We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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    Tuesday, September 30, 2008

    What the hell is going on?

    Watching this election unfold has been a rollercoaster - (sorry, too lazy to find a less worn metaphor). A few days ago I was sure it was over. Now I am back to wondering and being unsure again. My gut checks are almost inexplicable at this point. The latest ABC WAPO poll has McCain gaining 5 points since the debate. Is that why? Maybe.

    This whole year does not sit well with me. And not because my candidate was shown the door. Though, that did not help. It started well before June. Clinton fought hard, but never with the best ammo she had. This is not "Clintonian"...she did not fight like the "Clintons I knew". She did, however, remake her image. The Hillary of September 2007 was seen as entitled and imperial. The Hillary of September 2008 is seen as a smart, tough, fighter.

    It made no sense for her to avoid using the best ammunition if she "will do anything" to win. Anything except take down the most fragile candidate since McGovern??? Any number of readers here could have (given what the Clinton's surely knew and about 500,000 dollars)- taken Obama down in January with ads featuring Ayres and Wright. McCain ran ads for two weeks in July and leveled the field - readying it for what I thought would be the knock out in August or September.

    Again: NOT HARD. The depth of BHO's deceits are available for all to see. NoQuarter has compiled a great data base of Ayes/Obama ties that goes back generations. and Ayres is just one element in the Obama charade.

    McCain is being pushed to the wall...yet again...the info on Obama is out there waiting to be put in concise, irrefutable 30 second spots. And yet his punches are glancing blows in, ads and in the 1st debate. It feels intentional.

    It is as if we are being gamed. I've felt this since Iowa.

    Today it seems the game is still on. Pelosi's behavior yesterday is BIZARRE if she wants BHO to win. She made a jackass of herself and reminded Independents why they don't like or trust Democrats. An ad with Pelosi/Reid/Obama's faces asking: Is this who you want in charge of your money for the next 4 years? Is a GOP no brainer. Then again 2 years of these 3 in charge, with Bush back in Crawford, and the GOP brand comes roaring back and no conservatives have to stomach a President McCain. All the while, they have a field day eviscerating Carter 2 and setting up President Gingrich in 2012. Not a good trade. But not an awful one either.

    Whatever mercy the GOP is showing BHO in 2008 will not be shown Pelosi in 2010. Pelosi is Speaker for 4 years if McCain wins. She is Speaker for 2 more years if Obama wins.

    I don't know what the game is. But I still believe much of it is unseen and unexplained, and going on like gangbusters behind the scenes. McCain does not seem RESIGNED to me. He seems like a man not all that worried. Biden, on the other hand, is not wearing the VEEP collar with any joy. And frankly, Palin is just fine. She's going on Right wing radio and kicking ass. Screeching about CBS/Couric is all well and good - but guess what - the voters she's "in charge of" don't watch Katie Couric. I am sure Gwne Iffle will do her best to trip her up Thursday. We shall see...

    That's it for now.

    This is Obama/Fascist moment is brought to you in living color by the Whole Foods Nation!

    A new blog called ComeonPilgrims has two great youtube clips up. I would post them both but I want you to CLICK on the site. The 1st is North Korean kids singing to Dear Leader. The second is ...well...let's just say it is in a home in the "whole foods nation" and it is appalling.

    Seriously, I never, EVER, remember the GOP being this sick. It's hard to imagine the mentality of people who use children as propaganda tools. The scariest part is the PODS think this is just FINE. As did the prosecutors who set up the "truth squad". I truly believe it did not cross their minds that is might seem...uh...UNAMERICAN...maybe...

    The parents of this POD Children's Choir probably never had a whiff of doubt about their small children singing for a DEAR LEADER.

    Watch them. Stay close to the toilet. Puke will be acoming...

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    Lunch Break - Terror attack? Gas shortages? Have a nice day!

    With the economic outlook going from grim to grimmer to Code Red, it is a damn shame we do not have Clinton on the ballot.
    I don't give a "sh*t who thinks I need to "get over it". I am "over" a lot - trust me. Nevertheless, this is a situation Hillary was born to solve.

    Gotta love those "super" delegates - pick the cool teen to do the adult's job! Way to go, kids!

    The market is looking better today. But let's keep with the doom theme for a bit longer:

    Terror attack coming? Check out Radar.

    Gas shortages? They've already happened through out the South. The pic was sent in by Kevin in Tennessee last week. CNN story here.

    Plus - The End! Have a great DAY!

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    WAS MUTUAL - plus morning poll

    While heading home in Los Angeles last night a friend took this pic.

    It says it all.

    Poll posted below pic, please participate promptly.

    Who is the most vulgar, toxic, and obnoxious on this list?
    Keith Olbermann
    Nancy Pelosi
    Sandra Bernhart
    The Obama "truth squad" in Missouri
    All of the Above
    Free polls from Pollhost.com

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    Monday, September 29, 2008

    Fannie and Freddie: Who is at fault?

    Before the clip at the bottom I have a few thoughts. If you are not in the mood to read - Please skip the thoughts and view the clip.

    A. Pelosi is a disaster as Speaker of the House. I would say she is the Worst Speaker Ever - but I don't know the history of the House well enough.

    Suffice it to say:Pelosi sucks.

    Remarkably she used her time on the floor BEFORE the vote to hammer at and blame the entire financial mess on Bush and the GOP. I don't care about the content of what she said in this case. I heard it and did not disagree entirely. That's not the point. To throw this verbal bomb BEFORE the vote was:

    1. Proof she's a moron.
    2. An attempt to make sure the bill failed.
    3. Both

    Any GOPs that may have been on the fence voted No after her eruption. So much for a new era in politics.

    B. The clip below exemplifies my disgust and sadness about the Democrats. From what I can tell so far most of the blame for the Freddie/Fannie debacle belongs to the Dems. They are the "something for nothing" Party now (with the perfect nominee to carry this banner forward.)

    C. Since many of the DEMs defending Fannie/Freddie corruption in the clip are Black I expect to called a racist. Whatever. blah blah blah. The word has been rendered meaningless by the Obama campaign. These Reps are idiots. Idiots come in all colors.

    D. I resent 700 billion (or whatever it is now) of tax payer money being spent to salvage the damage idiots on all levels did to the system. Saving this monster from eating its own is not worth our money or effort. Let the chips fall. We need to start living within in our means.

    I guess you could say that today I am glad Pelosi is so bad at her job.

    Damning clip. Please watch.

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    Lunch Break- 700 point drop - that's all, folks!

    That's all, Folks! Many, many, things have ended this year...I believe one more event is over today: the election. I see no way the Democratic nominee loses. On his side: he's got the anxiety of the people, the media, Wall Street, and the Chicago machine. Not bad. tuff to beat that in any year. Much less a "Democratic" year.

    Tell me why I'm wrong. I'd sure like to know.

    Is there an "October" surprise that had an effect on an outcome? I can't think of any.

    Is there a 527 (where are the 527's????) ad run in October that has effected an outcome? I don't know of any. They all run in the summer.

    Rezko is now talking to prosecutors. Will this matter in the next 5 weeks? Doubtful.

    Is there a "whitey tape?" Doubtful.

    I sat and waited for Clinton to take Obama out. It would have been easy enough. She never did.

    Now we sit and wait for McCain to take Obama out. I could create the ad. You could create the ad. It is easy pick 'ens with this guy. Yet, McCain only releases of series of glancing blows about "ready to lead" - (this line is already worn out. The line is: "DO YOU REALLY KNOW WHO THIS GUY IS?")

    The whole thing is fishy. Obama is easy to take down it - yet no one is doing it. Why?

