Oxfam has been helping the people of Darfur since the genocide began. They are an NGO that works all over the world to help people in poverty.
They assist farmers with better fertilizers and newer ways to increase production. They are on the scene after every disaster like the Tsunami and the recent earthquake.
If you can give them some dough, please do.
Even if you can't they are sending a petition to Congress for more funding for Darfur.
Please take a second and fill it out.
Thanks so much.
This article is provocative. Don't agree with some of it - but it takes on a core issue in the Global Warming debate - denial. Both the Right's - which is in denial as a way of life - and the Left's - whose on going fantasies about "alternative" energy, and biofuels - take a beating. Interesting. Go . Read.
Washington Post Breaking News! There is not enough oil! Gee, oilmen, geologists, and the governments of Sweden and Brazil have been saying this all along. Good article though, read it.
I met with a graphic designer today to make some new Rapture Gear t-shirts (check out our new designs - and buy buy buy). When I told him some of the ideas he couldn't do it because he supports Bush. I asked him, "Really? Still?" We ended up having a pretty interesting conversation, civil, too.
He avers that Saddam had ties to terrorists - that he supported the suicide bombers in Israel. That Saddam did attempt to purchase uranium from Niger but didn't actually make the buy. That we have plenty of oil in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska and that there is actually enough oil to end our dependency on foreign oil. That Saddam did go against U.N. sanctions and that we found chemical weapons. The press is not covering any of this according to him.
He was very nice, he won't be designing t-shirts for us and I respected him for not taking the job. But I couldn't help but wonder where he gets his information from.
He was not bothered in the least by the NSA listening to us. He didn't have anything to hide.
It was just an odd moment.
Meanwhile, my friend Katy just got back from London and Paris. She has a lovely time and once people realized that she couldn't stand Bush either they were very nice. Even in France.
It gave me an idea for a whole new line of t-shirts for travelers.
We could have one in every language.
I think Bush is an idiot, too!
The Democratic primary in California is June 10th. State treasurer Phil Angelides and State Controller Steve Westly are running for a chance to battle Arnold in November. In the nation-state of California the campaign is almost exclusively 30 second TV spots. As is the habit of the Democrats - the establishment is going for the guy who has no charisma and will likely lose in November: Phil Angelides. Death wishes spring eternal. I will be voting for Westly. The differences are nominal. Except, of course, Westly might beat Arnold. I expect the Dems will drop the house on Westly in the next 10 days. Since nothing so horrifies perpetual losers like a candidate that might win. The race is close now. In the only other interesting statewide race Jerry Brown looks like a lock for the Dem. nom for State Attorney general. Brown is a smart, interesting man. I am glad he is back on the scene.
Oh no they di-int.
But actually, yes they did.
Iraq is backing Iran in it's nuclear dream.
It's official. Mr. Bush really is a uniter, not a divider. He has 70% of the country solidly united against him and he has managed to have Iraq & Iran work together.
You really can't make this shit up.
Richard Heinberg, a Godfather of the Peak Oil believers (like me) explains the roller coater ride of the last 6 months for us here. The news and updates section of Lifeaftertheoilcrash.net is an amazingly valuable resource for getting a well rounded perspective - the MSM, as we know, will only ever report the tip of any iceberg, and then often slowly. Knowledge of the twin issues of energy politics and global warming is essential if one wants to understand almost everything else. Visit Lifeaftertheoilcrash whenever you can - and read the rest of the news.
And a reminder - read Lynne's post directly below. We all need inspiration.
This is the first in a continuing series highlighting people who make a difference.
Muhammed Yunus started micro-loan banking with $27 out of his pocket. He convinced a bank to lend money to poor people by using his own money as a guarantee. The bank still wouldn't lend money after 100% of the loans were paid back so he started Grameen Bank in 1983. They now have over 2.4 million borrowers.
He believes we can eradicate poverty in our lifetime. And he's making it happen. One tiny loan at a time.
I am a true believer in liberal American politics. I am happy to call myself a liberal. Mostly because I believe the Left is usually correct. Also, I admit freely, I like being on the winning team. Of course, I do not mean elections - as we liberals are bonecrushingly bad at winning them. I mean ISSUES. The Left, time and time again is proven correct. And eventually the "Right" comes around. There is no longer a big lobby promoting segregation, child labor, and removing the voting rights of women. Three random, historical examples of the "Right" being vehement - and wrong, wrong, wrong.
