Other than the Kennedy clan there is no other political family that has been such a powerful force for good . (The Kennedys are behind everything from the Peace Corps to the Special Olympics.) Hillary has spent a large part of her working life on women and children's issues. And The Clinton Foundation is a remarkable success.
Of course, The Clinton "family" as a force is but 2 people. Given that one can presume that Obama will have to spend an enormous amount of time on the failed economy - Hillary Clinton may well carve out an enormous power base in the world and the White House. This would be good news. There are few people in D.C. I trust more than Hillary Clinton to be the face of America around the world.
If Obama continues to appoint Clinton Administration veterans I hope he has the good sense to get out of the way and let the grown ups do their work. Back to the future!
Not up to posting anything pertinent tonight...feeling all sentimental for some reason. So four clips that I love - and I hope to hear from you all on Monday.
Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world...
Because no matter - we'll always have Meryl...
You're just too good to be true...
And in my mind the best ending of a television series ever...I just want to celebrate another day of living...
Am I the only one who is oozing disgust with N.O.W. about now. I keep returning to how disgusting the treatment of Palin was by alleged feminists. I can't imagine a scenario in which I would vote for her. That is a simple reflection of major political differences with her. I voted Green on principle this year. Yet anyone who TRULY cared about the women's equality movement could have - or should have seen - Palin as a sign of advancement. She is self made in every sense of the word. She took on a male dominated political culture and won. She maintains a career and a family. She is - in essence - a feminist achievement writ large.
Her stance on choice is incorrect in my book. Her stance on gay rights is WRONG. Her world view is somewhat disturbing.
Nevertheless, Palin is a sister who did it herself.
So now NOW is upset about some of the media treatment of her. Now. At the end of November.
My contempt for the arrogant Champagne Left continues to deepen as they come to about Obama. Obama is no liberal. He is, in all likelihood, the worst combination of self serving narcissist and cowardly "moderate" (meaning he will always impulsively either deflect responsibility for tough choices or make the choice he believes will damage his "likability" least.).
The compliant media, N.O.W., Move On and the rest of the fools in the Huffington/Kos rabbit hole never required a DAMN THING from Obama before this election. And now he is - like clockwork - ignoring his loudest proponents. Why? Because they are worthless, spineless sycophants and he knows it.
The financial crisis sent Obama over the top on election day. I do not think it was "planned" - it was inevitable. It was, however, timed. Scheduled. The most obscure elites (Soros etc.)brought Obama to the Presidency. They will be protected. Protection is what they bought in Obama. The Latte Liberals long slow decline into irrelevant idiocy has begun. Some will try to stay relevant by revising their 2008 histories of sexism and gassy adoration of Obama. But it is too late.
I find the best way to deal with the bipedal human like parrots who are repeating the Obamamedia nonsensical talking points is to mock them.
At least for now.
To their faces.
Eye rolls are good.
I do love the moment a POD PARROT realizes you find Obama to be closer to P.T. Barnum than Mother Teresa.
Saying things like "Yes, for the past week CNN has been repeating that exact same sentence you just said." forces the smug pod parrot to confront one of their deepest internal lies: that they think for themselves.
Or my favorite technique: just make absurd statements about Obama when the pod parrot's adulation begins. I'm compiling a list here for fun.
Say things like:
"I agree Obama is truly great. I hear he learned to speak fluent Latin, and play the violin between campaign stops. " or "Yes, what a relief his victory is. Now nothing bad will ever, ever ,ever happen again." or "I know he smokes, but they are clove cigarettes and, like, totally organic. The cloves are grown by Code Pink, at a co-op in Santa Monica run by Tom Hayden, a group of disadvantaged crippled children of color, and unemployed pygmy war resisters working on their incest issues." or "I don't worry about Obama's FISA's flip flop. I trust Obama with my privacy. I want him listen in on me. In fact, the thought of it makes me feel a little randy." or "Obama keeps a copy of The Secret on his night stand. Also Jonathan Livingston Seagull and 6 life size cardboard Deepak Chopras are strategically placed through out his mansion. It's just a reminder to stay in touch with his higher self. Ya know, even the most evolved need a reminder. Even Jesus had doubts."
A very smart neighbor (or so I thought) told me yesterday that Lord Master Obama was hiring all the Clinton people because he is just "like Lincoln who also hired his enemies."
Never mind the obvious stupidity of that statement.
She was merely repeating what the obamamedia told her....we've all heard the pod parrots...CNN and MSNBC make a statement - repeat it for a few days - an alleged historian or "expert" repeats it and gives it a faux "context" ( Such as: Lincoln hiring members of the opposition party during the civil war is comparable to Obama hiring Hillary Clinton, a person with which he has almost no policy differences.) The cover of Time then provides supporting background noise at supermarket checkout stands from coast to coast...and before you know it otherwise smart people are saying "PollyWantaCracker" at dinner parties across the land...or rather "Obama is just like Lincoln."
Furthering their own self serving narrative: that THEY saved the nation.
Pod Parrots can't hear rational arguments. Save your sanity. Use humor.
Writing a blog often causes a Napoleonic complex. Or rather - a Moulitsas Complex - no, I take that back, Napoleon was significant. Ducky is not.
At any rate, I try to avoid cocksuredness with words like "seems" and try only to go ultra definitive with the obvious like "Obama was sold to us by a compliant media" or "Shakespeare is a genius" - or when I'm really pissed - which is too much of the time.
That said, let me also say this: Ignore whatever reservations you may have about Sean Penn and go see Milk. His performance is masterful. The film itself may well end up being Gus Van Sant's masterpiece.
Sometimes the exact right director, gets the exact right material, the exact right cast, at the exact right time to make a perfect or near perfect film. It rarely happens. Coppola and first 2 Godfather films come to mind ( and the third is underrated in my book.). Sam Mendes and American Beauty as well. And, of course, Network.
I won't say if this film will end up being considered a masterpiece. Only the passage of time can create a masterpiece. Still, everything that Van Sant does with this material - all his quirks - that have kept him an interesting director but not a great one - come together in Milk and vibrate perfectly with his cast, and the subject.
And Sean Penn...The friend I went with said "That was not a performance. It was a possession."
Excepting Meryl Streep doing anything - it is as precisely lived and nuanced as anything I've seen an actor do in a decade.
So go. Learn something.
