We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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    Friday, August 31, 2007

    Impeachment of Bush/Cheney is the only choice for a country that values the law.

    I wonder - did Bush know how badly Rummy, Rice, Cheney and the other Neo-con morons had botched his war all along? Or did that "genius" (lol) Rove just let him in on it after the Grand Old Perverts party lost the 2006 election? After all, Bush did not seem to know that Katrina was a horrific disaster for days and days. Lynne pointed out to me last night that he did not even turn on a TV - his sycophants had to make him a DVD. Katrina was all news all the time for weeks. But his ass kissers had to make him a DVD. (Can anyone imagine Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, John Kennedy, Harry Truman, or FDR being so disconnected from reality?) Did Bush just find out this year that he had created and lost a war?
    Also: have you noticed how when ever Neo-cons and authoritarian conservatives are called on their bullshit they insist you and I "don't understand"?
    "Redacted" stuns Venice.
    Former Reagan Aide calls Bush 2 a mass murderer.

    Thursday, August 30, 2007

    Conservative=Mentally ill.

    Recent additions to my thesis that being conservative and being mentally ill are now synonymous.

    Ted Nugent - said two U.S. Senators should "suck on my machine gun" but gets girly and defensive when his life is threatened.

    Senator Larry "wide stance" Craig
    . Mitt Romulan - the creepiest Presidential candidate since...well...ever... immediately threw him under the bus. cuz those family values types don't believe in compassion when primary voters are on the line.

    Bob Allen -"family values" man offered a cop 20 dollars to blow him in a bathroom. Nice.

    Wednesday, August 29, 2007

    MSNBC's Countdown 8/28/07

    This is more evidence for my belief that conservativism is a mental illness. As Leno said: GOP = Grand Old Perverts

    Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    When will Bush admit the real reason for invading Iraq?

    The political situation in Iraq is "bleak". After the WMD lie was exposed years ago - the Bush cabal created the "democracy excuse." Americans are dying, being maimed, and spending 9 billion dollars a month - and the Iraqis can't get their shit together.

    At some point Bush should just tell the truth : We are there for the oil. From Wall Street to WalMart Americans are utterly, totally dependant on oil...we don't have enough...Iraq has a lot.

    He won't. The moment he did Americans would think it through and many of us would change our wasteful energy ways. This would cut into his friend's profits. Bush's class has made a lot of money on this war. Why end it this late in the game?

    Monday, August 27, 2007

    I Don't Recall - Alberto Gonzales Hearing

    thanks for the memory....lapse...

    Thursday, August 23, 2007

    simple surge question

    Since the "surge is working" in Iraq we should be able to bring our troops home sooner, rather than later...right? I mean Bush's grand plan is working. So our job is clearly drawing to a close.

    Cheney in 1994 on Iraq

    Cheney truly is the most cynical politician ever. This clip is before he ran Haliburton off a cliff - as V.P. he has since helped his old company quite a bit.

    Wednesday, August 22, 2007

    An eye for an eye is bullshit. So is "deterrence"

    Killing to punish killing is wrong. Do we rape to punish rape? If steal your car do you get to steal mine? If an arsonist burns down your house do you get to burn down his? The list goes on.
    Further killing to punish killing is the exact opposite of true Christianity.
    The murder rate in states WITHOUT the death penalty is 30% lower than those in states with the death penalty. Check out the truth here.

    2 excuses FOR the death penalty on the anti-Christian evangelical Right are hereby destroyed in less than 100 words.

    Hillary Clinton - The Surge is Working, Prepare for New War

    I support Hillary Clinton because we need a Democrat to win and she is the only Dem who can, I like the Clintons and it's time for a woman. Though these comments where taken out of context by the Drudge GOPs and the Resentment Democrats - she should not have made them. THey even turn me off.

    Tuesday, August 21, 2007

    Bush is a liar and a loser and a criminal. Now Iraq IS like Vietnam.

    Remember Iraq is not Vietnam - unless it serves the potheads in the White House - then Iraq is like Vietnam. The rapacious greed of the Cheney White House is not satiated yet. Punk Prez Bush says WE CANNOT LEAVE IRAQ!!! The massive transfer of wealth from the American middle class to the Bush/Cheney extreme upper class is not done yet.

