their birthdays stripped from the national calender and compressed into one three day weekend...If a country can't set aside one day for its first President and one for the President who saved it.... ugh... Presidents' Day makes me too angry to think about. And another thing - not one day for a WOMAN all year??? Susan B Anthony? Harriet Tubman? not one day...
To the point:
Memorial Day is important because it is specifically set aside to honor those who died in war. Like the national day of Thanksgiving - it comes out of the civil war. Whatever else you do today I hope you give over a moment of prayer, silence, devotion, or however else you may express solemn gratitude, to those who died in service.
Keith Olbermann is a sick, morally depraved, imbecile. Friday he unleashed his bottomless pit of snot on Senator Clinton yet again. This time it was about Clinton's remarks regarding long campaigns and RFK. Not that it matters. If she had said "I shop at Safeway" K.O. would have unloaded - provided he'd gotten the cue from his Obama Overlords. Olbermann is a joke and hardly worth a remark - except to point out what has not merited a Special Comment from the Rancid One in the past 6 months:
Obama calling female reporters "sweetie" Obama's 20 year stint in a church in which the pastor dry humps the pulpit. David Schuter's "pimping out" Chelsea remark. Chris "my legs are tingling" Matthews comment that Hillary Clinton is only a senator because her husband cheated. A remark both wildly sexist and utterly, indefensibly false. An Obama aid calling the former First Lady a monster. Obama's throwing the bird to a sitting U.S. Senator.
The list goes on. And on. Olbermann is a two bit errand boy. He doesn't care one bit about fairness. He, like Donna Brazzile on CNN, is a paid Obama shill. The FCC should strip MSNBC and CNN of their licenses.
The silence on the rampant sexism that has frothed forth from alleged liberals and the alleged media is both the single biggest intellectual crime of the decade (except maybe the censoring of anti-war voices in 2003)and an attack on civil society. From "Bros before Hoes" to the Hillary nutcracker, to the mocking of her welling up, to the glib manner in which male "reporters" have discussed her laugh,
Obama himself is very much at fault here and should be called out on it. As the sexism became louder and louder this year his campaign either encouraged it or did nothing to stop it. This is a failure of leadership from an alleged liberal. Conversely, every time anyone in Clinton's camp did anything that could be construed as racially insensitive Hillary Clinton put an end to it. (I do not include Ferarro here because what she said was not insensitive. It was a statement based in observable reality. Obama gets a lot of traction because he's black. As well he should. So what. Good for him. The idea of an African American President is appealing to fair minded people. However, BHO is not up to snuff -a Tom Cruise to Colin Powell's Cary Grant.)
What Obama, the DNC, and the compliant, brain dead media has done in trashing Clinton all year is reactionary. It is the opposite of progressive. 50% of the population has been degraded and insulted as a matter of course. As if it is normal. As if it is part and parcel of the Democratic Party's values. This year we HAD a chance in the Democratic Party to choose someone other than a white male and base that choice on merit. The DNC did not (though the people did ). The DNC has gamed the system to award the nomination to an unqualified minority candidate - thereby proving all the conservatives right. They gave Obama a hand out not a hand up.
Like her or not, support her or not, Hillary Clinton is qualified for the job of President. The "community organizer" from Chicago is not. (Now every time I see an Obamite defending his resume and using "community organizer" as a qualifier for President my eyes roll back in my head automatically. It's a Pavlovian response. I can't seem to help it. As far as I can tell - and I've looked - he organized some voter registration drives under the umbrella of a church. I help serve meals to the youth group at my church. Can I be President next?)
Clinton's qualifications never come up in the media. Why is this? I suspect that it would then force an airing of Obama's. His rump resume would then be seen for what it is: smoke, mirrors, and speeches. What does come up daily is her gender. Usually covertly. References to "tears" and "every man's first wife". This is terror on the part of "news" men. Pure terror. What Olbermann and the rest are reacting to is their own fear of castration. You see, it isn't that woman can't have some jobs once reserved for men - we have moved past that - it's that a woman can't have THAT job. If a woman gets THAT job then all the mediocre men who got promotions over more qualified women are on notice. The jig, as they say, will be up.
What Clinton represents by her presence is much more valuable to true progressives than what BHO represents. The reason is simple. She's more qualified than him. I could not write that sentence if Colin Powell was running against Clinton. Obama represents the worst failings of late 20th century liberalism: the invitation to view anyone who could show up and be a minority as "qualified." (Obama is the least qualified serious Presidential candidate in our history - yes, including Lincoln.) This is the opposite of what was intended by affirmative action which was an attempt to right the ship in the face of inbred anti-minority bias. It was not meant to elevate those with thin resumes to jobs that they would not have gotten otherwise.
There are thousands of reasons to vote for someone other than Obama in the fall. Electoral nullification is one. Juries do it. I won't vote for him for reasons that go to his character. But if women and men across the country vote for McCain to let the media elites know that what they've done will not stand - I will not be upset or surprised.