Iraq is the most recent incarnation of the "Right's" consistent record of being vehement and wrong. The cavalcade of conservatives who have seen the light about Bush 2's destructive dance on the national stage is heartening. And pathetic. Of course, all those wrongwingers could have saved a lot of time and agony by taking the Left seriously. We knew how this foolish war was going to turn out all along. And said so. We saw Bush for what he was and is from the gate -powermad, deceitful, and cavalier.
Will the "Right" ever learn? No. Learning and evolving and interpretation and thoughtfulness, and hard, deep analysis are qualities that terrify them. They are cowards. The real world - the world in which solutions exist almost entirely in complexity scares the shit out of the Limbaughs and the Coulters. History punishes conservatives time and time again. But history is complex, evolving, progressive, and not at all conservative.
Saw a couple of W stickers today. One on a Kia and one on a truck hauling his lawn maintenance equipment. Examples of people voting against they're own best interest. Then a mini van was riding my bumper then cut in front of me and then weaved in and out of traffic on everyone else's bumper. He had a Choose Life license plate. Lovely.
I LOVE MARTHA RADISH. She asked Mr. Bush if his administration keeps saying that we have trained all these Iraqi troops why haven't we drawn down. THANK YOU SO MUCH. She didn't get an answer.
Mr. Bush said that Abu Ghraib was a mistake and I wondered if Rush et al would now admit that it was not the equivalent to hazing at a fraternity, unless that fraternity is S & M.
It's hard for me to understand why the right wing radio hosts are still on the Bush bandwagon. He's a lame, lame duck. I suppose because there is no clear front runner, except for John McCain, the true believers can't shift their loyalties yet.
So happy that the Enron trial turned out as it did. It's nice when someone is held accountable.
Pond scum. They are all pond scum. Every single member of the House and Senate should be forced to take a televised lie detector test administered by Patrick Fitzgerald before the 2006 election. Followed by every person employed in any capacity at the Bush White House. Enough already.
P.S. ain't is nice the GOP Congress is finally interested in oversight of the Executive branch AFTER the FBI raided a congressman's office. A little oversight would have been nice while Bush and AT&T were spying on the rest of us.
Yesterday at his press conference Mr. Bush called suicide bombers "suiciders".
We should all take a page from the Decider's dictionary since we're going to have English as the language of the land.
I like to watch the basketballers during the finals.
Mr. Bush prefers the baseballers and I like them too!
He hates those journalisters, though. They're damn snoopy and not in good Charles Schultz kind of way.
The spyers over at the CIA bug him too, but not as much as they bug us.
He wants to add more border securityers to protect our southern border and will throw in some National Guarders to help them out. It's hard work, after, all. And if anyone knows hard work it's the Presidenter.
To be fair to Mr. Bush, our own Snoop Dog of Presidents, most of the time it is appropriate to just slap an er on a verb to describe the person - worker, actor, writer, reporter, manager, director. And decider is an actual word. I am sure I'm not the only person who looked it up.
But it is a shame that no child left behind wasn't in place when Mr. Bush was in school.
And not one of those neo-liberals. Or left leaning moderates either. A REAL liberal. Check out this book by Jerry Wilde. And remember to PROCLAIM the GOOD NEWS of Jesus's liberalism with your t-shirts, mugs, and trucker's caps.
OK, so here's some news. Russia is going to add commodities to their bourse, trading oil in rubles. They made the announcement after Mr. Cheney, that King of Diplomacy, went to Russia and pissed off Putin.
The stock exchange also said it would start trading in futures and options on oil and oil derivatives, including Urals brand, diesel fuel, jet fuel and fuel oil. Trade will be in rubles based on prices calculated by the Platts agency.
Our friends in Iran are going to open their own bourse and trade oil in Euros. Venezuela is considering doing the same.
We are in trouble. The dollar could collapse. The Fed will have to raise interest rates to tighten the supply of dollars and that will bring on inflation (which high fuel prices are already doing).
Gold is under $700. You may want to buy some.
The attack of the liberal moderate rightwing left leaning conservatives has begun! (Please - I hope McCain production assistant Mark Salter does not think we don't know the little pile he left on the Huff Post is anything but disingenuous horse cookies. Attack the kooky lazy young people is Senator Hillary McCain's talking point for May.)
