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Monday, September 22, 2008

If BHO was running unopposed and all we had to do was vote Yes or No on him - could any Pod make a fact based case for him?

The brilliant poster was made by reader Jay in - not of - LA.

Check out Clinton's talk about the financial mess over at Noquarter. One of the things I learned to love about Hillary this year was that she so clearly loves the work. She loves doing it. She gets into it and fights. After she suspended her race - the next day she went back to work. Her work ethic is an inspiration. She masters the material, and gets into the arena.

That other bloke repeats others' words, votes "present", or doesn't show up. Palin's most damning line in the speech that made her a star was "He's written two autobiographies and not one piece of major legislation."

There has been so much pollution injected into the nation's discourse by Obama and his minions I can't ever focus on one bit. But as corrupting influences go the Obama Pod meme that Clinton was acting "entitled" - and now McCain is acting "entitled" may be the most retrograde. What the Pods are doing on this count is mocking effort and accomplishment. They have to since their leader wins by gaming the system and has accomplished nothing. I got an email recently questioning this site for not supporting BHO. Taking Cannonfire's lead, I asked the reader to name 3 major issues BHO had championed sans flip flops. I got back an attack on McCain and Palin sans facts or back up. I shall continue to try to get a fact based answer - but time is running short. Is there anything to support?

If BHO was running unopposed and all we had to do was vote Yes or No on him - could any Pod make a fact based case for him? I sincerely doubt it. He does not hold up to scrutiny.

Depressed as this whole year has made me - I am still holding out for an October surprise. But not holding my breath. Bill C keeps saying nice things about McCain/Palin - most recently on The View. Bill is a calculating guy. He most certainly knows an Obama win would all but destroy the Democrats by 2010. Is he signaling us Clinton supporters? Or is does he know some damning info on BHO and knows it's coming?