Thanks to Scott in Jupiter for this image. I suppose now some Obama Pod will tell me what a prick I am for picking on a candidate's spouse...cuz, ya know, THEY never attack a candidate's spouse.... or anything.
Checking out the internets this morning on on my first day off in two weeks and I find that we (non Obama supporters) are now called Dead Enders.
Can I tell you how much I enjoy the irony of someone using Donald Rumsfeld's words to describe me? Golly gee willackers what's next? We're going to greet Senator Obama with flowers?
Let's go with Dead Enders but separate the groups.
Dead Enders who are passionately committed to Senator Clinton. We are the Democrats who voted for Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry. We are part of the Democratic party who in the past have come around. But this primary has changed us, or at least me, in that I am no longer willing to vote for someone just because he has a "D" at the end of his name. Dr. Dean has done damage that cannot be repaired. He has split the Democratic party.
Dead Enders who are Reagan Democrats. You would think the name would be a tip off that these people do not vote according to party affiliation but let me explain it clearly: They didn't like Mondale or Dukakis and didn't care about party unity. These people are not going to vote for Obama. Without them, the Democrats lose. Oh, and by the way, calling them uneducated racists really doesn't help pull them over to your side.
Maybe there is so new Coalition of the Willing who are going to unite to put Senator Obama in the White House. I can't see it because it seems that as more comes out about Senator Obama it will be a Coalition of the Wilting. Wright has not gone away. Just because Senator Clinton isn't using God Damn America don't think for a moment that Republicans won't. The disparity between a man who spent five years in a POW camp and wouldn't leave until his men could leave to with a man who spent twenty years in a pew listening to a preacher rail against white America and wouldn't condemn him until it was politically expedient is stark.
God forgive me for linking to the Huffington Post. But even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day. Sean Wilentz lays it out. In every presidential election they have won, the Democrats have solidified their historic link to white workers, not dismissed them. Obama and the champions of a new party coalition appear to think that everything has suddenly changed, simply because of the force of their own desires. In any event, Obama had shown no ability thus far to attract the one constituency that has always spelled the difference between victory and defeat for the Democratic Party.
Obama intends change indeed. He intends to destroy the historic underpinnings of the Democratic Party.
Having attempted, with the aid of a complicit news media, to brand Hillary Clinton as a racist- by flinging charges that, as the historian Michael Lind has shown, belong "in black helicopter/grassy knoll territory," Obama's supporters now fiercely claim that Clinton's white working class following is also essentially racist.
The Obama advocates declare that we have entered an entirely new political era. It is not only possible but also desirable, they say, for Democrats to win by turning away from those whom "progressive" pundits and bloggers disdain variously as "Nascar man," "uneducated," "low information" whites, "rubes, fools, and hate-mongers"who live in the nation's "shitholes."
Let me add as a Progressive: Obama's campaign is anti-liberal. It is racist in tone and deed. Should Obama succeed in forcing his will on the party there will be no reason for me and millions of others to remain Democrats.
My mantra remains: The fundamental force animating Obama's campaign is not Hope and Change. It is Resentment and Anger.
Now I must go shower off after spending a few minutes at the Huff Post.
The DNC is choosing a loser. Here's a "nice" taste of what's coming. I am sure it goes down hill from here. News about Obama's association with his first cousin in Kenya is leaking out - you know the one, he's committing genocide. Republicans owe Donna Brazille and Howard Dean a huge Thank You!
I am sick of Obamatons using "the war" as their FINAL ANSWER for supporting him - usually when "hope" "change" and "insults" have run their course. Obama will not be able to extract us from Iraq. Period. We are in Iraq to keep the Chinese out. We are there to makes sure the oil is ours when it is extracted. Everyone knows this except the American public. Unless WE change our basic assumptions and expectations - the war won't end. Obama can't end it. Clinton can't end it. McCain can't end it. All of them know it. They can manage it better. That is all. All three have lied about the war. Obama has lied the most.
Iraq is NOT Vietnam in one basic way. Iraq is an economic war in an almost pure sense. There is no ideology involved. Some has been grafted on for public consumption - however our men and women are indeed fighting for "our way of life":
excessive air travel complete reliance on cars a massive, diverse, food supply (often unhealthy - but profitable) that uses enormous amounts of oil over sized, ego driven, often tacky homes 40-100 miles from ones workplace, etc etc -
If you REALLY want to end the war here are few suggestions that have nothing to do with protesting or who you vote for - but if enough people got on board - the war will end:
A. Cut your energy consumption by 50% RIGHT NOW. Or at least see if you can. B. Eat as little food as possible that was produced more than 100 miles from where you live - unless you have no choice. C. Stop shopping at all BIG BOX Stores. The sooner the "10,000 mile supply line" is put to rest the better. (it will be put to rest soon enough. As will 10,000 mile tossed salad. )
This is a start. Crazy? No. We are in an oil war in Iraq. It is a very normal outcome given our recent power as a nation - and should have been expected. Nations go to war over resources all the time. We are no different. Oil is essential. So essential in fact - we simply would no longer function as a society without it. So no offense 'Arugula Bumper Sticker Crowd' but for now -War IS the Answer - until enough of us change our way of life and our thinking. Ah, the irony of a car BUMPER STICKER that says "War is Not the Answer". Not as ironic as the Warhol Obama - but close.
