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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Carolyn and The Great Depression

Goood Morning! It is the eve of the eve of my favorite Holiday - and one of my favorite days of the year - the return to standard time, and the now - almost - perfunctory USC defeat of Notre Dame being the others - all of which occur around the same time. (alas the once greatest "intersectional rivalry in college football" has faded. Still I do my leprechaun voodoo dance and send curses to South Bend all week!)

So, anywho, I awoke today in a good mood. (no Meds cracks please. Not out of anger do i say this but boredom. We must find another way to insult..."are you off your meds again" jokes jumped the shark a while ago. )

A site I've been meaning to highlight for a while is Make Them Accountable.
She does the news and views better than the rest of the all headline sites.
I got over Raw Story a while ago. Buzz Flash is silly. Huff is obviously pandering and pathetic - and Drudge -hmmm - I just don't get him right now - and therefore I don't trust him. Savage Politics is a good one too - generally too far Right for me - but I like it.

Make Them Accountable is well worth a daily click. She (Carolyn) has been steady and clear for a while now. No Obama adulation B.S. and no drift to the fear based Right - (though, like so many of us here, she seems to have warmed to the SANE conservatives this year.)

Here's an article I got a kick out of today linked at Make Them Accountable:
The Great Depression:
No, I don't mean that Great Depression. I'm talking about the inevitable moment - maybe next week, maybe next year - when the Kool Aid wears off and the Obamatrons wake up to realize their hero offers nothing even approximating hope or change.


Some Shakespeare...Shakespeare is the center of our cannon in the West. Hamlet is the center of Shakespeare and the center of Hamlet is this speech. Therefore, in some way this speech is internal to all our lives.
The best version I could find:

And the worst - though Mr. Hawke does place his internal confrontation with the greatest human mysteries at a Blockbuster, which may have some ironic genius I don't see. He is an actor I like, but his Hamlet is a trainwreck:

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