Below the trailer and the moment that made Diane Feinstien a national political figure:
Check this out: Boycott the NYT. This is a right wing site. Don't agree with the people but I am glad to highlight an example action being taken against the MSM.
The media is the myth maker.
Here's the truth - I think we should boycott all of them. Further I think we should be marching outside CNN in Atlanta and 30 Rock (NBC) and the NYT building.... at least until they gobble up the "event" of the protest and make it a meaningless story.
For now: Turn OFF the news. Stop reading the major myth making newspapers. If you tune in for coverage of a major event - like the attack in India this week - learn to perceive at what point it stops being event coverage and starts being about manipulating you. The switchover happens. Every time. After 9/11 is took about 24 hours. Every thing every one of us needs or wants to know can be obtained in less than 10 minutes of - mostly local - news.
Be selective about "news" outlets. Very selective. As selective as you are about food...even if you "eat anything" you don't choose arsenic for supper. Far lefty Hans Enzenburger calls the media the "consciousness industry" - as true a name as I can think of. The goal is to turn us all into "manipulators" as well- or as a recent rather large example implies - turn as many of us as possible into "co-myth makers".
I don't want to live in a Marxist or "Christian" nation. (the "Christian" nation the Right fantasizes about is every bit as repressive as the William Ayres's Left wing anti-utopia.)
I do not like beliefs being shoved down my throat. (Or is an I.V. drip a better metaphor?) Didn't like it during the run up to Bush's invasion of Iraq. Didn't like it this year as I watched Obama being forced on us. (Thanks George Soros and Move On and all your pals in the MSM! Whoo Hoo!! Good job!!!)
So be conscious of what you are being told to accept. There IS an agenda. Harmful or Helpful? - doesn't matter. Just be aware that you are being sold something. Buy or pass on it - but remember it is a sales job.
Some music - A modern classic (is that possible?) - try this "a pop classic" (sounds like coke)
Elvis Costello's "What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?"
What, pray tell, does the President-elect have to do that is more important than calling the Indian Prime Minister in the last 2 days? Did he forget to bring his cell phone to the gym? Does Obama think governing is like a crappy award show in which a star sends his agent to accept?
No Quarter tells us that President Clinton has been tapped by Obama as an envoy to the region - setting up both Clinton's as potential fall guys for Obama's lack of experience. I can't quite get my mind around the idea that the world's largest democracy suffers a massive terror attack and the President elect of the world's oldest democracy neglects to place a call. Granted, he is NOT President yet - nevertheless - one has to wonder what Obama expects his job as President will be.
If this episode is any indication Obama will be Bush 3: a detached figurehead with more qualified individuals around doing the heavy lifting. (Though, how qualified the Bush minions were is highly debatable. By Katrina they were certainly all either worn out or just over it - and we were left with Bush himself "leading.")
Another President in absentia would be a disaster. Let's hope the Indian terror attack silence is inexperience - not a precursor.
...taking the day off...if I can help it....putter at home...dinner with some extended family in Long Beach...not much else...except to try and be thankful...I really am grateful for so many things.
Here I randomly list a few: Life itself, my friends,my dog, funny people, rain, dodger stadium, strong women, honest men, the Apple corporation, my church, the Clintons, the much undervalued Los Angeles subway/lightrail system, USC Football, curiosity, Shakespeare, Italy, pretty Irish girls (I admit a pretty redhead walking by makes my day better, and sometimes my brain foggy..is that sexist?...don't care...), Trey Parker and Matt Stone, Meryl Streep, Dunkin Donuts coffee, that Brazilian place in the farmer's market, (and let's face it, the men who work there...)reading books in bed and Every one of you who visit this site. I remain surprised and flattered that L.R. has so many regulars. All of you, have an wonderful day!
So as I lolly gag around this morning before my long trip Over the Freeway and Thru South Central here are some things - again at random - that make me laugh every time...
The Thanksgiving Pilgrims story has never appealed to me. It is nice enough - but even as a kid I thought it did not add up. So I was grateful much later to discover that Mr. Lincoln actually made Thanksgiving a national holiday. His proclamaiton is below.
The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added which are of so extraordinary a nature that they can not fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.
In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign states to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere, except in the theater of military conflict, while that theater has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union.
Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defense have not arrested the plow, the shuttle, or the ship; the ax has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well as the iron and coal as of our precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege, and the battlefield, and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom.
No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.
It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged, as with one heart and one voice, by the whole American people. I do therefore invite my fellow-citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners, or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the imposition of the Almighty hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it, as soon as may be consistent with the divine purpose, to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity, and union.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this 3d day of October, A.D. 1863, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-eighth. Abraham Lincoln
If we are headed into a new Depression then the end of a 50 year era is upon us. I'm glad. A society solely based on "consumption" is no society at all. The pursuit of happiness does not begin and end with a Big Screen TV.
If the era of oversized SUVs to drive to the 7-11 is over - I say good riddance. We should not sustain a society of acquisition for acquisitions sake. Slapping together hope and delusion and more debt so that we can continue to live 80 miles from work and eat tomatoes from Argentina year round for one more generation is cold blooded.
WE CONSUME THEREFORE WE ARE cannot be the final answer we send to the future. Nor should "Well, at least we finally elected a black guy."
As big a fan of Bill Clinton as I am I don't want a return to the 90s to be the goal. I want the 90s to be seen as the last hurrah of consumerism as an ideology - the moment we thought it might still work. So Barack, good on you for hiring all those Clintonites. They know more than you. Now use your much rumoured leadership skills to bring us to a new place.
The catastrophe that is George W Bush continues - vaporizing whatever wealth is left here as he exits. But Obama is showing few signs that he is willing to confront any hard truths. Though, I'll add: Obama is capable of confronting us with the harsh truths. Do it, Barry. As I see it they are simple enough:
*Getting 2/3 of our energy from people who hate us is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated any longer. He must then actually EXPLAIN what ending this addiction means. It is not pretty. But the alternative is nasty, brutish, and short.
*He must take to task every institution and every politician that allowed the financial system to collapse. That includes you and me. The era of mystical money must end. Again this is full of unpleasant side effects.
My prayer now for Obama is this: I pray he's willing to be unpopular. He WILL be unpopular, anyway. He's going to be holding the bag.