    Labels: , , ,

    Morning poll

    Who will win the election?
    Bob Barr
    John McCain
    Cynthia McKinney
    Ralph Nader
    Barack Hussein Obama
    None of the above
    Free polls from Pollhost.com

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    Sunday, September 28, 2008

    The lynching of Sarah Palin

    The Obama Left's and the media's lynching of Sarah Palin is obscene. That is pretty much all I really want to say here. But I'll keep going. I am not referring to arguments about policy - that is always fair, and it would be nice to hear Obama yappers stick to policy arguments. Their candidate either says nothing of note or flip flops so this is admittedly difficult for them.

    A series of out right lies have been spread about Palin by Obama Pods. These lies have been repeated in the MSM so widely that they now pass as fact.

    Palin did not cut funding for special needs education in Alaska by 62 percent. She did't cut it at all. In fact, she tripled per-pupil funding over just three years.

    She did not demand that books be banned from the Wasilla library. Some of the books on a widely circulated list were not even in print at the time. The librarian has said Palin asked a "What if?" question, but the librarian continued in her job through most of Palin's first term.

    She was never a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, a group that wants Alaskans to vote on whether they wish to secede from the United States. She's been registered as a Republican since May 1982.

    Palin never endorsed or supported Pat Buchanan for president. She once wore a Buchanan button as a "courtesy" when he visited Wasilla, but shortly afterward she was appointed to co-chair of the campaign of Steve Forbes in the state.

    Palin has not pushed for teaching creationism in Alaska's schools. She has said that students should be allowed to "debate both sides" of the evolution question, but she also said creationism "doesn't have to be part of the curriculum."

    Palin never required victims to pay for their own rape kits.

    Palin has also been attacked by the Obama Left in the same way they attacked Clinton in the spring. This bullshit has also been widely reported on by the MSM - having the effect of giving propaganda the weight of fact.

    Her pregnant 17 year old daughter was vivisected by the Obama Left.

    Andrew Sullivan called for a paternity test on her youngest son.

    Hypocritical statements about her presumed inability to work and maintain a family came from LIBERALS. Or rather alleged liberals.

    In one month her entire life has been dug up, examined, and trashed. Yet, almost anything that questions Obama's narrative is off limits. Even connecting Obama to Fannie Mae's former President is called "racist".

    Echoing Randie Rhodes last Spring (who called Clinton a "fucking whore") Sandra Bernhart gleefully called for the gang rape of Palin.

    If the MSM had ripped into Biden's numorous idiocies and corrupt familial and credit card company ties I might call this a case of ugly politics as usual.

    If the MSM had ever questioned Obama the way Gibson did Palin, I might call this part of the game that must be played.

    If the MSM had forcefully reported on the failings of Trinity or Biden's Catholic church I might call this nasty, but fair.

    None of this has occurred. The Obama Left and the media have set out to destroy Palin.

    This is a lynching.

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    8 pics of Wyoming

    I really love the readers here. I had a meeting in Pasadena Saturday and checked in when I got home after 3 - a funny email I posted as a "place holder" had generated some great conversation. I felt so pleased and honored - really I mean that. No B.S.

    A reader in Cody, Wyoming sent the pics in for the Sunday "snapshot of your location" section. I love them for a couple of reasons:

    1. There are the opposite of L.A. images in so many ways.
    2. Wyoming is the "equality" state. Wyoming was the first state to give women the right to vote. They were first to allow women to serve on juries and hold public office. This is a strand of progressive American frontier liberalism that is routinely dismissed by the effete lefty pricks in the Obama/Whole Foods Nation - who often barely conceal their contempt for strong women as anyone who watches Hardball, or reads Andrew Sullivan knows. Despite her conservative politics, Palin emerges from this "Wyoming liberal" tradition. Camille Paglia seems to be the only feminist east coast commentator who has noticed this: Palin represents an explosion of a brand new style of muscular American feminism.

    The media is subjecting Palin to a high tech lynching. (guess what tonight's post is called? Yes you are correct..."The lynching of Sarah Palin")

    The pics from Wyoming:

    Wyoming, Cody, Laramie, Yellowstone, Casper, Cheyenne

    Labels: , , , , ,

    Saturday, September 27, 2008

    Question Obama - dammit!

    The debate "coverage" turned out exactly as I predicted. McCain spoke with authority and specificity. Obama was vague and overtly and covertly dishonest.

    The media declared Obama the winner. And has fixated on McCain's "appearance". Obama's Kissinger gaffe and the "bracelet" gaffe are being ignored by the MSM. No surprise there.

    Unless we demand a balanced and a fair vetting of Obama in the next 5 weeks - the media will make him President. Contact CNN. Contact MSNBC. I mean this. Unless PEOPLE rise up against the MSM it will not change. They are addicted to Obama. An intervention is the only recourse.

    I state all the time that Obama is poison. I also state often my 80%/20% rule. I am 80% sure I am correct in my assessment. I hold out 20% - I could be wrong.

    However, everyday I see more evidence for my central thesis: Obama has poisoned the electorate on all levels. He has gamed the system, cheated in the caucus states, buffaloed the media, caused vast portions of the electorate to ignore damning facts about his life, claimed the mantle of leadership though he's lead on nothing, lied about who he is and where he came from, unleashed a virulent sexism, demanded the compromise of our basic rights (just today he did it again - twice - don't think for a second the flip flop on FISA was anything except planning ahead. Once in office those who BHO picks to lead WILL invade the lives of those who oppose them. Think this is nuts? Google Missouri/Obama/truth squad. ). He has created an army of blind followers the likes we have not seen in this country before - followers who have no connection to or interest in basic American values, created a base of followers who will not question a single element of his narrative, he has lowered the bar on discourse by using race as a weapon. All these elements add up to poison.

    The one mitigating factor: the stage was not set by BHO. The level of deceit Obama has employed and gotten away with is only possible because of the W trainwreck. Many are looking for and open to a "saviour" regardless of the "saviour's" actual track record.

    We are limping toward total statism. And it will finally arrive from the Left.

    This is the opposite of traditional liberalism and traditional conservatism.

    Obama/Orwell Orwell/Obama

    Obama is poison.

    Obama has created a "truth squad" in Missouri. Check out the video at uppity woman: here. You're blood will run cold. Law enforcement is involved. On the side of Obama.

    Scared yet? You should be. Obama and his minions are a dangerous mob. Believe it.

    From the Missouri Governor's Office:

    What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.

    Obama is poison.

    We either find out how dangerous Obama is now or we are in genuine trouble later. I have risked friendships this year because I truly believe this: Obama has all the characteristics of a dangerous megalomaniac and he must be stopped. His control over a substantial minority of the population is also extremely dangerous. These people have all the characteristics of a well fed mob. Those supporting the "truth squad" in Missouri see no issue with arresting people with dissenting opinions. They truly believe it is a good idea and see no down side. This level of stupid, willful ignorance of our traditions, and unchecked arrogance that "they are right" and those opposed to Obama are "wrong" is the most dangerous component of all.

    Don't think 1984 "can't happen here."

    Oh yes. Oh yes it can. Liberal as I am, I say without flinching: the death of democracy will come from the ARUGULA/"Whole Foods Nation" Left - not the far Right....



    Like those on the far Right they care about POWER. And power alone. Obama has a well established PATTERN now- The attempt in Missouri to silence critics, the attempt in Ohio to silence a 527 ad about Ayres/Obama, and the recent attempt in PA to silence an NRA ad all fit a pattern based in Saul Alinsky's far left ideology of power at any cost.

    Be afraid.

    Obama is Poison.

    Why Hollywood and young people support BHO:

    Ever wonder why BHO has so much support in Hollywood? It is not a town full of deep thinkers...

