What's Going On
OK, I don't get it.
I was over on another site and the discussion was gay marriage.
Why does anyone care if gay people get married? What impact does it have on a marriage between a man and a woman? It seems that we straight people do a fine job of screwing up marriage by ourselves. Why do we feel threatened by someone else wanting to be in a committed relationship? Why is it any of our business?
I'm reading God's Politics. It has inspired me to read the bible, but only Jesus' words. Growing up Catholic we really didn't think it was necessary to read the bible. So far he's said nothing about gay people getting married. He has said no divorce unless the woman is cheating and if anyone marries someone who is divorced they are committing adultery. Uh oh, I know some people who are in trouble.
Jesus does talk an awful lot about taking care of the poor, loving thy neighbor, not being afraid. How are we doing with that? Cuts to Medicaid, tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%, the bankruptcy bill, no minimum wage increase, Ms. Coulter calling Ms. Thomas an "old Arab"; color coded terrorist alerts. Not so well.
Judge not less ye be judged.
We might want to work on that.
I was over on another site and the discussion was gay marriage.
Why does anyone care if gay people get married? What impact does it have on a marriage between a man and a woman? It seems that we straight people do a fine job of screwing up marriage by ourselves. Why do we feel threatened by someone else wanting to be in a committed relationship? Why is it any of our business?
I'm reading God's Politics. It has inspired me to read the bible, but only Jesus' words. Growing up Catholic we really didn't think it was necessary to read the bible. So far he's said nothing about gay people getting married. He has said no divorce unless the woman is cheating and if anyone marries someone who is divorced they are committing adultery. Uh oh, I know some people who are in trouble.
Jesus does talk an awful lot about taking care of the poor, loving thy neighbor, not being afraid. How are we doing with that? Cuts to Medicaid, tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%, the bankruptcy bill, no minimum wage increase, Ms. Coulter calling Ms. Thomas an "old Arab"; color coded terrorist alerts. Not so well.
Judge not less ye be judged.
We might want to work on that.
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