So Jesus arrives in Washington, our nation's capitol. He's pretty impressed with what they've done with Union Station. He goes over to Arlington National cemetery to see the Faces of the Fallen exhibit. He takes the Metro back over to the Capitol. Sees lots of big, SUVs with yellow ribbons on them. Passes a few homeless people begging for change. The usual tourist stuff.
He meets up with President Bush.
President Bush: Hey, you know I'm born again.
Jesus: That's great. What have you been doing with yourself?
PB: You know, little of this, little of that. You'd be proud,though, I came back from vacation to save a dying girl.
Jesus: Wow, stellar. What about the baby in Houston?
PB: uh
Jesus: I went and saw the Faces of the Fallen, have you been?
PB: No, been meaning too, busy schedule.
Jesus: Right, I understand. I'm a little confused by the war you started. Help me out here, what were you thinking?
PB: Freedom on the march, democracyJesus: What about freedom for Darfur?
PB: Well, we, the thing is, well, we, I mean Secretary of State Powell said it didn't meet the legal definition of genocide, then he, I mean we, well we thought it did...nice shoes by the way.
Jesus: Flip flops in winter are a fashion choice.
PB: So anyway, the damn, ooh, sorry, the French want to help out but they, well, they want to use this whole International Criminal Court and we, uh, we don't like it.
Jesus: Mmmmkay, we'll let that slide for now. Why don't you tell me your Social Security Plan.
PB: I don't really have a plan, more of an idea.
Jesus: We really liked the New Deal where I come from.
PB: Yeah, yeah, I'm sure, yeah, but we want an ownership society. Folks that own things take care of them, yeah....
Jesus: I see where you're going but I'm sure, since you've been born again, you want to take care of the poor.
PB: You bet, we, I, us, ownership society will help the poor, see?
Jesus: I'm not really clear on that. Let's talk Gay Marriage and your constitutional amendment.
PB: Wow, you know your US history.
Jesus: I pay attention.
PB: Well the bible says..Jesus: I apologize for interrupting but I hope you're not going Old testament here.
PB: Leviticus says
Jesus: I know, I know. But let me point something out to you, though I try to be humble, the calendar is based on my birth. Do you call yourself a Leviticusian?
PB: um
Jesus: Maybe you can work on could start by attending a funeral of a service man or woman, either is fine. Get out of Iraq, raise the minimum wage, forget the whole Social Security thing, lose the tax cuts for the rich, honor all people regardless of color, creed, sex or orientation, take care of the environment, stop torturing people
PB Wait wait, you can't be serious. I'm born again, I believe in you. I'll lose my base.
Jesus: OK, I've gotta go, I wanted to catch Ted Kennedy before he leaves town.
PB: Wait, it's Easter, why don't you come over and hunt eggs with the kids?
Jesus: Thanks for the invite but I'm rising on Sunday so I'll be pretty busy. I'm also going out to Minnesota to sooth some souls there.
PB: Yeah, they must be pretty upset
Jesus: It's a sad situation
PB: No teams in the Tournament this year, that's tough
Jesus: I've really gotta run...looks like snow, crazy weather for March, shame about the global warming.
1. The culture of LIFE means healthcare for all.
2. The culture of LIFE means strong, consistent gun control.
3. The culture of LIFE means wars of choice do not happen.
4. The culture of LIFE means the elderly are always honored.
5. The culture of LIFE means that Vets are always treated with respect and honor.
6. The culture of LIFE means teenagers are told the truth about human sexuality.
7. The culture if LIFE means there is no death penalty.
8. The culture of LIFE means all couples are respected and given the rights of every other couple.
OK, I don't get it.
I was over on another site and the discussion was gay marriage.
Why does anyone care if gay people get married? What impact does it have on a marriage between a man and a woman? It seems that we straight people do a fine job of screwing up marriage by ourselves. Why do we feel threatened by someone else wanting to be in a committed relationship? Why is it any of our business?
I'm reading God's Politics. It has inspired me to read the bible, but only Jesus' words. Growing up Catholic we really didn't think it was necessary to read the bible. So far he's said nothing about gay people getting married. He has said no divorce unless the woman is cheating and if anyone marries someone who is divorced they are committing adultery. Uh oh, I know some people who are in trouble.
Jesus does talk an awful lot about taking care of the poor, loving thy neighbor, not being afraid. How are we doing with that? Cuts to Medicaid, tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%, the bankruptcy bill, no minimum wage increase, Ms. Coulter calling Ms. Thomas an "old Arab"; color coded terrorist alerts. Not so well.
Judge not less ye be judged.
We might want to work on that.
The Golden Gate Bridge is painted every year. Not because rust has necessarily begun - but because the state of California knows that rust exists. Rust is corrosive and would affect the integrity of the bridge.
There is corrosion over taking the federal government of the United States. It may seem counter intuitive since the government is run by a conservative majority in all 3 branches. To be conservative used to mean you believed that much, if not all, of the status quo should be conserved. Change should come slow, if at all, and established values override the need or desire for change.