After a year of asinine chanting he must now leave it behind and tell the damn truth. We are in a real fix. He's made some good hires. Now he needs to tell us what we don't want to hear.
Hillary would.
Almost forgot the music! Should anyone else ever be allowed to sing this song after...?
I've been thinking about California off and on lately. There is an assumption here that California naturally divides between North and South - hence "no cal" and "so cal". This is fueled by a "Marin County mentality" up north that No Cal is more refined, more cultured and therefore better than So Cal. San Francisco never got over being demoted by Los Angeles as California's first city.
Regardless the no cal/so cal difference is largely mythical. In reality California's two segments are east and west. The coast from northern Orange County to Oregon is increasingly apart from the inland parts of the state - which are more conservative and inward looking. Californians in Venice and Humbolt County are more alike than they are with Californians in Fresno or Riverside. It is a mute point though - because western California could not live with out eastern California's water and food. And eastern California needs our commerce and buying power.
There are a few "nation-states" in America: Texas, Alaska, California and to a degree Florida. Then there are regions: New England, the South. The Midwest. A Russian professor has openly speculated on the potential for a break up of the U.S. This is an idea I would have thought absurd 10 years ago. Now I merely find it far fetched. I wonder how strong the ties that bind us are anymore. If the economic downturn is drastic what are the unifying threads in American life? The one idea that is powerfully American is individual freedom. This has been corroded severely by the Right and Left - from different angles to be sure but the damage is real. The right to Habeas Corpus and privacy has been willy nilly disregarded by the Right. The Left has nurtured a society that believes in "bail outs" on all levels: personal, professional, corporate. No believes in suffering consequences because we are all victims of something.
Without the basic idea of individual rights and responsibilities as ballast will an economic hurricane overwhelm us? Will regionalism trump patriotism? As a western Californian with family in Texas - I've visited Dallas a lot and felt the sense of being in a similar but different land. I imagine the same holds true for any Yankee who has spent a summer in Little Rock.
The tribalization of Americans is real and pronounced. Many around the world would benefit from a dismantled America. If we turned on each other I doubt if China would be crying about it.
No, I don't see it happening soon. But the potential is clearer than it was a few short years ago.
Goood Morning! It is the eve of the eve of my favorite Holiday - and one of my favorite days of the year - the return to standard time, and the now - almost - perfunctory USC defeat of Notre Dame being the others - all of which occur around the same time. (alas the once greatest "intersectional rivalry in college football" has faded. Still I do my leprechaun voodoo dance and send curses to South Bend all week!)
So, anywho, I awoke today in a good mood. (no Meds cracks please. Not out of anger do i say this but boredom. We must find another way to insult..."are you off your meds again" jokes jumped the shark a while ago. )
A site I've been meaning to highlight for a while is Make Them Accountable. She does the news and views better than the rest of the all headline sites. I got over Raw Story a while ago. Buzz Flash is silly. Huff is obviously pandering and pathetic - and Drudge -hmmm - I just don't get him right now - and therefore I don't trust him. Savage Politics is a good one too - generally too far Right for me - but I like it.
Make Them Accountable is well worth a daily click. She (Carolyn) has been steady and clear for a while now. No Obama adulation B.S. and no drift to the fear based Right - (though, like so many of us here, she seems to have warmed to the SANE conservatives this year.)
Some Shakespeare...Shakespeare is the center of our cannon in the West. Hamlet is the center of Shakespeare and the center of Hamlet is this speech. Therefore, in some way this speech is internal to all our lives. The best version I could find:
And the worst - though Mr. Hawke does place his internal confrontation with the greatest human mysteries at a Blockbuster, which may have some ironic genius I don't see. He is an actor I like, but his Hamlet is a trainwreck:
A friend told me I needed to watch the Palin turkey interview for the comedy value alone. It is painful AND funny. It almost feels like an SNL skit. Palin is, of course, charming, likable and poised. What she needed then and apparently needs now is a good P.R. person. Standing in front of a turkey insanguinater is not visually appealing to say the least. And unless one is a PETA member - it is also funny. People in Palin's position usually have aids whispering sweet nothings like "Governor lets move this interview over a few feet."
Palin is a smart, talented politician. She needs better "help" before 2012.
As for the PODs going loopy about this clip - their reaction says more about them than it does about her. Animal rights nuts are also apoplectic. I have no time for these types - unless they are vegan. Meat eaters who get sentimental about the animals we eat need to put up or shut up.
Turkeys, chickens, cows, and pigs are brutally and ruthlessly killed. They are fed, fattened and slaughtered in factories. It is a nasty business. Don't like it? Stop eating it.
I think that means that we've been snookered. Or is it a ponzi scheme? One in which most of us have - driven by blind desire to consume more and more- have been unwitting (witless?) participants. As national crisies go I'd say we are in the midst of a CAT 5. (Forgive my maleable use of metaphors - I was stoned during English in high school.Then got a degree in theater - which hardly helped matters.) While not as abrupt as Pearl Harbor or 9/11 the pain will end up worse for the society but of a diffenent nature.
My natural pessimism springs from a desire to be optimistic. While trying to comprhend what is happening in the econmy I keep atempting to see the silver lining without fantisizing.
So far. So bad.
I really DON'T get it. But I'll try: The market has fallen 2000 points since Obama won the election and Paulson handed out billions in mystical money. The "they" that does this stuff is, with ever increasing failure, trying to recreate an economy, that was false to begin with, by dumping mystical currency into the system. Gasoline on fire. As they burn, the pretend dollars being dumped are making the fire brighter and hotter. Sadly, Obama's best and brightest are going to pour more on to the fire. This may work in the short run. Things working in the short run IS the problem in the long run.
(Example: Houses are not falling in value - they were never worth that much to begin with. Anyone with half a brain knew this. But if we've learned anything this year we've learned this - I pray-: Fantasies are powerful. Even so the faux wealth created by the faux value of the real estate did give the illusion of real wealth - in the short run.)
Trillions in conjured "wealth" has evaporated. At some point that wealth butts up against reality. Bluntly put: people lose jobs. A lot of them. We'll be lucky if the unemplyment rate is 10% in a year. I think that is optimistic. Then again, as I've said, I'm no ecnomist - just a guy who feels like he has a front row seat to the end of an era. Pass the popcorn - if we can afford it.
