Impeachment of Bush/Cheney is the only choice for a country that values the law.

I wonder - did Bush know how badly Rummy, Rice, Cheney and the other Neo-con morons had botched his war all along? Or did that "genius" (lol) Rove just let him in on it after the Grand Old Perverts party lost the 2006 election? After all, Bush did not seem to know that Katrina was a horrific disaster for days and days. Lynne pointed out to me last night that he did not even turn on a TV - his sycophants had to make him a DVD. Katrina was all news all the time for weeks. But his ass kissers had to make him a DVD. (Can anyone imagine Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, John Kennedy, Harry Truman, or FDR being so disconnected from reality?) Did Bush just find out this year that he had created and lost a war?
Also: have you noticed how when ever Neo-cons and authoritarian conservatives are called on their bullshit they insist you and I "don't understand"?
"Redacted" stuns Venice.
Former Reagan Aide calls Bush 2 a mass murderer.
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