    THIS IS AN ACTUAL E-MAIL SENT FROM A VERY BIG AGENCY (basis for a certain HBO show...):

    Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 5:09 PM
    To: Agent A's Assistant
    Subject: RE: meeting

    Hey Ryan-

    I'm sorry, I'm covering for Lindsey's usual asst., could you tell me,
    who's Rosh Hashanah and why would he/she affect Kristi's meeting with KN and

    Thanks! I really appreciate it!


    Friday, September 26, 2008

    Oh Henry

    Oh Henry - Where have you been of late?

    McCain calls out Obama on a Kissinger comment:

    Obama said HE would meet our enemies without preconditions.

    Obama is lying now. He referred to other PRESIDENTS meeting with enemies (a false and stupid conflation of historical fact.) directly implying that he AS PRESIDENT would meet with our sworn enemies without precondition. Not state department folks, not cabinet officers. HE would meet the Iranian President. FDR never "met" with Hitler.

    Let's see if Henry K. sets this straight.

    UPDATE: Kissinger has already slammed Obama.

    Friday thoughts: Bush's real third term?

    - WAMU failed today. Even bigger news here. No more dough from China. uh-oh. This is the worst news on the week - by far. While we were told to look the other way the entire house built by U.S. dollar came tumbling down. See Howard Beale below. Network is more prescient than ever. Replace "Arabs" with "Chinese" and you get the picture. It stuns me to think this film was made before CNN and before Olbermann and blogs....

    - Anyone remember the first 2000 debate between Gore and Bush? Gore clearly won on all counts - except he "exhaled" loudly. The media - at the time being in the bag for W - ignored the debate itself and spent 72 hours afterward talking about Gore's sighs. I expect something like this to come out of tonight. Some nonsense to rip McCain will be highlighted - all substance will be ignored.

    - Andrew Sullivan wants McCain's camp to conduct a paternity test on Trig Palin.
    Now I could argue for the unmitigated misogyny of Sullivan here - but why bother? He hates strong women. End of story. This is simply another example of the intellectual poison Obama injects into those who support him. From Pelosi's belief that BHO was sent from God, to Sandra Bernhard's call for the gang rape of Palin: Obama is poison. There are now thousands, if not millions, of deranged verbal ejaculations from BHO's base scattered across the Internet.
    It is worth remembering that Sullivan, neo-con and recently recovered W hack, took out an ad looking for unsafe sex with another man - or group of men- after years of slamming many in the gay rights movement for trying to promote HIV awareness. At least he's not a hypocrite in the bedroom.

    - Stunner: NYTs calls Obama what he is: A LIAR.

    - While many were working O.T. in D.C. to come to an agreement on a bailout today, BHO found time to hit the gym. Good for him . Presumably he had his cell so they "could call him if they needed him.
    I have two ongoing theories about BHO that tie into this item.
    1. He has narcissistic personality disorder. Anyone who has ever known a person with this disorder (or walked around West Hollywood) recognizes the symptoms exhibited by Obama: the football stadium, the desire to speak at the Brandenburg Gate, the fake Presidential seal, the "you're likable enough" line to Hillary...Or when he's thrown - the snotty reactions: flipping the bird, and repeating "he's not the (fill in crook here) I knew." Personal accountability is seemingly impossible for him.
    2. Obama is the Trojan Horse of this election. He's the machine's front man this time around. To a certain degree it does not matter if he's "there" or not, any more than it mattered if Bush was in the room when Rummy and Cheney moved the country to war with Iraq. The machine in this case is the Media, the DNC, a whole lot of Wall Street types, the hardcore "Ayres" Left, and the Chicago power brokers.
    The result is the same as it was in 2000, though. A few people get a lot of power at the expense of the many. It facinates me that after all the people Obama has double crossed from Alice Palmer on that - if he wins - the Obama fan base still does not see that they will be under the bus within 3 months. Kos and Huffington surely know this. As does Sullivan. But there isn't a true liberal in that bunch anyway. I suspect the most wrenching Obama divorces will come from much of Black community and Labor. The connections here are the most shallow in tangible, policy terms.

    Obama is the tool this time.

    Lunch Break - Money as debt parts 1-5

    Money and debt are the same. Without making a value judgement, I submit the following statement: The deal being worked out in D.C. right now to salvage the economy is a marriage of fascism and socialism. This is happening because money is created and does not represent "goods" or "labor" or even "value" - but debt. The more money/debt one "holds" the more power one has. $700,000,000 is debt about to be incurred and held over all of us - by a few people.
    Control of the currency is in the hands of bankers - not Congress, not the people. Bankers INVENT money. Controlling currency equates to controlling the system. A simple explanation of this is in the 5 parts below. I recommend watching all five parts.

    Polling booth!

    If Obama loses it will be for this reason:
    All the cash he took from freddie mac and fannie mae.
    He's a megalomaniacal, infantile, entitled, prick who pathologically takes credit for other people's work..
    He associates with criminals, terrorists, and Donna Brazile
    His "base" has intellectual rabies.
    No one knows who the hell he is really is since his past is so foggy
    No one knows what the hell he actually stands for since he's flip flopped on everything.
    The media suddenly begins to judge him on his merits!
    He's caught in bed making love to a blow up doll - of himself.
    Free polls from Pollhost.com

    Thursday, September 25, 2008


    If Obama loses the election it will not be because of racism. It will be because of Obamaism.

    Obamaism is a rational revulsion to elevating a smug, effete, entitled brat to a position of great power. Obamaism occurs in rational people when a person is put forth as a great leader, though he has accomplished nothing - and rational people see the risk as too great.

    Obamaism is not a problem, but a healthy defense mechanism. Rational people do not like their futures put in the hands of show ponies and liars. Rational people do not take kindly to a person who has run away from their past associations with criminals and terrorists. A negative reaction to this is not predicated on skin color but on rationality.

    If Obama loses it will be because the majority of people see him clearly and do not like what they see. This is not racism. It is Obamaism.

    Debate Prediction

    Is this debate happening or not? At any rate:

    I was asked earlier today if I intend to watch the debate. I don't see any particular reason to tune in.

    Here's what will happen:

    1. BHO will give general, firm sounding answers and take credit for things he did not do. He will double back on things he's said before. He will not be called out for the flip flops.

    2. McCain will be much more specific - giving firm answers, and look more in charge. He will be called out on any apparent or media created contradiction.

    We've seen this before all year. Clinton cleaned Obama's clock over and over again. The media ignored it and continued to kiss BHO's ass.

    After Friday's debate, regardless of what happens during the debate, (even if BHO vomits on the first row of the audience) the majority of media will refer to McCain as "old" and "trigger happy" and Obama as "Presidential"

    If I am wrong about this prediction, I'll find out soon enough via Youtube or elsewhere. If something changes the dynamic of the race it will be quickly apparent. If McCain dodders or Obama has a severe arrogance slip I might regret not watching. But I'll see the "moment" over and over again regardless.

    It's like watching gymnastics at the Olympics. Let's face it: the main reason to look is to see if someone is going to screw up.

    I almost never watch these "debates". I don't see any reason to start now.

    Lunch Break - God, is there ANY way you can get Clinton on the ballot??? plus Big Gay Heart

    A real leader won the popular vote in the DEM primaries, and she probably would have won the whole thing except she was shoved aside by a bunch of idiot, delusional, fake liberals.

    Read Clinton's piece in the WSJ today here.

    Also -

    some music:

    More Lemonheads and Evan Dando. Here's an early 90's song that never got enough play.

    Good Morning! Have a cup of joe and a poll!

