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Friday, November 14, 2008

Easy Targets - Gays avoid confronting the black church

Currently - a group is protesting/ picketing at West Hollywood eatery called El Coyote whose manager gave 100 dollars to the Yes on 8 campaign. El Coyote is a watering hole/mediocre Mexican place - when I worked on film crews we would go there and make jokes about which neighborhood cats were missing to make the meal we were eating.

But the drinks are cheap and the place has lasted in a town that is unkind to restaurant longevity.

El Coyote is a good place to protest as it is in a nice part of town and convenient. We do want our protests to be convenient, after all....

Gay protesters are also going after the Mormon church - not exactly difficult in Los Angeles. Mormons are pretty kickable - what with the magic underwear and outer space based theology. Frankly, the Mormons deserve it. And I have no issue with masses of normal people picketing that religion. Focusing on a restaurant where one manager gave 100 dollars is just bad form, potentially ugly and a P.R. coup for the assholes with the Right Wing Christian Political Agenda.

I do not get it. They are making a victim out a ding bat restaurant manager. Spread the word that people should boycott the place and then let it go. Aren't there bigger fish to fry?

Where are gay rights activists NOT protesting?

Black Churches. The fact is, gays aren't picketing black churches because that would be hard and scary.
Picketing Black Churches would address a REAL problem in the gay rights movement.

Mormons BAD for supporting prop 8.
White Protestants BAD for supporting Prop 8.
Republicans BAD. (except Arnold)
McCain BAD for supporting prop 8
Palin EVIL for supporting prop 8. Hang her in effigy!!
Obama ___ for opposing gay marriage rights... (wait! Obama is against Gay marriage???who knew???)
Black Protestants: OFF THE HOOK FOR SUPPORTING PROP 8 by a 70-30% margin.


Guess we'll keep attacking some easy targets instead.

I am off to a sign making party for the prop 8 protest at L.A. City hall on Saturday - they conveniently planned it around my USC football schedule...(however, let's be clear, if someone schedules civil disobedience training at the same time as my beloved Trojans play - I'll skip the game... it is time to MOVE ON to non-violent civil disobedience in order to gain equal rights for Gay Americans.)

Here's a music pick for the night: I Will Wait For You.
Some days I just can't The Umbrellas of Cherbourg out of my head. A near perfect film.

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