This video gets right to the point. and is long overdue. (I still believe that if the Roberts Court overturns Rove V Wade the Democrats will become the majority party for 50 years. )
Why do men and women destroy themselves for this man Bush? From once respectable people like Colin Powell down to bottom of the barrel intellects like Harriet Miers and Gonzo... they impale themselves for this mental midget George W Bush - a man certain to be reviled by generations of decent Americans. Why do they do it? The words mafia and cult both come to mind. People like Gonzo are what the Founders feared most. Mindless sycophants who ditch all morality in order to follow a misguided, stupid, greedy, childish, dirty, rotten, scoundrel of a President.
For all my pals in Los Angeles. I continue to insist that the biggest issue we have to deal with is not Global Warming - but energy - (Iraq falls under "energy" because it is a war to obtain oil) this video goes along with this concern about energy.
The indictment against Michael Vick is beyond the pale: Vick personally participated in the killing of at least eight dogs, who were not considered good enough fighters, by methods including "hanging, drowning and slamming at least one dog's body to the ground." Nike has stopped the sale of it's Vick endorsed products but has not fired him. They may not feel the need to fire him yet - on the other hand none of us has to buy Nike product. Linked HERE is a letter stating that you agree to boycott Nike. Please click and sign it and send this page far and wide.
Americans are fighting, dying, being maimed and spending billions of our grand children's dollars meanwhile Iraqi lawmakers cannot be bothered to show up. As you can see from the picture at least one aid came to work long enough to put the bottled water out - for the ingrates - uh - I mean Iraqis.
It is morally untenable for the Democrats to continue to avoid impeachment. Either we live in a country ruled by laws - or not. Either we value constitutional government - or not. Either we believe in the 3 branch system of government set up by the founders - or not. Either we insist that the President and Vice President obey the law - or we keep ourselves busy with drunken actresses and pointless stunt votes in the Senate and House while Bush's overreaching power goes unchecked. Congress must actually use its "checks" or they are just marking time as we slip into dictatorship. AVOIDING IMPEACHMENT IS IMMORAL AND ANTI-AMERICAN.
I get fed up with people who will tolerate all sorts of cruelty toward humans but become full of passion and fury when one animal is treated poorly. However - if the indictment against Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick is even partially true the harshest corner of hell is too good for him. The Atlanta Falcons contact page is linked here. From the LA Times story today: Listed are at least 30 fights that Vick or other members of the kennel arranged or participated in, including details such as the names of the dogs and the amount of money — often thousands of dollars — awarded to the owners of the winners of matches that were frequently fought to the death.
Peace, Phillips and Vick also allegedly executed "approximately eight" dogs that did not perform well during so-called "testing" sessions in April. Later, authorities seized from the property 60 dogs — most of them pit bulls — along with treadmills, a stick used to pry fighting animals apart, and a "rape stand" device used to hold down aggressive females for breeding.
The GOP and its morally depraved Anti-American antics no longer surprises me. What galls me about the bullshit going on in D.C. regarding the illegal war for profit Bush/Cheney created is the stunt votes Harry "Mayberry" Reid keeps himself busy with. The facts are simple: 1. Bush/Cheney lied us into war. The war has made Bush's social class a huge amount of money, that came from debt and the American middle class. 2. The Bush/Cheney war in Iraq has made us less safe and severely damaged our military. 3. In addition to profits for a select group, the other war aim is obvious once one comes out of denial: control of oil. IF THE DEMOCRATS HAD BALLS AND A MORAL CENTER THEY WOULD A. INVOKE THE "NUCLEAR OPTION" TO END THE AMORAL REPUBLICAN FILIBUSTERS B. THE HOUSE DEMOCRATS WOULD BEGIN IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDING FOR BUSH AND CHENEY IMMEDIATELY. C. DEMAND A FULL BLOWN DEBATE ON OIL DEPLETION. We are facing some of the darkest years imaginable because of the world supply of oil versus the world demand for oil - and all our "leaders" are avoiding the truth.
So Mr. President: That Iraq war you created sure is going well today. Nice job - what part of hell do you think you and Rice and Rummy and Dick and Colin and Wolfowitz will end up in? I hope you are all together in a small hot room, naked, forever - with Micheal Moore's films running at all time, and forced recitations of the Beatitudes every 15 minutes.
I suspect Cheney has even more power over Bush than everyone assumes. The man is not the Devil - but he is devil adjacent. Huffington wrote a piece I am on board with.
