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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Church Chat

I am off to the theater tonight...So I am posting a comment from yttik on the "Jesus" post below. I love it. It pretty much says it all for me. I find Palin's church a bit disturbing. I find Obama's church much more disturbing. I find Obama ditching his church after 20 years for baldly political reasons yet more disturbing. I may not like Palin's religious beliefs but so far she has integrity about them.

Religious beliefs of candidates should be taken into account - TO A DEGREE - we have every right to know how Trinity informs Obama's politics and how Palin's church informs hers. But the Obama Left has got to get this thru their thick arrogant heads: Insisting one is for religious diversity and freedom then dismissing, attacking, and insulting Conservative Christians is intellectually bankrupt.

Demanding fairness only for those who agree with you - is not fairness at all.

As per gay rights: McCain (Baptist),Biden (Catholic), Palin's (Conservative Christian) all belong to obnoxiously anti gay religious traditions. Obama's recent ex church is closest to okay with gay rights - but has a streak of wildly overt racism that simply no longer exists in the other three religions. (Yes, hating whites because they are white is RACISM).

If we are to demand Palin answer for her church on certain issues or any issues, we must demand it of McCain, Biden, and Obama (lol) - oh yeah, he never "heard" any of the Wright bile.

The religion that represents the best of liberal traditions may well be the Quakers....

Last Quaker President: Richard Nixon.

Here's the comment:

Listen everybody, I'm probably going to hell for saying this, but Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry go to a pro-life, anti-contraception church that has a problem with pedophilia. Harry Reid, well his church has issues with polygamy, they wear funny underwear, and they seal themselves to their dead ancestors. Obama, he's in church listening to Rev Wright say God Damn America and please let me bring my religious agenda to the white house.

So what does everybody start freaking out about? Sarah Palin. She's discussed like she's a cross between Vlad the Impaler and the Pentacostal John Ashcroft. She's a snake handler speaking in tongues out to burn books and ban sex. No, actually compared to most of our politicians, she's relatively sane.

The Dem party was the party who believed that no religious test should be given for public service. It's kind of in our Constitution. The Dems elected an athiest, a Muslim, Mormons, Catholics. Suddenly they've gone and changed the rules and their hypocrisy is showing.

Bad move trying to attack Sarah Palin for her Christian beliefs. Bad move to try and compare Obama to Jesus.

By the end of the week I have a feeling they'll be accusing John McCain of being the antichrist.

Vote for us we'll stop religious fanatics from .....well, from acting hysterical like us?

This is how you lose elections. Palin has become like a mirror reflecting back all the Dem hypocrisy of the last 18 mos. They don't like what they're seeing, so they're trying to destroy her. It just doesn't work that way.

