If You're Not Angry You Haven't Been Paying Attention
I swear you can't make this shit up.
I guess we won't be restoring public confidence in the ethics process anytime soon. Over in the House Judiciary Committee today, Congressman Congers authored a bill that would have opened a House investigation into the Guckert/Gannon scandal. I know you'll be shocked, but the Republicans defeated it 21 - 10.
I really think at this point they just don't care anymore. And really, why should they? They own all three branches of government and the press as the Fourth Estate is no more. Bush wants to appoint Bolton as our ambassador to the UN. The man who said the building would be fine it if lost ten floors. Paul Wolfowitz to the World Bank. How much money is missing in Iraq? Wasn't it $8 billion? My all time favorite is the Halliburton:
You are not reading this wrong - $27,500,00 to ship $82,100. I normally go with FedEx but what do I know?
Meanwhile, the House hearings on Steroid Use in Baseball starts tomorrow.
I'm so glad they have their priorities straight.
Republicans forced through a series of rules changes over the winter that required a bipartisan vote before any future investigation can proceed. At the same time, they appointed new members, some of whom have contributed to the majority leader's legal defense fund.
Democrats argued that those steps amounted to an attempt to protect DeLay from future investigations.They forced a vote on the House floor during the day on a call for a bipartisan panel that could propose new rules that "restore public confidence in the ethics process.''
Republicans defeated it, 223-194
I guess we won't be restoring public confidence in the ethics process anytime soon. Over in the House Judiciary Committee today, Congressman Congers authored a bill that would have opened a House investigation into the Guckert/Gannon scandal. I know you'll be shocked, but the Republicans defeated it 21 - 10.
I really think at this point they just don't care anymore. And really, why should they? They own all three branches of government and the press as the Fourth Estate is no more. Bush wants to appoint Bolton as our ambassador to the UN. The man who said the building would be fine it if lost ten floors. Paul Wolfowitz to the World Bank. How much money is missing in Iraq? Wasn't it $8 billion? My all time favorite is the Halliburton:
So the Houston-based contractor charged the Pentagon $27.5 million to ship $82,100 worth of cooking and heating fuel.
You are not reading this wrong - $27,500,00 to ship $82,100. I normally go with FedEx but what do I know?
Meanwhile, the House hearings on Steroid Use in Baseball starts tomorrow.
I'm so glad they have their priorities straight.
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