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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Obama Arugula Obama Arugula Oprah Uma Oprah Uma

* I find it endlessly fascinating that Obama's employees and supporters actually think he can win. It simply is not going to happen. In fact, if you know anything about politics in this country it is actually a ridiculous and silly idea. It is not about "race" either. Colin Powell had he not ruined his career at the U.N - could have easily become President. Obama simply is not qualified. Period. The Establishments of both parties, and the media will make sure he goes no further than what is needed to keep things interesting. If Obama stays within 15% of the actual lone front runner - Clinton - watch the phrase "junior Senator" get repeated more and more. One more mistep by Obama and he is done, anyway. After the Pakistan stupidity the media is now primed for his "mistakes" I do give Obama props for finally telling the truth about these asinine "debates" every few days. Enough already.

*Obama actually said this to a farmer in Iowa:"Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and seen what they charge for arugula?" Even if Hillary takes a pass on that boneheaded remark - can you imagine Fred Thompson passing that up in a general election? I suppose to a degree Obama is good for Hillary...keeping her on her game. If you don't know why the arugula remark is politically idiotic then you need to put away your skin creams, cancel your appointments with your trainer and life coach and take a tour around your country.

* FYI: LOOK CLOSER: ROVE WANTS HILLARY TO WIN. What GOP who can see past the next quarter's profits wouldn't? In there mind a bad Hilary Clinton one term presidency would return the GOP to generational dominance...and most of them assume the next President is going to serve one term only...Smart GOPs know Bush fucked everything up and is currently walking away from his mess and leaving ti to the next...gal....