    Is Obama qualified to be President of the U.S.?
    No, of course not, but he gives me hope and makes my legs tingle so I'll vote for him.
    No, of course not, but he'll hire smart people to help, like Kwame Kilpatrick, and Franklin Raines
    Yes, and he will make the trains run on time and his belly button lint cures cancer!
    No and the media should be punished for not vetting this ego on stick legs from Chicago
    Free polls from Pollhost.com

    Wednesday, September 24, 2008

    Fingers crossed.

    I've said for a while that a this election would be decided by a major, unforeseen, "outside" event. That is to say: it would not be the debates or a flub by a candidate - or even the major issues of the primaries. It would be something else.

    Is the market mess that event? Not sure. It certainly was not unforeseen. And 5 weeks is a hell of a long time in a political race. But my gut check tells me undecideds will be moving toward the party NOT in the White House in the next few weeks and they will be hard to get back for McCain.

    Despite BHO's silly initial refusal to go back to D.C. (that is to say: to SHOW UP FOR WORK, for God's sake) he has gained, and will gain the most from this crisis by virtue of one thing: he's not a Republican. I have no faith that he has the ability to handle the mess any better than McCain. In fact, his economic bonefides are exactly zilch. It doesn't matter. The GOP is on track to get clobbered by this crisis.

    And if the past 10 months are an indication, BHO could drop his pants and take a dump on the White House lawn this week and the media would call it "presidential."

    Oh, and this is a crisis. We are witnessing a catastrophe the likes we have not seen since at least 1929 and it may well surpass that meltdown when all is said and done. Frankly, 700 billion dollars is incomprehensible. I don't know much about macroeconomics. But I do know one thing: That 700 billion bucks does not exist. It's being conjured - or printed if you like - and the more money that gets created out of thin air the less each and every dollar you and I have is worth. Hyperinflation is the next logical stop.

    What concerns me is the combination of hyperinflation and an Obama administration. Or to put a finer point on it: the combination of hyperinflation and a cult of personality in power. From the vantage point of September 24th it looks like this is exactly what we will be getting. The worst economic outlook in 70 years combined with leadership that is driven by slogans and delusional projection and all I can say is: Let's HOPE we can survive the CHANGE that is coming.

    ...Fingers crossed...

    Lunch Break - courtship of barry and the telepromters

    Without media massages and teleprompters does BHO actually exist? I vote no. He may well be a hologram.

    Heres' a fun Deadenders video using my favorite TV theme song ever.... even like this theme song more than the green acres ditty.

    Good Morning poll!

    sipping coffee. having fun. more meaty posts later... have a great day...

    What is the most disturbing thing about Obama?
    His 20 year association with the racist Rev Wright
    His long association with terrorist William Ayres
    His angry, resentful, unpleasant wife
    His connection to slumlord Tony Rezko
    His beady eyes
    His lies and cowardice
    Free polls from Pollhost.com

    Tuesday, September 23, 2008

    PUMAs still a big problem for BHO

    L.R. reader Bob sent this poll along today. AP is reporting that 58% of Clinton voters now support Obama.

    Trouble with this number is that it is the same as it was in June.


    By the AP's numbers, in the past 4 months BHO has not made any inroads into Clinton's support.

    Check out No quarter's piece on Biden's gaffes. Brit Hume lays them all out. Seriously, sans the media and POD attack on Palin - one would have to conclude that Biden is the goofball VP nominee. Is Biden trying to get himself removed?
    Also included- McCain has erased a massive deficit among likely women voters.

    Lunch Break- Palin derangement syndrome, Bill Clinton, Working folks, Raul Malo

    The Palin hatred that erupted on the Obama Left during and after the GOP convention is a continuation of the sexism directed at Clinton all year. There is an additional element that was present during the primaries but is now being showcased by Bill Mahr (she's a stewardess), Sandra Berhnhart ( Palin needs to be "gang raped"), and the POD community at Huffington and elsewhere - it is class-ism. A deep seated hatred of working people - in particular, working white people. Though the moment a charismatic "whole foods" white liberal comes along and dethrones BHO - the black working class will come to - and realize Obama had none of their interests at heart. (whereas Clinton did)...

    Bill Clinton, who remains the best politician in 50 years, understands the underlying contempt the Obama "Whole Foods" Left has for both blue collar workers and tough women - which is why he may be trying to temper the mindless attacks on Palin on The View and elsewhere. The mocking of Palin is a mocking of about 60% of the nation- dumbass Pods. (Who was that guy who was going beat Lieberman, again?)

    ..as for Palin's experience...she still has more than Obama...

    Music today- the awesome Raul Malo sings I said I love you...

    Monday, September 22, 2008

    If BHO was running unopposed and all we had to do was vote Yes or No on him - could any Pod make a fact based case for him?

    The brilliant poster was made by reader Jay in - not of - LA.

    Check out Clinton's talk about the financial mess over at Noquarter. One of the things I learned to love about Hillary this year was that she so clearly loves the work. She loves doing it. She gets into it and fights. After she suspended her race - the next day she went back to work. Her work ethic is an inspiration. She masters the material, and gets into the arena.

    That other bloke repeats others' words, votes "present", or doesn't show up. Palin's most damning line in the speech that made her a star was "He's written two autobiographies and not one piece of major legislation."

    There has been so much pollution injected into the nation's discourse by Obama and his minions I can't ever focus on one bit. But as corrupting influences go the Obama Pod meme that Clinton was acting "entitled" - and now McCain is acting "entitled" may be the most retrograde. What the Pods are doing on this count is mocking effort and accomplishment. They have to since their leader wins by gaming the system and has accomplished nothing. I got an email recently questioning this site for not supporting BHO. Taking Cannonfire's lead, I asked the reader to name 3 major issues BHO had championed sans flip flops. I got back an attack on McCain and Palin sans facts or back up. I shall continue to try to get a fact based answer - but time is running short. Is there anything to support?

    If BHO was running unopposed and all we had to do was vote Yes or No on him - could any Pod make a fact based case for him? I sincerely doubt it. He does not hold up to scrutiny.

    Depressed as this whole year has made me - I am still holding out for an October surprise. But not holding my breath. Bill C keeps saying nice things about McCain/Palin - most recently on The View. Bill is a calculating guy. He most certainly knows an Obama win would all but destroy the Democrats by 2010. Is he signaling us Clinton supporters? Or is does he know some damning info on BHO and knows it's coming?

    Can you name 3 major issues on which Obama has neither lied nor switched postions?

    Contest - cash prize for anyone who can name 3 major issues on which Obama has neither lied or switched postions. First to name 3 wins! Check it out!

    Lunch Break - is it over? and REM

    I must admit now to no longer being able to see how McCain wins this election. He has been too nice to Obama for too long - just as Hillary was - and with the market in turmoil it is now almost to late to go after Obama in an effective way. The Ayres commercials needed to be running in August.

    So here is REM:

    Best short post in a good, long while.

    Winner of the best short post in a good, long while comes from recovered Obama voter Joseph Cannon - read it here. After voting for BHO in the California primary, Mr. Cannon made a full recovery and blogs daily at Cannonfire.

    Sunday, September 21, 2008

    The mush brain Obama has caused on the Left.

    I actually had a calm conversation with two pods at a party last night. I was calm, at least. I am happy to report that even in a calm setting Pods have no idea what they are talking about and are immune to logic, and/or facts. This is why I find them so dangerous. They are the Bush voters of 2008. As a lover of political talk I can't help myself. I love the group at a party that is talking politics. As this was clearly a "creative class" party I knew I would be a minority of one -so I listened.

    These people are not brain addled just thought addled. They are in a thick fog bank. In a few short minutes I heard the most sexist, ridiculous, insulting nonsense being put forth as fact.