Where will he/she strike next? The man/woman able to leap over principals in a single speech! Out run integrity in a flash! Her/his soul to make an appearance on eBay at any moment! Look out! Him/her is triangulating in a speech near you! Hillary McCain is here. and Here. and Here.
I respect real conservatives, although they baffle me. Conservatives intensely dislike something basic about human society: complexity. People are complex and contradictory. Many conservatives are smart enough to know this. Still, the overriding theme of so much conservatism is - The answers are simple if you will only listen to us. Examples:
"No matter what lower taxes are always better." Not true. Higher taxes and rationing helped defeat Hitler.
"Nuclear families are the perfect human condition." No evidence for this either. Most of human history consisted of extended families and - dare I say it - villages functioning as the basic unit of society.
"They hate us because of our freedom." Wrong. "They", for the most part don't hate "us" at all. Those who do us harm hate us largely because of what we do. What we do and why we do it is complex indeed. There is a fierce desire on the Right to ignore the American government's behavior overseas - both good and bad behavior. If we do it, it must be right is the mantra. I happen to believe that much of what the American government does overseas is right. However, I will not ignore the history of American influence in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia when looking at 9/11. There are no excuses. But there are reasons.
"Secure the borders" - fair enough. But we must not take the price of lettuce, or the history of the southern border, or the complexity of world economics, or -God forbid - the humanity of the "illegals" who risk so much to get here into account.
The list of simple conservative responses to complex social problems goes on and on. We cannot go back to the fantasy American year of 1955 for one reason. There never was a 1955 that existed as it does in the conservative mind. It is a delusion.
American society is a progressive venture. It is full of fits and starts and shames and triumphs. But the essence is forward MOVEMENT. And forward movement is what modern conservatives hate the most.
So conservatives win battle after battle and never win the war. George W. Bush is not a conservative - so I do not include him in this assessment. As American Presidents go he is something new for us: a true reactionary. How and if we get through this era in tact as a constitutional democracy remains to be seen. If we do both true conservatives and true liberals will have a lot of work to do.
Any Democrat running for re-election or election needs to ask this question.
Why are we pulling out of Afghanistan when clearly the situation on the ground is not stable? When the Afghani security forces cannot handle the insurgency of the Taliban?
Drugs, poverty and frustration with the Afghan government are fuelling an insurgency by Taliban militants, who appear to be growing stronger just as more foreign forces are arriving to try to improve security.
Violence in the past week has been some of the worst since U.S.-led forces drove the Taliban from power. In recent days, more than 100 people have died in bombings and gunbattles in the Afghan south. Two French soldiers, an American and a Canadian were among the dead.
On Sunday, a car bomb in the Afghan capital killed three people, security officials said.
The violence comes as NATO is expanding its peacekeeping force from 9,000 to 16,000, in preparation for taking over security responsibilities in the south from U.S.-led forces.
Read the whole article from The Washington Post. Apparently the Taliban are 10 miles outside of Kabul.
This is just further proof of Rumsfeld's incompetence.
We are losing in Afghanistan because we have taken our eye off the ball. We are pulling our troops out. I suppose we do need them to serve on the Mexican border. That makes me feel better.
It's time for Left wing Christians (i.e. REAL Chrsitians) to kick some evangelical ass.
I confess: the immigration issue bores the snot out of me. Maybe because I am a Californian. Here in Cali this issue gets recycled every decade - economic weather permitting. No one really wants to solve it - so we don't. It is useful on the Right to stir up fear and loathing of the BROWN PEOPLE. The Left sees an opening to scream "racist" and dives in without thinking. Everyone's happy. Nothing changes. The Senate did pass a law making English the national language. Good for them. Glad they have so much free time. I do wonder how all those Starbucks Republicans are going to place an order. "I would like a triple large cup of burnt overpriced coffee with steamed soy milk and add that chocolate type flavoring that starts with the letter M. It makes me feel a tiny bit exotic." Where's the fun in that? Maybe Monday the House will pass a resolution suggesting carne asada be renamed "tasty meat food thing". Hmmm. Delicious.
When all you're waiting for is an indictment everything else seems a bit superfluous.
Watching the President dune buggy (is that actually a verb now?) in the desert of Arizona made me wonder, where's your sense of Yuma?
