Only the amoral Bushes would have "No regrets".

He was not "dealt" Donald Rumsfeld. He was not "dealt" horrendous and stupid war planning. He was not "dealt" Alberto Gonzales, and Americans torturing, and wiretapping. He was not "dealt" the inept response to Katrina and was not forced to go to a fundraiser while New Orleans drown. He was not "dealt" Cheney or the vicious attack on a CIA operative from within his Administration. He was not "dealt" a crushing budget deficit. (In fact, Clinton 1 left him a budget surplus.) He was not "dealt" the bumbling failure that his war of choice in Iraq has become. He was not even "dealt" Iraq. He did not have to take his eye off the ball and let Bin Laden excape. But he did.
All of these things - and so many other failures, embarrassments, mistakes that it would take too long to list them all before church are BUSH'S RESPONSIBILITY. He was not "dealt" them, Laura. He created his mess.
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