George W Bush and his remaining court jesters are incompetent. (Then again, maybe not - W's cabal will probably survive just fine.) On January 20th, with all sorts of fanfare, Obama and his court get the booby prize.
The silver lining? In 10 years we may land back in a nation that has real wealth based on real labor and real manufacturing-not A.R.M.s and houses used as credit cards. But the capucino liberals and the NASCAR conservatives may not take such a romantic view as things fall apart.
An unexpected pre-holiday treat has been the freak out amongst the ObamaPod faithful about how moderate Obama's cabinet picks have been so far. Though, I hold many views that are called "progressive" by The Nation and their ilk (I prefer "liberal") I am happy and relieved to see so many Clinton hands on the deck of the good ship Barack. And watching the Kos Kidz head's pop has leapfrogged seeing conservative sexual hypocrites implode for pure delight in my book.
This year I never could decipher if Obama was a Wall Street stooge or a far lefty whiner. It is apparent so far that he favors Wall Street over Marx (Karl) - not the best of choices but I too prefer Wall Street over Marx (Karl) though not over Marx (Groucho). Competence and an active government inside the faux capitalist system we have now is better than shoving champagne socialism with a violent subtext down the throats of us proletarians.
Obama's goal would seem to be competence - hence all the Clinton left overs. Change is taking a back seat to Shift. Often slight shifts by the look of it. Chances are not high that I'll ever end up liking Obama - but I am growing in faith that he is not going to tilt to the far Left and cause chaos. I doubt he'll be popular in a year. He hasn't got the goods or the balls. He is the apex of the celebrity culture in the moment the society must move away from this lethal nonsense or dissolve. That depression you see in your rear view mirror is closer than it appears.
The Clinton middle ground worked wonders in the 90's. In the midst of a depression it may look more like Gerald Ford than FDR.
The media is starting to choke back compulsive adulation and will have to actually question him in a few months. By Summer the vocal Whole Foods Left will be in a state of Ophelia like insanity - throwing itself in the handiest river.
Since we knew the media's pro Obama bias was overwhelming and since we knew the media would admit they went to far AFTER the fact... (This is their pattern and their plan. Admitting that they went to far after the election is over, or the invasion has begun, or the impeachment has occurred, is the last part of the game - in this way they attempt to absolve themselves, and restore some credibility, while hoping we forget the pattern in time for the next propaganda push.) ...I am not sure why stuff like what is linked below makes me so furious. It's not like I did not see this round of media confession coming. Usually, I love being proven right. But I'm sick of being one of the damn confessors for these jackasses. We are forced to watch them behave like frothy tin foil hat nuts for a season and THEN we are forced to hear their round of confession.
I, for one, DO NOT FORGIVE the media's sins.
Halperin even goes so far as to compare the Obama asskissing in 2008, to the pro Iraq invasion propaganda the media overwhelmed us with in 02 and 03.
Most overrated persons, places and institutions in America: 1. Bloggers 2. The NBA 3. Notre Dame coach Charlie Weiss. 4. Arianna Huffington 5. Almost every male stand up that gets a comedy central special. 6. The DNC. 7. The New York Times 8. Corn
Obama Pod realty intrusions either happening now or about to occur: 1. The depth of President Clinton's influence - in absentia - on the Obama administration. 2. The realization that Obama has no interest in supporting Gay rights. 3. Obama's nascent hawkish foreign policy 4. Joe Lieberman is still a Senate Chairman..see the Kos Kidz rage. 5. Obama has no intention of exiting Iraq soon and may well be forced into taking on Iran.
Things Obama can do soon to win over the 48% who did not vote for him: 1. Force budget cuts on Reid and Pelosi. 2. Lock Biden in the basement. 3. Tell the big three auto makers they are on their own. 4. Disavow his stated goal of establishing a national domestic security force. 5. Release a real birth certificate. 6. Capture Osama Bin Laden. 7. Take reviving the Fairness Doctrine off the table.
People, places, things and organizations that need to go away: 1. MTV 2. Ben Stein 3. People or organizations that value animals over human beings. 4. TV ads screaming at everyone to get a "free credit report!" 5. The "Warhol" Obama Hope stickers. 6. George W. Bush. 7. Keith Olbermann 8. Moveon 9. TV ads that equate eating sickening amounts of beef at every meal with masculinity. 10. Jesse Jackson 11. Caucuses during nomination battles. 12. California Adventure. 13. Paula Abdul 14. The Los Angeles Times 15. Heroes 16. Techno Music 17. Bono
Watch Peter Schiff in 2006 get the 2008 economy exactly right while the other "experts" on Fox and CNBC mock him. Particularly satisfying is the grating creep Ben Stein proving himself to be a total moron. Charles Payne at wstreet.com also proves himself to be an idiot. This clip is a prime example of just how dangerous a smug media can be. Everyone mocks the one person who got it right.
A few times in the past 4 months I've stated that the Obama Pods would be the first thrown under the bus by the Dear Leader.
So far. So good.
Hillary will be Secretary of State. This has the Obamamedia and the Obamablog kidz cringing. Screw 'em. Their hatred for the Clintons knows no bounds and has no rational underpinning anyway. The deluded have to wake up about Obama eventually. It may as well be now. Obama is reconstructing the Clinton White House - with some Bushies in tow for good measure.
See the incoming CIA chief: If Brennan emerges as the pick,...will have to oppose him strenuously in the nomination process. We will, in fact, have to go to war with Obama before he even takes office.And if Obama doubts our seriousness, I have three words for him. Yes we can.
That is a quote from the nation's preeminent hypocrite and barebacker in waiting: Andrew Sullivan. They may have to "go to war" - My God, the inflated self importance still astounds. When the Clinton announcement is formalized by Obama everyone should grab a tarp. Micheal Moore may well explode, raining lard and invective far and wide.
Brennan is a Bushie at heart. A Clinton at State and a Bushie at the C.I.A...
ha. ha. ha.
Obama is setting himself up an administration of D.C. insiders. This should surprise no one. The fact that there is much gnashing of teeth in Podville is testimony to the level of delusion and self importance still rampant with Kos and rest of the "Yes We Can" twits.
