Good Morning! Thoughts on 12/21/12 and a poll. Plus a daily does of Shakespeare.
God knows I try to mix it up a bit on this blog. Hate it to be doomsday central. (no! that is a lie. I love the doomsday stuff..I just don't want Liberal Rapture to be all doom all the time.) Nevertheless here are 30 Reasons the new Great Depression is landing as we breath: I think it will be worse than the depression. Before I go to sleep at night, I wonder if tomorrow is the
day Moody's and S&P will announce a downgrade of U.S. government bonds.
The Obama/Bush failure is moving forward...and since I live in a big city, am not Amish or Buddhist, and dislike discomfort - I'm not overjoyed that I believe we are compulsively playing out the EndTimes narrative. Nor do I think Obama has any power to stop this compulsive play acting (all the while blaming the god of Moses and John of Patmos. ). Obama is, in fact, a RESULT of this mass delusion and denial. But since I really dislike the man (who is such a fraud we may need to retire the word fraud) if the world is going to end - it may as well
happen on his watch so he can take the blame. The Mayans tell us that the world ends on December 21, 2012, placing the last days during the Biden/Gingrich Administration interregnum. Nostradumbass, and Edgar Casey and my favorite doom machine the Web Bot Project place it around that date as well. When do you think the world ends?
And some Shakespeare - Titus Adronicus, Bill S's slasher/revenge bloodbath. Here is the moment Titus must decide what to do about the brutal rape and mutilation of his daughter.
day Moody's and S&P will announce a downgrade of U.S. government bonds.
The Obama/Bush failure is moving forward...and since I live in a big city, am not Amish or Buddhist, and dislike discomfort - I'm not overjoyed that I believe we are compulsively playing out the EndTimes narrative. Nor do I think Obama has any power to stop this compulsive play acting (all the while blaming the god of Moses and John of Patmos. ). Obama is, in fact, a RESULT of this mass delusion and denial. But since I really dislike the man (who is such a fraud we may need to retire the word fraud) if the world is going to end - it may as well
happen on his watch so he can take the blame. The Mayans tell us that the world ends on December 21, 2012, placing the last days during the Biden/Gingrich Administration interregnum. Nostradumbass, and Edgar Casey and my favorite doom machine the Web Bot Project place it around that date as well. When do you think the world ends?
And some Shakespeare - Titus Adronicus, Bill S's slasher/revenge bloodbath. Here is the moment Titus must decide what to do about the brutal rape and mutilation of his daughter.
Labels: Barack Obama, doomsday, mayan, shakespeare, the Obama Scriptures, web bot
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