And the winner is: Sexism!
Am I the only one who is oozing disgust with N.O.W. about now. I keep returning to how disgusting the treatment of Palin was by alleged feminists. I can't imagine a scenario in which I would vote for her. That is a simple reflection of major political differences with her. I voted Green on principle this year. Yet anyone who TRULY cared about the women's equality movement could have - or should have seen - Palin as a sign of advancement. She is self made in every sense of the word. She took on a male dominated political culture and won. She maintains a career and a family. She is - in essence - a feminist achievement writ large.
Her stance on choice is incorrect in my book.
Her stance on gay rights is WRONG.
Her world view is somewhat disturbing.
Nevertheless, Palin is a sister who did it herself.
So now NOW is upset about some of the media treatment of her. Now. At the end of November.
Contemptible hypocrisy.
N.O.W. made jackasses of themselves during this election. Riverdaughter: Throughout this election their silence over the extreme misogyny and sexism equated to tacit approval of the tactics used not only by the media but by the DNC, Obama campaign and their supporters to attack, defame, and ridicule both Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.
My contempt for the arrogant Champagne Left continues to deepen as they come to about Obama. Obama is no liberal. He is, in all likelihood, the worst combination of self serving narcissist and cowardly "moderate" (meaning he will always impulsively either deflect responsibility for tough choices or make the choice he believes will damage his "likability" least.).
The compliant media, N.O.W., Move On and the rest of the fools in the Huffington/Kos rabbit hole never required a DAMN THING from Obama before this election. And now he is - like clockwork - ignoring his loudest proponents. Why? Because they are worthless, spineless sycophants and he knows it.
The financial crisis sent Obama over the top on election day. I do not think it was "planned" - it was inevitable. It was, however, timed. Scheduled. The most obscure elites (Soros etc.)brought Obama to the Presidency. They will be protected. Protection is what they bought in Obama. The Latte Liberals long slow decline into irrelevant idiocy has begun. Some will try to stay relevant by revising their 2008 histories of sexism and gassy adoration of Obama. But it is too late.
Her stance on choice is incorrect in my book.
Her stance on gay rights is WRONG.
Her world view is somewhat disturbing.
Nevertheless, Palin is a sister who did it herself.
So now NOW is upset about some of the media treatment of her. Now. At the end of November.
Contemptible hypocrisy.
N.O.W. made jackasses of themselves during this election. Riverdaughter: Throughout this election their silence over the extreme misogyny and sexism equated to tacit approval of the tactics used not only by the media but by the DNC, Obama campaign and their supporters to attack, defame, and ridicule both Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.
My contempt for the arrogant Champagne Left continues to deepen as they come to about Obama. Obama is no liberal. He is, in all likelihood, the worst combination of self serving narcissist and cowardly "moderate" (meaning he will always impulsively either deflect responsibility for tough choices or make the choice he believes will damage his "likability" least.).
The compliant media, N.O.W., Move On and the rest of the fools in the Huffington/Kos rabbit hole never required a DAMN THING from Obama before this election. And now he is - like clockwork - ignoring his loudest proponents. Why? Because they are worthless, spineless sycophants and he knows it.
The financial crisis sent Obama over the top on election day. I do not think it was "planned" - it was inevitable. It was, however, timed. Scheduled. The most obscure elites (Soros etc.)brought Obama to the Presidency. They will be protected. Protection is what they bought in Obama. The Latte Liberals long slow decline into irrelevant idiocy has begun. Some will try to stay relevant by revising their 2008 histories of sexism and gassy adoration of Obama. But it is too late.
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