    NOTE TO THE COWARD BUSH: If Iraq is so important to American security then treat t like a real war. Demand sacrifice from us, raise taxes for the military, bring back the draft. Let's really win this war. 200,000 more troops would do it. Mobilize us.

    Pussy George - here's the reason why you will not do this: this is not a "real" war. It is a war for oil, created by oil barons, in order to extend the extreme wealth of a precious few people. America's security is on the line - because you, and everyone else refuse to tell the truth about oil. Bushie boy - your failed oil war is costing the American middle class 9 billion dollars a month. Vietnam or not you lost this war. You lost this war.

    Monday, August 20, 2007

    USC Trojans Football

    off topic - but - only 11 days left until the return of Trojan Football!!! George Bush as not so ruined America that college football can't be played - yet -

    Sunday, August 19, 2007

    Obama Arugula Obama Arugula Oprah Uma Oprah Uma

    * I find it endlessly fascinating that Obama's employees and supporters actually think he can win. It simply is not going to happen. In fact, if you know anything about politics in this country it is actually a ridiculous and silly idea. It is not about "race" either. Colin Powell had he not ruined his career at the U.N - could have easily become President. Obama simply is not qualified. Period. The Establishments of both parties, and the media will make sure he goes no further than what is needed to keep things interesting. If Obama stays within 15% of the actual lone front runner - Clinton - watch the phrase "junior Senator" get repeated more and more. One more mistep by Obama and he is done, anyway. After the Pakistan stupidity the media is now primed for his "mistakes" I do give Obama props for finally telling the truth about these asinine "debates" every few days. Enough already.

    *Obama actually said this to a farmer in Iowa:"Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and seen what they charge for arugula?" Even if Hillary takes a pass on that boneheaded remark - can you imagine Fred Thompson passing that up in a general election? I suppose to a degree Obama is good for Hillary...keeping her on her game. If you don't know why the arugula remark is politically idiotic then you need to put away your skin creams, cancel your appointments with your trainer and life coach and take a tour around your country.

    * FYI: LOOK CLOSER: ROVE WANTS HILLARY TO WIN. What GOP who can see past the next quarter's profits wouldn't? In there mind a bad Hilary Clinton one term presidency would return the GOP to generational dominance...and most of them assume the next President is going to serve one term only...Smart GOPs know Bush fucked everything up and is currently walking away from his mess and leaving ti to the next...gal....

    Saturday, August 18, 2007

    Dick's Change of Heart on Countdown 08-17-07

    2/3 into the piece keith's guest states the facts about Iraq. It is about oil.

    Friday, August 17, 2007


    and Cheney have done unreal damage to all of us. Bush is an Anti-American thug. We all must accept that. The Utah mine is another BUSH disaster. Bush must be held to account.

    Thursday, August 16, 2007

    bush cultists

    What creepy people the Bush cultists are... Have we ever seen a politician that needs to be stroked so often by his staff? Remember Harriet Miers "Squeaky Fromme love letters to Bush? Rove makes utterly absurd remarks while resigning and then again on the Rush limpdick show.

    Bush is responsible for one catastrophe after another and yet these mediocre talents like Rove keep on sucking him off. Weird. I want the inside story. Why such an obviously pathetic man such as Bush has hypnotised so many...

    Tuesday, August 14, 2007

    Cheney's neighbors topple him in protest

    Sunday, August 12, 2007

    Real evidence showing that I have met Jesus!

    Because it is Sunday...

    Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11

    in case you forgot that Bush is an a moron, liar and the most pathetic man ever to be President - and why is he always so defensive? Because he's a liar.

    Saturday, August 11, 2007

    I admit- Obama makes my skin crawl.

    Few Democratic politicians have made my skin crawl quite like Barak Obama. I also admit I do not quite know why. I loath my stupid fellow Democrats who fall over themselves in cultish adoration. Why do they? Who knows - Democrats lose it every four years over someone who will surely lose. He gave a good speech on 04. He is handsome -ish. That's really all he has. He is a talented speaker.

    Why does he give me the creeps? I admit this too: part of it is just my gut telling me he's off. The full scale gallop toward power by Obama is unnerving. Say what ever you like about Hillary - she has done the heavy lifting. She will have the job down on day one.

