We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday A.M. thoughts on November. Where are the 527s?

Ohio appears to be moving toward McCain. I think Ohio, Indiana, are the 2 states McCain must win while holding on to Virginia. Obama will try to steal Indiana - like he did during the primaries. McCain must assume the Gary area will be voter fraud central.

BHO must win PA., Virginia, and hold on to Minnesota (This looks tough. McCain is doing surprisingly well.)

Note to McCain: LAWYER UP. Obama/ACORN have every intention of stealing every vote they can. If this election is close, Obama will try to steal votes to win. It is who he is. Obama's people are crazy and they will...uh...well...they won't play nice if you come out on top in a close race. Obama's most ardent fans have no moral center and don't much care for democracy, anyway. Che "I'll shoot the children myself" Guevara is their hero, not JFK or FDR.

Note TO Obama: Where is Michelle?

General Note: Remember when everyone was saying "after the conventions the 527's will kick in and go after Obama" ??? Where are they? Part of me thinks the GOP wants to lost this election. The very best way to expunge the W hangover and reinvigorate the GOP is to let BHO
behave like the narcissistic buffoon he is - in the White House. A few years - or months - of the BHO show and the GOP will be sitting pretty for a generation. Yes, if Obama wins his honeymoon will be very short (he is a wildly divisive personality) and yes, when the media turns on him is will be harsh.

Anyway: Where are the 527s that everyone thought would bury Obama?

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