    Palin is an awful mother for working instead of staying at home, her kids are "losers", secretly her husband is the real Governor, Woody Allen doesn't like her -(huh? This mattered to them),Palin should be shot, ( I swear, it was said out loud with no contradiction.) Obama ran a fair campaign (wow, welcome to Planet Delusion) , Palin is a stupid bitch and a mall rat...and on and on...The last comment oozing with contempt for middle America. In fact, the subtext of the entire dialogue was contempt for the middle class. This is from "liberals". You know, the ones who were supposed to care.

    It did come around to me and I was in no mood to upset a lovely gathering. But I said I thought Obama was a fraud who had accomplished nothing of note. And after listening to them for 10 minutes I could see why McCain may well win. This was met with baffled disgust.

    I attempted to make the case that Obama had backtracked on nearly every major issue - pointing out FISA. This was met, on cue, with a chorus of "politicians need to do what they need to do."

    I find it alarming and fascinating that - after 10 months - I have yet to meet an ardentObama supporter who can - even for a moment - see their own hypocrisy. The FISA flip flop is excused - along with all the other major flip flops. But...Palin...bridge...trooper... etc etc. FISA goes to constiutional rights. A trooper (who tasered his 13 year old son) being fired is not quite the same thing. But such is the mush brain Obama has caused on the Left.

    As for her church. They said it was crazy. So I pointed out that every Sunday Biden's church engages in a ritual in which a person is canibalized and until this decade served as a refuge and protector of thousands of child molesters.

    But Palin is an evil, dumb bitch...Obama is wise and true....

    Has the Left in this country always been this stupid? Are they being stupid now? Or do these types simply not care about core principles? Do they HAVE core principles?

    MY 80/20% rule applies still. 80% of me is sure I am right about Obama. He's a narcissistic phony with a Messiah complex driven by a dangerous cult of personality.

    But I hold 20% in reserve. I could be wrong in part or entirely about him. (but not his cult fan base - the evidence is in on this.). If he wins I hope he's a great and wise President. 80% of me thinks this is highly unlikely. The best we can hope for here is a limping mediocre Executive held together with P.R. and the biased media. In other words, Carter' second term. That's the best. At worst we find out just how narcissistic he truly is and what we will have on our hands is Nero. The Democratic Party will then be incinerated in 2010 and Newt Gingrich will sail into the White House in 2012.

    PODS don't have 20% in reserve. This is why they are such a horror. They are cock sure about Obama. Cock sure about Palin. Cock sure they are right about everything, and yet never examine anything. Concerns and questions are not allowed. These people scare me more than the far Right nut jobs - precisely because the far Right is acting on some core principle - however distasteful I may find it. No such principle is at play with the PODS. They follow without question - all the while pretending to be rational.

    It's called a cult.

    Unless Obama is exposed harshly and consistently now he will win. The George Soros
    power grab will be complete - and where the PODs will direct their energy after that is anyone's guess.

    10 more photos of Los Angeles

    The first 5 pictures this week are from Los Angeles writer Wendy Werris.* Her memoir "An Alphabetical Life" is a kicky look behind the scenes of the book business - that also packs a hell of a punch...(good Christmas/Hanukkah gift!)

    The second 5 are snaps taken on the phone. The last one is of a sushi bar in Little Tokyo a neighbor took me to this week. A conveyor belt moves the food past the patrons. Though I am not a sushi fan, I cannot tell you happy this restaurant set up makes me. It is delightful and hilarious.
    A well placed subway stop and Korean money is currently reviving Little Tokyo...the American mash up - mashes on...

    As always - I want PLACE pics from wherever you are...not a creativity contest....AT ALL...I like to see the places people live...send to John@liberalrapture.com.

    *L.R. has no idea what Wendy's politics are - her pics here do not indicate agreement or disagreement with this blog.

    Sunday A.M. thoughts on November. Where are the 527s?

    Ohio appears to be moving toward McCain. I think Ohio, Indiana, are the 2 states McCain must win while holding on to Virginia. Obama will try to steal Indiana - like he did during the primaries. McCain must assume the Gary area will be voter fraud central.

    BHO must win PA., Virginia, and hold on to Minnesota (This looks tough. McCain is doing surprisingly well.)

    Note to McCain: LAWYER UP. Obama/ACORN have every intention of stealing every vote they can. If this election is close, Obama will try to steal votes to win. It is who he is. Obama's people are crazy and they will...uh...well...they won't play nice if you come out on top in a close race. Obama's most ardent fans have no moral center and don't much care for democracy, anyway. Che "I'll shoot the children myself" Guevara is their hero, not JFK or FDR.

    Note TO Obama: Where is Michelle?

    General Note: Remember when everyone was saying "after the conventions the 527's will kick in and go after Obama" ??? Where are they? Part of me thinks the GOP wants to lost this election. The very best way to expunge the W hangover and reinvigorate the GOP is to let BHO
    behave like the narcissistic buffoon he is - in the White House. A few years - or months - of the BHO show and the GOP will be sitting pretty for a generation. Yes, if Obama wins his honeymoon will be very short (he is a wildly divisive personality) and yes, when the media turns on him is will be harsh.

    Anyway: Where are the 527s that everyone thought would bury Obama?

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    Saturday, September 20, 2008


    I admit to not understanding a word of the McCain ad below. However - it goes to my theory that McCain has to knee cap Obama and do it now if he expects to win. I said a few posts ago that Atwater and Rove destroyed Dukakis and Kerry in August of 88 and 04 - and that McCain had wounded Obama but he was still very much in the race. My theory was off in one particular. The Dem convention had already happened when Willie Horton and Swiftboats appeared. This year the DNC held the convention late. McCain has a week before the first debate to throw Obama off badly- which is to say: To get the truth out about Obama to the American people. With a series of ads he appears to be going after it. Call it "negative" if you like. But the equation leaves little room for McCain. Obama has the media on his team. Therefore, the playing field is not even. In addition to the media being a wing of the Obama campaign, BHO has an army of bloggers who gleefully do his "negative" campaigning for him. The media in turn picks up on whatever bile they spew. Compare the media's 10 month silence on Edward's affair (which would have helped Clinton) to their vicious attack on Palin's daughter - a story they sat on for about 43 seconds.

    Cannonfire - yet again - has a great post here on just how dangerous and delusional Obama Pods are. McCain must not underestimate this Obama created mob.

    Whatever Chavez is saying is sounds awful. And the bleeping of foul language ads to the overall air that the man is a lunatic. McCain is running the ad in Florida. If anyone can give a synopsis of the point of this ad I would appreciate it. Like it or not - all Hillary had to do was run a similar ad in January (in tone, at least) replacing Chavez with Wright - and she would now be the nominee with a 12 point lead.

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    It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

    For all the teeth gnashing and hair puling this past week - the Dow ended exactly 0.3% lower than last Friday - and the NASDAQ ENDED UP for the week. Huh... to read some news stories - you'd think we were all living on expired cans of creme corn...

    Anyone close to me knows I am a doomster. Or have been until recently. I love nearly all "the end is nigh" theories. I like poking at them to see if they add up on any level...physical, spiritual, etc...

    From Global Warming - mostly true -

    to Peak Oil - mostly true -

    to the Mayan Calenders ending the world on 12/21/12- mostly bullshit with almost no basis in actual Mayan time keeping , but it does make for good history channel filler and gives overfed first world lost souls a sense that they are "connecting" to something "deeper".

    (If these bratty boomers would just discreetly help serve a meal at a soup kitchen once a week they would not need to paper over this gap in their psyche which projects outward into racist and condescending false deification of indigenous people.)

    Take that New Agers! Stop reading "The Secret" and put on your damn work gloves!

    Revelation: ugh. The book is so transparently about the Roman Empire of the time I can't bare to listen to any nonsense about it any more from morons who refuse to see this simple truth.

