We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Sunday, September 21, 2008

The mush brain Obama has caused on the Left.

I actually had a calm conversation with two pods at a party last night. I was calm, at least. I am happy to report that even in a calm setting Pods have no idea what they are talking about and are immune to logic, and/or facts. This is why I find them so dangerous. They are the Bush voters of 2008. As a lover of political talk I can't help myself. I love the group at a party that is talking politics. As this was clearly a "creative class" party I knew I would be a minority of one -so I listened.

These people are not brain addled just thought addled. They are in a thick fog bank. In a few short minutes I heard the most sexist, ridiculous, insulting nonsense being put forth as fact.

Palin is an awful mother for working instead of staying at home, her kids are "losers", secretly her husband is the real Governor, Woody Allen doesn't like her -(huh? This mattered to them),Palin should be shot, ( I swear, it was said out loud with no contradiction.) Obama ran a fair campaign (wow, welcome to Planet Delusion) , Palin is a stupid bitch and a mall rat...and on and on...The last comment oozing with contempt for middle America. In fact, the subtext of the entire dialogue was contempt for the middle class. This is from "liberals". You know, the ones who were supposed to care.

It did come around to me and I was in no mood to upset a lovely gathering. But I said I thought Obama was a fraud who had accomplished nothing of note. And after listening to them for 10 minutes I could see why McCain may well win. This was met with baffled disgust.

I attempted to make the case that Obama had backtracked on nearly every major issue - pointing out FISA. This was met, on cue, with a chorus of "politicians need to do what they need to do."

I find it alarming and fascinating that - after 10 months - I have yet to meet an ardentObama supporter who can - even for a moment - see their own hypocrisy. The FISA flip flop is excused - along with all the other major flip flops. But...Palin...bridge...trooper... etc etc. FISA goes to constiutional rights. A trooper (who tasered his 13 year old son) being fired is not quite the same thing. But such is the mush brain Obama has caused on the Left.

As for her church. They said it was crazy. So I pointed out that every Sunday Biden's church engages in a ritual in which a person is canibalized and until this decade served as a refuge and protector of thousands of child molesters.

But Palin is an evil, dumb bitch...Obama is wise and true....

Has the Left in this country always been this stupid? Are they being stupid now? Or do these types simply not care about core principles? Do they HAVE core principles?

MY 80/20% rule applies still. 80% of me is sure I am right about Obama. He's a narcissistic phony with a Messiah complex driven by a dangerous cult of personality.

But I hold 20% in reserve. I could be wrong in part or entirely about him. (but not his cult fan base - the evidence is in on this.). If he wins I hope he's a great and wise President. 80% of me thinks this is highly unlikely. The best we can hope for here is a limping mediocre Executive held together with P.R. and the biased media. In other words, Carter' second term. That's the best. At worst we find out just how narcissistic he truly is and what we will have on our hands is Nero. The Democratic Party will then be incinerated in 2010 and Newt Gingrich will sail into the White House in 2012.

PODS don't have 20% in reserve. This is why they are such a horror. They are cock sure about Obama. Cock sure about Palin. Cock sure they are right about everything, and yet never examine anything. Concerns and questions are not allowed. These people scare me more than the far Right nut jobs - precisely because the far Right is acting on some core principle - however distasteful I may find it. No such principle is at play with the PODS. They follow without question - all the while pretending to be rational.

It's called a cult.

Unless Obama is exposed harshly and consistently now he will win. The George Soros
power grab will be complete - and where the PODs will direct their energy after that is anyone's guess.

