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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Obama doesn't get it and Bush caused the crotch bomber

I've stated a number of times I think bipartisanship is overrated. (This isn't to say that collegiality is overrated...we need a lot more of it right now) Still fiercely held positions bring out the best in the system and force decisions on us. The main political arguments in this country are important.

But most of the arguing should stop at the waters edge. Not all. Most. Certainly the nonsense being spewed this week from both parties regarding the crotch bomber is asinine and pathetic. Cheney said ""We are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren't, it makes us less safe, a statement that is weird and false. Obama just committed 30,000 more troops to one of the wars he doesn't seem to be pretending we are not in. Since Obama came into office drone attacks on Pakistan have skyrocketed and Obama has signed off on Bush's policy in Iraq. That's an odd batch of pretending we are not at war. An honest criticism from Cheney here would be: "The president does not give the war (s) the priority he ought to. But that's not verbally poisonous enough for Dick.

Meanwhile the Dems - in post Janet "heck of a job" Napolitano cringe mode - have decided to blame Bush for the crotch bomber. I can't say that Cheney didn't ask for it or that the complaint doesn't have some resonance. However, it's beside the point. The central issue here is the safety of airplanes and the people on them. The system failed in this case. Whereas George W Bush made major mistakes, he did not let that sad, homicidal kid on the plane.

Both Cheney and certain Democrats are using this moment to distract and score points. Neither side is helping. It is disheartening. But mostly it's pathetic.

