There are real leaders and then there is the toastmaster from Illinois
It is disturbing to be a liberal now. I make no excuses when I say this - 2008 has made me feel old. Watching the political party you've been a member of for 28 years self immolate in order to ensure the election of a Republican will do that to a man. I make no bones about calling the neo-liberal Obama Democrats what I truly believe they are: delusional corportatists who don't care a bit about the disempowered in this society. When someone finally analyzes all the money that has changed hands in the Obama campaign the truth will finally be known. "Change" to the Obama cultists means wholesale dismissal of two thirds of the working class. When working class African- Americans realize they have voted for a New Aristocracy that is in essence the same as the Old Aristocracy, and against there own best interests - they, too, will bolt Obama's fragile coalition. It is Hillary Clinton who represents true change this year. Those with the least of everything - power, money, a voice in the process, have been represented by her not the toastmaster from Illinois. Obama has polluted the core and essence of Democratic Party values. Oh what fools these Arugulas be.
When I call myself a liberal I mean - for lack of a better term on Wednesday night - a New Deal liberal. My co blogger Lynne distilled it perfectly in a post a while ago: We believe that everyone must take responsibility for themselves, and that we are responsible for each other. What makes me a liberal still is the second half of Lynne's phrase. In an industrial and post industrial capitalist democracy the government on all levels has a limited obligation to try to level the playing field. When Obama has had the chance to improve the lives of people he has often balked. When Obama has had the chance in the U.S. Senate to stand up against the war - he has cowered. Obama is not a liberal. He is not a progressive. He is a fraud.
Exhibit A:
Rise Hillary, Rise.
When I call myself a liberal I mean - for lack of a better term on Wednesday night - a New Deal liberal. My co blogger Lynne distilled it perfectly in a post a while ago: We believe that everyone must take responsibility for themselves, and that we are responsible for each other. What makes me a liberal still is the second half of Lynne's phrase. In an industrial and post industrial capitalist democracy the government on all levels has a limited obligation to try to level the playing field. When Obama has had the chance to improve the lives of people he has often balked. When Obama has had the chance in the U.S. Senate to stand up against the war - he has cowered. Obama is not a liberal. He is not a progressive. He is a fraud.
Exhibit A:
Rise Hillary, Rise.
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