Lunch Break -Obama cult poster, No on 8, Go Brad!!!, BHO flip flops, AGAIN!, Evan Dando, The Graduate

No on 8 - help out if you can.
Let's hear it for Brad Pitt!!!
Obama flip flops on major gay rights issue.
The how many times can he do the flip flop dance and still get the support the Prius, Whole Foods, Huffington, msnbc, "SMUG AS A WAY OF LIFE" crowd?
Obama is a pathological liar. Iraq, Fisa, Public Financing, NAFTA- Now Don't Ask Don't Tell.
And finally, a little Evan Dando, Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft mash up:
Labels: committee on hopeish changey hope, damned lies, dangerous candidate, dopey hopey changey, lunch break, lying sack of shit, make fun of Obama, Obama is a fraud, Obama is a liar
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