    ... The anti-Christ will ride a white horse named Trigger. Gog and Magog will have a fight with Mayor McCheese somewhere in Syria....blah blah blah...

    A few more doomsters are fun: Nostradamus, the world's first Sylvia Brown, seems to have predicted everything that would ever happen but in a manner that makes no sense at all. I once found a Nostradamus prediction that I am sure foretold that I would get a corn on my right foot.

    when the 2nd slogger (blogger)
    has walked through Asia minor (koreatown)

    he will come to the green patch
    where cake met the rain and was left out (MacArthur Park)

    It is here that the horns of the feet will be felt.

    Once again, Nostradamus was correct!

    Lest you think me a brat - I believe in psychic phenomenon and the ability of some to predict potential futures. But I believe in freewill much, much more. No deep mystery about it. If humans self destruct it will be because we decided to self destruct. If we solve global warming it will be because we decided to solve global warming.

    So this week...

    Oddly, as the markets went ape sh*t loco I found myself blase. Something fundamental is shifting. It will either be the end of the status quo in America or it won't. If we are headed into a Depression we are in deep doo-doo. We've sold most of our country off to the Chinese for plasma TVs and cheap macaroni at Wal Mart, and we don't have much here to bargain with if we attempt to get any of it back. We do not have the oil to make a quick comeback like we did when WW2 broke out.

    But we do have something good - people. Lots of good people. There is an American type that still exists and can be recovered with a little effort. Words that come to mind: "Don't Tread on Me", Frontier, ballsy, fair minded, straightforward. They believe all sorts of different things - but they have a set of solid traits embedded. A little Puritan work ethic, a little Wild West, a little Quaker, a little "screw the Puritans, lets go to Rhode Island and start our own colony.", a little lets go to the moon...within 10 years...a little Boone Pickens, A little Venice Beach.

    (Feel free to skip the Donny and Marie jokes at this juncture.)

    It's a big American mess that adds up to the individual being highly valued in this culture. We forget that in many places this simply is not the case.

    Think: Teddy Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, Harry Truman, Susan B Anthony, Anne Hutchinson and yes...wait for it....Sarah Palin...I am not saying she belongs on the list yet -and I am not saying I agree with her on most things - I am saying she comes from the "culture of the individual" not the " culture of the victim" or its midnight lover the "culture of entitlement".

    We need strong, centered, leadership at this point. Not bromides from the chatty, bratty elites.

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    Friday, September 19, 2008

    A gutter lack of integrity

    A reader sent my this tidbit from Down Under: Bill Clinton likes Palin's instincts. The President was referring to her political instincts noting that she was an effective politician and should not be underestimated. He spoke about the sitting, elected, Governor of Alaska with respect - which is ,not doubt, why he is so hated by PODS. Being adult is so difficult for them.

    An odd dynamic is at play in my attitude toward Palin. The more I find out about her politics, the less I like her politics. The more I find out about her, the more I like her. I've said this a few times this week and one would have thought I said "I enjoy eating the livers of orphans." It seems unremarkable to me that one can appreciate or like someone that one does not agree with. But on the Obama Left this yet another impossible thought problem to solve. On most social issues I agree with Harry Reid - in action I find him to be a cowardly hack - and this leads me to dislike him. Both Pelosi and Reid were elevated in 2006 with a mandate to confront Bush and deal with the war. Both flinched. After running for Governor on a platform that included a repeal of same sex benefits - Palin, once elected, was told a ban was unconstitutional - whether she liked it or not. She governed from the middle and vetoed the bill. In other words, her overarching conservatism trumped whatever her personal belief may have been. That trait is admirable in an executive. For the record: It mirrors what Howard Dean did in Vermont with civil unions. The courts told him a ban would violate the law - and he went with legalizing civil unions.

    I know it seems arcane at Brentwood cocktail parties and college drum circles to judge a person by their ACTIONS - not by their website - but I will persist in this little piece of nostalgia. I won't "hate" Palin until I see reason to "hate" her. As I've said, and now Clinton has said, Palin running for VP is a fascinating turn of events and she is a force to be reckoned with.

    Obama is not trustworthy. The evidence is in and is overwhelming. What Obama says and what Obama does are at odds on nearly every major issue. From Iraq, to Nafta, to Public Financing, to FISA he has demonstrated an utter lack of integrity.

    Maybe I should say a gutter lack of integrity.

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    Lunch Break -Obama cult poster, No on 8, Go Brad!!!, BHO flip flops, AGAIN!, Evan Dando, The Graduate

    The great pic was sent in from a reader in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles. Sort of says it all...

    No on 8 - help out if you can.

    Let's hear it for Brad Pitt!!!

    Obama flip flops on major gay rights issue.

    The how many times can he do the flip flop dance and still get the support the Prius, Whole Foods, Huffington, msnbc, "SMUG AS A WAY OF LIFE" crowd?

    Obama is a pathological liar. Iraq, Fisa, Public Financing, NAFTA- Now Don't Ask Don't Tell.

    And finally, a little Evan Dando, Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft mash up:

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    Thursday, September 18, 2008

    Palin is a step forward for gender equality.

    Abortion rights are important. They are not the only issue that defines a feminist. I will happily remain to the Left of Palin on choice. I believe choice is a core issue and the stakes are high. However, it does not negate the rest of what Palin represents. Agree with her or not - she is not merely a result of gender equality battles she is THE POINT of the battles fought by feminists: A working mother proving she can do what every working father has ever done.

    Violet complied these Palin quotes. Give her site a click. These are the words of a feminist.

    Sarah Palin on combining motherhood with a career: To any critics who say a woman can't think and work and carry a baby at the same time, I'd just like to escort that Neanderthal back to the cave.

    Sarah Palin on her ability to govern Alaska while raising children: My answer would always be that I'm going to do the job just as well as any male governor who had kids, you know, I think we can handle this.

    Sarah Palin on raising her children to embrace gender equality: Because I have both boys and girls I have a greater respect for equality and making sure that gender is not an issue and that everyone is treated equally.

    Sarah Palin on being a pro-life feminist: I believe in the strength and the power of women, and the potential of every human life.

    Sarah Palin on contraception and sex education: I'm pro-contraception, and I think kids who may not hear about it at home should hear about it in other avenues. So I am not anti-contraception. But, yeah, abstinence is another alternative that should be discussed with kids. I don't have a problem with that. That doesn't scare me, so it's something I would support also.

    Sarah Palin on whether she would support an abortion ban in Alaska if Roe v. Wade were overturned: It would be up to the people of Alaska to discuss and decide how we would like our society to reflect our values.

    Sarah Palin on a woman president and endorsing McCain instead of Hillary (March 2008): But I have to admit a little bit of guilt there for not being able to jump on Hillary's bandwagon, because I would so love to see a woman president. I think our nation is overdue there. So, I've said along, Heck yeah, America's ready for a woman president.

    Sarah Palin on being the first female governor of Alaska: I'm the first female governor in Alaska, so that's brought with it kind of a whole new chapter in Alaska's life. Like my husband - up here they refer to him as the 'first dude,' not the first gentleman. And Todd...A whole new chapter here when Todd is asked to do things like - and he graciously complies and he has a good time doing it - hosting, as he did a couple of weeks ago down in Juneau, our capital city, the former first ladies tea party. And he does just great at things like that, as well as working in oil fields, with snow machines and in commercial fishing. That's a dynamic here that's of interest to others.

    Sarah Palin on Title IX, sports, and growing up with gender equality: You know I grew up with Title IX, and sports were so big, and in my upbringing very instrumental in shaping my character and a need to compete and really to win. So because of a very athletic background and growing up in a family, a busy large family, where gender never was really an issue there. My dad expected us to be back there chopping wood and snowmachining with the rest of them, hunting and fishing and doing all those things that are quite Alaskan.

