Later! Not coming back this fall!

The assumption that we will vote for BHO in the end is false and stupid. Here's why: The most consistent Democratic voters in general elections are African Americans and white "arugula" liberals. AA's vote Democratic at a rate over 87% in general elections routinely. A few rich "arugula" or "latte" Democrats bark about Nader or the equivalent every four years - but they invariably wander back to Kerry or Dukakis, etc. The template for disaffected Democrats "always coming back" being put forth by pundits now it based on the history of "latte" Democrats. Not "lunch bucket" Democrats.
This year the disaffected Democrats are lunch bucket dems, not the lattes. Evidence suggests that lunch bucket Dems vote according to a candidate's affinity to their values over all else. The "What's the matter with Kansas?'" meme put forth by the certain elites - including Obama in his famous San Francisco flub - misunderstands something basic: to many of us there are principles more valuable than money. In fact, there is intelligence in understanding that the elected head of government should reflect one's basic values regardless of policy differences. This is not ignorance - it's wisdom.
Obama's 20 year stint in the retrograde church and his encouragement of sexism in his campaign go to core values. It tells us who he is. (Examples: he flipped off a former first lady -there is no denying it, and uses repellent woman hating rap "artists" at his rallies). He has become offensive to 2 large groups of Democrats: blue collar workers and white women. Telling these groups to vote for him merely because he is a registered Democrat and "not McCain" is insulting. I attend a large liberal church. On occasion I disagree with what is said and done there - but overall I am comfortable with it because it reflects my values. A stranger could correctly infer much about my beliefs by viewing sermons I sit through at my church . You can here if you like.
We have every right - in fact every duty - to make judgments about Obama based on where he spent 20 years of his spiritual life. To insist it is all okay because he dumped Wright after a press club rant is to insist that one ignore critical thought. I won't even consider giving Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis a pass until she explains how she changed. Until then it stands as her belief. The onus is on her, not the rest of us. Stop asking us to check our values at the door just so your guy can win. Stop implying we just don't understand Obama when all the evidence suggests we understand him completely. Much more than his myopic fan base.
I will not vote for Obama because he represents values I am fundamentally opposed to: racism, sexism, condesension to the working class, lack of judgement about associates, political expediency, graft, and entitlement.
How can I say this? I've examined not what he has said but what he as done, and where he has spent his adult life. I encourage you to do the same.
Besides, as of now there is no compelling economic reason to violate my core principles and vote for BHO. If there was I might look twice. His "Democratic" economic stances are boilerplate and innocuous. Regarding the economy he inspires no faith and doesn't even seem to understand the basics.
Howard Dean and Barack Obama have willfully shrunk the Democratic big tent. The rump party they have created is no longer the party I was once proud to be part of.
BIG P.S.: Before I get comments about Iraq - let me just add - anyone who thinks Obama is going to magically end that war is a fool of the first order. Obama will fund the war if he wins. He'll have to. Delusions to the contrary are just that - delusions. All 3 candidates are stuck with Iraq. All three candidates will have to spend 4 years backing off the Bush mess. But we are staying in Iraq. We can't up and leave. Stop fantasizing about it. Until we end our addiction to oil, indeed, our need for oil, we will have to have bases in countries with it. Every segment of our American lives depends on oil. So please no crap that starts with "but the war!!!". If you want the war to end cut your energy usage 50% RIGHT NOW. If you won't do that and still insist Obama can get us out of Iraq - then you're too far gone to be bothered with. We ain't there to stop the "bad guys" we're there to make sure the Chinese aren't. The Chinese are stuck making deals with Sudan and Venezuela for now. Sadly, everyone on earth seems to know this except the American public.
Labels: Democratic party, election, Iraq, Obama
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