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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Today's Obama reading: The Apocryphal Book Of Olbermann:

A reading from the apocryphal Book Of Olbermann:

So it came to pass in those days
that the land of the Patriots chose a new leader whose name was Patrick.
Patrick's words had given hope to many.

The apostle Axlerod knew Patrick's words
and he went to the Lord Obama and gave him the same words
for to sooth the Arugula Tribe
and make them like Sheep

But Axlerod worried that the Lord would be accused of word theft.
And then Lord Obama was accused of word thievery
by a two bit tobacco chewing racist
named Cracker McHick

But the Lord said:
Be not afraid of the racists.
I have not stolen Patrick's words.

I riff with my brothers.

And many at a gathering asked
what is 'riff ' Lord?

And the Lord said: Listen to this allegory.
And while the gathered Arugulas sipped
upon their Lattes and Carmel Macchiatos
and nibbled Tofurky Weiners a top the hoods of their Priuses
the Lord said:

"The Lord must be allowed to steal words.
I am a busy Lord and can't be expected to come up with new speeches all the time.
Obey me and do not question."

A curious disciple said -
But Lord that is not an allegory.
It is merely 3 sentences.

Then the Lord's eyes became like slits and he said:
Respect my AuthoraTAY! Hope! Change!
I am the Alpha and the Beta.
Hope! Change! Changey Hopey Change!
Change-o- Hope- o- Rama!
Hopeish! Change a lish us!

The Lord went on repeating variations of Hope and Change
until the apostles rolled a blunt
and became Fade-eth.

Then the Lord left the gathering for to smoketh.

The Word of the Lord.

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