    Sarah Palin on sports, scholarships, and the beauty pageant: Graduating high school in 1982 there weren't a whole lot of high-school athletes, females going on to college to play sports yet. That's what I was looking for, a scholarship in athletics. I didn't get one, the next best thing would be the Miss America scholarship pageant where at least you had to show that you had a talent. I played the flute and was really into music so, you know I won a couple of titles there, and it paid tuition through four, five years of college. So, that was OK, it wasn't really my thing, I was never really comfortable with it, but it paid for some college, though.

    Sarah Palin on the challenge for Hillary and other women candidates to appear tough: I recognize that Hillary seems to be trying real hard to be tough, but I say, more power to her. I think she's had to do that. It's unfortunate that she's had to do that, but she comes across to me as tough, capable. I can respect that in her, that she is that tough, capable and experienced and all that. I recognize that's what she's trying to do and I think it's unfortunate that maybe a woman candidate feels that she has to go there. You don't see male candidates doing that.

    Sarah Palin on dealing with the double standard applied to women candidates: Fair or unfair-and I do think that it's a more concentrated criticism that Hillary gets on so many fronts; I think that's unfortunate. But fair or unfair, I think she does herself a disservice to even mention it, really. You have to plow through that and know what you're getting into. I say this with all due respect to Hillary Clinton and to her experience and to her passion for changing the status quo. But when I hear a statement like that coming from a women candidate with any kind of perceived whine about that excess criticism or a sharper microscope put on her, I think, man, that doesn't do us any good. Women in politics, women in general wanting to progress this country, I don't think it bodes well for her, a statement like that. Because, again, fair or not fair it is there. I think it's reality and it's a given, people just accept that she's going to be under a sharper microscope. So be it. Work harder, prove to yourself to an even greater degree that you're capable, that you're going to be the best candidate.

    if you love your country you will cough up more cash

    I am out tonight - but here are 2 pieces to chew on:

    Biden: Paying more taxes = patriotism?

    The post linked in the sentence below is one of the best reads on the 2008 destruction of the Democratic Party.
    When examining the actions and rhetoric of the Deaniac faction, I'm left really, truly wondering if they do not want to be a party at all.

    Lunch Break - McCain: stop being a Gentleman now or accept the loss. plus MIKEL ERENTXUN

    There is a reason why Lee Atwater delivered the knock out blow against Dukakis in August of 1988 (Willie Horton) and Rove did the same against Kerry (Swift Boat) in August of 2004...it is the month to destroy your opponent.

    McCain, like Hillary Clinton before him, has decided not to take the 2 by 4 to Obama's campaign and smash it to bits. I mean by this: constant ads questioning Obama's connections to Ayres, Rezko, etc- not the "celebrity" ads which were effective but did not destroy Obama - just damaged him.

    If McCain had painted Obama into the corner with harsh but trutthful ads in August outside events like the stock market turmoil would not matter nearly as much. The stock market collapse favors Obama politically. He is the head of the party out of power. If McCain had made clear Obama's connections to criminals and terrorists in August this would hardly matter.

    He chose not to.

    For reasons that defy all logic (so something illogical, or logical but not unseen, is at play) McCain has chosen not to obliterate Obama - though the information is available to do it, and it can and should be done.


    Waiting for the October surprise? It may be too late by October.

    Or is BHO's election a fait accompli? Maybe.

    I do not get it. Wall to wall Ayres ads in August would have McCain sailing to victory with ease right now.... What am I missing?

    And for a little luncheon music: some kicky South American pop from Mikel Erentxun.

    Trilogy of Terror

    I've always liked Susan Sarrandon. But to hear her lecture me on the bible makes me a bit sick. I wonder if I liked people like her and Olbermann because I agreed with them and now that I don't agree I don't care for them.

    The term "elite" is used to describe the left. Elite is a good thing. The Elite Eight during March Madness springs to mind as a wonderful thing. The term should actually be SMUG. Maybe arrogant. Definitely condescending. Was it OK with me that Alec Baldwin said he'd leave the country if Bush won because of my loathing for Bush? Now when I hear the same thing said if McCain wins I think, see ya! Homeland Security isn't blocking the ports keeping you here.

    Maybe I was that smug, too. I would mock someone driving a Yugo with a Reagan bumper sticker. My gosh! You are voting against your own self interest! I was a what's the matter with Kansas person. Now, I'm a lot more open (read liberal) about people.

    This election has turned everything upside down. The Democrats are using Jesus to describe their candidate. Supposed liberals are against a woman working outside the home because she's not taking care of her children. Those same liberals are up in arms about teen pregnancy. The Republicans have put on a woman on the ticket while the Democrats used sexism to trash the most qualified candidate who happened to be a female.

    I'm sick of being called a Republican because I see through the mystique of Obama. I'm sick of being called a racist because I won't vote for an unqualified man who happens to be black. I am over being called stupid because I can't see the greatness of Obama.

    None of those things can bring me over to the Democratic side. I'm fairly certain that those techniques are not listed in How to Win Friends and Influence People. I always thought Democrats lost because of bad campaigns. I beginning to realize the loss should have been blamed on alienating more than half of the electorate by calling them dumb.

    That is not to say there are not dumb people in America. I live in Florida. But no one likes to be called stupid just because they don't agree with you.

    I have issues with John McCain. I disagree with a lot of what Sarah Palin believes in. But they don't talk down to me and I appreciate it.

    Dean, Pelosi and Brazille, the trilogy of terror, have told me that I am no longer welcome in my former party.

    I didn't let the door hit my ass on the way out.

    Wednesday, September 17, 2008

    The Company He Keeps.

    Now let's see the ads on Ayres, Rezko, and Auchi. It is an ongoing obscenity that the American Public knows more about Palin's daughter than they know about Obama's sketchy connections. Contact CNN here.

    Lunch Break - contact congress

    Offense, people, offense. I really dislike the addiction to playing defense - or rather to "getting defensive."(I have it too... nothing satisfies like a warm, chewy resentment.) But be on guard - the resentment can never be the last stop.

    RE: the media bias and Obama's deceitfulness - getting overly agitated by their bias or his misdeeds this year without responding in some way (however small) reinforces them and disempowers us. Both CNN and Rush L. feed off resentment. Fine. Get resentful. For exactly 6 minutes - give or take - then do something. Write someone. Tell Howard Dean to go to hell and send him a monopoly dollar. (it feels great!) Give money to the Greens or the GOP. Even a dollar. Post a comment here, there and everywhere explaining again why Obama is a liar and a fraud. Get a blog. Write CNN.

    In other words - HELP. It is a tonic.

    Obama seems to have violated the Logan Act. Contact Congress and demand an investigation. Link here.

    Today's music - the Gypsy Kings - A Mi Manera (My Way) - Big Admission: I like this version better than Sinatra's - am i going to hell for this???
    Listen. It is soothing and lovely.

    Tuesday, September 16, 2008


    Good morning Liberal Raptureites! Okay it is still Tuesday night here - but I can't wait for this post. DNC MEMBER TO ENDORSE MCCAIN TODAY. Get thee to Deadenders and read all about it. Lynn Forester de Rothschild, member of the Democratic National Committee's Platform Committee, will endorse John McCain for president on Wednesday.

    It is good to see some of those in the thick of it coming to their senses. I would like to return to the Democratic Party one day... soon... but cannot until the Obama Left is expunged. This will happen in November or in 2010. I'd prefer November.

    Also of note Biden has hired a couple of lobbyists to help on his campaign...for the Senate....Odd.

    Any bets on how many times the "C" word will be used to describe Lynn Forester on Kos today?