Nice speeches by state senators don't change facts on the ground. When I say "A President Obama will certainly disappoint and fail" I am mostly referring to this issue. Of the three candidates left he understands it the least.
While the Obama Pod People go nutters over Hillary's remark about long campaigns. Let's remind ourselves just how much abuse we Clinton supporters have put up with from these fiends and punks all year. Now they expect us to shut up and vote for the fraud. Nope. Not gonna happen. Not gonna shut up. Not gonna vote for him. His failure will not be on my hands.
A small sample of the pleasant comments by the Obama children is compiled here. Somehow anti-Obama blogs make these children very angry. But the Obama pods have no issue posting crap like the comments below. Nice people. I repeat the true theme of the Obama campaign is not Hope and Change - it is Anger and Entitlement. Happy mob or angry mob - it's still a mob.
snake63 wrote: "I agree with Ted Kennedy. If Hillary becomes Obama's V.P. She will have Barack assassinated Jan 21. This way she can serve three terms."
John interjection: not only is this pod paranoid - he/she is wrong about how long a VP could be Prez in that situation.
watdafuk wrote: "kick the clinton bitch to the curb she`s only out for herself."
twzzlrgirl wrote: if I were Obama I'd be scared to make her VP. I figure she and Bill would have him killed off within 6 months and then she could take over. These are not people to be messed with; but once they are out of the picture, they need to be out completely. They are like parasites that take over whatever they touch."
Gee, these people consider themselves "Democrats". Huh. Go figure.
ZZWHALE wrote: "Flush the Clintoons! political stench! hopefully never to be seen or heard from again"
This punk has no idea how long the GOP was in charge before Bill Clinton. 20 of 24 years. They are morons. The Obama childrens' memory barely goes back to last year's American Idol finals.
Remember: if you don't love Barry you must be racist! It can't be because you think he's Carter Redux and is bound for failure and an empty suit with a vicious wife....and unqualified...and has bad judgement. It can't be because you LOOKED INTO BHO and found him unfit for the office. Nope can't be that. You must be a racist.
And in spite of Howard Dean's 48 state strategy, Senator Obama's 57 state strategy and the Obama supporters state of denial strategy the momentum is going towards Senator Clinton. It's too late for Clinton but it's also too late for Obama.
When you check out Real Clear Politics and look at the reader's articles the majority are anti-Obama. They are also the ones with the most votes. Our little blog has grown like crazy once we went All Anti Obama All the Time. Other anti-Obama sites are popping up. Readership of pro-bama blogs like Kos-Co. and Avorisis have gone down. If anyone has access to the ratings of Olbermann please post in the comments but I don't know anyone who watches anymore.
People are angry. Angry that we have an antequated primary system that sets us up to lose. Angry that Dean and Brazille unilaterally dismissed two states from the country. Angry that the same press who should have learned the lesson of the consequences of going along and not questioning from Iraq have done the same thing with an untested, unvetted, unexperienced guy from Illinois.
Post Wright what has Obama won? North Carolina, although in recent polls he loses to McCain in the general and Senator Clinton wins, Oregon, latte all the way, and perhaps we can count Mississippi.
Go over to and look at the two electoral maps. See who wins. It sure ain't Obama.
What does Hillary know? Does she know anything? Today she stated "reality in June may not be reality in August." Looks like she in until the convention. As Uppity stated here a while ago "time is Obama's enemy." If Hillary Clinton want to stay in until the delegates vote in Denver - GOOD FOR HER. Ted Kennedy did in 1980 and his opponent was a sitting Democratic President not an unvetted less than one term Senator. Why are Obama supporters so thin skinned? Do THEY know something about their man? Relax, kids your man is the Second Coming after all. He can handle the heat until August.
Also: Why don't I care if the Lakers win this year? Why is daylight savings time more annoying to me as I get older? Why won't American cable companies allow BBC World News to be broadcast 24/7 in the states? Is synchronized swimming REALLY a sport?
Doco from 2006 worth a look - some is already dated. Consumers are expressing shock at paying 3.00 a gallon. Oil cost 75 dollars a barrel when this film was made. It now costs 133.
We are in the midsts of some of the predictions made just 2 years ago. Evidence is mounting that oil peaked last year.
A slightly edited list of Obama's coalition from L.R. regular JMK.