So far we have Clinton at State, Brennen at the C.I.A., Richardson at Commerce, Daschle at H.U.D., and Rahm the Impaler as White House gatekeeper. Except Brennen - all are Bill Clinton bred insiders. (Brennen is a Cheney/Bush "apologist" according to Sullivan.) Conservative anti-choice Republican Chuck Hagel will show up somewhere on Obama's roster soon. And Lieberman got the thumbs up from Obama - and therefore the Senate Democratic Caucus - so he can stay. Cue Kos teeth gnashing.
We told the kos kidz Obama was not who he seemed. Maybe Howard Dean will launch an insurgent presidential campaign from the Left in 2012 to give those idiots something to do.
The Whole Foods liberals are being left at the alter - and I am glad to be a witness.
Some Bill S. tonight from Much Ado About Nothing. No connection to the post - I just love this scene because it is all about love.
Then waking up he attacked Hillary Clinton loudly. This is probably habitual when he comes to - like reaching for a cigarette for some - or shuffling to the bathroom. Mathews immediately bad mouths any smart female. Stretch/insult women, pee/insult women,make coffee/insult women, call Olbermann to say "I love you, Keithy"/insult women.
The song with the lyric that came to mind just now is... (Shakespeare later when I am feeling more introspective.)
The American malady from the bottom to the top. First the delusional Pod who thinks Obama is going to pay her mortgage.
And a poor clip of the Auto executives being dressed down for arriving in private jets to beg for our money. Same idea different class.
All I can say is GROW UP.
I am fed up with the elite sounding the alarm bell every time they want to force a bailout on us. The economy has already tanked. The Wall Street bail out has failed. The market is vaporizing wealth every day.
Let the big three fail. The excuses these men make for all the crappy, greedy decisions they have made for 4 decades are breathtaking. As for the workers - I feel bad for them. Though, I am usually pro union - the UAW is a dinosaur and a meteor is in order.
My numbers are down since the election - can I get a blogger bail out? My cell phone bill is too high - will Pelosi spot me a Benjamin? My sink is clogged - will Barney Frank come over with some Drano? I resent paying my car insurance but I want to keep driving - will Harry Reid please pass a bill that exempts me from responsibility if I cause a wreck?
Every rich SOB is being "saved"with our children's mystical money - and the poor are being force fed an illusion by the despicable media.
I say No. The American automobile industry DESERVES to fail. How is handing these jackasses 700 billion dollars fair? I know, I know - the economy will FAIL. Well, an economy based on hand outs and grifting SHOULD fail.
40 years ago we were a nation that landed on the moon. Now we are a nation of overfed brats. All if it - including Obama - is about saving the richest while the rest of us sink. These bailouts are the seed and fertilizer of revolution.
Duh. How stupid were these people? Did they pay attention to Obama at all? Or did they just see a cool non white guy, go into full force smug ecstasy, and stop listening?
Obama does not care about the Pods. They were envelope stuffers and are now no longer useful except to spaz on Olbermann every so often and spam on the Internet when Obama gives the signal.
Though I don't understand economics anymore than I understand meerkat social behavior - I've observed overtime that economic "experts" don't know much either. The so called seers are those who are first to yell out what is in the immediate past and claim it as wisdom. 8 months ago inflation was all the rage - now deflation is in vogue. Are many in the middle class about to join the "former middle class" class?
So much is changing. As a Californian I hesitate to use the "ground is shifting under our feet" metaphor - but it feels true. We were told 9/11 "changed America forever" - after a few months we were back to our media diet of celebrities behaving badly and 'catastrophe' du jour nonsense. Even the wars lapsed into events that were happening elsewhere, to other people. And irony - reportedly killed on September 11, 2001 - was revived and made normative. So normal in fact that by 2007 many millions were desperate to jump off the Irony Express and indulge in some credulity and false, but charming, naivete, going from "everything is ironic" to "Got Hope?" one afternoon over diet coke and Oprah. Happily, hope came dressed as a smart black man so everyone could mix in a liberal pinch of smug to smooth their transition backward from spoiled adolescents to idiot - uh, i mean innocent - children.
(Should we call this hybrid Obama induced state of being that combines hope and smug "smope" or "hug"??? GOT SMOPE?!KEEP SMOPE ALIVE!) Of course, both lazy irony and false hope are mostly just the ego defending itself against mean truths and adult responsibility - as any dime store therapist will tell you.
Nevertheless, nothing will sober up a population drunk on cheetos, Dancing with the Stars, and smope quite like LACK.
So if we are headed into a Greater Depression is there any collective wisdom left to help this democracy through? The social contract of the 1930s seems D.O.A. in 2008 America. Studied stupidity and entitled helplessness are now as "American" as "We holds these truth to be self evident..." More so actually. How will we respond to a new Depression? I am not hopeful. (or smopeful). But I am not hopeless, either.
Still, at some point we became a willfully stupid society. We revel in it. Stupid people cornered do all sorts of unfortunate things.
Some morning music to suit the mood
"they used to tell me I was building a dream so I followed the mob..."
Quick Note: Cheney Indicted. My God is there a man who deserves to be in prison more than Cheney? To the post: Oh the horror the horror. The banality. The banality. As liberal as I am I'd still like to see Chuck Norris, Arianna Huffington and Keith Olbermann go into into a room and only see Norris come out - to paraphrase the bug eyed boob of MSNBC.
Brando tells us who Obama really is: an errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill.
Tonight's music from the film The Mission. Is this the best movie score ever?
What bullshit Obama's "broad coalition" is turning out to be. It apparently means Clinton Administration folks - oh and Chuck Hagel the Republican who put the INO in RINO.
Thank God there is a decent Democratic administration in living memory for Obama to raid. Otherwise we'd be stuck with him placing Arianna Huffington and Tony Rezko in the cabinet.
I repeat: I would rather have Clintonites populating the Obama administration than Chicago Machine types and far lefty wash ups. Conflicting reports are out about whether Hillary will accept the Secretary of State job. Though, as a Clinton loyalist I am of two minds on this issue - mostly I hope she does take the job. The danger is real that Obama will blame her for anything that goes wrong in foreign policy under his watch. However, I don't put much stock in the idea that it would ruin her. She is too smart. The Clintons make mistakes but they are far out weighed by their successes in the political realm. The Obama Administration policies are going to be Obama's in the end. Hillary will not lie for Obama as Powell did for Bush 2, and she is more astute than Ms. Rice. If Obama tanks no one will be unscathed. However, a review of the history of Bill and Hillary proves one thing - they are survivors. Clinton will be a good or great SOS. No one with a brain (this excludes morons on the far Left and the asinine media) will question her work ethic or skill. Obama's presidency is going to be Obama's for better or worse. However, Clinton's successes at state will be chocked up to HER.