So I was off in my analysis of the Obama $$$ machine - I thought he would be tapped out after the first quarter - ME SO WRONG - The conventional "wisdom" was that he could keep tapping the small donors, and I thought the small donors tend to give what they can - then stop - I may have this wrong - Obama's 18%-24% may keep coughing up 50 bucks here and there - but he still has not budged in the polls. Why? The "grassroots" need some fertilizer. The fact is Hillary (or Billary if you are in Iowa) is a better candidate and a better choice. There are many reasons why this is true - But history is the simplest guide: Why Clinton will win - Resentment wing on the Democratic Party's track record since 1968: 1. Eugene McCarthy 1968 2. George McGovern 1972 3. Jerry Brown 1976 4. Ted Kennedy 1980 5. Gary Hart 1984 6. Jesse Jackson 1988 7. Jerry Brown 1992 8. Bill Bradley 2000 9. Howard Dean 2004 10 Barak Obama 2008 If Obama wants to be President in 2016 he needs to play it cool now - (guess why he is avoiding trouble with Hillary? - Obama knows he is going to lose this time around) He is running for President - in 2016
Keith did a good piece tonight on the internal destruction of McCain's campaign. It seems McCain sold his soul for almost nothing - in yet another fascinating display of cultish loyalty to Bush. Undeserved loyalty. Watching his bland repetition of Bush's bullshit talking points on his idiotic war -it occurred to me McCain's nonsense is more closely linked to Dick Cheney. Why is John McCain plowing ahead with this horseshit about Iraq- that has ruined his chances, that even the GOP base no longer believes? Is Dick , the Dark Lord, involved? Or is McCain just an awful candidate?
Being a conservative causes mental illness...or conservatism IS a mental illness. Not sure which yet. Clearly Bush has narcissistic personality disorder. Those 50 or so people who still support him are clearly cult members. But my favorite piece of evidence today is:
I am quite sure Cheney is diagnosable as well. Because conservatives live in denial of their own reality they never see with humanity as it is only as they want it to be - or think it should be. After a while, this distorts normal brain function causing either wild paranoia (Cheney) , anal retentive megalomania (Coulter), delusional fantasizing about the Rapture and "Jesus" (Evangelicals), or fear mongering to exert control over mommy/daddy (Bush,Rove etc.). All of these may be treatable. But the rest of us should be paying the price for their crazy.
Bush administration will assert in the next few days that progress in carrying out the new American strategy in Iraq has been satisfactory on nearly half of the 18 benchmarks set by Congress, according to several administration officials.
But it will qualify some verdicts by saying that even when the political performance of the Iraqi government has been unsatisfactory, it is too early to make final judgments, the officials said.
So, if they say it's good, they can say it now, but if it's bad, it's too early to tell. Do they even see the irony?
Then there's this:
A former White House political director, Sara M. Taylor, told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that she believed President Bush was not involved in last year's dismissal of federal prosecutors.
Ms. Taylor said she "did not attend any meetings with the president where the matter was discussed" and could not recall seeing any presidential directives about the firings. Asked whether Mr. Bush was involved in the firings, she replied, "I do not have any knowledge that he was."
So, Ms. Taylor, here's my question. If the President wasn't involved and you never spoke with him about it how can he claim Executive Privilege?
These people need a continuity director. Yesterday has nothing to do with today. Bush can say as Governor of Texas that he doesn't offer clemency unless the person is innocent and then commute Scooter Libby. He can sign a law and then issue a signing statement saying that he doesn't have to follow it. Karl Rove can say to a room full of people that we didn't follow Al Qaida into Pakistan because we wouldn't invade a soveriegn nation. (To uproarious laughter.)
There is no accountability. Let's impeach and get some, please.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following: Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements). Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions). Requires excessive admiration. Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations. Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.
We now know the Attorney General lied to congress - the head of the justice department lied to congress - get it? This is huge news in a democracy. MSNBC has it headlined. Here is a screen grab of CNN's main page this morning. Does anyone at CNN ever wonder why patriotic Americans hold it in such contempt?
"Man flies 193 miles in a lawn chair" is on the front page. The Attorney General breaking the law is not.
Apparently, Mr. Gonzalez lied to congress about knowing about the FBI civil liberty abuses.
As he sought to renew the USA Patriot Act two years ago, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales assured lawmakers that the FBI had not abused its potent new terrorism-fighting powers. "There has not been one verified case of civil liberties abuse," Gonzales told senators on April 27, 2005.
Six days earlier, the FBI sent Gonzales a copy of a report that said its agents had obtained personal information that they were not entitled to have. It was one of at least half a dozen reports of legal or procedural violations that Gonzales received in the three months before he made his statement to the Senate intelligence committee, according to internal FBI documents released under the Freedom of Information Act.
You mean someone in the administration lied, again?
Has there ever been a more corrupt bunch running the show?
Why are liberals always ignored?We had this fiasco called as a fiasco 4 years ago. As always, liberals had it right from the start. Why is it that thousands of lives and billions of dollars later the GOP either still does not understand Bush's malfeasance or is just now waking up to it? Morons. Greedy morons.
You put the President above your country. You put bush above God and country. There are no excuses for your silence during the pre war stages of the Bush disaster in Iraq. No excuses, Colin. All you should be doing every day for the rest of your life is begging for the forgiveness of the dead Americans and dead Iraqi's that you, Bush, Cheney and the other money grubbing lying SOB's in the Bush White House CAUSED FOR NOTHING. REAL MEN STOOD UP TO BUSH. YOU, COLIN POWELL, SUCKED CHENEY'S STUBBY LITTLE COCK. AND KISSED BUSH'S HAIRY ASS. GO TO HELL.