Obama has the exciting ability to bring together a new coalition to bring about change in our country. check out:
Obama's Coalition of Change
Domestic terrorists
Middle east money launderers
Nation of Islam
The new Black Panther Party
Anyone who finally became proud of America a few weeks ago.
Movie stars
Star Fu*k#rs - (see Huffington below)
College Students
Corporate Media
Major Newspapers and their columnists - owned by corporate media
Wall Street.
The Chicago Mob.
Foreign lenders.
Black separatist theology ministers
Arugula Shoppers of America.
A. Huffington, but only when not getting a pedicure on David Geffen's yacht, and only as long as Obama remains "cool".
Daily Kos, (known as the Cheetos Blog around here) and other assorted hate groups and closet Stalinists.
TV drugged suburbanites.
Bribed Superdelegates.
Anyone looking for something for nothing
Anyone wanting to take control of others
Anyone unwilling to be responsible for their life
Anyone unable to think for themselves at all
Entitled overindulged eighteen year olds who like big "rallies" in which the crowds are inflated with free concerts by popular bands. (including bands who open shows with the Soviet National Anthem.)
Hate mongers in all varieties
Maoists and other communists.
Union bosses who ignore their members.
Kool Aid drinkers.
Anyone who resents having to pay back student loans.
Anyone who views them self as a victim of "the man"
Peak oil moment of the day: IEA set to cut oil-supply forecast. Better start learning about the biggest issue of our time. Yes - more important even than the American Idol finals. Hard to believe. But true. Super Spike in oil prices predicted in the NY Times.
Senator Obama tells the Republicans to LAY OFF MY WIFE.
Michelle Obama was speaking at a campaign rally (she went on to repeat it at another rally) when she said "For the first time in my adult life I'm proud of my country."
So Ms. Obama can campaign for the Senator, on her own, but her words don't matter and she cannot be questioned.
You cannot use Senator Obama's middle name.
You cannot question why he went to a racist church for twenty years.
You cannot question his association with Rezko and how Mr. Obama bought his dream house.
You cannot question his association with William Ayers and are supposed to accept Senator Obama's assertion that "he's just a guy in the neighborhood." Don't look deeper and see that Obama worked for him for eight years.
You cannot question plagerism - after all, they're just words.
You must accept the new Electoral Math that says that Florida, Ohio and Michigan don't matter to Democrats.
You have to believe that North Dakota with three electoral votes is more important than Florida. AND, you have to believe that Senator Obama is going to grab those three key votes.
You have to be concerned about the price of arugula when you can't afford gas.
You must not worry about Senator Obama calling a reporter, "Sweetie."
You cannot believe your lying eyes because Senator Obama didn't flip off Senator Clinton.
You have to buy that Donna Brazille is undeclared.
You have to re-learn geography. You have to welcome seven new states into our nation. Maybe that's how he wins the Electoral College. You must believe that Sioux City is now in South Dakota and the Great Lakes are in Oregon.
There can be no discussion about Senator Obama's record in the Illinois State Senate or that Senator Obama said two years ago he wasn't ready to be President.
You cannot say that Senator Obama's healthcare plan leaves millions uninsured.
You cannot bring up the fact that Senator Obama doesn't know what language they speak in Afghanistan. It's not like Afghanistan matters.
You cannot wonder why Senator Obama performs so badly at debates and off the cuff. His scripted, plagiarized speeches are, after all, inspirational and make your legs tingle. (There is a medication for that now.)
So, what can you talk about?
He's charming. He gives you hope. He represents change. He's a new kind of politician.
Obama No! written by Adolf Reed, Jr in The Progressive is linked here. He writes with grace about a what so many liberals like myself find disturbing and distasteful about Obama. I have said what I thought in a point blank fashion (He is a fraud. He is a liar. He is a front man.) then challenged my readers to look more deeply at Obama. Obama is not a leader. His campaign is not the vanguard of a movement. Obama is a brand. He is a marketing concept. The Got Hope? stickers that play on the Got Milk? campaign express this perfectly. As does the "Warhol" poster of Obama - a rendering in which his supposedly intelligent followers see no irony.
Obama is - to quote the great Brando in Apocalypse Now - an "errand boy, send by grocery clerks, to collect a bill." Errand Boy: Obama Grocery Clerks: Dean, Brazille, Pelosi. To collect a bill: For large Chicago concerns, Wall Street Investors, and George Soros.
Two quotes: the hysterically indignant reaction to Geraldine Ferraro's statement that much of Obama's success stems from the fact that "the country is caught up in the concept" of a black candidacy are no different from the campaign's touting its "historic" character.
There is also something disturbingly ritualistic and superficial in the Obama camp's young minions' enthusiasm. Paul Krugman noted months ago that the Obamistas display a cultish quality in the sense that they treat others' criticism or failure to support their icon as a character flaw or sin.
