Americablog follows L.R. lead.
For a while now I have been saying what Americablog said this morning. Foaming at the mouth about "illegals" is always a good fall back for scared Republicans.
Aravosis is right to connect it to the gay marriage "debate" of 2004. Mexican bashing is the new gay marriage - solely being whipped up to scare the Envelope Stuffers.*
* the Envelope Stuffers are the mindless evangelicals who do all the logistics/volunteer work/voting for the GOP year in and year out - only to have most of their agenda ignored after the election.
Aravosis is right to connect it to the gay marriage "debate" of 2004. Mexican bashing is the new gay marriage - solely being whipped up to scare the Envelope Stuffers.*
* the Envelope Stuffers are the mindless evangelicals who do all the logistics/volunteer work/voting for the GOP year in and year out - only to have most of their agenda ignored after the election.
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