David Shuster hosted Hardball this evening and when one of the guests tried to conflate 9/11 with Iraq Mr. Shuster cut him off at the knees. He just wasn't having it. Mr. Shuster said that I cannot allow you to finish with linking Iraq with 9/11 when everyone knows that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
Oh, where were questions like that 4 1/2 years ago? And how unfortunate is it that we have to still call people on that lie? But we have to do it every single time.
Later on the same program Shelly Cohan from the Boston Herald said that no one outside the beltway cares about Scooter Libby. Hey, guess what Ms. Cohan, I live a long way from the beltway and I care. It was front page news here in Lakeland, Florida. Huge headline, above the fold.
Aussie Defense Minister states that the Iraq war is - in fact - about oil. DUH. Want the war to end? Cut your energy consumption by 20% RIGHT NOW. Terrorism and WMD's are an excuse for both the Right and Left. We are in a resource war - our kids are dying FOR GASOLINE AND BIG PROFITS FOR W'S PALS.
Gordon Brown, Britain's new PM, proposed a list yesterday to limit the power of the PM. He said that by doing so he is giving the people a greater voice in democracy.
THE new Prime Minister has promised to surrender or reduce his powers of patronage in the following areas:
• Declaring war: MPs will vote on going to war, except in "exceptional circumstances" when revealing a strike in advance would endanger troops.
• MPs will be able to vote on the dissolution and recall of parliament.
• Last year, frustrated MPs were denied the chance to discuss the Lebanon crisis.
• The power to ratify international treaties without decision by parliament.
• Making key public appointments without scrutiny. MPs will, from now on, hold hearings.
• Choosing bishops for the Church of England.
• Appointment of judges.
• Directing prosecutors in individual criminal cases.
• Power over the civil service.
• Executive powers to determine the rules governing entitlement to passports.
• The granting of pardons.
Can you say refreshing? Can we hope that the our next president will do the same?
Click here for Rev. Ed Bacon's sermon in which he calls for the impeachment of Dick Cheney on moral grounds. Click on the first sermon up called "God mend mine every flaw" His call for accountability is well into the sermon after he develops his theme - but it is important. As I have been writing for months - the impeachment of Dick Cheney - and Bush - are now moral imperatives for Americans who value democracy. Watch this video - and pass it on and CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE.
I loved the quote from Archibald Cox who was fired by Nixon - that if we are to be a nation of laws and not men Congress must act.
Hello! Ya think?
Call your congressperson and senators and demand impeachment. Or better yet, go to your windows and scream, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
We cannot have this man as president any more. How is it possible that we have the majority and yet we have done nothing? We went along with the immigration bill. Stupid. Immigration is a smoke screen thrown up by Republicans who don't want to talk about anything else - like Iraq or healthcare. Things that matter.
Rev. Ed Bacon called for the impeachment of Dick Cheney in his sermon last Sunday at All Saints Church in Pasadena. It will soon be posted on their site- and I will link it up as soon as it is. The moral corruption of Bush/Cheney was again on display yesterday. Cheney must be held to account for his crimes. IMPEACHMENT IS NOW A MORAL NECESSITY.
What more can you say? The man who promised that he would restore dignity and honor to the White House just commuted the sentence for Scooter Libby.
I think we know it's always oposite day in Bush Land but even he cannot say that dignity and honor includes essentially pardoning someone who was convicted of perjury.
Keith is going to have a special comment tomorrow night urging Bush & Cheney to resign.
Laura and George Bush have "no regrets" - unlike 50 % of the people who voted for Bush in 2004 - Laura says you take the hand "you are dealt" which is an amoral person's code for "it's not my fault." It implies that Bush had no choice but to do the things he did. This is classic right wing bullshit disembling. Why is it that conservatives can never take responsibility for their mistakes? Bush HAD choices to make and he almost always made the wrong one.
He was not "dealt" Donald Rumsfeld. He was not "dealt" horrendous and stupid war planning. He was not "dealt" Alberto Gonzales, and Americans torturing, and wiretapping. He was not "dealt" the inept response to Katrina and was not forced to go to a fundraiser while New Orleans drown. He was not "dealt" Cheney or the vicious attack on a CIA operative from within his Administration. He was not "dealt" a crushing budget deficit. (In fact, Clinton 1 left him a budget surplus.) He was not "dealt" the bumbling failure that his war of choice in Iraq has become. He was not even "dealt" Iraq. He did not have to take his eye off the ball and let Bin Laden excape. But he did. All of these things - and so many other failures, embarrassments, mistakes that it would take too long to list them all before church are BUSH'S RESPONSIBILITY. He was not "dealt" them, Laura. He created his mess.