Whatever else happens I know this: Obama is bound for failure either as a candidate or a President. He has created a scenario that allows no other outcome. There is a difference between milk and hope. Products don't make good leaders.
"The GOP, should I be the nominee, I think can say whatever they want to say about me, my track record. If they think that they're going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful...Whoever is in charge of the Tennessee GOP needs to think long and hard about the kind of campaign that they want to run, and I think that's true for everybody, Democrat or Republican."
Barack Obama
Obama's ill-advised and empty threat actually displays several of his numerous inadequacies.
SEXISM. The first and most obvious. From 'Annie Oakley' to 'the claws come out' to 'sweetie', Obama has demonstrated he not only has sexist attitudes, but mouths them with no hesitation or understanding of the implication of his words. The demand that others "lay off my wife" has overtones of ownership as well as implying his very public and outspoken wife is incapable of handling criticism or defending herself. Can you imagine the howls if Hillary Clinton, in response to criticism of Bill Clinton, had demanded "lay off my husband."?
HYPOCRISY. Obama demands his wife be left alone while personally criticizing Bill Clinton. "He continues to make statements that are not supported by the facts -- whether it's about my record of opposition to the war in Iraq or our approach to organizing in Las Vegas.
"This has become a habit, and one of the things that we're going to have to do is to directly confront Bill Clinton when he's making statements that are not factually accurate,"
In Obama's world, calling a rival candidate's spouse a habitual liar is acceptable, but criticism of his spouse for troubling remarks is out of bounds.
ELITISM. How is it that Michelle Obama became above criticism? What right does she have to be outspoken and public and expect no backlash for what she says, regardless of how inane it may be?
NAIVETY. Did Obama actually believe he could seek the presidency with his wife making open gaffes, and hear no criticism? This shows a breathtaking lack of realism.
INEXPERIENCE. Obama has just over three years on the national stage as a US senator, and much of those have been spent running for president. A more seasoned individual would certainly understand this aspect of public life.
THIN SKINNED. Obama has a tendency to overreact to criticism, and this is no exception. Should he wrap up the nomination as expected, there is a lot of tough rhetoric and campaigning ahead. He would do well to adjust to it.
All of the above indicates how Obama's shortcomings are easily exposed. He needs to do some maturing as a candidate and a person if he expects to successfully carry the Democratic banner this fall.
Taking a small break from the election to return to the biggest problem we face - bar none - including climate change: Peak Oil. Start thinking about $12 a gallon gas. Robert Hirsch, author of the Hirsch Report stated on CNBC yesterday that we have a much worse situation on our hands than we know. "We should expect $12-15/gallon gasoline followed by rationing." While we are distracted everything is shifting. Krugman on the near future: it will mean changing how and where many of us live.
Reminder: Sundance favorite Forgiving The Frankins comes out on DVD today. I don't get all wound up about movies here at L.R. much. But this is an exception. From an article titled: What If Jesus Told You to Have More Sex?
Floyd doesn't descend into Dogma by trashing everything that smacks of godliness. According to Floyd, "I do not intend to lampoon Christianity at all. If anything, I wanted to lampoon zealotry. There are good Christians, and awful ones as well. Unfortunately, I think the corrupt kind has had control of the microphone for too many years now, and I think it's time for the other side--my side--to speak up again."
Something deeply disturbing has gone down in the Democratic Party over the course of the last year. 50% of the Democratic electorate is being thrown overboard by the elites. It is now evident that this was planned by numerous people high up in both party's power structures with the assent of some powerful media outlets. Not to mention George Soros. Below I list the evidence for my allegation that a fix was put in to stop Hilary Clinton. All of it is either MY inference or can be easily found with some basic google searches. This post goes to my suspicions. There may be rebuttals on all counts. Feel free to refute me on any point.
Obamites: get all your high handed rage ready. I am announcing here - upfront - that I am attempting to connect some dots with known material. This is not journalism. It does not pretend to be.
Obama makes no sense as a national candidate. This could change, I admit. I am not in the "he can't win" category. He could. (sans my vote) The coalition he has put together is simply weaker in most general election scenarios than Clinton's and yet the DNC and "liberal" media seem hell bent on anointing him. Since he admittedly has less experiecne than the stronger G.E. candidate, Clinton, why? His policy proposals are the same as Clinton's or weaker by Dems standards . He is, in fact, a divisive, figure now not a uniter. So why is the DNC and the media STILL determined to crown Obama? I believe there is more to the story - like the run up to the Iraq war - and am genuinely curious. Yes, I am furious about the sexism in the media abetted by the Obama camp. Yes, I resent how badly she has been treated. Yes, I am sad and disgusted it looks like she came in a close second. (except in the popular vote) And YES I think her campaign made some large mistakes. All of that plays a part - in my thinking. Still I wonder if a fix was not put in on Hillary early on. I am allowed to. The blog is 50% mine.