English only. Stupid. Or maybe Stupido. Scheizlich. Merde.
Gay Marriage. Toss the religious right a bone, but not a boner. I don't get how the party of State's Rights wants to amend the Constitution to Federalize the decision but I don't think I'm supposed to.
No Jack Cafferty on The situation Room, no Keith on Countdown.
I watched a documentary on HBO about Billy Jean King.
We owe her a great big thank you for breaking so many barriers. Sometimes I forget how far we've come. Women in the 20's don't even realize where we were in the 70's when Bobby Riggs was proud to be called a Male Chauvinist Pig. When women athletes were second class citizens. Before Title Nine when 99% of all funding in schools went to boys sports.
So, thank you Ms. King. I really appreciate it.
According to CNBC in 2005 29% of all mortgages had NO equity. No equity. That means that the exotic mortgages put those 29% of people at risk for losing their homes. They will be hit if the Fed raises rates again.
Meanwhile the Home Building stocks hit a 52 week low yesterday. They have "rallied" just a bit today but the bottom line is that the housing market, which has fueled the economy is declining.
On the oil side a barrel of crude is still over $69. That is about where it's going to stay until it really starts to shoot up.
Yeah, the economy is great.
The BIG BROTHER BUSH administration is everywhere. Looking. Lurking. Compiling data. Destroying privacy. More alarming facts are being revealed daily. The latest tool of the Bush's Camp Snoopy revealed here - and as usual ignored by the MSM. Hat tip to my friend Jay.
For a while now I have been saying what Americablog said this morning. Foaming at the mouth about "illegals" is always a good fall back for scared Republicans. Aravosis is right to connect it to the gay marriage "debate" of 2004. Mexican bashing is the new gay marriage - solely being whipped up to scare the Envelope Stuffers.*
* the Envelope Stuffers are the mindless evangelicals who do all the logistics/volunteer work/voting for the GOP year in and year out - only to have most of their agenda ignored after the election.
According to a new poll most people on the coast of the US are not prepared for hurricane season.
Despite the devastation Hurricane Katrina leveled upon Louisiana and Mississippi, most residents of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts haven't taken steps to protect their families if a storm were to wreck their homes, according to a poll released Tuesday.
Except for Florida.
Florida residents are better prepared than other coastal states. Seventy-four percent have a disaster plan and 70 percent have a hurricane survival kit, the study said. Mason-Dixon interviewed 1,100 coastal residents by phone and conducted a separate survey of 625 Florida residents. The margin of error was plus or minus 3 percent.
Perhaps because in 2004 4 out of five Floridians were affected by at least one hurricane. Some of us were hit by three. We also receive a hurricane preparedness brochure with the newspaper. Starting Saturday we have a week to shop for hurricane supplies tax free.
Let me give you some tips if you live in a hurricane prone area.
Batteries. Buy them now. Once a storm hits you can forget about being able to buy D batteries.
Flashlight - have a couple.
Have either a battery operated TV (cheaper than you think) or radio to keep up with the storm.
Have your cell phone charged.
Have a corded phone. You may still have phone service even if you don't have power. You can pick up a cheap one at Walgreens.
Have a grill with a side burner and extra propane. If you need coffee in the morning the side burner is key. You can either use an old fashioned percolator ($7.99 at Cabelas), a French press or instant coffee. Make sure you have powdered creamer, too.
Canned goods and water. You can cook on your grill. I have to admit that once June hits I no longer buy ahead and freeze. I lost everything in my freezer twice.
Baby wipes - I buy the store brand. If you don't have water you can still stay relatively clean. Waterless hand sanitizer is also good.
Candles and an oil lamp with extra lamp oil. Matches or lighters. Books, cards and board games.
A tarp. They're not expensive and once again, impossible to get once the storm hits.
If you live in a heavily treed area a chainsaw is a good idea. You may want to have a couple of sets of tree stakes handy to prop up any new trees after the storm knocks them down.
If you have to take a shower in cold water wet your head first. It doesn't seem as bad to put your body under the cold once your head is wet.
Good luck!
