We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Question Obama - dammit!

The debate "coverage" turned out exactly as I predicted. McCain spoke with authority and specificity. Obama was vague and overtly and covertly dishonest.

The media declared Obama the winner. And has fixated on McCain's "appearance". Obama's Kissinger gaffe and the "bracelet" gaffe are being ignored by the MSM. No surprise there.

Unless we demand a balanced and a fair vetting of Obama in the next 5 weeks - the media will make him President. Contact CNN. Contact MSNBC. I mean this. Unless PEOPLE rise up against the MSM it will not change. They are addicted to Obama. An intervention is the only recourse.

I state all the time that Obama is poison. I also state often my 80%/20% rule. I am 80% sure I am correct in my assessment. I hold out 20% - I could be wrong.

However, everyday I see more evidence for my central thesis: Obama has poisoned the electorate on all levels. He has gamed the system, cheated in the caucus states, buffaloed the media, caused vast portions of the electorate to ignore damning facts about his life, claimed the mantle of leadership though he's lead on nothing, lied about who he is and where he came from, unleashed a virulent sexism, demanded the compromise of our basic rights (just today he did it again - twice - don't think for a second the flip flop on FISA was anything except planning ahead. Once in office those who BHO picks to lead WILL invade the lives of those who oppose them. Think this is nuts? Google Missouri/Obama/truth squad. ). He has created an army of blind followers the likes we have not seen in this country before - followers who have no connection to or interest in basic American values, created a base of followers who will not question a single element of his narrative, he has lowered the bar on discourse by using race as a weapon. All these elements add up to poison.

The one mitigating factor: the stage was not set by BHO. The level of deceit Obama has employed and gotten away with is only possible because of the W trainwreck. Many are looking for and open to a "saviour" regardless of the "saviour's" actual track record.

We are limping toward total statism. And it will finally arrive from the Left.

This is the opposite of traditional liberalism and traditional conservatism.

