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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Trilogy of Terror

I've always liked Susan Sarrandon. But to hear her lecture me on the bible makes me a bit sick. I wonder if I liked people like her and Olbermann because I agreed with them and now that I don't agree I don't care for them.

The term "elite" is used to describe the left. Elite is a good thing. The Elite Eight during March Madness springs to mind as a wonderful thing. The term should actually be SMUG. Maybe arrogant. Definitely condescending. Was it OK with me that Alec Baldwin said he'd leave the country if Bush won because of my loathing for Bush? Now when I hear the same thing said if McCain wins I think, see ya! Homeland Security isn't blocking the ports keeping you here.

Maybe I was that smug, too. I would mock someone driving a Yugo with a Reagan bumper sticker. My gosh! You are voting against your own self interest! I was a what's the matter with Kansas person. Now, I'm a lot more open (read liberal) about people.

This election has turned everything upside down. The Democrats are using Jesus to describe their candidate. Supposed liberals are against a woman working outside the home because she's not taking care of her children. Those same liberals are up in arms about teen pregnancy. The Republicans have put on a woman on the ticket while the Democrats used sexism to trash the most qualified candidate who happened to be a female.

I'm sick of being called a Republican because I see through the mystique of Obama. I'm sick of being called a racist because I won't vote for an unqualified man who happens to be black. I am over being called stupid because I can't see the greatness of Obama.

None of those things can bring me over to the Democratic side. I'm fairly certain that those techniques are not listed in How to Win Friends and Influence People. I always thought Democrats lost because of bad campaigns. I beginning to realize the loss should have been blamed on alienating more than half of the electorate by calling them dumb.

That is not to say there are not dumb people in America. I live in Florida. But no one likes to be called stupid just because they don't agree with you.

I have issues with John McCain. I disagree with a lot of what Sarah Palin believes in. But they don't talk down to me and I appreciate it.

Dean, Pelosi and Brazille, the trilogy of terror, have told me that I am no longer welcome in my former party.

I didn't let the door hit my ass on the way out.