Added bonus: The freaks at Kos and Huffington have to deal with Hillary. They have to make room in their Clinton hating reptilian brains for the fact that THE ONE chose a Clinton for a high profile job. At some point the cognitive dissonance will cause at least a few cases of spontaneous human combustion. Please God, let it show up on youtube.
Hillary supporters have no reason to fear Obama scapegoating anymore. We never did actually. What we know about Hillary after 2008 is that she is the best candidate for nearly any job out there. She fights for what is right - and can get through any right wing or Obamamedia deluge intact and with grace.
I don't like this terror among the Hillary loyalists, like me, that the SOS job is a trap for her. She's better than that. If she wants it, she should take it. If Obama tries to wiggle out of responsibility in the future - plenty of people are primed and ready to point it out. If Clinton really does screw up at State - she'll take the heat. Let's not give Obama mystical power over all. Let's not feed the corrupt Obamamedia machine with MORE magical thinking about Obama. He is not the infallible wizard behind the curtain - Time and Newsweek's asskissing not withstanding. He's flawed - just like everyone else. More than most, in fact.
As for Team Obama making insulting inquiries into Bill Clinton's income - well - Obama is an asshole. President Clinton knows this. Hillary Clinton knows this. We all know this. Not news. We're stuck for now. If the Clinton's don't like the vetting they can stop it. If they aren't bothered I see no reason to be.
Fear no job, Hillary! And for us PUMAs I say: Fear No Obama Duplicity!
Hillary remember: Country First. I trust your judgement. If it means the Senate - remain and kick ass. If it means the State Department - then give it your all.
The end.
And now a visit from Bill S. My not so humble wish for everyone is not world peace or solving global warming (which does exist!) it is that we all start reading Shakespeare. Stick your toe in the water. 5 minutes a day. Comprehension is not the top priority. The WORDS are. Followed, eventually, by the PEOPLE. Comprehension will come in time. Shakespeare is not nearly as difficult as it seems at first.
I started on my Shakespeare trip with the Folger's paperback editions. One scene a day. Shower, shave, Shakepeare. A synopsis is presented before each scene. This way the action of the play is not lost and one is free to indulge the words. This seems pretentious of me I know, and maybe it is, I don't care much. I am not a humble scholar. I am not a scholar at all. I just know that where ever I am - we are - Shakespeare has been there before - and many other places as well.
In this culture if you want to know why we are the way we are in relation to God - believer or not - like it or not - then you should read the King James Bible.
If you want to know why we are the way we are in relation to each other and ourselves you must read Shakespeare. He invented us, as Harold Bloom put it.
From Henry the Fourth part 2 And him..oh wondrous him...miracle of men...second to none
When we say something is "second to none" we are plagerizing this speech.
It is not that Obama's B.S. did not matter to people - IT IS THAT PEOPLE DID NOT KNOW WTF or WHO THE "F" THEY WERE VOTING FOR. The propaganda machine that goes by these names: CNN CBS MSNBC NBC ABC New York Times Washingtonpost Americablog Dailykos Huffingtonpost sold us a fable called Barrack Obama just as surely as many of them sold us the invasion of Iraq.
From a post election Zogby poll: Obama voters did not fare nearly as well overall when asked to answer questions about statements or stories associated with Obama or Biden - 83% failed to correctly answer that Obama had won his first election by getting all of his opponents removed from the ballot,and 88% did not correctly associate Obama with his statement that his energy policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry. Most (56%) were also not able to correctly answer that Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground. The American Media created this hologram called Obama by lying to us by commission and omission.
PUMAs were right, are right, and will continue to be right.
Despite the election result - I wonder if Obama will even be considered legitimate in 6 months. We've never been lied to with as much impunity as we were in 2008.
The Obama/Bush failure is moving forward...and since I live in a big city, am not Amish or Buddhist, and dislike discomfort - I'm not overjoyed that I believe we are compulsively playing out the EndTimes narrative. Nor do I think Obama has any power to stop this compulsive play acting (all the while blaming the god of Moses and John of Patmos. ). Obama is, in fact, a RESULT of this mass delusion and denial. But since I really dislike the man (who is such a fraud we may need to retire the word fraud) if the world is going to end - it may as well happen on his watch so he can take the blame. The Mayans tell us that the world ends on December 21, 2012, placing the last days during the Biden/Gingrich Administration interregnum. Nostradumbass, and Edgar Casey and my favorite doom machine the Web Bot Project place it around that date as well. When do you think the world ends? And some Shakespeare - Titus Adronicus, Bill S's slasher/revenge bloodbath. Here is the moment Titus must decide what to do about the brutal rape and mutilation of his daughter.
Clinton coming in at State. McCain being vetted for Defense. The entire Obama transition team is populated by Clinton staffers - what does this mean? Is it that Obama is a great bipartisan leader?
I do not think so. A friend put it succinctly today: It's because he knows he's not qualified.
Obama is surrounding himself with people - 2 in particular - that ARE.
Some music for tonight: Sakamoto Ryuichi - Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
Clinton at State and McCain at Defense? What next - George W Bush as National Security Adviser? Looks to me as if Obama is ensuring that he will never get the blame for anything. Or he is playing both his opponents so he can publicly reject them in short order. Once an assho**e, always an assh**e. Also by choosing a GOP for the cabinet Obama is getting glowing press - as if appointing a member of the opposing party is exceptional or ground breaking. It is not. Going by memory only here...other presidents who put members of the opposing party in their cabinets: Lincoln, FDR, Ike, JFK, Nixon, Clinton...I am sure there are many others. Seriously, when will the delusional Obama press come to? 3 months? 6 months? Never? In fact... A few weeks ago I posted Zeffirelli's version of the Romeo and Juliet balcony scene. Here is Bernstein/Sondheim version:
I do love photos from readers. Coyote sent these a while ago from Ireland. I just love them. Read Coyote's blog here. I have a commitment tonight so won't be posting - please have a great Sunday night...!! Enjoy True Blood! Thank God for TIVO!