    Another part of my distaste for this Obama Delusion is that he is never, ever going to win. Nor should he. He is the least qualified Democratic candidate running. Including Gravel. Obama is sucking up a huge amount of air - for what will amount to nothing.

    Those who adore Obama are cultish. They are like Bush supporters on the other side. None of them seem to know WHY they adore him. They just do. Ask any Obama fan you meet - why him? They answer will be either 1. He's cool. or 2. He's not her.

    There is something obscene about his rapid rise. Some deeply undeserved. There is something profoundly phony about how he is playing his race. Or rather how he is playing half his race. He is 50% white. He father is African and his mother American. This is very different than a descendant of slaves becoming President. Which would be inspirational. Obama is a descendant of SLAVE OWNERS. His story is not at all inspiring. Obama represents a deeper layer of American denial. Mixed race Americans play acting at being decedents of those enslaved in America. His story is closer to Rudy Giuliani's than it is Alex Haley's..

    History is being made underneath all the flotsam and jetsam of Obama's non starter campaign. A gender barrier is very likely to be shattered by a Senator from New York. You'd think the "liberal" elite would be excited about that. You'd think the party of equality and dignity for all would be excited about that. You'd think the party of Eleanor Roosevelt and Shirley Chisholm would be excited about real history about to be made.

    Ron Paul

    Ron Paul appears to be the only GOP Pres. candidate with integrity. I do not agree with his essential belief that the U.S. Constitution is a dead document and frankly I do not want Alabama controlling the air space over Alabama if I am flying over Alabama.
    We must interpret the constitution. However - his libertarian views are a corrective to the vicious personal and social state-ist views of the Neo-Cons during the dreadful Bush 2 years.

    Wednesday, August 08, 2007

    damnit - i should have a larger audience. More on the the OBAMA DELUSION

    I said this about Obama immediately after he made his dumb remark about Pakistan:
    unfortunately Obama didn't stop there. He popped off about mounting search and destroy operations in Pakistan, a key U.S. ally. Obama came off as worse than naïve and confused. He came off as a walking foreign policy contradiction.
    Of course my phrasing was more along the lines of "what a dumb ass thing to say..." but you get the point.
    and I have been saying things like this for months:
    In a head to head contest with Obama in the South and America's heartland states Republican presidential nominee Rudy Giuliani or even John McCain would destroy Obama.

    Hillary Clinton is is our best chance and we need to get the White House back. The resentment "which loser am I going to pick this time" wing of the Democratic Party needs to shut up and grow up.

    Tuesday, August 07, 2007

    "Net roots" and their delusional disconnects.

    I am all for the net roots as a counter balance to the rabid resentment radio of Rush etc. But I want to repeat something I have been saying for months: beware the echo chamber and self congratulation of the Liberal Blogs - o - sphere.
    Howard Dean learned the hard way that the "net roots" have limits.

    Proof today:

    A. Hillary Clinton gets booed for telling the truth about where her money comes from at net roots convention. Obama/Edwards warmly received

    B. Hillary pulls further ahead in latest poll.


    I find it amazing that those on the Left who have worked so hard for equality are not on board with the first truly viable female presidential contender.


    Sunday, August 05, 2007

    Why is Iraq in Chaos? NO END IN SIGHT Learn the Truth! 7/27

    Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Alberto "whore" Gonzales - Stupid or Evil? Are Bushies stupid or evil? I am going with evil. They are evil. There is no other logical explanaiton.

    Saturday, August 04, 2007

    Made in the USA

    Hey Fisher Price - got a quick idea for you. Manufacture your toys in America.

    How much is it going to cost you to recall the toys from China with lead paint? How much "good will" have you lost due to toys from China with lead paint? What if a child is injured because of the toy from China with lead paint?

    Isn't it cheaper, on a cost/benefit analysis, to make Dora the Explorer here? Wouldn't you get the "good will" of being a company who sells American made toys? Wouldn't your employees then be able to afford your toys which would increase your bottom line? Wouldn't higher paid employees then also be able to afford houses (actually the way the housing market is going we all will be able to afford a house) to prop up the economy. How gross do you need your gross margin to be?

