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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Clinton's Third Term

The farce that Obama represents change marches on. Mr. President-elect Barky is populating his transition with Team Clinton. A move I heartily endorse, being one who sees the Clinton years as being as close to sane as we've gotten in recent history. (Poor Gerald Ford attempted to keep the ideologues at bay - but, alas, 1976 was no time to be a GOP President.)

It is remarkable how in vogue experience has suddenly become in Obamaland:
Here's how you can tell the campaign is over and the transition has begun: Barack Obama's aides now wear suits and ties, - and Clintonites are everywhere.

As for Hillary being Secretary of State-I am of two minds. As a Clinton loyalist I'd love to see her job match her abilities. Ted Kennedy, determined to the last to throw elbows at the Clintons (they had the gall to WIN!!! - twice no less!!!) kicked Hillary to the curb on healthcare Thus rendering her unable to influence healthcare in the Senate - so why shouldn't she bolt? If she is not going to be President then the State Department is a good choice. However, the best choice is as a justice on the Supreme Court.

Obama got the low down on the God-awful situation via intelligence briefings after he won and suddenly the promises he made to make Kerry and the New Mexico gas bag Richardson for the Sec. of State post are not operational.

The down side for Hillary would be her boss - a man who cannot and should not be trusted. Chances are good he will lead the country into one foreign policy nightmare after another. Breaking it to the Kos Kidz that world peace and pounding our rifles into drums for Love Circles on the campus quad is OFF THE TABLE - and that much of the errant nonsense the Obama Pods spewed about Iraq during the campaign was, in fact, errant nonsense - will go down hard on the latter day hippie saints in Cheetos Blog land.

Obama is cagey and he'll blame Hillary for every dumbass mistake he makes.

Rove will be leaving cackling messages on Donna Brazile's answering machine as the 2010 campaign heats up.

The fact that Obama has finally come to on the shores of Lake Michigan and realized he now needs ADULTS running things, not compliant talking heads and Lord of the Flies bloggers-and is therefore is tapping Clintonites-proves that, at the very least, he does not intend to fail. Though he more than likely will.

Uber Zionist Rahm Emanuel on the scene gives me some hope that Israel is not going to be ditched. As for Biden-he looks more and more like a backbencher to history. Spiro Agnew with a comb over. The more he talks the less relevant he becomes.

So GO BARRY! REHIRE the Clinton team - I liked them then and like them now. Also, I do want to see how your ass kissers at Huffington and MSNBC justify your slide over to Clinton land. They love trashing the Clinton's for no rational reason so much, after all.

Then again, the DNC might start wondering why they threw the nomination to you to be begin with - if you are just going to recreate Clinton's Admin. Coulda had the real deal...but..uh...she has no penis...so you got to jump to the head of the line.

Clinton Dems actually know how to WORK for a living. Maybe you and Michelle will learn something from your new hires.

A music choice for tonight: The True Blood Theme. Very sing-able.

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