The one in which JSOM goes on about Clinton and the State department and how Shakespeare invented us.
What bullshit Obama's "broad coalition" is turning out to be. It apparently means Clinton Administration folks - oh and Chuck Hagel the Republican who put the INO in RINO.
Barack Obama has decided on Eric Holder, a former senior official in the Clinton administration, to be attorney general, Newsweek said on Tuesday.
Thank God there is a decent Democratic administration in living memory for Obama to raid. Otherwise we'd be stuck with him placing Arianna Huffington and Tony Rezko in the cabinet.
I repeat: I would rather have Clintonites populating the Obama administration than Chicago Machine types and far lefty wash ups. Conflicting reports are out about whether Hillary will accept the Secretary of State job. Though, as a Clinton loyalist I am of two minds on this issue - mostly I hope she does take the job. The danger is real that Obama will blame her for anything that goes wrong in foreign policy under his watch. However, I don't put much stock in the idea that it would ruin her. She is too smart. The Clintons make mistakes but they are far out weighed by their successes in the political realm. The Obama Administration policies are going to be Obama's in the end. Hillary will not lie for Obama as Powell did for Bush 2, and she is more astute than Ms. Rice. If Obama tanks no one will be unscathed. However, a review of the history of Bill and Hillary proves one thing - they are survivors. Clinton will be a good or great SOS. No one with a brain (this excludes morons on the far Left and the asinine media) will question her work ethic or skill. Obama's presidency is going to be Obama's for better or worse. However, Clinton's successes at state will be chocked up to HER.
Added bonus: The freaks at Kos and Huffington have to deal with Hillary. They have to make room in their Clinton hating reptilian brains for the fact that THE ONE chose a Clinton for a high profile job. At some point the cognitive dissonance will cause at least a few cases of spontaneous human combustion. Please God, let it show up on youtube.
Hillary supporters have no reason to fear Obama scapegoating anymore. We never did actually.
What we know about Hillary after 2008 is that she is the best candidate for nearly any job out there. She fights for what is right - and can get through any right wing or Obamamedia deluge intact and with grace.
I don't like this terror among the Hillary loyalists, like me, that the SOS job is a trap for her. She's better than that. If she wants it, she should take it. If Obama tries to wiggle out of responsibility in the future - plenty of people are primed and ready to point it out. If Clinton really does screw up at State - she'll take the heat. Let's not give Obama mystical power over all. Let's not feed the corrupt Obamamedia machine with MORE magical thinking about Obama. He is not the infallible wizard behind the curtain - Time and Newsweek's asskissing not withstanding. He's flawed - just like everyone else. More than most, in fact.
As for Team Obama making insulting inquiries into Bill Clinton's income - well - Obama is an asshole. President Clinton knows this. Hillary Clinton knows this. We all know this. Not news. We're stuck for now. If the Clinton's don't like the vetting they can stop it. If they aren't bothered I see no reason to be.
Fear no job, Hillary! And for us PUMAs I say: Fear No Obama Duplicity!
Hillary remember: Country First. I trust your judgement. If it means the Senate - remain and kick ass. If it means the State Department - then give it your all.
The end.
And now a visit from Bill S. My not so humble wish for everyone is not world peace or solving global warming (which does exist!) it is that we all start reading Shakespeare. Stick your toe in the water. 5 minutes a day. Comprehension is not the top priority. The WORDS are. Followed, eventually, by the PEOPLE. Comprehension will come in time. Shakespeare is not nearly as difficult as it seems at first.
I started on my Shakespeare trip with the Folger's paperback editions. One scene a day. Shower, shave, Shakepeare. A synopsis is presented before each scene. This way the action of the play is not lost and one is free to indulge the words. This seems pretentious of me I know, and maybe it is, I don't care much. I am not a humble scholar. I am not a scholar at all. I just know that where ever I am - we are - Shakespeare has been there before - and many other places as well.
In this culture if you want to know why we are the way we are in relation to God - believer or not - like it or not - then you should read the King James Bible.
If you want to know why we are the way we are in relation to each other and ourselves you must read Shakespeare. He invented us, as Harold Bloom put it.