The 10 points below that indicate a plan for creating Obama and stopping Hillary Clinton and are worth deeper investigation:
1. Almost all Obama's legislative "accomplishments" came in his final year as a state senator. He had little to do with any of it aside from putting his name on the bill.
2. With heavy pressure from the Chicago owned Los Angeles Times a family court judge released the sealed divorce proceedings of BHO's main opponent for the U.S. Senate. This paved the way for an easy victory. Since the documents contained salacious information both parties in the divorce proceedings loudly protested the release of the documents. It was done anyway, flying in the face of ALL family court precedent. Why?
3. The poison pill in Florida GOP "paper trail" voting bill: Moving the primary up in violation of DNC rules became impossible for Democrats to vote against. They would have had to vote against a "paper trail" - after the 2000 thievery. Check mate.
4. Immediately following Florida's move Donna Brazille loudly pushed for the DNC to use the "nuclear" option and strip Florida of ALL it's delegates. Not the saner choice, made by the GOP, to remove half the delegation. Donna got her way. Florida, now denuded of power, was assumed to be a Clinton state. Turned out it was.
5. The same irrational, draconian punishment was meted out to Michigan, another Clinton stronghold. Nevertheless, fearing a Clinton rout in a large state, Obama chose to take his name off the ballot. He was not forced. 4 Democrats remained on the ballot. Clinton easily defeated them all.
6. Two of the largest Democratic political blogs suddenly became righteously anti - Clinton. Kos had an insurrection on its hands and without a murmur of concern allowed all Pro-Clinton writers to leave, though previously it supported moderate Democrats and Liberals. Americablog, run by the openly Gay man, John Avarosis, changed its tune even more abruptly. After years of viciously going after any and all homophobes, including Obama friend Donnie McClurkin, Americablog has surrendered its previous principled stance. Obama's homophobic fellow travellers are not an issue at Americablog. Why? Can I say a quid pro quo is behind this? No. Do I think there is more than meets the eye here? I certainly do.
7. The media drumbeat for Clinton to "get out" began right after Iowa. It was often loudest after she WON primaries. Bizarrely, the noise would peak after she had come from behind in Texas and soundly beat Obama in Ohio. It revved up again after she won PA handily -again after she came from behind to win in Indiana. There was no logic to the media's demands. The race was, and remains, close. The week of Obama's 41 point defeat in West Virgina Time magazine "declared" him the winner. Go figure.
8. Howard Dean has demanded adherence to the rules when it comes to Florida and Michigan while ignoring them when if comes to Iowa. According to the DNC's stated policy Iowa violated the rules by placing its caucus on Jan 3. Why did Dean ignore this violation?
9. Obama's well timed endorsements have been suspicious to me for a while. John Edwards' timing is most suspect. A solicitation email from an Edwards group was sent out the same day leading a logical observer to conclude that money had something to do with it. Elizabeth Edwards was not present when her husband endorsed Obama.
10. The Wright tapes were roundly ignored for months by all major media outlets. How is this possible? They were out there. Purchasable on the church's web site, for goodness sake. Yet, voters in fully 2/3 of the states had to decide BEFORE seeing them. Given the "gotcha" media environment - a logical person can only conclude that the media decided to ignore the tapes - until they no longer could.
Go on - let me have it. But please Obamatons, respond with rebuttals to one or all ten points above. Do not roundly scream "sour grapes!" and think you've won an argument. All points are verifiable or events I question based on my observations. Tell me I am on the right track or on the wrong one and why. We all did this same type of thinking out loud after Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush stole the 2000 election.
Elections are rough. I fault Clinton for not seeing how much the decked was stacked against her and responding more forcefully. Nevertheless, we have the right to ask questions about how all this came to pass.
This is the best video YET on the Obama theft of the election. Get this through your head DNC - WE WILL WALK IF YOU HAND THE NOMINATION TO OBAMA. Shut the Freud up is kicking ass and taking names later.
I am looking for photos to post. I would like to post photos from readers because - well - I like photos. Feel free to send any you want up. Click "contact us" and send something you like or are proud of. In the email state you took it and we can post it.
After Tuesday Senator Clinton will have surpassed Obama in the popular vote count. Senator Clinton's victories are all in Democratic stronghold states or states the Democrat needs. Senator Obama's victories are almost all in GOP states. In yet another astoundingly arrogant move Obama plans to be in Iowa Tuesday to "declare victory" . Though he won' t have won the nomination. We, the people, are being gamed. We've been gamed all year in this process. Howard Dean and Donna Brazille have destroyed the Democratic Party. There can be no "healing process" because what Dean and Brazille have done is not a "wound". It is a robbery. We need a justice process. Not a healing process. Please understand this one fact: If Obama is the nominee he will have been awarded it with a minority of Democratic votes and an elite cabal. That fact is the alpha and omega.