Waiting for the Rove indictment or all clear is like waiting for a pension check from the Bolivian government at this point. But it does have me thinking. What is the point of this presidency any more? Sneaking out of Texas in the dead of night in early 2005 to "save" Ms. Shiavo kicked off the "end of the Bush era". Even Rove didn't see it at the time. But it was one bad political move. Really bad. And since it seems self -evident at this point that W hardly makes a move that it not about politics - no, it was not because he believed in "life". The Bush/Shiavo nightmare was all politics from W's end. Frist proved it. Rove's ear went tin in an instant. The other important plot points in W's demise in the last 14 months: Katrina and Dubai. Between were the ongoing B plots of Iraq, Plame, and Social Security "reform" - with interesting audience participation on domestic wiretaps to add juice. (I am convinced that the real problem W faces with collecting phone records is not Americans' unease about the government doing it - it is unease about a government full of imbeciles and twerps doing it.)
Nothing has gone right politically for the W brigade since the last Iraqi election.
The GOP "leadership" looks strikingly similar to the Democratic "leadership" in D.C. Bad idea followed by bad press conference followed by running from bad idea.
What is the point of this presidency? Successful 2 termers have either large animating ideas or enormous political skills, or both. Bush has neither. The neo-con bullshit was not an animating idea. It was an excuse with consequences. Afghanistan should have worked but it looks like a failure as well. The rest of the Bush "accomplishments" are budget busting fiascos. The era of pretend Big Government is over. And yet - this man, with or without his brain, will remain in office for 2 1/2 more years. What is the point? President Hastert could hardly be worse.
Wow - what a bad speech. I thought Bush/Rove might produce a little W revival with the speech tonight. WRONG. W gave a speech worthy of a Yukon Territory governor addressing concerns about a rash of bear attacks.
The mojo is gone. Good for the country, though. Welcome to Bush's irrelevant years.
Has Rove been indicted yet? I'm bored.
I predict the speech by Bush on Monday night will improve Bush's numbers in the polls. Deploying National guard troops to patrol the Mexican border will improve Bush's poll numbers. Watch. I do not know by how much or for how long - but if you want to understand why Democrats lose far more often than they win on a national level - the immigration issue is a fine place to start. Democrats do not understand the middle. Why? It is not hard. This debate is not about Right versus Left. It is about the MIDDLE. And this is not about IMMIGRATION - legal illegal whatever - it IS about THE BORDER. Bush, who is on the weak end of this argument with the Right and much of the Middle is about to transform this complex issue into one that is quite simple: IT IS ABOUT PROTECTING THE BORDER, STUPID.
No one is against that. Rove strikes again. Much as I loath the man - he is masterful. Again, the Democrats have been lapped. A. Bush will get his moderate guest worker plan. B. He will gain again on the Right and in the middle.
I knew the moment it was mentioned that "illegal" immigration was a winner for Bush. And he does not even agree with his own base. But Rove has given him a plan to get what he wants and get at least some of his base back.
And again, the Democrats will look weak and foolish as they criticize "protecting the borders" and try to explain nuances over screaming on Hardball. How did Democrats get so bad at this simple game?
OK, the news is clearly bad for the Bush Administration.
Cheney wanted to start tapping our phones immediately after 9/11. Domestic calls.
Cheney went after Wilson.
Rove is probably going to be indicted this week.
So, I was over on the AOL message boards. You know the person you are arguing with has lost the fight when they can only sink to personal attacks. They can't actually back anything up with facts.
But here's a few things I love.
Joe Wilson went after the President.
OK - that is quite an argument. That means that Mr. Wilson set up the story that Iraq was purchasing yellow cake from Niger. Set up the forgeries, set up curve ball, set up the whole thing. Then managed to get himself sent off to Niger to check it out because he wanted to bring down the Bush Administration. Does that sound logical? That Joe Wilson, our ambassador to Iraq during the first Gulf War, the last American to meet with Saddam before the bombs started to drop, the man who got over 100 Americans OUT of Iraq before the bombs started to drop, and, my personal favorite, the man who wore a noose around his neck because if Saddam was going to hang him he was bringing his own neck tie, wanted to destroy Bush. Mr. Wilson worked for George H.W. Bush and has great respect for him. Just not a logical argument.
Mr. Wilson went on a "Junket" to Niger.
Really, let's be honest - how many times have you heard of any lobbyist taking a congressman to Niger to bribe him? I don't believe that anyone would put Niger on the Junket circuit. And, Mr. Wilson was not paid for his time. Perhaps because he's a patriot who wanted to do something more for our country.