    Church Chat

    I am off to the theater tonight...So I am posting a comment from yttik on the "Jesus" post below. I love it. It pretty much says it all for me. I find Palin's church a bit disturbing. I find Obama's church much more disturbing. I find Obama ditching his church after 20 years for baldly political reasons yet more disturbing. I may not like Palin's religious beliefs but so far she has integrity about them.

    Religious beliefs of candidates should be taken into account - TO A DEGREE - we have every right to know how Trinity informs Obama's politics and how Palin's church informs hers. But the Obama Left has got to get this thru their thick arrogant heads: Insisting one is for religious diversity and freedom then dismissing, attacking, and insulting Conservative Christians is intellectually bankrupt.

    Demanding fairness only for those who agree with you - is not fairness at all.

    As per gay rights: McCain (Baptist),Biden (Catholic), Palin's (Conservative Christian) all belong to obnoxiously anti gay religious traditions. Obama's recent ex church is closest to okay with gay rights - but has a streak of wildly overt racism that simply no longer exists in the other three religions. (Yes, hating whites because they are white is RACISM).

    If we are to demand Palin answer for her church on certain issues or any issues, we must demand it of McCain, Biden, and Obama (lol) - oh yeah, he never "heard" any of the Wright bile.

    The religion that represents the best of liberal traditions may well be the Quakers....

    Last Quaker President: Richard Nixon.

    Here's the comment:

    Listen everybody, I'm probably going to hell for saying this, but Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry go to a pro-life, anti-contraception church that has a problem with pedophilia. Harry Reid, well his church has issues with polygamy, they wear funny underwear, and they seal themselves to their dead ancestors. Obama, he's in church listening to Rev Wright say God Damn America and please let me bring my religious agenda to the white house.

    So what does everybody start freaking out about? Sarah Palin. She's discussed like she's a cross between Vlad the Impaler and the Pentacostal John Ashcroft. She's a snake handler speaking in tongues out to burn books and ban sex. No, actually compared to most of our politicians, she's relatively sane.

    The Dem party was the party who believed that no religious test should be given for public service. It's kind of in our Constitution. The Dems elected an athiest, a Muslim, Mormons, Catholics. Suddenly they've gone and changed the rules and their hypocrisy is showing.

    Bad move trying to attack Sarah Palin for her Christian beliefs. Bad move to try and compare Obama to Jesus.

    By the end of the week I have a feeling they'll be accusing John McCain of being the antichrist.

    Vote for us we'll stop religious fanatics from .....well, from acting hysterical like us?

    This is how you lose elections. Palin has become like a mirror reflecting back all the Dem hypocrisy of the last 18 mos. They don't like what they're seeing, so they're trying to destroy her. It just doesn't work that way.

    Lunch Break - Obama's Iraq deceptions and Hey, Eugene!

    In a truly alarming turn of events yesterday it now appears that Senator Obama may have violated the Logan Act by pushing for Iraq to POSTPONE withdrawal of American troops until after the election. Yes, Pods, you read that right - BHO tried to force an EXTENSION of the timeline for troops...at what point will the pods wake up? The man is a narcissistic buffoon. And is one arrogant asshole to boot. One can only assume he wanted the Iraqis to stop the withdrawal now so he could take credit for it after he won - he no doubt also assumed his winning was "no brainer" (I heard a pod say "voting for Obama is a no brainer" - yes, I must say that is very true. Those with no brain will probably vote for Obama)

    Read about BHO's deceit it here and here.

    Also he is just a liar about Iraq and always has been. The Obama Arugula Left heard what it wanted to hear from BHO and avoided seeing the truth about him. I suspect it will be hard to keep avoiding the truth about BHO much longer. OBAMA IS A FRAUD.

    and because thus song got me thru the morning....Hey Eugene - Pink Martini - I JUST LOVE THE LYRICS...

    Pod attack?

    I keep getting these emails through L.R. A zip file is attached - which of course I never open. Not sure what the point is. Is this some attempt to infect my computer? If only the person sending them knew about me and planes...(I'd pretty much rather walk across the Sahara than fly over it) Last week I got one from "jet blue". I sure wish they'd tell me where I was going with all these tickets. and which of my nonexistent credit cards was charged....

    Has anyone else heard anything about this type of odd email. I'd ignore them except they come through my site and - God knows the PODS are like that relentless evil doll that attacked Karen Black in Trilogy of Terror....

    What do you think?

    This is from: lnqxbokphjl@bnetit.com

    Hello, Thank you for using our new service "Buy flight ticket Online" on our website. Your account has been created: Your login: john@liberalrapture.com Your password: rwaqc435 Your credit card has been charged for $673.21. We would like to remind you that whenever you order tickets on our website you get a discount of 10%! Attached to this message is the purchase Invoice and the flight ticket. To use your ticket, simply print it on a color printed, and you are set to take off for the journey! Kind regards, Northwest Airlines

    Monday, September 15, 2008

    Barky's apostates play the Jesus card.

    Wow. The pods are nuts. The new meme is Jesus was a community organizer. And Pontius Pilot was a Governor. Also, in case you missed it, Buddha was a U.S. Senator, Moses was the President of the Harvard Law Review, and Zoroaster was the Democratic nominee in B.C. 144.

    The fabulous actress and political idiot Susan Sarandon blithely repeated this remark and then blithely moved on. It apparently started on an Obama blog or from a POD on the floor of the House - does it matter? Is their a discernible difference other than one has chairs and one doesn't? Tom Brokaw, no doubt upset that Mr. Chicago is not doing so well, saw fit to bring this ridiculous yapping point up to Giuliani.

    What does this freakishly stupid talking point mean? In the shallow brain gym where Matt Damon and Susan Sarandon exercise their political muscles, I think it means Obama is Jesus and Palin is Pontius Pilot. Other than the truly rotten theology of high priestess Sarandon...it is remarkably bad politics. Whatever one thinks about Jesus approximately 5 gajillion voters have slotted him in as their Lord and Saviour. Having Jesus compared to Obama, and worse, downgrading him to "community organizer" goes over with many Christian folks like a loud fart in a stuck elevator. Let's see the Obama people think my Saviour lead voter registration drives...
    There goes another million votes. Give or take.

    Now, the fishes and loaves may have been the world's first food bank. But I am not sure I'd say Jesus organized it. He just sort of created a bunch of fish sandwiches one afternoon - this being his prerogative as the Son of God. It's not like it happened again at dinner time.

    As for the half ass insulting theology...I suppose in a sense one could read the New Testament and even the Gnostic gospels and come away with "Hey, that Jesus guy gathered a community. He sort of organized those 12 guys and one of them started a church!" But if that is all one comes away, one is an idiot.

    In no particular order ( I wish no offense.) I'd say from my very lay perspective "community organizer" does not rate a mention on Jesus's resume.Jesus's resume looks something like this:

    Carpenter, itinerant preacher, healer, miracle worker, Son of God, redeemer, occasional rabble rouser, dinner host, teacher specializing in parables, willing martyr, sometime status quo upsetter, sometime staus quo champion (Give Cesar what is Cesar's), Man with ability to both raise the dead and come back from it, metaphysician, gadfly, and finally: one of the most interesting people to ever live.

    Of that list only itinerant preacher is something BHO might qualify for. But only when he's using his pretend southern accent at a black church.

    As a person who is forever trying to circle closer to the God of my understanding I suppose I should be offended by the promotion Obama gets with this meme and the demotion Jesus gets...but...really...I've been studying Obama all year and tonight my disgust is tapped out.

    Next week: Obama parts the waters of Lake Michigan and conjures 3000 hoagies out of thin air - and as a special treat he'll turn your diet cokes into apple martinis!

