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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dead Enders

Checking out the internets this morning on on my first day off in two weeks and I find that we (non Obama supporters) are now called Dead Enders.

Can I tell you how much I enjoy the irony of someone using Donald Rumsfeld's words to describe me? Golly gee willackers what's next? We're going to greet Senator Obama with flowers?

Let's go with Dead Enders but separate the groups.

Dead Enders who are passionately committed to Senator Clinton. We are the Democrats who voted for Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry. We are part of the Democratic party who in the past have come around. But this primary has changed us, or at least me, in that I am no longer willing to vote for someone just because he has a "D" at the end of his name. Dr. Dean has done damage that cannot be repaired. He has split the Democratic party.

Dead Enders who are Reagan Democrats. You would think the name would be a tip off that these people do not vote according to party affiliation but let me explain it clearly: They didn't like Mondale or Dukakis and didn't care about party unity. These people are not going to vote for Obama. Without them, the Democrats lose. Oh, and by the way, calling them uneducated racists really doesn't help pull them over to your side.

Maybe there is so new Coalition of the Willing who are going to unite to put Senator Obama in the White House. I can't see it because it seems that as more comes out about Senator Obama it will be a Coalition of the Wilting. Wright has not gone away. Just because Senator Clinton isn't using God Damn America don't think for a moment that Republicans won't. The disparity between a man who spent five years in a POW camp and wouldn't leave until his men could leave to with a man who spent twenty years in a pew listening to a preacher rail against white America and wouldn't condemn him until it was politically expedient is stark.

And it makes for an easy choice in November.

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