I know I won't vote for Obama in November. I know I might vote for McCain. And I know I am at peace with it. I know the GOP will pull out all the stops to defeat Obama and I know I will support whatever they legally do. Obama is a dangerous fraud. We need at least 2 parties in this nation. Right now we only have one: The GOP. The Democratic Party is in full melt down. Fine. Justice should be served. If we, the majority members of the Democratic Party will not have our candidate nominated because a minority cabal gamed the system then we can do one thing: WALK. Walk any direction you like. Just WALK.
There are no scare tactics that can force me and millions of others back into voting for the person who lost in the process but was awarded the game.
This campaign, endless as it is, has had a positive effect on me.
I have, indeed, CHANGED.
It has taught me that I will no longer judge a candidate by the letter at the end of his name but on the content of his character. (Thank you Dr. King)
Having been lambasted for not being a Democrat because I cannot support Senator Obama I am no longer a Democrat. I believe we call that a self fufulling prophecy. I wonder how many other people feel the same way?
I have tremendous respect for Senator Brownback. I disagree with most of what he believes in but I still respect him for the courage of his convictions. And, please, check facts before you start yelling because Senator Brownback and Senator Obama wrote an op-ed together on Darfur.
I worked for Senator Larry Pressler from South Dakota. He was the one who turned down the money in Abscam. He was scary smart, a bit of an absent minded professor, and a very nice man. About half of his staff in Washington were Democrats.
I like Lindsey Graham. Once again, I don't agree with him but I respect his service to our country.
I don't care for Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi.
I still love Bill Bradley, and not just because he was going to introduce me to Bruce Springsteen. I still admire Jimmy Carter. They disagree with me on who should be the nominee but I can see past that because they are more than that.
There are still more Democrats that I prefer than Republicans, Jack Murtha, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, John Conyers, Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, Barney Frank, Tom Lantos, Tip O'Neill, FDR, Jack Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Bill Clinton and, of course, Hillary Clinton.
But I will no longer be taken for granted by the Democrat party and I am no longer going to pull the lever for "d" across the board.
Warning to Obama Pod People: I am speculating "aloud" in this post. L.R. is not a newspaper. Please don't wear out your little fingers with High School journalism class comments about "fairness". If you want background on M.O. get thee to the Google and the Youtube!
A rumor that tape exists of Michelle Obama using the epitaph "whitey" is flying around the net. The story started at No Quarter. Ex CIA man Larry Johnson says he has if from 4 sources that there is a damaging tape and the GOP intends to use it in the Fall. I don't know more than that - what is interesting to me as a blogger is the story itself. Going through comments at No Quarter there are certainly plenty of folks who question if the tape really exists. I do, too. We'll see. What next to no one questions is if Michelle Obama is the type that calls Caucasians "whitey" in casual conversation. I tend to believe it but I at least questioned it. The underlying assumption is she is the type who would say something like "whitey". Not even the Obama Pod People are defending HER over there. They are just dismissing the story. I am not saying she did make the remarks. I am saying I have no problem believing M.O. could. Hardly, anyone else seems to either. This is the real issue the Obama Pod people are missing. (They are out there - paid or not - commenting on pro Hill blogs. You can tell by the Scientology-esque scripts they use.)
Michelle "I'm finally proud of my country" Obama fits the bill perfectly. If I were casting a film with a woman who called people "whitey" - I'd ring her agent up first. The persona of Michelle Obama is ugly. (Note: I did not say SHE was ugly. What I've seen her say already has a nasty tone. So stand down Obama Pod People). She seems to be one gripe after another and all together unpleasant. (Stand down O.P.P. I said seems. ) She ripped white people in her Princeton thesis. She said she did not have the scores to get in to Princeton "but did anyway." She was annoyed she had to pay her student loans back. Her stump speech was - until Axelrod took control of it - a compendium of 60's era resentments. She said in a pissy tone on 60 Minutes that "As a black man, Barack, could get shot at a gas station." (Presumably if he was white, Asian, or Latino he could NOT be shot at a gas station???) She would like to "rip Bill Clinton's eyes out." (Nice. What a fine First Lady this one is gonna make.) And of course her famous "I'm finally proud..." moment all add up to a rather harsh picture.
Based on what we already know about her, tape or no tape, the story fits.
I've said it before - the underlying theme of Obama's campaign is anger not hope. Egg on an Obamite even for a minute and the fury roars out. I welcome the Obama 400 here at L.R. It is fun to watch them get rattled when rational questions are raised about their Dear Leader.
Obama pods: Look closer. Keep looking closer and you will suddenly have an epiphany and know Obama is one rotten egg.
if you have a copy of the Michelle Obama video, in which she is lambasting white people (four different sources say she uses"whitey" as an epithet) at Jeremiah Wright's church, then...
We are not coming home to the Democratic Party because you've burned down the house.
