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Friday, December 18, 2009

Saturday Thoughts.

I'm sorry - what happened in Copenhagen exactly? The narrative lost me. The nations of the world get together to negotiate an agreement. They fail miserably. So 5 nations negotiate an "agreement" which amounts to a list of hopes and good intentions except this alleged agreement is non-binding so it's not really an agreement at all.

Huh...okay...so how is this progress?

The good news is that our POTUS got to make another speech (Are these speeches like blood to a vampire? Without one scheduled regularly does Barry wither away?). He also got pics snapped for the MSNBC/White House web site (same thing) with various "concerned" and "on the job" poses. The POTUS then high tailed it out of Europe because of bad weather...an obvious, yet still sublime, final plot point.

Speaking of odd narratives...I saw Nine last night. It's an aching mess of a movie that I found absolutely compelling. Not because of the skilled performers (they abound) or the musical numbers (some are good, some are not.) or because it honors or recreates the vitality of Fellini. It does not. Fellini's 8 1/2 is about being blocked artistically. This version of Nine, which is based on 8 1/2, is about exhaustion. Every character is worn out; the mother, the wife, the confidante, the mistress, the leading lady, the "blocked" director - who isn't blocked at all, he's just bloody tired. Everyone is. The main character's genius has long since lapsed into narcissism - and even the narcissism has lost its aplomb -which gave this movie about an Italian movie director from the 1960s a timely American quality. This seems to be where much of the country is right now: Exhausted by decades of narcissism.

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