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Friday, November 28, 2008

Arsenic for supper.

Check this out: Boycott the NYT. This is a right wing site. Don't agree with the people but I am glad to highlight an example action being taken against the MSM.

The media is the myth maker.

Here's the truth - I think we should boycott all of them. Further I think we should be marching outside CNN in Atlanta and 30 Rock (NBC) and the NYT building.... at least until they gobble up the "event" of the protest and make it a meaningless story.

For now: Turn OFF the news. Stop reading the major myth making newspapers. If you tune in for coverage of a major event - like the attack in India this week - learn to perceive at what point it stops being event coverage and starts being about manipulating you. The switchover happens. Every time. After 9/11 is took about 24 hours. Every thing every one of us needs or wants to know can be obtained in less than 10 minutes of - mostly local - news.

Be selective about "news" outlets. Very selective. As selective as you are about food...even if you "eat anything" you don't choose arsenic for supper. Far lefty Hans Enzenburger calls the media the "consciousness industry" - as true a name as I can think of. The goal is to turn us all into "manipulators" as well- or as a recent rather large example implies - turn as many of us as possible into "co-myth makers".

I don't want to live in a Marxist or "Christian" nation. (the "Christian" nation the Right fantasizes about is every bit as repressive as the William Ayres's Left wing anti-utopia.)

I do not like beliefs being shoved down my throat. (Or is an I.V. drip a better metaphor?) Didn't like it during the run up to Bush's invasion of Iraq. Didn't like it this year as I watched Obama being forced on us. (Thanks George Soros and Move On and all your pals in the MSM! Whoo Hoo!! Good job!!!)

So be conscious of what you are being told to accept. There IS an agenda. Harmful or Helpful? - doesn't matter. Just be aware that you are being sold something. Buy or pass on it - but remember it is a sales job.

Some music - A modern classic (is that possible?) - try this "a pop classic" (sounds like coke)

Elvis Costello's "What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?"

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