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Sunday, May 18, 2008


This campaign, endless as it is, has had a positive effect on me.

I have, indeed, CHANGED.

It has taught me that I will no longer judge a candidate by the letter at the end of his name but on the content of his character. (Thank you Dr. King)

Having been lambasted for not being a Democrat because I cannot support Senator Obama I am no longer a Democrat. I believe we call that a self fufulling prophecy. I wonder how many other people feel the same way?

I have tremendous respect for Senator Brownback. I disagree with most of what he believes in but I still respect him for the courage of his convictions. And, please, check facts before you start yelling because Senator Brownback and Senator Obama wrote an op-ed together on Darfur.

I worked for Senator Larry Pressler from South Dakota. He was the one who turned down the money in Abscam. He was scary smart, a bit of an absent minded professor, and a very nice man. About half of his staff in Washington were Democrats.

I like Lindsey Graham. Once again, I don't agree with him but I respect his service to our country.

I don't care for Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi.

I still love Bill Bradley, and not just because he was going to introduce me to Bruce Springsteen. I still admire Jimmy Carter. They disagree with me on who should be the nominee but I can see past that because they are more than that.

There are still more Democrats that I prefer than Republicans, Jack Murtha, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, John Conyers, Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, Barney Frank, Tom Lantos, Tip O'Neill, FDR, Jack Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Bill Clinton and, of course, Hillary Clinton.

But I will no longer be taken for granted by the Democrat party and I am no longer going to pull the lever for "d" across the board.

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