    Pay the Man

    The bridge collapse in Minnesotta should make all of us think where our tax dollars going? Iraq, of course. Granted our Republican friends hate taxes and only want to cut cut cut. Who then pays for the police? Who pays for traffic lights to work? Who pays for the infastructure of our country to be maintainted?

    My grandfather, who still lives alone as he approaches his 97th birthday, has always said, "Pay your taxes. This is the greatest country in the world. Look at what they do for your grandmother." (My grandmother was in a nursing home for the last years of her life with Parkinson's. All paid for with our tax dollars.)

    I love the library. I like seeing police cars drive down my street. I want to know that a fire truck will be on the way if my house catches fire. I want senior citizens to have Social Security so they can eat. I'd like to think when I drive on the Sunshine Skyway bridge that I'm not going to end up in the drink.

    Meanwhile, every one of the Republican nominees are pledging not to raise taxes and are boasting of how many times they've cut them whether as mayor, governor or senator. They all want to wrap themselves in the mantle of Ronald Reagan who said government is the enemy. Sure it is, when a Republican is running it.

    Good to know that they're willing to pay billions of their grandchildren's money on an unwinnable war while letting bridges collapse in Minnesota.

    Friday, August 03, 2007


    What Karl Rove had for breakfast is covered by Executive Privilege. The color of his assistant's office is covered by Executive Privilege. His secretary's shoe size? Executive Privilege.

    These guys are saying Fuck You to all of us. When Senator Leahy asked Rove aid J. Scott Jennings what he did for a living? Executive Privilege. No matter that WE are paying his salary to do whatever it is he does, he doesn't need to tell us.

    I cannot even imagine the legal hoops you have to jump through to say that an email sent through the RNC server could possibly be covered by Executive Privilege but these guys will make up something to cover it.

    The only way to make these bumbling incompetents accountable is through impeachment. They're betting on the Democrats being pussies. They're playing out the clock.

    What would Thomas Jefferson do?

    Thursday, August 02, 2007

    Bridge collapse. Society collapse.

    Given the awful bridge collapse in Minnesota it is time to relink The Long Emergency by James Kunstler published by Rolling Stone in 2005 - (and also a book by the same name). It starts out with this now quaint sentence: A few weeks ago, the price of oil ratcheted above fifty-five dollars a barrel, which is about twenty dollars a barrel more than a year ago.
    Imagine that. In march 2005 oil shocked us at $55 a barrel.

    Why this article again today? The metaphor is becoming the reality. Our far flung overdeveloped utterly oil dependant lives and landscapes are in real, deep, trouble. Crumbling infrastructure and insanely volatile markets are merely the canaries in the coal mine.

    Read The Long Emergency.

    Wednesday, August 01, 2007

    Romney Obama 08!!!!

    What is Obama thinking with this speech he gave today? Preemptive bombing of Pakistan?After getting "bitch" slapped by Billary last week - he doesn't seem to realize that his over reaction to the simple FACT that the wife of a former President, deeply involved hands on former first lady, and U.S. Senator of seven years might actually know more about foreign policy than a guy whose resume consisted of "community organizer" and state senator on 9/11/01. The man keeps making it worse for himself. Were he to become President tomorrow he would have less experience than George W Bush had when he was installed by the Supreme Court in 2001. Obama has taken a dust up - that he lost - and turned it into a tar baby he can't shake. (I said "bitch" and "tar baby" so everyone can get offended on cue now)
    Because his people are both relentless and politically stupid they have now morphed his slap down into "policy" to exhibit "strength". It's creepy in a way that special Mitt Romney way. Maybe Barak and Mitch can go shoot some varmits over there to Pakistan.
    What part of the 25% he gets in Democratic polling does his handlers believe will go for spreading preemptive war? I will talk to the bad guys but I'll also bomb them!!! See I'm Tough!!! It's pathetic. I simply do not see how Obama is a top tier candidate and Dodd, Biden, Richardson are not. Mike Gravel has more experience than Obama.

    "President" Obama (lol) would bomb Pakistan.

    Obama - having been recently spanked by Clinton - keeps trying to make sure everyone knows he's a grown up too....

    Barak go back to the Senate and do some work for Illinois. Newbie.

