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Friday, September 19, 2008

A gutter lack of integrity

A reader sent my this tidbit from Down Under: Bill Clinton likes Palin's instincts. The President was referring to her political instincts noting that she was an effective politician and should not be underestimated. He spoke about the sitting, elected, Governor of Alaska with respect - which is ,not doubt, why he is so hated by PODS. Being adult is so difficult for them.

An odd dynamic is at play in my attitude toward Palin. The more I find out about her politics, the less I like her politics. The more I find out about her, the more I like her. I've said this a few times this week and one would have thought I said "I enjoy eating the livers of orphans." It seems unremarkable to me that one can appreciate or like someone that one does not agree with. But on the Obama Left this yet another impossible thought problem to solve. On most social issues I agree with Harry Reid - in action I find him to be a cowardly hack - and this leads me to dislike him. Both Pelosi and Reid were elevated in 2006 with a mandate to confront Bush and deal with the war. Both flinched. After running for Governor on a platform that included a repeal of same sex benefits - Palin, once elected, was told a ban was unconstitutional - whether she liked it or not. She governed from the middle and vetoed the bill. In other words, her overarching conservatism trumped whatever her personal belief may have been. That trait is admirable in an executive. For the record: It mirrors what Howard Dean did in Vermont with civil unions. The courts told him a ban would violate the law - and he went with legalizing civil unions.

I know it seems arcane at Brentwood cocktail parties and college drum circles to judge a person by their ACTIONS - not by their website - but I will persist in this little piece of nostalgia. I won't "hate" Palin until I see reason to "hate" her. As I've said, and now Clinton has said, Palin running for VP is a fascinating turn of events and she is a force to be reckoned with.

Obama is not trustworthy. The evidence is in and is overwhelming. What Obama says and what Obama does are at odds on nearly every major issue. From Iraq, to Nafta, to Public Financing, to FISA he has demonstrated an utter lack of integrity.

Maybe I should say a gutter lack of integrity.

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