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Saturday, November 15, 2008

God and Gays. with update

I went to the gay rights rally in Los Angeles. I will post and write about it soon.
(preview: proving the blindness of so many Obama Pods - The GOP Governor of this state, a brave, no B.S. supporter of No on 8 was attacked while Obama, clearly a coward on Gay Rights got the usual "real change has come to D.C." treatment for some speakers. And "Yes We Can" has now officially Jumped The Shark.)

For now I want to the address the issue of Gay Marriage rights.

I don't know or care if marriage is a"fundamental right". The Left has polluted the word "rights" beyond recognition. Sadly, what it means now is "let me do whatever I want".

We should be saying same sex couples must be granted the responsibility of marriage. The scare tactics by those opposed to Gay marriage are based in fear. This is obvious. Even the cultural resistance is fear based. Some of which was based in reality. No more. Agrarian societies needed land inheritance to be clear. It was a matter of survival for men to procreate and know their kids were their kids. Cultural bias toward heterosexuality was necessary - and codified. Too much spilling of seed with the boys for love or fun wasn't going the grow the next generation's dinners. This FEAR was so intense that it was codified to the degree that GOD HIMSELF(allegedly) condemned adultery and homosexuality.

I am a Christian and believe in a God that knows ME personally.
(Unlike many on the Left-which does not bother me one bit. Nor does it harm a free and open society in the least. In fact, masses believing in a God who is personal may be harmful to society on the whole. But an impersonal God and/or atheism are not in my make up.)

This God I worship is in many ways a product of Abraham. Still, what was perceived as a needed set of rules 3000 years ago is no longer humane, decent, realistic, economically wise, necessary, or Godly. Jesus knew this 2000 years ago. He talked about EVERYTHING for 3 years - but somehow never got around to homosexuality. Did the Son of God forget? And why aren't we fighting about divorce? Jesus was clear as a bell about divorce. It is not allowed. Period.

The bible "literalists" conveniently forget Jesus's divorce decree. Let's be clear: THERE ARE NO BIBLE LITERALISTS. Fundamentalists pick and choose from the Bible. This, too, is fear. Gay rights advocates are not up against the a few passages in the Bible as much as they are up against a thousand little terrors that rattle the world view of bigoted straights.

These fears are idiotic. Legally codifying gays on the same level as straights harms nothing except the fantasies of some constipated heterosexuals. No one is demanding that any particular religion change. The demands are being made on the STATE. The abolitionists, women's rights movement and civil rights movement made them as well. Dr. King did not force Mormons to change their stance on admitting blacks - which they finally did in the 70s. He demanded that 12% of the population be treated as equals by the state.

If religious fundamentalists are uncomfortable with gays - they are free to carry on being uncomfortable. But making 10% of the population second class citizens is not a "right".

Don't like blacks in leadership positions?
Don't like women rising to the top?

Tough shit.

You live in the wrong country. Iran might be better suited to your predilections.

There is a final answer when it comes to God. God is or God isn't. I am certain God is. I hold that faith deeply, but being human, imperfectly. There is NOT, however, a final answer yet for human beings. Our approach toward God evolves. 2000 years ago Jesus was not worshipping the same God Adam was 5000 years ago. Don't believe it? Read Leviticus and then read Mark.

As for all the strawmen the fundamentalists prop up - I am past being offended. When an idiot says Prop 8 going down would force schools to teach "gay marriage" (huh?) or perpetuate the myth of some devious gay "agenda" or imply that gayness is an illness or perversion all I can see is the liar's terror.

We've been here before. Blacks and Mexicans are lazy. Women are too emotional. Asians are sneaky. The fear mongers spews the crap every time we strive to become a more perfect union and -so far - they always lose.

The final law in the USA is not the Bible. (Don't like THAT truth? Tough shit. Move.) It is the founder's documents we are so blessed to have. Documents the writers knew were not finished - because they knew we were not finished.

Allowing gays a place at the table - with all the same rights and responsibilities is - and this I am sure of - morally and ethically right.

As always - please feel free to comment.

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