Pod Parrots
I find the best way to deal with the bipedal human like parrots who are repeating the Obamamedia nonsensical talking points is to mock them.
At least for now.
To their faces.
Eye rolls are good.
I do love the moment a POD PARROT realizes you find Obama to be closer to P.T. Barnum than Mother Teresa.
Saying things like "Yes, for the past week CNN has been repeating that exact same sentence you just said." forces the smug pod parrot to confront one of their deepest internal lies: that they think for themselves.
Or my favorite technique: just make absurd statements about Obama when the pod parrot's adulation begins. I'm compiling a list here for fun.
Say things like:
"I agree Obama is truly great. I hear he learned to speak fluent Latin, and play the violin between campaign stops. "
"Yes, what a relief his victory is. Now nothing bad will ever, ever ,ever happen again."
"I know he smokes, but they are clove cigarettes and, like, totally organic. The cloves are grown by Code Pink, at a co-op in Santa Monica run by Tom Hayden, a group of disadvantaged crippled children of color, and unemployed pygmy war resisters working on their incest issues."
"I don't worry about Obama's FISA's flip flop. I trust Obama with my privacy. I want him listen in on me. In fact, the thought of it makes me feel a little randy."
"Obama keeps a copy of The Secret on his night stand. Also Jonathan Livingston Seagull and 6 life size cardboard Deepak Chopras are strategically placed through out his mansion. It's just a reminder to stay in touch with his higher self. Ya know, even the most evolved need a reminder. Even Jesus had doubts."
A very smart neighbor (or so I thought) told me yesterday that Lord Master Obama was hiring all the Clinton people because he is just "like Lincoln who also hired his enemies."
Never mind the obvious stupidity of that statement.
She was merely repeating what the obamamedia told her....we've all heard the pod parrots...CNN and MSNBC make a statement - repeat it for a few days - an alleged historian or "expert" repeats it and gives it a faux "context" ( Such as: Lincoln hiring members of the opposition party during the civil war is comparable to Obama hiring Hillary Clinton, a person with which he has almost no policy differences.) The cover of Time then provides supporting background noise at supermarket checkout stands from coast to coast...and before you know it
otherwise smart people are saying "PollyWantaCracker" at dinner parties across the land...or rather "Obama is just like Lincoln."
Furthering their own self serving narrative: that THEY saved the nation.
Pod Parrots can't hear rational arguments. Save your sanity. Use humor.
At least for now.
To their faces.
Eye rolls are good.
I do love the moment a POD PARROT realizes you find Obama to be closer to P.T. Barnum than Mother Teresa.
Saying things like "Yes, for the past week CNN has been repeating that exact same sentence you just said." forces the smug pod parrot to confront one of their deepest internal lies: that they think for themselves.
Or my favorite technique: just make absurd statements about Obama when the pod parrot's adulation begins. I'm compiling a list here for fun.
Say things like:
"I agree Obama is truly great. I hear he learned to speak fluent Latin, and play the violin between campaign stops. "
"Yes, what a relief his victory is. Now nothing bad will ever, ever ,ever happen again."
"I know he smokes, but they are clove cigarettes and, like, totally organic. The cloves are grown by Code Pink, at a co-op in Santa Monica run by Tom Hayden, a group of disadvantaged crippled children of color, and unemployed pygmy war resisters working on their incest issues."
"I don't worry about Obama's FISA's flip flop. I trust Obama with my privacy. I want him listen in on me. In fact, the thought of it makes me feel a little randy."
"Obama keeps a copy of The Secret on his night stand. Also Jonathan Livingston Seagull and 6 life size cardboard Deepak Chopras are strategically placed through out his mansion. It's just a reminder to stay in touch with his higher self. Ya know, even the most evolved need a reminder. Even Jesus had doubts."
A very smart neighbor (or so I thought) told me yesterday that Lord Master Obama was hiring all the Clinton people because he is just "like Lincoln who also hired his enemies."
Never mind the obvious stupidity of that statement.
She was merely repeating what the obamamedia told her....we've all heard the pod parrots...CNN and MSNBC make a statement - repeat it for a few days - an alleged historian or "expert" repeats it and gives it a faux "context" ( Such as: Lincoln hiring members of the opposition party during the civil war is comparable to Obama hiring Hillary Clinton, a person with which he has almost no policy differences.) The cover of Time then provides supporting background noise at supermarket checkout stands from coast to coast...and before you know it
otherwise smart people are saying "PollyWantaCracker" at dinner parties across the land...or rather "Obama is just like Lincoln."
Furthering their own self serving narrative: that THEY saved the nation.
Pod Parrots can't hear rational arguments. Save your sanity. Use humor.
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