I've returned your emails requesting money and have asked you to remove me from your mailing list.
I live in Florida. Remember Florida? In 2000 we were all shouting to count every vote. How ironic (it really is Ms. Morissette) it is that in 2008 you and most Obama supporters don't want our votes to count. You may have taken away our delegates but you cannot take away our votes. They must be included in the popular vote total because they have been certified by my state.
It's time a for a real third party. We could be the moderates or the reasonables. The people in the middle who don't want a theocracy or socialism. We want to be responsible for each other and expect people to be responsible for themselves. We're not victims, we're not whiners, we're not autocrats. We're just trying to make it and help others make it, too.
So, Dr. Dean, mark me as minus one Democrat. There are more people like me than you realize.
Ted Kennedy made a bad choice this year but he remains a kick ass liberal and a fine man. We love him and are grateful for and all he and his family have done for America. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way, Ted.
The wide assumption in the DNC and Obama cabal of elites and scoundrels is that those of us who refuse to vote for Obama under any circumstances (and we are legion) will come to our senses by November and vote for the chosen one.Since they have no principles beyond money and faddishness they cannot see that our refusal to vote for this woefully unqualified man is fundamentally based in core principles - not anger, disappointment or passing frustration.
The assumption that we will vote for BHO in the end is false and stupid. Here's why: The most consistent Democratic voters in general elections are African Americans and white "arugula" liberals. AA's vote Democratic at a rate over 87% in general elections routinely. A few rich "arugula" or "latte" Democrats bark about Nader or the equivalent every four years - but they invariably wander back to Kerry or Dukakis, etc. The template for disaffected Democrats "always coming back" being put forth by pundits now it based on the history of "latte" Democrats. Not "lunch bucket" Democrats.
This year the disaffected Democrats are lunch bucket dems, not the lattes. Evidence suggests that lunch bucket Dems vote according to a candidate's affinity to their values over all else. The "What's the matter with Kansas?'" meme put forth by the certain elites - including Obama in his famous San Francisco flub - misunderstands something basic: to many of us there are principles more valuable than money. In fact, there is intelligence in understanding that the elected head of government should reflect one's basic values regardless of policy differences. This is not ignorance - it's wisdom.
Obama's 20 year stint in the retrograde church and his encouragement of sexism in his campaign go to core values. It tells us who he is. (Examples: he flipped off a former first lady -there is no denying it, and uses repellent woman hating rap "artists" at his rallies). He has become offensive to 2 large groups of Democrats: blue collar workers and white women. Telling these groups to vote for him merely because he is a registered Democrat and "not McCain" is insulting. I attend a large liberal church. On occasion I disagree with what is said and done there - but overall I am comfortable with it because it reflects my values. A stranger could correctly infer much about my beliefs by viewing sermons I sit through at my church . You can here if you like.
We have every right - in fact every duty - to make judgments about Obama based on where he spent 20 years of his spiritual life. To insist it is all okay because he dumped Wright after a press club rant is to insist that one ignore critical thought. I won't even consider giving Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis a pass until she explains how she changed. Until then it stands as her belief. The onus is on her, not the rest of us. Stop asking us to check our values at the door just so your guy can win. Stop implying we just don't understand Obama when all the evidence suggests we understand him completely. Much more than his myopic fan base.
I will not vote for Obama because he represents values I am fundamentally opposed to: racism, sexism, condesension to the working class, lack of judgement about associates, political expediency, graft, and entitlement. How can I say this? I've examined not what he has said but what he as done, and where he has spent his adult life. I encourage you to do the same.
Besides, as of now there is no compelling economic reason to violate my core principles and vote for BHO. If there was I might look twice. His "Democratic" economic stances are boilerplate and innocuous. Regarding the economy he inspires no faith and doesn't even seem to understand the basics.
Howard Dean and Barack Obama have willfully shrunk the Democratic big tent. The rump party they have created is no longer the party I was once proud to be part of.
BIG P.S.: Before I get comments about Iraq - let me just add - anyone who thinks Obama is going to magically end that war is a fool of the first order. Obama will fund the war if he wins. He'll have to. Delusions to the contrary are just that - delusions. All 3 candidates are stuck with Iraq. All three candidates will have to spend 4 years backing off the Bush mess. But we are staying in Iraq. We can't up and leave. Stop fantasizing about it. Until we end our addiction to oil, indeed, our need for oil, we will have to have bases in countries with it. Every segment of our American lives depends on oil. So please no crap that starts with "but the war!!!". If you want the war to end cut your energy usage 50% RIGHT NOW. If you won't do that and still insist Obama can get us out of Iraq - then you're too far gone to be bothered with. We ain't there to stop the "bad guys" we're there to make sure the Chinese aren't. The Chinese are stuck making deals with Sudan and Venezuela for now. Sadly, everyone on earth seems to know this except the American public.