Bush is a liar and a loser and a criminal. Now Iraq IS like Vietnam.
Remember Iraq is not Vietnam - unless it serves the potheads in the White House - then Iraq is like Vietnam. The rapacious greed of the Cheney White House is not satiated yet. Punk Prez Bush says WE CANNOT LEAVE IRAQ!!! The massive transfer of wealth from the American middle class to the Bush/Cheney extreme upper class is not done yet.
NOTE TO THE COWARD BUSH: If Iraq is so important to American security then treat t like a real war. Demand sacrifice from us, raise taxes for the military, bring back the draft. Let's really win this war. 200,000 more troops would do it. Mobilize us.
Pussy George - here's the reason why you will not do this: this is not a "real" war. It is a war for oil, created by oil barons, in order to extend the extreme wealth of a precious few people. America's security is on the line - because you, and everyone else refuse to tell the truth about oil. Bushie boy - your failed oil war is costing the American middle class 9 billion dollars a month. Vietnam or not you lost this war. You lost this war.
NOTE TO THE COWARD BUSH: If Iraq is so important to American security then treat t like a real war. Demand sacrifice from us, raise taxes for the military, bring back the draft. Let's really win this war. 200,000 more troops would do it. Mobilize us.
Pussy George - here's the reason why you will not do this: this is not a "real" war. It is a war for oil, created by oil barons, in order to extend the extreme wealth of a precious few people. America's security is on the line - because you, and everyone else refuse to tell the truth about oil. Bushie boy - your failed oil war is costing the American middle class 9 billion dollars a month. Vietnam or not you lost this war. You lost this war.
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