Just completely ridiculous.
You know, if Rove had just left well enough alone, not tried to discredit Mr. Wilson this story would have faded out in a week. Bush was still in the 60's in the polls, Tenet was taking the fall for the 16 words. It would have been done and over.
Instead, the gang who couldn't shoot straight had to attack.
Now, hopefully, they'll pay for it.
Saturday is supposed to be quiet day. But the Bush lunacy is now so out of hand that even a weekend day is chock FULL OF CRAP for the traitors in the White House. Here's a short list. 1. Cheney's marginalia should have included the word: Waterloo. 2. Rove is quite possibly roaming the halls of the West Wing tonight saying goodbye to Presidential Portraits and scratching "Turdblossom was here" on W's desk with a pen knife. See ya round campus, Karl. Don't let the rotor blades on the Prez's chopper scalp you as you are thrown off it. You miserable anti-American fuck. 3. Cheney again. We know your boss is Dopey. Just realized this week you are Sleepy. Before you exit with "health issues" can I have my privacy back? Vice President Rice - uh - I mean Secretary of State Rice promised she would take you to a Broadway show as a going to Maryland present. 4. Oh and the idiotic WAPO poll that said we were all just fine with the Bushies laying a hot one on the 4th amendment was - as was obvious immediately - bullshit. Here be another poll. A real poll. So glad your making a speech on Monday Night, Georgie. About what again? Indictments? Impeachment? Oh yeah - Immigration. Bad timing, numb nuts. Calling W a lame duck is an insult to ducks.
From today's New York Times:
Qwest was apparently alone among the four major telephone companies to have resisted the requests to cooperate with the government effort. A statement issued on behalf of Mr. Nacchio yesterday by his lawyer, Herbert J. Stern, said that after the government's first approach in the fall of 2001, "Mr. Nacchio made inquiry as to whether a warrant or other legal process had been secured in support of that request."
"When he learned that no such authority had been granted, and that there was a disinclination on the part of the authorities to use any legal process," Mr. Nacchio concluded that the requests violated federal privacy requirements "and issued instructions to refuse to comply."
The statement said the requests continued until Mr. Nacchio left in June 2002. His departure came amid accusations of fraud at the company, and he now faces federal charges of insider trading.
So the insider trading guy decided that the government was acting out side the law. And, he stood up to them.
Also - he was first approached in the Fall of 2001. Yes, Mr. Bush has stated that this is a limited program only used on known Al Qaida suspects. I have to admit I never bought it - because if it were truly that limited they could have gone through the FISA court. Instead we find out that for nearly six years the government has been collecting every phone call we have ever made.
Does anyone know how we can sign on for the class action law suits? I had Bell South for five years and Verizon for the past year.
Don't think America is in deep, deep trouble under asswipe Bush, yet? Read this. I wonder how the intellectual belly button lint on the "Right" is going to justify the latest massive pile of warm shit left on the Constitution by Bush. The poisonous president strikes again. We are in a very evolved state of pre-fascism. Don't think it can't happen here. It can. It is. Do something.
Unless the power of Bush and his pack of democracy hating hall monitors is checked the republic may not survive until 01/20/09.
Linked here is a long speech full of bad news for you and me. Read it anyway. It took 30 years to end the debate about the reality of global warming. It is real. Newt Gingrich, George Will and the rest of the right wing fantasyland brigade were - as always - wrong.
We do not have 30 years to argue over the reality of oil depletion. As addiction and denial are the closest analog for our collective behavior around cheap energy I quote the book Alcoholics Anonymous: The idea that somehow, someday he will control and enjoy his drinking is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker. The persistence of this illusion is astonishing. Many pursue it into the gates of insanity or death.
From the imaginary book Oil Addicts Anonymous the quote would read: The idea that we will be able to forever have the lifestyles we created on massive amounts of cheap oil is the great denial mechanism of every oil junkie. The persistence of this delusion is astonishing. Whole societies of oil junkies pursue this fantasy past the point of no return: creating war, causing environmental destruction, and inviting complete societal collapse.
Read the speech.

 I was uncomfortable with this protest - not because i disagree with the protesters, I happen to mostly agree as I wrote about below. That said I have nothing but respect for those who marched today. THe protest passed behind where I live - some pics above. more later.