From Henry the Fourth part 2
And him..oh wondrous him...miracle of men...second to none
When we say something is "second to none" we are plagerizing this speech.
Barack Obama has decided on Eric Holder, a former senior official in the Clinton administration, to be attorney general, Newsweek said on Tuesday.
Thank God there is a decent Democratic administration in living memory for Obama to raid. Otherwise we'd be stuck with him placing Arianna Huffington and Tony Rezko in the cabinet.
I repeat: I would rather have Clintonites populating the Obama administration than Chicago Machine types and far lefty wash ups. Conflicting reports are out about whether Hillary will accept the Secretary of State job. Though, as a Clinton loyalist I am of two minds on this issue - mostly I hope she does take the job. The danger is real that Obama will blame her for anything that goes wrong in foreign policy under his watch. However, I don't put much stock in the idea that it would ruin her. She is too smart. The Clintons make mistakes but they are far out weighed by their successes in the political realm. The Obama Administration policies are going to be Obama's in the end. Hillary will not lie for Obama as Powell did for Bush 2, and she is more astute than Ms. Rice. If Obama tanks no one will be unscathed. However, a review of the history of Bill and Hillary proves one thing - they are survivors. Clinton will be a good or great SOS. No one with a brain (this excludes morons on the far Left and the asinine media) will question her work ethic or skill. Obama's presidency is going to be Obama's for better or worse. However, Clinton's successes at state will be chocked up to HER.
Added bonus: The freaks at Kos and Huffington have to deal with Hillary. They have to make room in their Clinton hating reptilian brains for the fact that THE ONE chose a Clinton for a high profile job. At some point the cognitive dissonance will cause at least a few cases of spontaneous human combustion. Please God, let it show up on youtube.
Hillary supporters have no reason to fear Obama scapegoating anymore. We never did actually.
What we know about Hillary after 2008 is that she is the best candidate for nearly any job out there. She fights for what is right - and can get through any right wing or Obamamedia deluge intact and with grace.
I don't like this terror among the Hillary loyalists, like me, that the SOS job is a trap for her. She's better than that. If she wants it, she should take it. If Obama tries to wiggle out of responsibility in the future - plenty of people are primed and ready to point it out. If Clinton really does screw up at State - she'll take the heat. Let's not give Obama mystical power over all. Let's not feed the corrupt Obamamedia machine with MORE magical thinking about Obama. He is not the infallible wizard behind the curtain - Time and Newsweek's asskissing not withstanding. He's flawed - just like everyone else. More than most, in fact.
As for Team Obama making insulting inquiries into Bill Clinton's income - well - Obama is an asshole. President Clinton knows this. Hillary Clinton knows this. We all know this. Not news. We're stuck for now. If the Clinton's don't like the vetting they can stop it. If they aren't bothered I see no reason to be.
Fear no job, Hillary! And for us PUMAs I say: Fear No Obama Duplicity!
Hillary remember: Country First. I trust your judgement. If it means the Senate - remain and kick ass. If it means the State Department - then give it your all.
The end.
And now a visit from Bill S. My not so humble wish for everyone is not world peace or solving global warming (which does exist!) it is that we all start reading Shakespeare. Stick your toe in the water. 5 minutes a day. Comprehension is not the top priority. The WORDS are. Followed, eventually, by the PEOPLE. Comprehension will come in time. Shakespeare is not nearly as difficult as it seems at first.
I started on my Shakespeare trip with the Folger's paperback editions. One scene a day. Shower, shave, Shakepeare. A synopsis is presented before each scene. This way the action of the play is not lost and one is free to indulge the words. This seems pretentious of me I know, and maybe it is, I don't care much. I am not a humble scholar. I am not a scholar at all. I just know that where ever I am - we are - Shakespeare has been there before - and many other places as well.
In this culture if you want to know why we are the way we are in relation to God - believer or not - like it or not - then you should read the King James Bible.
If you want to know why we are the way we are in relation to each other and ourselves you must read Shakespeare. He invented us, as Harold Bloom put it.
From Henry the Fourth part 2
And him..oh wondrous him...miracle of men...second to none
When we say something is "second to none" we are plagerizing this speech.
Labels: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, shakespeare, state department
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