The elderly can lose their homes if they can't pay Mastercard.
Medical costs are no excuse for bankruptcy
A new revenue stream for Wall Street funnneled off the tax base is more important than security for Seniors.
The impending collapse of Medicare is not a concern.
Gannon in the White House is not to be investigated.
The national wildlife preserve in Alaska is open to oil companies - we will get 6 months worth of oil out of it - after it is over run with oil workers.
The Chinese now control American interest rates.
The Government of George W. Bush is getting what ever it wants. THe Democrats have no power to block any of it. THe media has signed on for this destruction because they agree or they think we don't want to know. They have largely been proven right so far. There is little to stop this from continuing. W. and his stooges in Congress rely on apathy.
Medical costs are no excuse for bankruptcy
A new revenue stream for Wall Street funnneled off the tax base is more important than security for Seniors.
The impending collapse of Medicare is not a concern.
Gannon in the White House is not to be investigated.
The national wildlife preserve in Alaska is open to oil companies - we will get 6 months worth of oil out of it - after it is over run with oil workers.
The Chinese now control American interest rates.
The Government of George W. Bush is getting what ever it wants. THe Democrats have no power to block any of it. THe media has signed on for this destruction because they agree or they think we don't want to know. They have largely been proven right so far. There is little to stop this from continuing. W. and his stooges in Congress rely on apathy.
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