This is no longer the case. The congress and President decided that 240 years of Federalism could and should be thrown over board. A law was passed specifically with one person in mind, that over rides all precedent established regarding states rights. Though the law was written for one person – it establishes the possibility that congress and the President can – and should – intervene on local and state matters when they believe it is needed for any reason. When this has happened in the past it was because a national constitutional matter was involved. This was not the case here.
The Terry Shiavo case was litigated within the proper jurisdiction. Then the “conservatives” decided unilaterally that they did not like the outcome.
I believe this was a political move. But it doesn’t matter why they intervened. What matters is that they did. The bell has been rung. What will be the next local or state issue to be made into a federal case over night? Now it can be done.
Previously a conservative Federal court intervened on a vote recount in Florida.
Previously a conservative administration threw out hundreds of years of precedent in order to take the country to a “pre-emptive” war against a country that did not and could not have attacked us.
Conservatism is no longer conservative in this country. It is activist. It is determined to upend tradition. It is corrosive to American values.
Of all the wonders I have yet heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear, Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come
Julius Caesar, Act 2 Scene 2
Be not afraid
I've deliberately stayed away from any news today. Fortunately I've had a little something called TOURNAMENT TIME to watch instead.
I saw a bit of a show with the usual suspects talking about Ms. Schiavo. Not one of them had any facts. I read the report prepared for Jeb Bush by Jay Wolfson, the Guardian Ad Litem, and I wondered why didn't any of these shows have Mr. Wolfson on their program? He was interviewed by my local paper, obviously he's not in hiding. Or could any of the talking heads taken the time to read the report? I suppose not. We certainly cannot let facts get in the way of feelings.
I posted The Orlando Sentinel article referenced in my previous post on a site and was called cold and heartless. The truth is like that. It's not a warm, fuzzy puppy or a friend telling you that you don't look fat in that outfit. It's a light that illuminates the darkest corners and reveals things we don't always want to see.
I'm ahead in my pool. There's that.
With the loons running the show in DC passing laws that undermine us all while no one is looking - I came across a new set of laws, courtesy of Jay in Los Angeles that I think we can all support:
Jay's New Laws:
These laws should make our world run more smoothly.
1) We must incarcerate straight men who use the word 'fabulous'. It's too confusing.
2) Elected officials must pose for photographs naked, having sex with prostitutes of both genders, before they take office. This will save time and scandal later.
3) News anchors must ingest at least one mood elevating substance an hour before each broadcast. They must also sleep in the streets.
4) All evidence that Rupert Murdoch ever existed must be destroyed and never mentioned again. This includes Fox, at least 100 newspapers and Rupert Murdoch.
5) It must not be considered 'assault' to pulverize any person for the use of the word 'bored' or any derivative thereof.
Here Here!
Call your representatives. And remember if you aren't angry you aren't paying attention.
The elderly can lose their homes if they can't pay Mastercard.
Medical costs are no excuse for bankruptcy
A new revenue stream for Wall Street funnneled off the tax base is more important than security for Seniors.
The impending collapse of Medicare is not a concern.
Gannon in the White House is not to be investigated.
The national wildlife preserve in Alaska is open to oil companies - we will get 6 months worth of oil out of it - after it is over run with oil workers.
The Chinese now control American interest rates.
The Government of George W. Bush is getting what ever it wants. THe Democrats have no power to block any of it. THe media has signed on for this destruction because they agree or they think we don't want to know. They have largely been proven right so far. There is little to stop this from continuing. W. and his stooges in Congress rely on apathy.
I swear you can't make this shit up.
Republicans forced through a series of rules changes over the winter that required a bipartisan vote before any future investigation can proceed. At the same time, they appointed new members, some of whom have contributed to the majority leader's legal defense fund.
Democrats argued that those steps amounted to an attempt to protect DeLay from future investigations.They forced a vote on the House floor during the day on a call for a bipartisan panel that could propose new rules that "restore public confidence in the ethics process.''
Republicans defeated it, 223-194 I guess we won't be restoring public confidence in the ethics process anytime soon. Over in the House Judiciary Committee today, Congressman Congers authored a bill that would have opened a House investigation into the Guckert/Gannon scandal. I know you'll be shocked, but the Republicans defeated it 21 - 10.
I really think at this point they just don't care anymore. And really, why should they? They own all three branches of government and the press as the Fourth Estate is no more. Bush wants to appoint Bolton as our ambassador to the UN. The man who said the building would be fine it if lost ten floors. Paul Wolfowitz to the World Bank. How much money is missing in Iraq? Wasn't it $8 billion? My all time favorite is the Halliburton:
So the Houston-based contractor charged the Pentagon $27.5 million to ship $82,100 worth of cooking and heating fuel.
You are not reading this wrong - $27,500,00 to ship $82,100. I normally go with FedEx but what do I know?
Meanwhile, the House hearings on Steroid Use in Baseball starts tomorrow.
I'm so glad they have their priorities straight.