I went to the gay rights rally in Los Angeles. I will post and write about it soon. (preview: proving the blindness of so many Obama Pods - The GOP Governor of this state, a brave, no B.S. supporter of No on 8 was attacked while Obama, clearly a coward on Gay Rights got the usual "real change has come to D.C." treatment for some speakers. And "Yes We Can" has now officially Jumped The Shark.)
For now I want to the address the issue of Gay Marriage rights.
I don't know or care if marriage is a"fundamental right". The Left has polluted the word "rights" beyond recognition. Sadly, what it means now is "let me do whatever I want".
We should be saying same sex couples must be granted the responsibility of marriage. The scare tactics by those opposed to Gay marriage are based in fear. This is obvious. Even the cultural resistance is fear based. Some of which was based in reality. No more. Agrarian societies needed land inheritance to be clear. It was a matter of survival for men to procreate and know their kids were their kids. Cultural bias toward heterosexuality was necessary - and codified. Too much spilling of seed with the boys for love or fun wasn't going the grow the next generation's dinners. This FEAR was so intense that it was codified to the degree that GOD HIMSELF(allegedly) condemned adultery and homosexuality.
I am a Christian and believe in a God that knows ME personally. (Unlike many on the Left-which does not bother me one bit. Nor does it harm a free and open society in the least. In fact, masses believing in a God who is personal may be harmful to society on the whole. But an impersonal God and/or atheism are not in my make up.)
This God I worship is in many ways a product of Abraham. Still, what was perceived as a needed set of rules 3000 years ago is no longer humane, decent, realistic, economically wise, necessary, or Godly. Jesus knew this 2000 years ago. He talked about EVERYTHING for 3 years - but somehow never got around to homosexuality. Did the Son of God forget? And why aren't we fighting about divorce? Jesus was clear as a bell about divorce. It is not allowed. Period.
The bible "literalists" conveniently forget Jesus's divorce decree. Let's be clear: THERE ARE NO BIBLE LITERALISTS. Fundamentalists pick and choose from the Bible. This, too, is fear. Gay rights advocates are not up against the a few passages in the Bible as much as they are up against a thousand little terrors that rattle the world view of bigoted straights.
These fears are idiotic. Legally codifying gays on the same level as straights harms nothing except the fantasies of some constipated heterosexuals. No one is demanding that any particular religion change. The demands are being made on the STATE. The abolitionists, women's rights movement and civil rights movement made them as well. Dr. King did not force Mormons to change their stance on admitting blacks - which they finally did in the 70s. He demanded that 12% of the population be treated as equals by the state.
If religious fundamentalists are uncomfortable with gays - they are free to carry on being uncomfortable. But making 10% of the population second class citizens is not a "right".
Don't like blacks in leadership positions? Don't like women rising to the top?
Tough shit.
You live in the wrong country. Iran might be better suited to your predilections.
There is a final answer when it comes to God. God is or God isn't. I am certain God is. I hold that faith deeply, but being human, imperfectly. There is NOT, however, a final answer yet for human beings. Our approach toward God evolves. 2000 years ago Jesus was not worshipping the same God Adam was 5000 years ago. Don't believe it? Read Leviticus and then read Mark.
As for all the strawmen the fundamentalists prop up - I am past being offended. When an idiot says Prop 8 going down would force schools to teach "gay marriage" (huh?) or perpetuate the myth of some devious gay "agenda" or imply that gayness is an illness or perversion all I can see is the liar's terror.
We've been here before. Blacks and Mexicans are lazy. Women are too emotional. Asians are sneaky. The fear mongers spews the crap every time we strive to become a more perfect union and -so far - they always lose.
The final law in the USA is not the Bible. (Don't like THAT truth? Tough shit. Move.) It is the founder's documents we are so blessed to have. Documents the writers knew were not finished - because they knew we were not finished.
Allowing gays a place at the table - with all the same rights and responsibilities is - and this I am sure of - morally and ethically right.
The farce that Obama represents change marches on. Mr. President-elect Barky is populating his transition with Team Clinton. A move I heartily endorse, being one who sees the Clinton years as being as close to sane as we've gotten in recent history. (Poor Gerald Ford attempted to keep the ideologues at bay - but, alas, 1976 was no time to be a GOP President.)
As for Hillary being Secretary of State-I am of two minds. As a Clinton loyalist I'd love to see her job match her abilities. Ted Kennedy, determined to the last to throw elbows at the Clintons (they had the gall to WIN!!! - twice no less!!!) kicked Hillary to the curb on healthcare Thus rendering her unable to influence healthcare in the Senate - so why shouldn't she bolt? If she is not going to be President then the State Department is a good choice. However, the best choice is as a justice on the Supreme Court.
Obama got the low down on the God-awful situation via intelligence briefings after he won and suddenly the promises he made to make Kerry and the New Mexico gas bag Richardson for the Sec. of State post are not operational.
The down side for Hillary would be her boss - a man who cannot and should not be trusted. Chances are good he will lead the country into one foreign policy nightmare after another. Breaking it to the Kos Kidz that world peace and pounding our rifles into drums for Love Circles on the campus quad is OFF THE TABLE - and that much of the errant nonsense the Obama Pods spewed about Iraq during the campaign was, in fact, errant nonsense - will go down hard on the latter day hippie saints in Cheetos Blog land.
Obama is cagey and he'll blame Hillary for every dumbass mistake he makes.
Rove will be leaving cackling messages on Donna Brazile's answering machine as the 2010 campaign heats up.
The fact that Obama has finally come to on the shores of Lake Michigan and realized he now needs ADULTS running things, not compliant talking heads and Lord of the Flies bloggers-and is therefore is tapping Clintonites-proves that, at the very least, he does not intend to fail. Though he more than likely will.
Uber Zionist Rahm Emanuel on the scene gives me some hope that Israel is not going to be ditched. As for Biden-he looks more and more like a backbencher to history. Spiro Agnew with a comb over. The more he talks the less relevant he becomes.
So GO BARRY! REHIRE the Clinton team - I liked them then and like them now. Also, I do want to see how your ass kissers at Huffington and MSNBC justify your slide over to Clinton land. They love trashing the Clinton's for no rational reason so much, after all.
Then again, the DNC might start wondering why they threw the nomination to you to be begin with - if you are just going to recreate Clinton's Admin. Coulda had the real deal...but..uh...she has no penis...so you got to jump to the head of the line.
