We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Peas in a POD.

The American malady from the bottom to the top. First the delusional Pod who thinks Obama is going to pay her mortgage.

And a poor clip of the Auto executives being dressed down for arriving in private jets to beg for our money.
Same idea different class.

All I can say is GROW UP.

I am fed up with the elite sounding the alarm bell every time they want to force a bailout on us.
The economy has already tanked. The Wall Street bail out has failed. The market is vaporizing wealth every day.

Let the big three fail. The excuses these men make for all the crappy, greedy decisions they have made for 4 decades are breathtaking. As for the workers - I feel bad for them. Though, I am usually pro union - the UAW is a dinosaur and a meteor is in order.

My numbers are down since the election - can I get a blogger bail out? My cell phone bill is too high - will Pelosi spot me a Benjamin? My sink is clogged - will Barney Frank come over with some Drano? I resent paying my car insurance but I want to keep driving - will Harry Reid please pass a bill that exempts me from responsibility if I cause a wreck?

Every rich SOB is being "saved"with our children's mystical money - and the poor are being force fed an illusion by the despicable media.

I say No. The American automobile industry DESERVES to fail. How is handing these jackasses 700 billion dollars fair? I know, I know - the economy will FAIL. Well, an economy based on hand outs and grifting SHOULD fail.

40 years ago we were a nation that landed on the moon. Now we are a nation of overfed brats.
All if it - including Obama - is about saving the richest while the rest of us sink. These bailouts are the seed and fertilizer of revolution.

Jefferson, I think we are lost.

