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Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday thoughts: Bush's real third term?

- WAMU failed today. Even bigger news here. No more dough from China. uh-oh. This is the worst news on the week - by far. While we were told to look the other way the entire house built by U.S. dollar came tumbling down. See Howard Beale below. Network is more prescient than ever. Replace "Arabs" with "Chinese" and you get the picture. It stuns me to think this film was made before CNN and before Olbermann and blogs....

- Anyone remember the first 2000 debate between Gore and Bush? Gore clearly won on all counts - except he "exhaled" loudly. The media - at the time being in the bag for W - ignored the debate itself and spent 72 hours afterward talking about Gore's sighs. I expect something like this to come out of tonight. Some nonsense to rip McCain will be highlighted - all substance will be ignored.

- Andrew Sullivan wants McCain's camp to conduct a paternity test on Trig Palin.
Now I could argue for the unmitigated misogyny of Sullivan here - but why bother? He hates strong women. End of story. This is simply another example of the intellectual poison Obama injects into those who support him. From Pelosi's belief that BHO was sent from God, to Sandra Bernhard's call for the gang rape of Palin: Obama is poison. There are now thousands, if not millions, of deranged verbal ejaculations from BHO's base scattered across the Internet.
It is worth remembering that Sullivan, neo-con and recently recovered W hack, took out an ad looking for unsafe sex with another man - or group of men- after years of slamming many in the gay rights movement for trying to promote HIV awareness. At least he's not a hypocrite in the bedroom.

- Stunner: NYTs calls Obama what he is: A LIAR.

- While many were working O.T. in D.C. to come to an agreement on a bailout today, BHO found time to hit the gym. Good for him . Presumably he had his cell so they "could call him if they needed him.
I have two ongoing theories about BHO that tie into this item.
1. He has narcissistic personality disorder. Anyone who has ever known a person with this disorder (or walked around West Hollywood) recognizes the symptoms exhibited by Obama: the football stadium, the desire to speak at the Brandenburg Gate, the fake Presidential seal, the "you're likable enough" line to Hillary...Or when he's thrown - the snotty reactions: flipping the bird, and repeating "he's not the (fill in crook here) I knew." Personal accountability is seemingly impossible for him.
2. Obama is the Trojan Horse of this election. He's the machine's front man this time around. To a certain degree it does not matter if he's "there" or not, any more than it mattered if Bush was in the room when Rummy and Cheney moved the country to war with Iraq. The machine in this case is the Media, the DNC, a whole lot of Wall Street types, the hardcore "Ayres" Left, and the Chicago power brokers.
The result is the same as it was in 2000, though. A few people get a lot of power at the expense of the many. It facinates me that after all the people Obama has double crossed from Alice Palmer on that - if he wins - the Obama fan base still does not see that they will be under the bus within 3 months. Kos and Huffington surely know this. As does Sullivan. But there isn't a true liberal in that bunch anyway. I suspect the most wrenching Obama divorces will come from much of Black community and Labor. The connections here are the most shallow in tangible, policy terms.

Obama is the tool this time.