Clinton Dems actually know how to WORK for a living. Maybe you and Michelle will learn something from your new hires.
A music choice for tonight: The True Blood Theme. Very sing-able.
Currently - a group is protesting/ picketing at West Hollywood eatery called El Coyote whose manager gave 100 dollars to the Yes on 8 campaign. El Coyote is a watering hole/mediocre Mexican place - when I worked on film crews we would go there and make jokes about which neighborhood cats were missing to make the meal we were eating.
But the drinks are cheap and the place has lasted in a town that is unkind to restaurant longevity.
El Coyote is a good place to protest as it is in a nice part of town and convenient. We do want our protests to be convenient, after all....
Gay protesters are also going after the Mormon church - not exactly difficult in Los Angeles. Mormons are pretty kickable - what with the magic underwear and outer space based theology. Frankly, the Mormons deserve it. And I have no issue with masses of normal people picketing that religion. Focusing on a restaurant where one manager gave 100 dollars is just bad form, potentially ugly and a P.R. coup for the assholes with the Right Wing Christian Political Agenda.
I do not get it. They are making a victim out a ding bat restaurant manager. Spread the word that people should boycott the place and then let it go. Aren't there bigger fish to fry?
Mormons BAD for supporting prop 8. White Protestants BAD for supporting Prop 8. Republicans BAD. (except Arnold) McCain BAD for supporting prop 8 Palin EVIL for supporting prop 8. Hang her in effigy!! Obama ___ for opposing gay marriage rights... (wait! Obama is against Gay marriage???who knew???) Black Protestants: OFF THE HOOK FOR SUPPORTING PROP 8 by a 70-30% margin.
Guess we'll keep attacking some easy targets instead.
I am off to a sign making party for the prop 8 protest at L.A. City hall on Saturday - they conveniently planned it around my USC football schedule...(however, let's be clear, if someone schedules civil disobedience training at the same time as my beloved Trojans play - I'll skip the game... it is time to MOVE ON to non-violent civil disobedience in order to gain equal rights for Gay Americans.)
Here's a music pick for the night: I Will Wait For You. Some days I just can't The Umbrellas of Cherbourg out of my head. A near perfect film.
Yikes! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do - and today I am referencing, in a good light, Obama whore John Avarosis. He is right on gay rights. In a discussion with a friend earlier today the Sundance Film Festival's stance toward Utah came up. I not only think Sundance should be boycotted this year - I think Sundance should MOVE the festival this year. The idea that an industry driven by and with populated with hugely talented gay people -should show up to the fortnight of partying and movie shopping in Utah is disgusting. Sundance needs to move this year. It needs 8 movie screens in reasonable proximity. And a place to hold press conferences, parties, and photo shoots, and hotels - that'll cover the 2 weeks. There is NO reason the festival cannot be in Los Angeles this year. None. Sundance must move.
Today's Shakespeare - The Rude Mechanicals play with the play in Midsummer, performed by John, Paul, George, and Ringo.
The devastating rant linked below pretty much sums it up. The economic catastrophe is quickly being down graded from awful to horrific. Bailoutmania has overtaken Obamamania as the insanity of the moment. And by bailout I think they are talking about you and me and millions of others shoving what's left of our wealth toward companies that failed on all fronts and should probably die anyway. Then again - it actually isn't our money - it's the next six generations we are raiding. Intoning about Hope and Change won't help much as Detroit sinks into oblivion. We are all next. The GOP must be happy. W has lit the bag of dog poop, tapped the doorbell and is about to ditch. Obama is left having to stomp out the crappy fire. I feel no sympathy. I might if Pelosi and Reid had demonstrated a modicum of adult responsibility in the last 2 years. Or if Obama had not run the most despicable campaign in memory.
Let the country rot on Obama's watch. Karl Rove won the election, not Barack Obama. Let's hope Obama is a weak in the knees coward - as his voting record suggests he is - and non-cult members of both parties make a comeback in 2010. Or, God willing, a third faction emerges - call it the "Sanity Party", no Obama sycophants or GOP gasbags need apply.
The alternative is a false flag event and the ego on stick legs demanding obedience from a terrified public.
And a small tribute to the women who is responsible for one of my favorite pop songs ever...Miriam Makeba, Mama Africa, died this week in South Africa...I offer a small token of gratitude from me to her - as the song below made many a day brighter..
Some Obama Pod emailed me yesterday regarding my link to the Sacramento Bee article about Prop 8 and the black vote. He/She said I was "telling lies to stoke racism."
I just want to state for the record I am telling the truth to stoke racism, dammit!
being sarcastic... relax...
Actually I linked the article to make the point that:
A. I am not the only person seeing a 70% "yes" vote on 8 from AAs (which is 28% higher than any other ethnic group.) as a disheartening reality for Gay people. B. To make the point that hiding from the truth - however uncomfortable - is unworthy of liberals, and dangerous in the public sphere. This is, in fact, the focus of this blog all year. If this was an argument between blacks and hispanics in Watts all sorts of do gooders would have moved to set up commissions and outreach programs to address it. But, somehow, bigotry against gays from one ethnic group is off limits for discussion, since gays don't really matter and blacks must retain their ultimate victim title in Left wing circles. This crap is promoted by rich white "intellectuals" and black "leaders" (Sharpton, Jackson) AA's first place victim status must be renewed forever regardless of the progress of black Americans and the attitude changes of white Americans - and most damaging - regardless of the harm it does to black youth. Don't think the murder rate in south central has anything to do with having victimhood forever reinforced and encouraged? You are wrong.
Gays who have swallowed this nonsense whole are now blaming the Mormons - they are a safe scapegoat since they are overwhelmingly white and seen as overwhelmingly odd...though Mormons comprise a tiny portion of California's population they did supply a lot of cash to Yes on 8. Still, in this case, blaming the money and not the voters is like cops arriving at a crime in progress and arresting the gun and not the criminal. No on 8 had plenty of cash. They clearly did not understand the attitudes of one large voting block.
At any rate, here's another piece on this issue. This one is from the Miami Herald. When, for instance, they use an obscure passage from the Bible to claim God has ordained the mistreatment of gays, don't they hear an echo of white people using that Bible to claim God ordained the mistreatment of blacks?