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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Your peak oil moment of the day -it's not Vietnam

I am sick of Obamatons using "the war" as their FINAL ANSWER for supporting him - usually when "hope" "change" and "insults" have run their course. Obama will not be able to extract us from Iraq. Period. We are in Iraq to keep the Chinese out. We are there to makes sure the oil is ours when it is extracted. Everyone knows this except the American public.
Unless WE change our basic assumptions and expectations - the war won't end. Obama can't end it. Clinton can't end it. McCain can't end it. All of them know it. They can manage it better. That is all. All three have lied about the war. Obama has lied the most.

Iraq is NOT Vietnam in one basic way. Iraq is an economic war in an almost pure sense. There is no ideology involved. Some has been grafted on for public consumption - however our men and women are indeed fighting for "our way of life":

excessive air travel
complete reliance on cars
a massive, diverse, food supply (often unhealthy - but profitable) that uses enormous amounts of oil
over sized, ego driven, often tacky homes 40-100 miles from ones workplace, etc etc -

If you REALLY want to end the war here are few suggestions that have nothing to do with protesting or who you vote for - but if enough people got on board - the war will end:

A. Cut your energy consumption by 50% RIGHT NOW. Or at least see if you can.

B. Eat as little food as possible that was produced more than 100 miles from where you live - unless you have no choice.

C. Stop shopping at all BIG BOX Stores. The sooner the "10,000 mile supply line" is put to rest the better. (it will be put to rest soon enough. As will 10,000 mile tossed salad. )

This is a start.
Crazy? No. We are in an oil war in Iraq. It is a very normal outcome given our recent power as a nation - and should have been expected. Nations go to war over resources all the time. We are no different. Oil is essential. So essential in fact - we simply would no longer function as a society without it. So no offense 'Arugula Bumper Sticker Crowd' but for now -War IS the Answer - until enough of us change our way of life and our thinking. Ah, the irony of a car BUMPER STICKER that says "War is Not the Answer". Not as ironic as the Warhol Obama - but close.

Nice speeches by state senators don't change facts on the ground. When I say "A President Obama will certainly disappoint and fail" I am mostly referring to this issue. Of the three candidates left he understands it the least.

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